How the "Antisemitism" Fraud Penetrated into the West

The Sixth Zionist Congress, held in Basel Switzerland in 1903, was a remarkable event from several angles. First, it was at that Congress that Theodor Herzl, considered the founding father of modern Zionism, was brusquely dumped at the height of his power and fame and at the moment of delivering his greatest triumph: a place of refuge for the persecuted Jews of the world—a Jewish homeland in Uganda in an area now part of Kenya. Herzl apparently understood neither the true aims nor the real power of Eastern Jewry—the Talmudic rabbinate, nor the true purpose to which his efforts (and he himself) had been applied.

Like everyone else in the West, Herzl had believed the tales of persecution and Jewish suffering under tsarism as alleged by the Jews of tsarist Russia—tales of tsarist troops using Jewish grandmothers for sword practice and the like, the 19th Century’s version of 40 Beheaded Babies and a Baked Baby Besides. He was the first Western Jew of note to adopt the Zionist doctrine of atmospheric antisemitism and, with the publication of a well-received pamphlet called Der Judenstaat, served as the conduit through which anti-assimilationist Zionism penetrated the hostility of the assimilated and assimilating Western Jews of Europe and North America.

With the creation of the World Zionist Organization, Herzl had forged the instrument the Eastern rabbinate were to use in their secret assault on the West. When the British government committed itself to the creation of a Zionist state in Uganda in formal assent given to Herzl’s organization, the die was cast. As Israel’s first president, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, wrote: “It was Dr. Herzl’s enduring contribution to Zionism to have created one central parliamentary authority for Zionism … This was the first time in the exilic history of Jewry that a great government had officially negotiated with the elected representatives of the Jewish people. The identity, the legal personality of the Jewish people, had been re-established.” (Dr. Weizmann should have put the terms “parliamentary” and “elected representatives” in wink-wink quotes.)

The small group of Jews who comprised the World Zionist Organization were shunned by the majority of Western Jews. They in no way represented “all Jews.” The organization’s declarations could only be lent authority by one thing: their recognition by a great power. This inconceivable thing happened when the British offered Dr. Herzl Uganda. Herzl received word of the British offer while on the train traveling to Basel. It was an enormous triumph for the organization he had founded just six years earlier. Common Jews were hailing him as the messiah and he opened the Congress on August 23rd to tumultuous applause—the savior of his people. By the time the Congress closed eight days later, Herzl was a defeated and humiliated man. The Eastern rabbinate had taken control of the World Zionist Organization. From that point on, the West accepted the Talmudists from Russia as representing all Jews. The Zionist ruling sect that held the Russian Jews captive, the Levitical conspiracy of “utter destruction,” the political program propounded in Babylon 25 centuries before, at that moment entered the West.

It was the Eastern rabbinate who, in 1880, had first coined the term “antisemitism” to describe a special, irrational kind of violent hatred, latent in every gentile, from which only Jews suffered.1 And it was “antisemitism” that convinced Herzl (so he claimed) to first take up the Zionist cause.

From Dougles Reed:

Herzl asserted that the Dreyfus case had convinced him of the reality of “antisemitism.” The term was then of fairly recent coinage, though Dr. Kastein2 seeks to show that the state of mind denoted by it is immemorial by saying “it has existed from the time that Judaism came into contact with other peoples in something more than neighbourly hostility.” (By this definition resistance in war is “antisemitism,” and the “neighbours” in the tribal warfare of antique times, to which he refers, were themselves Semites. However, the words “contact exceeding neighbourly hostility” offer a good example of Zionist pilpulism.)3

“Resistance in war is ‘antisemitism.’” Sound familiar?

The Eastern rabbinate had coined the term that captured something in the Jewish soul which would create the vehicle through which they (the rabbinate) would take control of world Jewry.


You’ll notice the recent effort by the apostles of antisemitism to frame it as a threat to gentiles as well as Jews while maintaining the exclusive Jewish claim on victimhood.


An ardent Zionist, Josef Kastein (born in Germany as Julius Katzenstein) wrote History and Destiny of the Jews. Translated by Huntley Paterson. Garden City, N.Y., Garden City publishing co., inc., 1936.


Douglas Reed’s The Contoversy of Zion, Ch. 25 “The World Zionist Organization”