“The Khazars have usurped Judaism itself”.

I rest my case that it has nothing to do with some imaginary marching orders from Deuteronomy, but that it is entirely of the machinations of The Synagogue of Satan and the Tares Among Wheat.

I just sat down and read Deuteronomy yesterday and today, and in the entirety of the book itself, and in the greater context of the old & New Testaments, you cannot make the argument that God has given his Chosen representatives marching orders to subdue the world. Christ himself will subdue the world and rule them with a rod of iron, after humanity reaps what it has sown in immorality and idolatry.

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The Bible is bullshit . . . Satan is a Hebrew god . . .

Fuck you and your Jewish god.

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hello there

(there are so few of us here this is almost like a private conversation)

You dispute the role of Deuteronomy proposed by Craig as the explanation for the Jews' more psychopathic behaviours. I thought he'd made a good argument. But I agree with you in that I would need to hear the guilty party claiming to be inspired by Deuteronomy for me to fully accept his argument.

On the other hand you offer a tantalising glimpse of an alternative explanation.

'the machinations of The Synagogue of Satan and the Tares Among Wheat'.

I've heard the first before but never before heard the second in this context. A search brings up 'the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie' which seems akin to your comment. And reminds me of Jesus' comment which was something about 'you follow a murderer and the father of lies' which I always assumed referred to a god other than Jehovah. Which seemed odd to me as he was talking to Jew. Was Jesus referring to some sect or perversion of Judaism and is this the same one to which you refer? Would it be those people who 'say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie'.

If you could give me a few pointers in the right direction....?

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Let’s start here.

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Satan is a Hebrew god . . . Satanism is a Jewish cult . . .

The Bible is bullshit.

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Oh, no, a four hour video on the Old Testament. The trouble I have with these guys, who cook up some great stories, is that none of them agree. Its always that 'Me, I alone, have figured it out'.

And while Craig relies upon the OT that is reasonable, as he is arguing that those who believe in them are putting their texts into practice.

Please don't take it personally. I don't believe in UFOs either.

Have you got anything I can take to the bank?

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If you read through the OT, whenever the Israelites were taken into captivity, it was always God’s desire to bring them back into the promised land. No where do you find this idea of conquering the whole world - nowhere. You have to bend the text out of context to make that argument. But guys like Craig know that most people are ignorant of what the Bible says, that most have never read it, let alone study it, and that they will not spend the necessary time to suss out the truth.

Something to take home to the bank? No, I don’t think so. The things you seek understanding about are hidden from you.

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The Bible is bullshit.

Fuck you and your Jewish god.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

I'm not sure the OT Jews (unlike the later Greeks) knew much geography. So they only wrote about their immediate neighbours which Deuteronomy exhorts them to genocide (utterly destroy). And their far neighbours which they were to plunder.

'No where do you find this idea of conquering the whole world - nowhere'....well no, not in the OT.

The Talmud was written later and builds on the basic text (did you ever read it, let alone study it). And of course the various commentaries, etc since which have hugely extended those early primitive injunctions into an ideology of world rule. Thus we see things like the current desire of Chabad to make Ukraine the new, second, Jewish homeland. Thats Talmudic.

But genociding Palestinians - that is pure Deuteronomy. Remember that their Promised Land only became theirs because their God gave them the victories that enabled them to ethnically cleanse 'their' Land. Christians tend to forget that the Jews worship Satan. That their god is a murderer and the father of lies.

I think Craig's basic premise - Deuteronomy urges supremacy for those God has 'Chosen' to rule the Goyim - is valid.

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The Talmud is the work of men, not the directive of God. Probably like you, I have read snippets of the Talmud. No quibble from me that it’s the work of degenerate and rebellious Jews. But it’s not from God. In the context of the Old Testament, God has always had problems with his chosen people.

I think people get tripped up on the word chosen. I was chosen once on a playground game of dodgeball. Does that make me special or just a player on someone’s team? We know the Jews are chosen by God and punished for their poor performance. Likewise in the New Testament God disciplines Christians who misbehave.

And Craig has not mentioned the subject of giants that is clearly spoken of in Deuteronomy and throughout the Bible and confirmed by many other cultures throughout history. The promise land was full of genetic mutations, fallen angel-human hybrids, Tares among wheat. And that genetic mutation shows up in more than giantism. And you are mocked to your face repeatedly by the symbol X and the number 33. Both represent the Tares- 33 pairs of gene sequences and extra chromosomes, either X or Y.

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This is the one especially that I want to gather my thoughts on. But I will say as a primer, that the truth is definitely stranger than fiction. There is a whole different world right in front of your eyes, that is veiled by deception. I will get back to you.

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And so, what do we make of people like you, who pervert the words of the Bible? Your points about the machinations are well researched and presented - excepting the context of God and the purpose of choosing a people to represent him.

It doesn’t make sense in the context of your intelligence. And when I see that, it makes me wonder.

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The bible is bullshit.

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God Bless You, Clarence.

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .


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