I find this kind of article, detailing such gruesome accounts of torture, really difficult to read. But as necessary as it is difficult.

It is a real relief to be able to jump into the comments section afterwards to be able to talk about all of this with everyone else.

So thank you Craig, for your courage in writing and publishing this, and thank you everyone who has commented for reminding me that there are still good people out there.

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The thing that blows me away, that I can't get over, is our complicity in all this. WE allied with them against Germany. WE transported these filthy sadistic murderers to Palestine (and the Brits included). And WE are funding their slaughter of innocent people. I cannot stand Christian stupidity and callousness. You can show them the truth, show them proof, explain it over and over, point out that we are killing innocent children, and they only get angry and refuse to listen. That kind of willful blindness to evil is like blasphemy

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Don’t get too enthusiastic about JonathanCook. He is the noble Jew who supports the Palestinians against Israel because he is supremely qualified to identify evil: “Oy, the gas chambers!"

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He's a Holocaust Believer? I guess I haven't seen him on anything but the treatment of the Palestinians. I wonder how many Jews in Israel realize that the force slaughtering the Palestinians is the same force slaughtering the Christians in Ukraine.

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I'm sure the Jews in Israel are far better informed about what their brother Zelensky is up to in Ukraine than most of us.

I have a dreadful feeling that they eventually want to reclaim their "Khazarian homeland" as a kind of sister-state to Israel... and that territory matches up pretty neatly with the portion of modern-day "eastern Ukraine." I put "eastern Ukraine" in quotation marks because it's full of the ethnic Russians who have lived there since before it was transferred to the Ukrainian Soviet by the Soviets.

Oh, and on Jonathan Cook - he does great writing on the Palestinians, but he believes in the Holocaust, just as he believes in October 7. I can never figure the guy out.

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Amazing what you can do with technology today, eh? Watch this video, very satisfying although you know it is fake. Technology boomerangs on them: they produce fakes to distort reality but others can hit back by producing fakes to restore reality...


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This was Bibi's best speech ever. Thanks for the link!

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Thank you for this detailed article. I have only woken up to the evil of jewish supremacism recently and I have been shocked by the fact that I was blind to it for most of my life.

Here is some commentary from jewish supremacists on what they think about non-jews and what they plan to do to them:


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That is an amazing collection you've put together there, Binky. There's nothing better than listening to them say it all themselves.

Everyone needs to have a listen before they start labelling this kind of stuff deep fakes.

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I don't understand the judeo Christian either. A few days ago I had a conversation with a Lutheran who is heavily involved in his church. He told me that jews are God's chosen people and more along the same line. It made me sick to hear what he believed about the jews. This in spite of centuries of experience with jews.

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"God's chosen people" is the ultimate self-referential falsehood, since their"god" is the Tribe. They chose themselves.

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Obviously a Lutheran who knew nothing about what Martin Luther had to say about Jews.

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I need to inform myself about that, too. Martin Luther had a major impact on our civilization.

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I don't have a citation handy but he was unsparing, comprehensive (a complete portrait of their amorality, dishonesty, hostility to Christians and destructive effect on the nations sheltering them) and incapable of changing their essential nature.

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I know there are lots of Mathis skeptics in this crowd, but he makes a convincing case that Luther was just another undercover jew: https://mileswmathis.com/luther.pdf

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"I know there are lots of Mathis skeptics in this crowd, but he makes a convincing case that Luther was just another undercover jew."

I am not a "Mathis skeptic," which would mean I tend to doubt his theory.

In fact consider him a lunatic tortured by manias, who makes up "proofs" where they do not exist, assembling a "bibliography" that reminds one of Borges' imaginary Tlon, except Borges wrote superb fiction whereas Mathis is convinced he presents history. His thesis could be briefly summarized as "All critics of judaism, Jews, Jewish nefarious organized anti-Christian actions were and are Jews trying to fool us!"

According to him German nobility were Jews, people with German patronymics were Jews, Hitler and the National Socialist leadership were Jews, and even Ezra Pound was a "covert agent" of Jews!

Here is a sample of his manic delirium:

"I will be told Luther couldn't have been Jewish, since he is known as one of the most anti-Semitic authors ever. See his On the Jews and Their Lies as just one example. Wikipedia has a long section on Luther's anti-Semitism, and they link it directly to the Nazis. But this is just more of the same misdirection. We have seen it a million times, as Jews pretend to be anti-Semites in order to control the opposition and deflect suspicion. What better way to hide the truth here than to have Luther rail against the Jews. We saw it first in my papers with Ezra Pound, a covert agent who did the same thing centuries later, but we have seen it many times since then, with the Nazis being the ultimate examples. Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Eichmann, and all the rest were crypto-Jews appearing to denounce their fellow Jews. But as with Luther before them, it was all scripted and staged by the top aristocrats and merchants, as misdirection. The Jews were made out to be victims, when in fact they were the instigators of everything. But if you allow yourself to be convinced they are victims, it never occurs to you they are really the rulers. All of history has been flipped on you, as I have proved many times."

I suppose we are to conclude that we must disbelieve anyone who criticizes and exposes the Jews because that is the sure identifier of a Jew trying to deceive us.... Would that apply to Mathis himself? No, I think he is a just a loon with a lot of time on his hands.

His idiocies about "hair analysis" prove to me his mental problems include paranoid ideation.

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PS. The Reformation was a revolt against the excesses and authoritarianism of the Catholic Church which dealt a blow to the Vatican. Jews have indeed been historically enemies of the Catholic Church, which they never ceased to undermine and subvert (with significant victories after Vatican II and especially now under Bergoglio), it is naive and beyond simplistic to claim that the Reformation was organized by Jews and comically stupid to claim Luther himself was a Jew. His excoriation of the Jews was devastating and persuasive and loon Mathis would have us believe he did that just to hide the fact that he was a Jew?!?

Anyone who buys that should also have a hair analysis done...

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A great part of the usury in Venice, at that time, was controlled by Jewish usurious banking families. They financed great amounts of the publications of, the spreading of, the Reformation. Luther's translation of the Bible was financed and printed in Ferrara by a big Jewish publishing company of conversos. These are the people that were expelled from Spain in 1492. The conversos in Antwerp had gotten huge amounts of funds together by 152 1, to provide for the publication of all Luther's works, everywhere, and by 1532, Diego Mendez (a converso, or expelled Jew from Spain) was the head of the Spice Trust being run from Venice, and controlled all the commercial activities within the Ottoman Empire.

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Well, regardless of which path of discovery taken, when it comes to the JQ those with open minds end up drawing the same conclusions. So, if you insist Luther was a heroic Gentile confronting the jews, so be it. As for me, I by default am suspicious of anyone - past or present, that's been or is promoted in the mainstream as "a good guy”, primarily because the mainstream is tightly controlled, of course.

Anyway, I’m surprised you’ve not heard of using hair analysis for detecting heavy metal poisoning; it’s not based on voodoo or witchcraft.

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Looking on Brave at references to Martin Luther and the jews and their lies, a couple of things stand out, first, all of them condemn the work. As if there was no reason at all to write such a piece. And second none of them explain or even give an excuse for the reasons for Protestant and Catholic to dislike jews. I realize how complicated these arguments can be. If a group is reviled for centuries, is it possible that there are reasons and it may not just be about irrational hate?

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It seems that all of these people of The Tribe are sexuly deviants. That would explain their need to torture . It's our fault for adopting a faith based on their myths.

I don't know how to change that.

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Adam Green is a good place to start.


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I am 76 and from Wichita Kansas. Am now in north Texas. Did the fifth wheel thing for 10 years in the construction industry, Florida, California, and Tennessee. Ran against Phil Graham in 1982. If your travels take you south, you need to sit on the balcony, out in the country, with me and discuss the world over a glass of cognac. I love good conversation because it is so hard to find.

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That sounds fantastic.

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Eisenhower / Churchill / Roosevelt = Cerberus (the 3 headed dog of Hades)

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Great essay, as always, Mr, Nelsen. You sweep the decks with your focused attention.

One point: I'm wondering if you could affirm or deny a narrative I read years ago that Eisenhauer was known as "the Swedish Jew" while attending West Point. Was that claim an invention?

You appear to believe he was a Christian...

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Thank you for the kind words.

I haven't heard the "Swedish Jew" claim.

According to Gab.ai, Eisenhower was a Presbyterian (a Lutheran but less expressive). I think Lord Balfour was also Presbyterian. Eisenhower was a Zionist and supported the creation of Israel to bring stability to the Middle East. So he was also an idiot. Gab.ai says he also supported the creation of Israel to give Jews a place of refuge in the wake of the Holocaust, which is pure bullshit. He makes no mention of the Holocaust in his memoirs. His home town was Abilene Kansas--44 miles as the crow flies from where I'm writing this.

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Thank you for this informative article.

From “Pawns in the Game” – William Guy Carr (1950s) https://archive.org/details/pawnsinthegame_201708/page/n17/mode/2up

“Once the revolution had been decided upon, the Jewish plotters introduced Calvinism into England to split Church and State, and divide the people. Contrary to general belief, Calvinism is of Jewish origin. It was deliberately conceived to split the adherents of the Christian religions, and divide the people. Calvin’s real name was Cohen ! When he went from Geneva to France to start preaching his doctrine he became known as Cauin. Then in England it became Calvin. History proves that there is hardly a revolutionary plot that wasn’t hatched in Switzerland; there is hardly a Jewish revolutionary leader who hasn’t changed his name. At the B’nai B’rith celebrations held in Paris, France, in 1936 Cohen, Cauvin, or Calvin, whatever his name may have been, was enthusiastically acclaimed to have been of Jewish descent. In addition to the religious controversy, the revolutionary leaders organized armed mobs to aggravate every situation injected into politics and labor by their masters”

I suspect many of the 200 or so "Christian" religions were likewise infiltrated and their bibles altered. Gnosticism which infiltrated early Christianity was of Jewish origin. I believe that groups like Jehovah Witnesses/Watchtower and the Mormons were likewise organized. The Scofield Bible with its footnotes is said to have been a project of the Rothschilds - Christian Fundamentalist. I believe most of these Fundamental Christian leaders are or have been the subject of Jewish Bribery, Blackmail and Bullets or threat of harm - much like our elected officials. It plays into the Divide and Conquer strategy.

Interesting article on the players in 9/11 https://www.unz.com/article/israel-did-9-11/?utm_source=email&utm_campaign=weekly

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Thank you for the link to archive.org. They are a valuable entity that deserves support.

I did not know that about Calvin/Cohen. I knew he had entered England with a Jewish funded army, but I'd always pictured him as the John Bolton type--slavish, fanatical, and easily played, but sincere.

I've long suspected Jehovah's Witnesses was a Jewish grift, even before I was jeware (there, I just coined a word for us LOL). But I got that impression just from driving past their headquarters in Brooklyn all the time. There was something Jewish about it that, to this day, I can't distinguish.

Mormons are an interesting case. They are racial kin, and some kind of Christian and you can feel a connection with some Mormons in the same way you can with some Protestants or some Catholics. But they think of themselves as Jews and when I worked on Capitol Hill I knew some staffers who thought of Mormons as Tribe II. They love the Old Testament so they are basically insane and there is a distinctive Mormon characteristic that is probably a result of that. Many Mormons have a way of lying that shifts the guilt for the lie on to you, even as they are telling you the lie. It's a version of holding contrary beliefs simultaneously as in Love thy neighbor/genocide thy neighbor. It fucks with their heads. Like Protestants, they worship money, and, like Jews, they practice nepotism ruthlessly in order to accumulate it.

Are you sure about your claim on Gnosticism. Some commenters here have seen the Gnostics as Christianity's effort to avoid the 5th Century theological blunder that installed Yahweh above Jesus.

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I am still trying to figure things out - but there does seem to be a connection. Theodore Winston Pike who wrote "Israel our duty...our dilemma" (1984) also did a series of videos. This video at 1hr 13 min explains a relationship with Gnosticism [Zionism and Christianity-Pike]


Also see https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/6723-gnosticism



There is also some evidence that the various sects of Islam have been created by Jews.

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The Mormons are a fascinating case, as Joseph Smith managed a full integration of Old and New Testament, along with the “restoration” of an OT referenced Melchezidec priesthood (also mentioned by Paul). Smith paid a Jew to teach him Hebrew during the same era he was secretly practicing OT polygamy, and sent one of his apostles to Palestine to bless it for the return of the Jews.

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And that was late 19th Century? So the "persecution" propaganda was already coming thick and heavy from the Eastern Talmudics. Mormons have the persecution complex, too, only a far milder case, it seems to me. Interesting about the apostle going to Palestine to bless the return of the Jews. I wonder whether he asked any of the Jews that had been living there since Roman times what they thought about the Zionist movement just getting off the ground in Russia.

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Thank you for this horrible, clear reminder of how despicably Jews have behaved in the recent past. I’ve read Douglas Reed, Chris Hedges and the comic illustrator’s books about the birth of Israel, seen the horrifying you-tube video about the treatment of German POWs after WWII ended, as well as read assorted commentaries similar to yours over the years. And yet the American congress are sold out to AIPAC, American funds keep Israel solvent and residents of Gaza are being mass murdered by the Israelis. Absolutely shocking and sickening how uninformed most people are. Trump and RFKJ are Israel backers. There is talk of a coup in the USA that resulted in Israel being notified the USA will not support a war with Lebanon or Iran. One tiny candle…

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Rumor has that the Pentagon leadership, who understands a little better the danger of WWIII and an escalation that might lead to the use of nuclear weapons, suddenly found the guts to oppose the State Dept and delegated Austin to tell Blinken "Tell Israel that if they wants warin Iran or Lebanon, they are on their own." There is also speculation that the mass terror pagers and walkie-talkies attack was a desperate plea for the US to get involved, postulated on the expected response from Lebanon/Iran.

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What’s the deal with Talmudism and Satanism?

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pretty much the same. From what I understand the talmud is the jew's bible. They claim the old testament but only as distraction for the goyim.

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My understanding is that the Talmud is a response to the direct threat from Christianity. One huge advantage the Jews have is that the Talmud can evolve. It has to be a religious mistake to declare something "God's word" and, therefore, eternal and unchanging. No further progress allowed. It's like Euclid's geometry was so awesome that when Apollonius came along with his Conics, they threw him out because there aren't any parabolas in Euclid.

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Jews are biologically prone to sadism. It’s been noted for centuries. It’s generally true of Asiatics (which Jews are). Jews are not us. They need to be gotten rid of and prevented from returning, ever.

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Mister Cook has lost it with his "Hamas attacked Israel" perspective




Damascus: Syria's official Al-Thawra newspaper claimed Thursday that more than 400 agents from Israel's spy agency Mossad are in Lebanon in the latest volley in an increasingly vitriolic war of words with Lebanon's new leaders.

"You have to recognize the danger of having more than 400 men from Israel's Mossad in Lebanon who are working with the other (Lebanese) agents who once supported the Zionist enemy and its militias," wrote editor Fayez Sayegh

At the present time, with Lebanon now effectively neutered and a pro-Israel management team installed (...)




The International Business Times reports on the sentencing to death of four Palestinians by a Hamas military court on charges of spying for Israel.

It includes this piece of historical revisionism:

"Hamas rules the Gaza Strip after winning an election against the rival Fatah party, and fought against Israel alongside the Islamic militant group in a seven-week summer war against Israel in 2014."

It’s probably bad copy-editing that missed what most likely should refer to “the Islamic Jihad militant group.” The rest of this sentence is a result of sheer ignorance.

Did Hamas really gain control over Gaza through winning an election?

In fact, Hamas launched a coup in June 2007, overthrowing Fatah’s executive authority by armed force and executing Fatah members, including throwing them from high buildings.

The IBT’s statement contributes to the myth of Hamas as the legitimate ruler of Gaza.




I haven't seen reports that any of the organization's senior leaders had been killed or wounded in the blasts


Mister Cook should read the following article and write something good before he feeds more fuel in the mind of good people




Unless Cook is COINTEL.

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Psychopathy appears to be their default operating system..

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It is time for serious nationalists and industrialists to start joint plans for pogroms of Jews and Jewish corporations.

Much like England gave charters to Privateers to pirate enemy ships, we will pogrom all of USA corporations traded on the Wall Street exchange. Foremost enemies are Neocon Blackrock, Vanguard, and Blackstone. Violent takeover of corporations is hard to imagine today, but conditions will worsen and opportunities will arise.

An untouchable entity needs to create charters, give material support, and coordination for Privateers to take over corporations with local force. For example, an industrial plant will be forcefully taken and the board of directors imprisoned. Local businessmen will control this locally. State governors and sheriffs would ideally be involved. But conditions could get so bad that their support is not needed.

These are the ways that we need to push forward nationalism. If we are not discussing violent pogroms against genocidal Jews now, we may fail and die like Christian White Russians did against the Soviet Bolshevik Jews. White Russians retreated and died in the frontiers of Russia. Currently, all of America’s White nationalists are retreating to the Western Redoubt AND they have no plans to take the East and West coasts and no plan to destroy Jewish Wall Street and Jewish controlled corporations. When the economy fails, you will learn that only ONE entity owns all of the publicly traded stocks in America. Your stocks are derivatives, play things. Your stock portfolio is a fantasy football team. You own jack shit until you pogrom the Jews and take back America with blood and spoil.

The victors with create the new industrialist billionaires and family dynasties. Glory, greed, and ambition will save Nationalist America.

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You should see Russians torture Jews!

Poetry in motion!

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