Apr 5Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

There are 33 Israeli American dual citizens in Congress. This, from 2% of the population.

Why we allow dual citizens in elected offices I’ll never understand, but the consequences are clear.

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2% must be a lie.

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Apr 6Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Great article, Craig. They never stop. Massie's the only decent person in the whole of Congress, imo. I don't follow them much, but he seem to be on the right side of things, even when he has to stand alone. I read somewhere that he's in AIPAC's sights in the upcoming election. No surprise there.

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Indeed. But it's the Russians who meddle with "our" democracy.

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Apr 5Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

"Real or imagined." ((Rubs hands together))

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Apr 6Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Antisemitism, like faux racism, are used to raise big bucks for NGOs in the US. I laugh whenever reports from the ADL or SPLC are referenced as "evidence" that these two issues are prominent in the US. The ADL is one of the most vicious orgs in America that's run by a little impotent weasel.


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The ADL is cited promiscuously is legislation introduced in Congress as justification for all sorts of anti-American garbage. Congress also honors them on their 70th birthday, 75th, 80th... IF ever there were evidence democracy doesn't work, there it is. The people's reps honoring the worst of the people.

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Our tax dollars being invested in vicious organizations that hate us, it's a bipartisan issue. They hate us. I've watched my Country Club Republican Reps, Senators and Governor bend the knee and protect Israel - we're not allowed to criticize the atrocities they commit. At times I feel as if I'm back in Cuba, where the government controls your speech. Twilight zone.

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Apr 4Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Depending on who says this, it could be construed as positive or antisemitic. What a trial that would be.

“Jews are responsible for the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act that racially transformed the US.”

Great article. That man needs to go!!

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Apr 4Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Another exceptional article from Craig Nelsen. Truly unbound and unsheathed. When I forward anyone else’s articles to my friends with a strong recommendation to read I never have any reason to add, as I do with those by CN's: “Don't skip the Footnotes. They are a treat in themselves."

The US Congress is a cheap whorehouse. Years ago Sharon or some other Israeli Jew remarked contemptuously that it costs less to buy a US senator than a Merkawa tank.

The Jews in the “diaspora” do not just feed parasitically on America leading it to economic ruin but also, in the process of making it a “Jew-friendly” environment destroy its national identity, culture and traditions, as prescribed by Barbara Lerner Spectre for Europe.

Yet the imbecilic “Christian zionists” don't realize that once the destruction is complete the Jews will move on to another host leaving them on the ruins to wait to be levitated…

It is thoroughly depressing. Hoping for a… black swan, a Deus ex Machina to blow the whole rotten edifice into smithereens.

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Thank you, ariadna.

"realize that once the destruction is complete the Jews will move on to another host leaving them on the ruins to wait to be levitated…"

That's if they are lucky. It's entirely possible they will suffer the same fate as the Christian middle class did in Russia. That's why Anna's podcast is so important. https://craignelsen.substack.com/podcast Nothing can bring home the horror (Aaron Bushnell tried) like an eyewitness simply describing what happened. Once they realize what they've unleashed on us, at least some of these Christian Zionists will quit with the end times hyperventilating and get serious.

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Apr 6Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Might have some connection to all the genocide the Jews have been committing lately. Just a hunch….

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Apr 5Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I live in TN (2 hours away from Kustoff's Memphis, where he garners the black vote as a jew). He is a joke and a horrible human being.

Forgive me, Craig if I already shared this video about the Genocide:


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Apr 4Liked by Craig Nelsen

David Kustoff is not the only currently serving Republican Jew. According to his wiki bio, Max Miller, young Zionist nut job from Ohio was co-sponsor of Kustoff's bill. Not a big deal that there are 2 GOP neo-cons who are Jews. I'd expect as many if not more. But the paragraph beneath Kustoff's photo is troubling. It renders this jerk's name as Kutoff twice. Might be humorous as a circumcision pun I guess. But there's also this long quote which is beyond outrageous but unattributed, not in your notes. It seems more like Babylon Bee satire than Congressional outtake.

“Every kid we bury alive in the rubble of his own home is $12,000 in perfectly good organs we are just throwing away, Mr. Speaker,” Kutoff says in support of his amendment, above. “I’m sure the taxpayers back in Tennessee wouldn’t mind seeing some of that money show up in their tax refunds.”

Could you clarify this, Craig?

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Yes, was satire. Or prophecy. A Republican proposal for private, for-profit genocide is probably still a few years off. They're probably waiting until Kustoff is Commerce Secretary.

Thanks for catching the misspelling of his name, though had I thought of the Kutoff/circumcision play I might have tried to work it in.

And it would have to be in a post in which I note the sloppiness of the writing in Congress. There is a Jewish Rep (D-NJ05) named Josh Gottheimer whose bills I suspect no one even proofreads. He has the second most CRAB co/sponsorships in this Congress with 54. The member with the most is right across the state line in NY17. I believe he may be your Congressman. Mike Lawler, Republican, Catholic. He has name on 55 CRABs. He should give Al D'Amato a call.

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Apr 5Liked by Craig Nelsen

Mike Lawler is in Rockland County, west of Hudson River. My rep is Jamaal Bowman, Westchester, east of Hudson. He's a member of the Squad. Good news is he/they are anti-Israel. Bad news, they're anti-white. To culture commies, Jews are a sub-breed of whites.

For a few years I was a professional proof reader after failing at teaching. Now unpaid, it's like picking up trash from vacant lots. Few care. Most are resentful of the notice. The older I get, the more typos, misspellings and grammatical gaffes jump out at me. I try to restrict comments only to interesting examples, like Kutoff.

You might want to adopt some kind of satire signal for the valued but unwary.

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I see what happened with the Republican Jew count. The other "Zionist nut job" is listed in my data (from Pew) as a "Messianic Jew." So my script deposited him in his own category next to the other one-person religions on Capitol Hill--the Pietists, the Humanists, and the Unaffiliateds.

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Messianic Jews aka Jews for Jesus are another disguise for hostility and subversion of Christian belief. Long ago I spoke to a JFJ member at their table outside the Met Museum where they were looking for converts. This was before I got red pilled, so I naively thought he would be interested about a painting inside the museum which depicted boy Jesus in the Temple (Epiphany). He told me to get lost, wasn't interested. I was puzzled at his coldness. Wasn't until years later that I realized the extent of their sham outreach.

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Apr 5Liked by Craig Nelsen

God is a pyschopath deal with it

All post abrahamic +2500 year old religions are satanic


anti-semitism pre 1980's was somebody that doesn't like jews

Post 1980 anti-semitism is somebody who doesn't like zionists

In Israel 60% of the public agree that Zionism is a satanic cult, only in the USA is zionism sold as judaism

Zionist kill semites, ergo the only real anti-semites are zionists

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