The Conspiracy Theorist's Guide to Trump's Election Win 2024
"No matter how cynical I become, I can't keep up." -suspected conspiracy theorist, Lily Tomlin
So they had their Democracy last week and the audience prefers the Donald Trump character over the Kamala Harris character. Okay?
On election day, 2020, I lived on the edge of the blackest part of Kansas City. The voters in my precinct were overwhelmingly black. I went to the polling place over the lunch hour. Except for the poll workers, it was empty. As I was leaving, another voter arrived. She was white.
Such an abysmal turnout among blacks for the old white man, Joe Biden, wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was when we started hearing the next day that black turnout in a few large counties in a few crucial swing states unaccountably skyrocketed to heights exceeding Barack Obama’s record-breaking 67 percent black turnout in 2008. And Joe Biden didn’t just beat Barack Obama’s black voter turnout in those counties, but trounced him, pulling an eye-popping 90 percent of all registered black voters. We hadn’t seen a miracle like that since those two airplanes knocked down three skyscrapers by running into two of them.
Back in 2020, Fulton County (Atlanta), Georgia, was one of the counties reporting an implausibly high black turnout. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) credits itself with producing enough black votes in Fulton County to tip Georgia into the Biden column, thereby handing Biden the presidency. In their year-end report for 2020, they claim they:
mailed absentee voting information to 148,000 older, high-propensity voters of color in Georgia
alerted poll workers and state election officials to threats posed by extremists to intimidate voters and disrupt the election process ahead of the presidential
election and Senate runoffs in Georgia [ahead of?]
funded 25 official absentee drop boxes in Fulton County [funded…official?]
increased 40 civic engagement organizations’ capacity with $12 million in Vote Your Voice initiative grants for grassroots mobilization activity, supporting Black- and Brown-led voter outreach
The 2020 election was stolen. No conspiracy theorist worthy of the name believes otherwise.1 But now, in 2024, the guy they went to such trouble to defeat in 2020 coasts to a win? What’s a conspiracy theorist to think?
One of the advantages to being a conspiracy theorist is the freedom to consider all the facts available. The mainstream narrative types use a different filter that forces them to accept or discard facts based on whether they conform to social dictates.
A conspiracy theorist looks at the extremely high black voter turnout in Fulton County in 2020 as evidence the election was stolen. For a mainstream narrative type, the extremely high black voter turnout in Fulton County has no significance because, what are you? An election denier?
When the conspiracy theorist discovers the SPLC going into detail in a letter to its large donors concerning its role in delivering the extremely high black voter turnout in Fulton County, he knows that whoever stole the election is allied with the SPLC. For the mainstream narrative type, the SPLC is performing a legitimate civic function.
When, after taking credit for throwing the election to Biden, the top three people at the SPLC—all Jews—resign suddenly and simultaneously, effective immediately, the conspiracy theorist can attach significance to such a strange and unusual event, while the mainstream narrative type will never hear about it.
Recall the very first public announcement made from the White House by the Biden administration: the borders are now open. Those people cannot seem to resist the malicious taunt.
Josh Gottheimer represents New Jersey’s 5th Congressional District. In the session just ending, Representative Gottheimer, who is Jewish, sponsored or co-sponsored 68 bills and resolutions that explicitly benefit Jews and/or Israel.
Representative Gottheimer’s single largest campaign contributor is AIPAC, the powerful Jewish lobbying group in Washington, DC that lobbies on behalf of Israel. Unless you are a particularly dense mainstream narrative type, you’ve probably noticed that AIPAC controls our Congress.
One of Representative Gottheimer’s bills, the SHIELD Act, now law, provided more than $11 billion in direct military aid to Israel and allows Israel, essentially, to take whatever they want out of our military stockpiles. I go into details here.
The SHIELD Act also provides $9.2 billion to Anthony Blinken’s State Department to assist with refugees and disaster relief for Ukraine, Israel, and “other vulnerable populations and communities.”
Blinken, who is Jewish, takes the $9.2 billion of your tax dollars Josh Gottheimer sent him and gives it to Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) programs targeting “the most vulnerable and underserved groups” in countries across South America, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
NGOs should “leverage existing legal mechanisms, such as the Temporary Protection Statute (TPS)” in the United States, it says on the State Department’s website. “Priority will be given to programs designed to increase access to asylum and other legal status/stay regimes…” Your money will be given to programs that address “in-transit and short-term needs” [motels, camps, food, and so on for the caravans], assist with access to sustainable housing, and disburse cash.
Disburse cash? Like a paymaster?
The NGOs, which can be from anywhere in the world, spend $2-5 million per country in which they operate. They advertise for refugees. They recruit them, feed them, give them cash, put them up in motels, charter buses to take them to our southern border, and tell them what to put on their paperwork. There is no limit to the number of NGOs operating in any one country. At, say, $3.5 million per NGO, $9 billion will fund 2,571 NGOs working around the world to recruit refugees and pay them to move to the United States.

Once in the United States, Xavier Becerra’s Department of Health and Human Services takes over the funding for the NGOs transporting the “refugees” to communities across the United States. Becerra, who is Jewish, provides free housing, cash, medical services, and food. Local taxpayers will pick up the costs of education for their children, fire, police, sanitation, roads, and so on.
Among the population in the world living in countries poorer than Mexico, how many males of military age will see an advertisement offering all that and decide to become a refugee?
The NGOs, both in the US and abroad, are encouraged to coordinate their activities with larger, more established NGOs, the largest and most established of which is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), a Jewish organization. A former HIAS Board member named Alejandro Mayorkas, who is Jewish, resigned his position in the wake of the stolen 2020 election in order to accept the position of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) offered to him by the incoming administration.
In 2022, the federal government gave HIAS more than $82 million of your money. Xavier Becerra’s HHS sent HIAS $23,284,450. Anthony Blinken’s State Department sent $59,508,348. And Alejandro Mayorkas’ DHS sent $10,596.2
So, does what I’ve just described constitute a conspiracy?
A conspiracy is a secret plot or agreement between two or more people to carry out some harmful or illegal act. Allowing the steady entrance of huge numbers of military-age males—whoever in the world who wants to come—without limit—is not just harmful. It is fatal.
But is it secret? After all, all the information I just relayed is freely available to the public.
I would argue it is secret.
Is anyone anywhere other than me pointing out that we ourselves are paying for those caravans? If there is, great, but I am unaware of it.
Our readership over the last six months
is at about 1,400 readers per post divided by the US population as of November 11th:
So, the correct answer is d) above—fewer than one in a hundred thousand Americans are aware we Americans are funding those caravans. So, yeah, I think this qualifies as “secret.”
And the secrecy seems intentional. If you ask ChatGPT or “Who is funding the caravans arriving at our southern border,” you get pretty much the same answer. It’s a “complex and multi-faceted issue.” Mexican charities, the individuals themselves, relatives in the US, drug cartels, leftist political groups, grassroots movements on social media, and so on. Both mention NGOs, but no mention at all of the US government’s involvement. Here’s ChatGPT’s bit on that:
While NGOs typically focus on providing humanitarian aid rather than funding the caravans, some organizations in Central America and Mexico, such as **Honduras’ Casa del Migrante**, the **Guatemalan Migration Center**, and other local civil society groups, help provide services to migrants. These groups may help coordinate travel or offer temporary shelter, medical assistance, and legal aid. However, they usually act out of a humanitarian mission, not with the goal of creating or funding large caravans.
In ChatGPT’s conclusion:
The concept of a highly organized, centrally funded network behind the caravans is not supported by substantial evidence and tends to be part of a narrative promoted by certain political groups. The primary driving force behind the caravans is often the severe economic, political, and social conditions that migrants are fleeing in their home countries.
So, we have here a bona fide conspiracy. A Jewish conspiracy to overwhelm the US (and the West) with non-whites—i.e., a Jewish conspiracy to destroy us. Jews steal an election and install a Jewish administration under a drooling gentile puppet. A Jewish-funded Jewish member of our Jewish controlled Congress secures billions of dollars for Israel and Jewish genocides in Gaza and Ukraine and for the Jewish run State Department which in turn funds a Jewish organization that administers the actual program to physically move the “refugees” here while using our money to “lobby,” i.e., corrupt, our Congress and prevent any gentile effort in Congress to stop the flood of millions of military-aged non-white males.3 The “refugees” are enticed here through the Jewish run HHS, which provides them with all the necessities of life for free. Meanwhile the Jewish run SPLC “exposes” as far-right and white supremacist any grassroots gentile effort to resist4 and the ADL works the same angle on the institutional and social media level, preventing gentiles from talking to each other about the Jewish conspiracy to destroy us.
When I asked ChatGPT who the New York Times says is funding the caravans, it replied:
The New York Times has reported in the past that migrants in these caravans largely rely on personal savings, help from family, or pooled resources. Some non-governmental organizations may also provide food, water, medical assistance, and temporary shelter, but they typically do not fund the journeys outright.
Somebody chartering those buses…
There has been little credible evidence from major media outlets of any centralized organization or large-scale funding operation driving these caravans.
And that’s the problem, isn’t it? The major media outlets. They are the reason the conspiracy is a secret. There is a “centralized organization” known as the US government advertising a “large-scale funding operation” openly on the .gov website and all the major media say the “migrants” are funding themselves.
The New York Times has reported that various groups and individuals, including Mexican cartels, Leftist activists, and even some U.S. politicians and advocacy groups, are believed to be funding the caravans. These groups leverage the desperation of the migrants for their own political and financial gain. However, the Times also acknowledges that the full truth behind the funding remains unclear due to the complexity of the situation.
Full truths are frequently just too complex to uncover and report. Better to stick with simple things like Russian collusion and leave the complex stuff to some guy in Kansas with an Internet connection.
Too bad it’s antisemitic to note that all the major media are controlled by Jews, because that sure would explain a lot.
So how does a clear-pilled conspiracy theorist look at the Trump election?
If I had to go out on a limb and make a guess as to what we should expect during a Trump Administration, I would base my guess on four things: 1) this unexpected tranquility during the handover—the polar opposite of what we saw in 2016, 2) the activity of the US government over the last four years, 3) what would do the most damage to us, and 4) that very strange triple resignation from the SPLC.

It’s almost as if some cataclysmic event is looming in which millions of radicalized foreign men play a major role, an event that can be hung on Donald Trump, thereby completely demoralizing and discrediting his base, an event already known to a select few, and in anticipation of which the three top people at the SPLC resigned simultaneously.
It’s a theory. The interesting question is what will the cataclysm be?
Later, it was confirmed for me when I read a letter from the SPLC to their large donors in which they listed as one of their accomplishments that they had purchased 25 ballot drop boxes and distributed them around one of those counties—Fulton County (Atlanta), Georgia.
SPLC joins HIAS “to promote just, humane and anti-racist migration and asylum policies.” Not just “non-racist migration and asylum policies” but anti-racist policies. In other words, explicitly non-white and implicitly as a weapon against white gentiles. Both organizations are fierce defenders of Israel, which restricts immigration to Jews only.
SPLC attacks on gentiles would be toothless without ignorant and dull-witted white liberals lapping it up and joining the SPLC in stomping into the dirt. The ignorant and dull-witted white conservatives are fine with Congress serving Israel and are all on board with the Jewish genocide program as they think this is how they will make Jesus come back, but are strongly opposed to the invasion across the border, which they blame on “the left.”
Controlled demolition of the financial system, replaced by some PayPal Mafia digital money, with new digital ID by the Palantir side of Trump's controllers.
Simultaneously, they will continue to bolster and pay for Israel's wars and attack people who notice with the new antisemitism laws. When we freak out, they will use the fake assassinations as a pity prod to attack the 2nd Amendment (first by going after "assault weapons" like thse used in the fake ear shot).
The calm is eerie. It is as if the hidden-hand controllers have something planned. Financial collapse and massive roll of out CBDC? Something with the Chinese? Assassination attempts and fake civil conflict? Or, worst of all, is Trump just their guy, and will move forward with the great reset agenda on a scope and scale that “Kamala” would never be able to accomplish? Whatever the case, I have little hope that anything of substance will change.