
  1. 200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn .pdf off-site

  2. Deuteronomy by The Levites .pdf off-site

  3. A Year in Soviet Russia: Brief Account of the Legislative Work of 1917-1918 by Aleksandr Grigorʹevich .pdf off-site

  4. Definition of Antisemitism by International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) on-site

  5. The Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923 by Sergey P. Melgounov
    This book is the most difficult book I’ve ever read, because of the spiritual effort required to comprehend the magnitude of the horror it documents. For anyone who seeks an understanding of the world as it really is, however, that effort is worthwhile. The best English-language version can be found here. I feel strongly that the contents of this book need to be more available, so we are recording audio of excerpts from the book with commentary by Anna Cordelia and publishing them as podcasts here.
    Craig Nelsen

  6. ADL-FBI Cooperation against Christians Pre-WWII (.pdf offsite) (126 pp)
    From, amazing document containing 106 typewritten pages of the names of individual Jews providing information for use against private citizens of Germanic descent. Also correspondence between various FBI field offices and DC headquarters discussing ADL activities and deceptions. (p. 119 is especially interesting; shows Jewish “marching orders” from ADL: support US entry to WWII to fight “Judah’s” war against Germany; but individual Jews should evade active duty since Jews are only “international people”)

  7. Nelsen_v_SPLC

    1. Rebuttal to Expert Witness

    2. Deposition of Heidi Beirich

      1. full

      2. excerpt: antisemitism

    3. Petition for Writ of Certiorari

  8. Even Gab’s AI Philosemitically Inaccurate

  9. Waterboys for the Snakeheads: Why Employment-based Immigration Is Always Wrong