Good luck getting people to believe the bible is mostly fake, rarely corroborated with outside knowledge. People yearn for eternal life and letting them know they are on a dead-end path to nowhere is too much for them to handle. So wars it is.
Peruse the mind-numbing distances of interplanetary and interstellar bodies relative to their size. Then go on to study atomic and sub-atomic physics where you'll learn distances relative to size are even more insane. Add to this the quiet but growing heresy in Astrophysics that the Universe has always existed, always will exist. Even so, everything around you, the reality you experience, the body you inhabit? There's literally nothing there. Yet you see, you hear, you think, you eat, you sleep, you shit, you grow old and die.. and none of it exists! From there it should be an easy intuitive leap to understand you already live in a spiritual reality, and thus are eternal.
Yeah, nah. I don’t think anybody here is buying that. You’re not dealing with normies or NPCs on sites like this. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re either not in the mood or just being lazy.
“In other words, if we are to find a winnable way forward, we need an accurate view backward.”
Yes, verily. When I read this morning how, in practically every legacy media report on yesterday’s certification of DJT, most of the stories focused not on the certification but on the “insurrection” of Jan 6 2021, and by comparing it to the Holocaust.
I thought, so one lie referencing another lie? (Or one partial truth, to another partial truth.)
“The goyim are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results.”
Wow, this is so timely to my own life. I have been reflecting lately on mistakes and regrets, and one of the biggest, is not realizing how life ACTUALLY works. My decisions have been more influenced by idealism than realism, as in, “this is the way life should be vs. this is how life really is”.
A good deal of that has been the brainwashing and propaganda that we’ve all been subject to. Another part is broken family and failed parental leadership. And then we have our self to deal with.
In spite of some serious missteps, I’ve lived a really blessed life, thanks to reading and following the precepts set forth in a certain 3000 year old text. And the number 1 principle followed that has saved tonnes of grief, has been fidelity.
I don't even think the Iliad or the Odyssey are 3,000 years old, and they are significantly older than Deuteronomy, the oldest book in the Bible. At least a couple centuries older, and, if Lleland Maxwell is right, a lot more than that. But the Old Testament is the last place I'd look for advice on fidelity, anyway. Didn't Solomon have a thousand wives? Wasn't his mother the woman whose husband king David had killed so he could have her? There was Noah having sex with his own daughters, Abraham knocked up the servant girl...
But Odysseus really does stay faithful to Penelope on a ten-year journey, and for that reason the gods decide to let up on him and help him get home.
Are you familiar with The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales by Felice Vinci? He proposes that Iliad and Odyssey actually took place in the Baltic and therefore must have happened before these people moved south to the Agaean sea. It's fascinating read.
And how many original manuscripts, or even what is the oldest copy of either of those two Greek novels? There are those who even speculate that Plato’s works are created by others, and they sure ring similar to Masonic philosophy.
All those accounts true, and so what? It’s not condoning the behaviors; it just doesn’t gloss over the negatives. What did Jesus say in the NY - “I chose you 12, and one of you is a devil”. And it was Lot’s daughters who got their father drunk and slept with him, not Noah. The account of Noah also involved getting drunk, but it was his son who saw him naked. Some have suggested that his son did a homosexual act to his father.
Most scholars peg Job as the oldest Biblical book.
Find a philosophical book comparable to Proverbs or Ecclesiastes. Even the most cynical can recognize the superiority of the philosophy of The Sermon on the Mount compared to their philosophies.
I am growing increasingly suspicious of the wave on conspicuous “antisemitism”, especially when you see Candace Owens - an avowed Trumper - spouting off about Zionism, Trump being the Zionist in chief. It’s a bit suspicious to anybody paying attention, but the dullards keep moving along in the line.
The whole thing looks like a fulfilling of the Albert Pike letter, which I notice nobody dares discuss or it’s a honey pot to pin the label of antisemitism on anybody even touching a site like yours. That’s a real possibility with all the antisemitism laws in the works. Makes me even wonder about the sudden appearance of David Irving, and then others like Jordan Peterson who was beating the Bolshevik Revolution drum for a while. It’s like how they used Alex Jones to bring 9/11 to the public consciousness, which of course they intended for people to catch on to.
Humanity must wake up spiritually, before any true change can happen. When one wakes up, it’s amazing how discernment and Intuition seem to come naturally, and out of nowhere (God).
According to TruNews (Rick Wiles) Donald Trump secretly converted to Judaism in 2017. Along with his daughter and son in law he joined the Chabad Lubavitch sect. Don't voters have a right to know this? It just shows how far the U.S. has fallen when politicians swindle the public with regard to an issue so central to their character and world view. Does Trump support Israel because it is good foreign policy or because he has personal reasons that cloud his thinking? The next few years will be interesting to say the least. Much of the death and suffering is hid from the American public. In the same way Donald Trump hid his religious proclivities. This will not end well.
Short answer is yes. When the Democrats were intent on using impeachment in 2019 against Donald Trump, Rick Wiles came right out and accused the Jews of orchestrating a coup. He said their actions amounted to a "Jew coup". No one else in the media came right out and stated the obvious the way that Mr. Wiles did. The Jews were kvetching in their own publications about the broadcasts.
Rick Wiles would have no reason to smear Donald Trump with false accusations of converting to Judaism. The Chabad sect are Talmudists, not Jewish. This is what people have to get through their heads! It is a fake identity to confuse the goyim.
The ADL considers Rick Wiles to be a virulent anti Semite which, as far as I am concerned, a badge of honor! Wiles also covered Ivanka Trump's conversion in 2009, so he has covered the Trump family conversions in the past.
Use the Yandex search engine (not Google) to find more information on Wiles if you are so inclined. Wiles isn't perfect, but he has more guts than the vast majority of others in the media and congress.
I don't have a problem believing that Trump converted. He said on youtube, "I'm not a Christian". Besides that his zionist statements and actions speak as well.
1) Modern day Rabbinical Judaism is the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ that St John (a Jew) wrote about twice in the New Testament (see Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9).
2) The Old Testament Jewish religion ended in AD 70 when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans – just like Jesus of Nazareth (a Jew) predicted (see the Gospels of Mark (13: 1-2), Luke (21: 2-24), and John (2:19)).
3) The three pillars of the Old Testament Jewish religion were the Temple, the Priesthood, and the Sacrifice.
4) The Temple was completely destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 (see point # 2).
5) When the Temple was destroyed the priestly records were also destroyed – the priestly line was broken – the modern day Jews have no functioning priesthood (which is required).
6) Because the modern day Rabbinical Jews have no Temple and no legitimate Priesthood any Sacrifice they might attempt to conduct is invalid.
7) Julian the Apostate attempted to rebuild the Jewish Temple in AD 363 and the project failed spectacularly (supernatural events occurred) and the project was completely abandoned two years later.
8) In AD 691 God Almighty allowed the Muslims to build the ‘Dome of the Rock’ DIRECTLY on the site where the (destroyed) Jewish Temple was located.
9) No Temple + No Legitimate Priesthood + No Valid Sacrifice = NO JEWISH RELIGION.
It gets even better. Socrates was the real founder of Western civilization, so our civilization is actually two generations older than the Chinese!
Interestingly, Socrates, like Confucius, never wrote anything. For both men, everything we know about them comes through their students.
Plato, who would have such a profound effect on Christianity, was Socrates' student. Aristotle, a giant in his own right, was Plato's student. And Alexander the Great was Aristotle's student. An incredible run.
I only recently found out that the rabbis of Alexandria, named for Alexander the Great, boasted of having destroyed the Hellenic civilization.
They wouldn't have gotten away with it...none of this biblical nightmare would've happen if weren't for America's guillible tendency for magical thinking (that includes the elites too btw). Even Bibi Satanyahu in an interview on channel 10 (2001) mocked that the Americans are something easily to manuever and move in the "right direction". 80% of Americans support us (Israel) its absurd; which I painfully have to agree with him that it is ridiculous! If these people tried this sort of sick schtick such as their damnable lobby in the PRC or Russia, they will be arrested or executed.
Religion is opium for the masses. Or as I would describe it, smoke and mirrors that create psychological barriers that prevent the goyim from discovering the truth. Or simply put, a psy-op.
Truth is seated in reality and all belief systems are detached from reality. Some limited knowledge is paramount but meticulously studying the smoke and the mirrors just tarpits and that is by design.
We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
Karl Rove
If you want to get ahead you need to find some shortcuts.
One minor issue... Our intelligentsia have consistently dismissed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a forgery created by the Tsarist Secret Police.. I'd appreciate reading your thoughts on that. 😊
The ‘10 Point Plan’ was concocted in the early 20th Century- many decades before such a strategy was even conceivable. If one makes an objective observation it would be easy to conclude that this has already been implemented at the highest cultural, economic, political & spiritual places of the world.
The 10 Point Agenda by Alice Bailey was as follows:
Take note of point 10. Read it again. Manipulation of ‘the church’ and inversion of G-d’s living Word is a lynchpin of all deception.
The Bible here eschewed is actually a giant spoiler alert- it is beautifully written to each and every eternal human soul, yet it speaks to all of humanity.
Do not waste your very finite time here on earth having your intelligence and significance mocked by false doctrines by false prophets.
Stop lapping at tantalising, but polluted waters which will never satisfy because they poison you inexorably- by design.
Drink deep, instead, from the original spring of all life where you will find true rest and real peace.
A "forgery" means it's a fake copy of something else, right? (As in forging a signature.) That's the definition of the word "forgery" and they keep dismissing it as a "forgery," so I wonder what it's a fake copy of?
Well, that makes more sense. But why use the confusing term “forgery” instead of just calling it “fabricated” or “fake?” Calling it a “forgery” in the Jewish elders’ name admits the existence of “Jewish elders” who run things and set Jewish agendas, which they also deny.
years ago I read the protocols were a forgery by the czarist secret police to discredit the jews. Your point about coming true pretty much verifies the authenticity.
Good luck getting people to believe the bible is mostly fake, rarely corroborated with outside knowledge. People yearn for eternal life and letting them know they are on a dead-end path to nowhere is too much for them to handle. So wars it is.
If they really knew real history, it might help.
The Piso's sure left a FUN Legacy... I bet not even they thought it would last for so many Time.
Calpurnius Piso Family...
“…their life is eternal already…”
What does that mean, and what is your evidence that such the case?
Peruse the mind-numbing distances of interplanetary and interstellar bodies relative to their size. Then go on to study atomic and sub-atomic physics where you'll learn distances relative to size are even more insane. Add to this the quiet but growing heresy in Astrophysics that the Universe has always existed, always will exist. Even so, everything around you, the reality you experience, the body you inhabit? There's literally nothing there. Yet you see, you hear, you think, you eat, you sleep, you shit, you grow old and die.. and none of it exists! From there it should be an easy intuitive leap to understand you already live in a spiritual reality, and thus are eternal.
Don’t you want to enlighten me and get me out of the darkness?
Self realization can be tricky. Lots of people with a lot of ideas in their self realized heads that conflict with each other.
I am merely asking for your explanation out of honest intellectual curiosity. I am certain, that others would appreciate your explanation as well.
Yeah, nah. I don’t think anybody here is buying that. You’re not dealing with normies or NPCs on sites like this. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re either not in the mood or just being lazy.
Don't engage with this Passing Wind guy. He'll just keep going and going.
“In other words, if we are to find a winnable way forward, we need an accurate view backward.”
Yes, verily. When I read this morning how, in practically every legacy media report on yesterday’s certification of DJT, most of the stories focused not on the certification but on the “insurrection” of Jan 6 2021, and by comparing it to the Holocaust.
I thought, so one lie referencing another lie? (Or one partial truth, to another partial truth.)
Turtles all the way down.
here is one glaring truth, hidden for hundreds of years.
“The goyim are not guided by practical use of unprejudiced historical observation, but by theoretical routine without any critical regard for consequent results.”
Wow, this is so timely to my own life. I have been reflecting lately on mistakes and regrets, and one of the biggest, is not realizing how life ACTUALLY works. My decisions have been more influenced by idealism than realism, as in, “this is the way life should be vs. this is how life really is”.
A good deal of that has been the brainwashing and propaganda that we’ve all been subject to. Another part is broken family and failed parental leadership. And then we have our self to deal with.
In spite of some serious missteps, I’ve lived a really blessed life, thanks to reading and following the precepts set forth in a certain 3000 year old text. And the number 1 principle followed that has saved tonnes of grief, has been fidelity.
Ah, yes, The Odyssey. Not a bad text to follow. The gods help Odysseus get home for remaining faithful to his marriage and family.
I don't even think the Iliad or the Odyssey are 3,000 years old, and they are significantly older than Deuteronomy, the oldest book in the Bible. At least a couple centuries older, and, if Lleland Maxwell is right, a lot more than that. But the Old Testament is the last place I'd look for advice on fidelity, anyway. Didn't Solomon have a thousand wives? Wasn't his mother the woman whose husband king David had killed so he could have her? There was Noah having sex with his own daughters, Abraham knocked up the servant girl...
But Odysseus really does stay faithful to Penelope on a ten-year journey, and for that reason the gods decide to let up on him and help him get home.
Are you familiar with The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales by Felice Vinci? He proposes that Iliad and Odyssey actually took place in the Baltic and therefore must have happened before these people moved south to the Agaean sea. It's fascinating read.
No, I'm not familiar. Thank you. I'm not sure I can take another paradigm shift, though. The room is still spinning from the last one.
And how many original manuscripts, or even what is the oldest copy of either of those two Greek novels? There are those who even speculate that Plato’s works are created by others, and they sure ring similar to Masonic philosophy.
All those accounts true, and so what? It’s not condoning the behaviors; it just doesn’t gloss over the negatives. What did Jesus say in the NY - “I chose you 12, and one of you is a devil”. And it was Lot’s daughters who got their father drunk and slept with him, not Noah. The account of Noah also involved getting drunk, but it was his son who saw him naked. Some have suggested that his son did a homosexual act to his father.
Most scholars peg Job as the oldest Biblical book.
Find a philosophical book comparable to Proverbs or Ecclesiastes. Even the most cynical can recognize the superiority of the philosophy of The Sermon on the Mount compared to their philosophies.
I am growing increasingly suspicious of the wave on conspicuous “antisemitism”, especially when you see Candace Owens - an avowed Trumper - spouting off about Zionism, Trump being the Zionist in chief. It’s a bit suspicious to anybody paying attention, but the dullards keep moving along in the line.
The whole thing looks like a fulfilling of the Albert Pike letter, which I notice nobody dares discuss or it’s a honey pot to pin the label of antisemitism on anybody even touching a site like yours. That’s a real possibility with all the antisemitism laws in the works. Makes me even wonder about the sudden appearance of David Irving, and then others like Jordan Peterson who was beating the Bolshevik Revolution drum for a while. It’s like how they used Alex Jones to bring 9/11 to the public consciousness, which of course they intended for people to catch on to.
You're a windbag, Passing Wind.
Clever but childish.
Ditto, whatever your name is.
'' Prey '' for Israel. Indeed.
Thank you Craig!
Humanity must wake up spiritually, before any true change can happen. When one wakes up, it’s amazing how discernment and Intuition seem to come naturally, and out of nowhere (God).
According to TruNews (Rick Wiles) Donald Trump secretly converted to Judaism in 2017. Along with his daughter and son in law he joined the Chabad Lubavitch sect. Don't voters have a right to know this? It just shows how far the U.S. has fallen when politicians swindle the public with regard to an issue so central to their character and world view. Does Trump support Israel because it is good foreign policy or because he has personal reasons that cloud his thinking? The next few years will be interesting to say the least. Much of the death and suffering is hid from the American public. In the same way Donald Trump hid his religious proclivities. This will not end well.
They don't offer any proof, though, except Trump doing the wall thing. All politicians do that. Are you familiar with TruNews?
Short answer is yes. When the Democrats were intent on using impeachment in 2019 against Donald Trump, Rick Wiles came right out and accused the Jews of orchestrating a coup. He said their actions amounted to a "Jew coup". No one else in the media came right out and stated the obvious the way that Mr. Wiles did. The Jews were kvetching in their own publications about the broadcasts.
Rick Wiles would have no reason to smear Donald Trump with false accusations of converting to Judaism. The Chabad sect are Talmudists, not Jewish. This is what people have to get through their heads! It is a fake identity to confuse the goyim.
The ADL considers Rick Wiles to be a virulent anti Semite which, as far as I am concerned, a badge of honor! Wiles also covered Ivanka Trump's conversion in 2009, so he has covered the Trump family conversions in the past.
Use the Yandex search engine (not Google) to find more information on Wiles if you are so inclined. Wiles isn't perfect, but he has more guts than the vast majority of others in the media and congress.
I don't have a problem believing that Trump converted. He said on youtube, "I'm not a Christian". Besides that his zionist statements and actions speak as well.
1) Modern day Rabbinical Judaism is the ‘Synagogue of Satan’ that St John (a Jew) wrote about twice in the New Testament (see Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9).
2) The Old Testament Jewish religion ended in AD 70 when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans – just like Jesus of Nazareth (a Jew) predicted (see the Gospels of Mark (13: 1-2), Luke (21: 2-24), and John (2:19)).
3) The three pillars of the Old Testament Jewish religion were the Temple, the Priesthood, and the Sacrifice.
4) The Temple was completely destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 (see point # 2).
5) When the Temple was destroyed the priestly records were also destroyed – the priestly line was broken – the modern day Jews have no functioning priesthood (which is required).
6) Because the modern day Rabbinical Jews have no Temple and no legitimate Priesthood any Sacrifice they might attempt to conduct is invalid.
7) Julian the Apostate attempted to rebuild the Jewish Temple in AD 363 and the project failed spectacularly (supernatural events occurred) and the project was completely abandoned two years later.
8) In AD 691 God Almighty allowed the Muslims to build the ‘Dome of the Rock’ DIRECTLY on the site where the (destroyed) Jewish Temple was located.
9) No Temple + No Legitimate Priesthood + No Valid Sacrifice = NO JEWISH RELIGION.
Rick Wiles X feed.
I followed him over there. Thank you. I have a new account. on X. Clear-Pilled Gentile. We'll see how long this one lasts :)
"Okay, I would reply, I come from a very old civilization, too. Confucius and Aristotle were contemporaries."
I have always heard China is an ancient civilization and therefore superior. Your reply is an excellent one.
It gets even better. Socrates was the real founder of Western civilization, so our civilization is actually two generations older than the Chinese!
Interestingly, Socrates, like Confucius, never wrote anything. For both men, everything we know about them comes through their students.
Plato, who would have such a profound effect on Christianity, was Socrates' student. Aristotle, a giant in his own right, was Plato's student. And Alexander the Great was Aristotle's student. An incredible run.
I only recently found out that the rabbis of Alexandria, named for Alexander the Great, boasted of having destroyed the Hellenic civilization.
They wouldn't have gotten away with it...none of this biblical nightmare would've happen if weren't for America's guillible tendency for magical thinking (that includes the elites too btw). Even Bibi Satanyahu in an interview on channel 10 (2001) mocked that the Americans are something easily to manuever and move in the "right direction". 80% of Americans support us (Israel) its absurd; which I painfully have to agree with him that it is ridiculous! If these people tried this sort of sick schtick such as their damnable lobby in the PRC or Russia, they will be arrested or executed.
Religion is opium for the masses. Or as I would describe it, smoke and mirrors that create psychological barriers that prevent the goyim from discovering the truth. Or simply put, a psy-op.
Truth is seated in reality and all belief systems are detached from reality. Some limited knowledge is paramount but meticulously studying the smoke and the mirrors just tarpits and that is by design.
We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
Karl Rove
If you want to get ahead you need to find some shortcuts.
Nukes for Satan's Kingdom on Earth!
I write IsRaEl... go figure why!
Yep it’s all part of the Masonic Zionist deceptions. Here are the cipher keys schematic infoglyphs that tell
the truth.
Sorry thought I could could share memes but no dice.
One minor issue... Our intelligentsia have consistently dismissed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a forgery created by the Tsarist Secret Police.. I'd appreciate reading your thoughts on that. 😊
The ‘10 Point Plan’ was concocted in the early 20th Century- many decades before such a strategy was even conceivable. If one makes an objective observation it would be easy to conclude that this has already been implemented at the highest cultural, economic, political & spiritual places of the world.
The 10 Point Agenda by Alice Bailey was as follows:
Take note of point 10. Read it again. Manipulation of ‘the church’ and inversion of G-d’s living Word is a lynchpin of all deception.
The Bible here eschewed is actually a giant spoiler alert- it is beautifully written to each and every eternal human soul, yet it speaks to all of humanity.
Do not waste your very finite time here on earth having your intelligence and significance mocked by false doctrines by false prophets.
Stop lapping at tantalising, but polluted waters which will never satisfy because they poison you inexorably- by design.
Drink deep, instead, from the original spring of all life where you will find true rest and real peace.
Boy is it ever!
A "forgery" means it's a fake copy of something else, right? (As in forging a signature.) That's the definition of the word "forgery" and they keep dismissing it as a "forgery," so I wonder what it's a fake copy of?
Well, that makes more sense. But why use the confusing term “forgery” instead of just calling it “fabricated” or “fake?” Calling it a “forgery” in the Jewish elders’ name admits the existence of “Jewish elders” who run things and set Jewish agendas, which they also deny.
years ago I read the protocols were a forgery by the czarist secret police to discredit the jews. Your point about coming true pretty much verifies the authenticity.
The Protocols describe Weimar Germany rather nicely as well...