9 hrs agoLiked by Craig Nelsen

I don't understand the judeo Christian either. A few days ago I had a conversation with a Lutheran who is heavily involved in his church. He told me that jews are God's chosen people and more along the same line. It made me sick to hear what he believed about the jews. This in spite of centuries of experience with jews.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Craig Nelsen

Obviously a Lutheran who knew nothing about what Martin Luther had to say about Jews.

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I need to inform myself about that, too. Martin Luther had a major impact on our civilization.

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I don't have a citation handy but he was unsparing, comprehensive (a complete portrait of their amorality, dishonesty, hostility to Christians and destructive effect on the nations sheltering them) and incapable of changing their essential nature.

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Looking on Brave at references to Martin Luther and the jews and their lies, a couple of things stand out, first, all of them condemn the work. As if there was no reason at all to write such a piece. And second none of them explain or even give an excuse for the reasons for Protestant and Catholic to dislike jews. I realize how complicated these arguments can be. If a group is reviled for centuries, is it possible that there are reasons and it may not just be about irrational hate?

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"God's chosen people" is the ultimate self-referential falsehood, since their"god" is the Tribe. They chose themselves.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Craig Nelsen

I am 76 and from Wichita Kansas. Am now in north Texas. Did the fifth wheel thing for 10 years in the construction industry, Florida, California, and Tennessee. Ran against Phil Graham in 1982. If your travels take you south, you need to sit on the balcony, out in the country, with me and discuss the world over a glass of cognac. I love good conversation because it is so hard to find.

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That sounds fantastic.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Craig Nelsen

Thank you for this horrible, clear reminder of how despicably Jews have behaved in the recent past. I’ve read Douglas Reed, Chris Hedges and the comic illustrator’s books about the birth of Israel, seen the horrifying you-tube video about the treatment of German POWs after WWII ended, as well as read assorted commentaries similar to yours over the years. And yet the American congress are sold out to AIPAC, American funds keep Israel solvent and residents of Gaza are being mass murdered by the Israelis. Absolutely shocking and sickening how uninformed most people are. Trump and RFKJ are Israel backers. There is talk of a coup in the USA that resulted in Israel being notified the USA will not support a war with Lebanon or Iran. One tiny candle…

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6 hrs agoLiked by Craig Nelsen

Rumor has that the Pentagon leadership, who understands a little better the danger of WWIII and an escalation that might lead to the use of nuclear weapons, suddenly found the guts to oppose the State Dept and delegated Austin to tell Blinken "Tell Israel that if they wants warin Iran or Lebanon, they are on their own." There is also speculation that the mass terror pagers and walkie-talkies attack was a desperate plea for the US to get involved, postulated on the expected response from Lebanon/Iran.

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Eisenhower / Churchill / Roosevelt = Cerberus (the 3 headed dog of Hades)

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Don’t get too enthusiastic about JonathanCook. He is the noble Jew who supports the Palestinians against Israel because he is supremely qualified to identify evil: “Oy, the gas chambers!"

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10 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

It seems that all of these people of The Tribe are sexuly deviants. That would explain their need to torture . It's our fault for adopting a faith based on their myths.

I don't know how to change that.

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What’s the deal with Talmudism and Satanism?

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

pretty much the same. From what I understand the talmud is the jew's bible. They claim the old testament but only as distraction for the goyim.

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My understanding is that the Talmud is a response to the direct threat from Christianity. One huge advantage the Jews have is that the Talmud can evolve. It has to be a religious mistake to declare something "God's word" and, therefore, eternal and unchanging. No further progress allowed. It's like Euclid's geometry was so awesome that when Apollonius came along with his Conics, they threw him out because there aren't any parabolas in Euclid.

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Thank you for this detailed article. I have only woken up to the evil of jewish supremacism recently and I have been shocked by the fact that I was blind to it for most of my life.

Here is some commentary from jewish supremacists on what they think about non-jews and what they plan to do to them:


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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Great essay, as always, Mr, Nelsen. You sweep the decks with your focused attention.

One point: I'm wondering if you could affirm or deny a narrative I read years ago that Eisenhauer was known as "the Swedish Jew" while attending West Point. Was that claim an invention?

You appear to believe he was a Christian...

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Thank you for the kind words.

I haven't heard the "Swedish Jew" claim.

According to Gab.ai, Eisenhower was a Presbyterian (a Lutheran but less expressive). I think Lord Balfour was also Presbyterian. Eisenhower was a Zionist and supported the creation of Israel to bring stability to the Middle East. So he was also an idiot. Gab.ai says he also supported the creation of Israel to give Jews a place of refuge in the wake of the Holocaust, which is pure bullshit. He makes no mention of the Holocaust in his memoirs. His home town was Abilene Kansas--44 miles as the crow flies from where I'm writing this.

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