
I keep wondering if the ever-increasing Holocaust Education mandates are going to start backfiring... because I keep seeing signs that young people (especially young white guys) are waking up, one by one by one.

Here's the latest example: ever heard of Joel Davis from Australia? Neither had I until tonight. Check out this interview with this fine young man where he explains why Hitler was right:


If this doesn't speak to young men in the West...

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Jun 24·edited Jun 27Liked by Anna Cordelia

If the Jews were sensible, they would back off for a bit. Do we really need more Holocaust museums than WW II museums?

Does anyone care anymore about the 400,000-plus white American Gentiles (non-Jews) who died fighting in WW II? Do they even think about them anymore?

Why is something that was done by Europeans to other Europeans more important to Americans than what happened to other Americans?

Why do so many white American Gentiles brag about having a father, uncle or grandfather who "liberated Dachau"? Most of those fathers, uncles and grandfathers weren't anywhere near Dachau. But Americans have come to realize that having a relative who supposedly liberated Jews is a mark of distinction that makes them a little better than everyone else.

Shouldn't the bragging be about fighting the Germans, not liberating the Jews?

Our Jewish secretary of state Antony Blinken claims to have a stepfather who escaped from a Nazi death march and was rescued by a black American soldier driving a tank. Except there weren't any black American soldiers driving tanks anywhere in the vicinity of the death march. But it's a touching story, and we're all supposed to feel good about it. Who cares if it isn't true?

Kern is outraged that Americans dare to protest the massacre of tens of thousands of women and children in Gaza. I guess we shouldn't be surprised, considering how accustomed Jews have gotten to having their own way. It's like finally telling a spoiled child, "No". A furious temper tantrum can be expected to ensue.

There is not a single high-level, English-descended white Protestant (the group that made up almost all of the Founding Fathers) in the Biden Administration. Almost all the power positions are held by Jews: attorney general, treasury secretary, secretary of state, SEC commissioner, IRS commissioner, White House chief of staff, Covid czar, director of national intelligence and secretary of homeland security. How remarkable that 2% of the population dominates the rest of the country in this way.

According to Ron Unz, who is Jewish, Jews have made up 6% of the top high school graduates, but 25% of entering classes at elite U.S. universities. Non-Jewish whites, who have made up 70% of top high school graduates, have only made up about 23% of those entering classes. When you consider the fact that non-Jewish white males created almost all of what we call civilization, it is quite amazing that our best universities would only allow said white males to make up 11-12% of their entering classes.

Jews such as Barbara Lerner Spectre, Tim Wise, Jennifer Rubin, Emily Goldstein, Susan Sontag and Noel Ignatiev have promoted antiwhite attitudes while other Jews such as secretary of homeland security Alejandro Mayorkas have thrown open the border to nonwhites.

Yet another Jew named Larry Fink of BlackRock - who controls $10 trillion in investment money - is able to call the heads of Fortune 500 companies and give them orders. So, the year after the "summer of love" BLM riots, the top Fortune 100 companies made 94% of their job offers to nonwhites and only 6% to whites.

Antiwhiteism pervades Hollywood, which is controlled by Jews. It pervades the mainstream media, which is likewise controlled by Jews. Even the conservative "opposition" is largely controlled by Jews. But this Jewish domination isn't enough for Kern. Submission must be total. Not even ONE congressman can be allowed to fail to do the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC's) bidding.

In order to make sure that this takeover of Congress would eventually take place, the Jew Samuel Untermeyer financed the career of Cyrus Scofield, whose Scofield Reference Bible transformed a large percentage of conservative Protestants (particularly in the South) into evangelical Zionists. The Republican Party is now the Evangelical Zionist Party. At the same time, Jews have always exercised considerable influence over the Left and, thus, the Democratic Party.

So, the Jews have succeeded far beyond what one might expect. But the more they dominate, the more paranoid they get. This seems to be the pattern. With 99% submitting to them and only 1% resisting, Kern thinks it's time for the Jews to "stop being Mr. Nice Guy". Hey, Kern, there was never anything nice about you Jews. And Americans are now waking up to that fact. Your cancelation of your opponents will only stimulate more resistance. You've gone too far.

All you had to do was back off for a bit. But you never do.

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Nice overview of our current situation. Unfortunately, I don't think Jews can "back off" as Jews. In order to even BE Jews, it is necessary for them to continue turning up the hatred until they achieve the "utter destruction" of "these nations" among whom Jehovah has "scattered" them as a punishment for failing to "observe these statutes and judgments" commanding them to enslave or exterminate all non-Jews--even of those "cities very far from" Palestine. When they obey God and "utterly destroy" our nation, God "turns his face" back to them and transfers his curses from them to us. (And curses? You can't believe the curses Jehovah has.)

None of this has anything to do with any thing we've done, of course. Even in the shameful case of the United States, which showed almost total submission almost immediately to Jewish power thanks to our willfully blind, easily duped, provincial Christians, even before they had finished transferring the "center" from Russia to these shores, and criminally allowed them to use us to destroy the best of us, the Germans, we are still guilty of antisemitism. It's in our very atmosphere, Rabbi Fersko says as she teaches young Jews how to "feel" our guilt. Then, vibrating with Jehovan hatred, Lee Kern declares it "at a fever pitch" and 140 Jews hit the "like" button.

They can't back off. They HAVE to do this to be Jews. Jehovah (the evil Levitical priest, Ezekiel) didn't provide an off-ramp. Either Judaism is eradicated or we have done to us what we are helping as slaves of the Jews, Gods Chosen Demons do to the Gazans, the Iraqis, the Russians, the Germans, et al.

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"Shouldn't the bragging be about fighting the Germans, not liberating the Jews? "

I just want to clarify: Americans have nothing to brag about in regard to WWII. Our actions in both theaters of war were criminal and 100 percent Jewish. Here's a little tidbit of history that says a lot, but no one knows: Prior to WWII, there was a substantial Christian community in Japan. Concentrated in one city. Nagasaki.

The grandson of whoever made the decision to drop an atomic bomb on that city in particular is the guy today directing the complete gutting of the US military's stock and shipping it off to [?] so the Jews can actually make money off their slaughter of the Muslims and Christians in Gaza.

The plain, ugly truth is that both, grandfather and grandson, are cheered on as heroes by our Christians--in the present case, even as the genocide they are cheering on is televised right into their living rooms. That's how unforgivably stupid, willfully blind, or easily duped Christians are.

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Americans shouldn't have fought in WW I or WW II. Or any of our wars since then. But American leaders don't serve the American people, they serve the Jews and other big money interests (military-industrial complex).

President Wilson (who was surrounded by Jews) said he wouldn't send Americans to fight in WW I, then broke his promise -- and justified breaking it with tall tales about Germans turning Belgians into soap. FDR (who was surrounded by Jews) said he wouldn't send Americans to fight in WW II, then broke his promise -- and justified breaking it by setting up Pearl Harbor to be attacked.

Americans didn't wise up to these lies for a long time. Most still haven't. They were misled into trusting their leaders up until Vietnam, which only became a war involving Americans because the government lied about North Vietnamese firing on American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.

After the Vietnam disaster, the government stopped drafting people. But it still managed to get volunteers by lying -- with media cooperation. The lie of the first Iraq War was Iraqis throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait. The lies of the Afghanistan and second Iraq wars were 9/11 and WMD's.

I think people have had enough. The military can't meet its recruiting goals, especially when it comes to recruiting white males. Only a police state could force them to serve. Oh, but look at what we're living in now - a police state!

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White males certainly shouldn’t be fighting for people whose goal is their destruction. At the same time, it will be dangerous to have a non-white military. In both cases, Jews call the shots, so either way we’re fucked.

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Jun 27Liked by Craig Nelsen

Even an all-white male military can't defeat guerilla forces in an asymmetric war. If today's woke military tries, it will likely be defeated. The question is, will whites fight back if and when the government tries to take their guns? Whatever happens, it should be interesting.

White parents should be preparing their kids for this eventuality. I probably won't be alive when the sh*t hits the fan.

White man, you better learn quick. In this world, you're going to have to fight if you make the mistake of letting down your guard.

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I think we are going to have to fight regardless. The problem is we have no way to organize as our enemies are more alert to a nascent resistance than we are.

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Jun 26Liked by Craig Nelsen

Great summary made even better by Craig's accurate clarifications (e.g., fighting the Germans and the likelihood of Jews willingly "backing off").

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I’m sure everybody already following this article know ALL of what you stated and more. You, and all of us, should be telling the notmies all of this. It’s a Bitchute I know, I’ve been banging my head for years. Here’s an even better truth, Christian Identity. Whites are the real Israelites. Let your judeochristian retard friends know. Christogenea.org and look up 100 Proofs the Whites are the Israelites on YouTube, very easy for even the retards to understand. Yahweh bless

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I don't know anything about the Christian Identity movement except that it has been attacked by the SPLC and I'm inclined to be sympathetic to anyone the SPLC attacks. But I seriously don't get why it's important to prove whites are Israelites.

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Because Israelites (descended from Jacob as opposed to his evil brother Esau) are actually the "chosen people", the majority of which are now Christians because they understood Christ's message (my sheep know my voice) when he appeared. Todays Jew is not one of God's choosen but they push that narrative and naive Christians buy into it supporting Israel when in fact many Jews (I do not have stats on this but would love them) celebrate the Talmud which is Babylonian and occult and praises the murder of goyim. If whites knew their linage came from the 12 tribes then there would be no hold over the dumb naive Christians. Technically todays Jew as no right to the land of Israel. Genetic studies thus far have supported this. At the time of Christ these occultists (Pharisees, Sadducees) were already in full force and power obscessed. The scary thing is is that the "Jewish" Messiah looks a lot like the Christian antichrist - which took me down this rabbit hole in the first place. That and the fact that the only thing the legislative branch has been capable of doing is fast tracking an antisemitism law which historically has been done right before a communist (= Jewish) takeover. Our enemies have already put laws into place for the NWO. Look up the Noahide Laws. Amazing how many Christians are clueless and I'm a new Christian!!! But I study the shit out of stuff. It's amazing how much confusion within history is cleared up once you know the truth. Love Cristogenea.org too.

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...celebrate [Deuteronomy] which is Babylonian and occult and praises the murder of goyim...

It's all Old Testament. The Old Testament wasn't attached to the New Testament until the 5th Century. Why give it any credence at all?

NT God: Love thy neighbor.

OT God: Genocide thy neighbor.

Christian: They're the same God. Also, one time a fish swallowed a human and vomited him back up on the beach three days later still alive and also the universe was created 3,228 years ago around 6:00 pm, on September 13th and also Jews are God's chosen people.

Jew: teeheehee

The only people with a right to Palestine are the Palestinians

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Craig Nelsen

There are passages in Genesis and other parts of the Old Testament that foretell the coming of Jesus. As for the genocidal Old Testament God, I think this can be explained by the Book of Enoch, which says that fallen angels mixed their seed with humans, creating demons.

This is referred to obliquely in Genesis 6:4-7. Even after the flood, the demons didn't go away. Jesus casts them out on numerous occasions.

Most people don't believe in demons now or in any supernatural phenomena. But I don't think anyone can honestly disagree that evil is a real force in human affairs. In a sense, it has to be, because how can good make any sense without its opposite - evil or bad?

For those who don't want to take the bible literally, it still contains allegorical truths.

I'd rather be around people who want to be good rather than those who don't care. Which brings us to the Palestinian question: Palestine was infiltrated and invaded by outsiders, and the Palestinians are fully justified in trying to take their land back. The Christians who say otherwise have had their Christianity corrupted by Jews. This has led them to choose evil over good.

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Yes, I am familiar with the fallen angel explanation to excuse all the many many calls by Jehovah to genocide. But, to me, it seems like a real stretch. Wouldn't it make more sense just to undo the blunder made in the 5th century when somebody decided it would be a good idea to attach the OT to the NT and give the God of Love and the God of Genocide equal divine authority. There was no religious reason to do that (Judaism isn't even a religion, it is a political program) and the consequences have been catastrophic for the world.

I wholeheartedly agree that evil exists. You can't read the Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923 without knowing that for a fact. And the evil was committed by Jews--demonic, evil, genocidal Jews--following scrupulously the OT Jehovan prescription. The destruction of the king's name from under Heaven (murdering the tsar with his family), the destruction of the places wherein they worshiped their gods (the dynamiting of the Christian cathedrals), and so on. None of that can be justified by claiming Jehovah was only calling for the genocide of demonic half-breeds.

I don't understand why it is so important to Christians to keep the OT when it has been the source of so much horror, confusion, contradiction, and makes Christians ridiculous. Why not just chuck it?

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

All a Christian has to do is read his bible in order to know that the Jews are not God's chosen people.

The relevant passages are Gen. 22:17-18, 35:11; Hosea 1:9, Matt. 21:33-46, 24:2; John 2:23, 14:6, 8:44; Romans 10:9; Gal. 3:29 and 1 Thess. 2:15.

Gen. 12:3 also needs to be looked at in order to demonstrate that God's blessing was to Abraham alone, not to the Jews (who didn't even exist yet). The other Genesis passages I've cited show that the Jews do not qualify as Abraham's "seed".

It is possible that the northern ten tribes of Israel that were expelled by the Assyrians migrated to Europe around 800 B.C. It's possible that there were migrations to Europe much earlier when the Israelites left Egypt.

But even if this is true, I don't see it as having any importance. From a Christian point of view, there is no chosen people of God based on DNA. The chosen are those who, knowing about Jesus, do not reject him but follow him.

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"Atmospheric antisemitism" 🤪- obviously caused by "Climate Change"

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LOL, actually, believe it or not, the reverse is "true."

To the extent Jewish paranoia is responsible for the racial transformation of the West, which has been accomplished by transferring populations away from the equator, increasing the carbon footprint of the individual vibrant, er, migrant transferred, atmospheric antisemitism contributes to global warring, er, warming.

The UNCCC's Jewish-led fight against climate change has shifted your billions to the "adaptation" side of that fight, which increasingly concerns itself with providing safe, regular migration routes to those fleeing the effects of climate change to places where there are no effects of climate change: that part of the world previously the home of Europeans and their descendants. This does NOT include the current home of the malignant European offshoot, the Judaism-infected Ashkenazim.

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Yes Craig, and we shouldn't forget all the hot air they spew out adding significantly to climate change !

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Jun 24Liked by Craig Nelsen

If you haven't seen Trump's latest capitulation to the the JPE, it's shocking. https://www.bitchute.com/video/95EXX2pW0kR0/

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What crime is he referring to? The "Hamas attack?"

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I think so. It would makes sense of the first half of Trump's narrative, which then veers off into calling the event an attack on our country. This speech is similar to earlier ones he made about hate crimes in general. The idea of a death penalty for a hate crime is vague rhetoric, but it shows where he's headed as far as future legislative initiatives.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

I don't think he would have said anything like that in his first campaign. I haven't been paying attention in a while, but is the extra obvious attention to the teleprompter typical of his campaign style now?

Quite the coincidence Assange is released on the day Trump pledges to execute antisemites.

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Jun 25Liked by Craig Nelsen

Really don't follow Trump closely these days. You're probably right. He's more scripted now.

I wouldn't take killing domestic A-S individuals literally. It's a bluff like most of Trump's tough talk. Now if Hillary were in office, she'd go for the jugular. My joke for her in 2016 was "Israel says jump." She says "how high?"

Saw a report that Assange was freed because of pressure from the pope as well as from the radical (but controlled) wings of both parties: AOC and MTG. Maybe, what's he got to lose?

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Five years in solitary is a brutal torture. He'll never be the same. And the message has been sent to other journalists effectively. Our country is evil, but I'm glad he's out.

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Trump needs the Jewish money. And a lot of his Republican base consists of evangelical Zionists. I wouldn't take his promises too seriously. He knows the Jews are snakes. Once he's elected, he can't run again, so he doesn't have to care about the Jews and Israel anymore. Even if I'm wrong, he couldn't be any worse on that issue than Biden and Kennedy. Israel and the Jews are irrelevant in this election.

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Jun 26Liked by Craig Nelsen

I don't see it as capitulation, which implies prior resistance. More like a prostitute announcing the addition of a new trick to please her john in the context of fierce competition.

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Jun 27Liked by Craig Nelsen

Didn't Trump allow Russia/Putin to save Syria? Don't believe that was in Israel's interest.

However, I think the transactional sex metaphor is useful, just that I see it slightly differently. There are many GOP wannabe whores vying for service to Israel. None have the voter appeal/insouciant charisma of the Trump brand. Furthermore, while a prostitute can theoretically walk away from any particular john, Trump's now too indebted to his pimp (diaspora Jewry) to attempt that. No more loose canon moves.

The locus of Jewish Power is important to consider. I don't believe it's Israel, which is, granted, the most favored client, but not the fortress. Not strong enough to function on its own.

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Jun 27Liked by Craig Nelsen

I am not sure sure Trump intentionally “allowed” Putin to save Syria. He may have been naive enough to think he could eat his cake and have it in the sense of focusing on his chest-beating “we keep the oil” in Northern Syria, confident that “his” Jews won't mind letting Assad —with Putin's help— gain control on the rest of it because, after all, “ Look, I give you the Golan Heights officially, I move the embassy and murder an Iranian general for you.”

He did not seem to understand that if you give them 99% of the cake you steal for them they will hate you for the 1% you are in “arrears” with and will discard you.

My fear is that if and when he gets into the WH he will try harder to please them.

Yes, you are right that none of the other Israel comfort women in the GOP have his charisma, but none of them, nor Trump, can retire from service and hope to get another pimp. The Little House with a Blue-and-White lantern in front is a monopoly. You may throw a trick or two on the side with small-time clients (like the Bidens’ extortions of Ukraine, etc) but it is all with the approval of the Monopoly, which has the goods on you and can expose you if you step out of line.

I could not agree with you more and it cannot be emphasized enough that Israel is not the locus of JP.

Not only is it not the place where money comes from, it is the place where money goes to keep the unviable, misbegotten Frankenstate alive in the interest of the obscenely rich and powerful Jewish billionaires at the top who own the Western finances and who do not, and never would, live there themselves, ensconced in lavish places in Europe and the US.

Israel is the most powerful shining object they use to mesmerize the “diaspora” so it can function as a disciplined army of sayanim because, they keep telling them… the Holocaust, and Yahweh promised them not just Palestine but the world.

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Jun 27Liked by Craig Nelsen

Many bon mots: Little House w/ Blue and White Lantern, Israel comfort women, the Monopoly, Frankenstate. Well written.

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We waste time with this angle. Currently, antisemitism has long been an Israeli Jewish enthusiasm as evidenced by their treatment of Palestinians. Israel is effectively a dead letter,a zombie, which needs to be enshrined as nothing but a massive conciet and all who were and are involved in its creation need to identified and suitabley dealt with. This is happening now and the squeals of protest will only identify those responsible for the horrors.

Bolshevik enthusiasms are another matter. They need far greater exposure. Names and origins need to be investigated and exposed for all to see. Why has this not already happened?

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What do you mean by "antisemitism has long been an Israeli Jewish enthusiasm as evidenced by their treatment of Palestinians?" Jews use the charge of antisemitism very effectively to quash resistance as well as to corral other Jews and impose ethnic cohesion.

As for the Bolsheviks, the names and origins are already sufficiently investigated. The lack of exposure was recognized by Solzhenitsyn as "proof the world's media is in the hands of the perpetrators."

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Lost in all of this "antisemitism" rhetoric is the requisite definition of "Semite". I would argue the "antisemitism" canard is used merely to program the masses to believe those playing it are "Semites" when in fact they are impostors (see Revelation 3:9). I mean c'mon - is Chuck Schumer really a "Semite"? You have to laugh...

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It is understandable why this is an insult to Palestinians (among other semites) but for my part if they called themselves Hittites, it would make no difference: their cult, ideology and hostile behaviors would engender "anti-hittitism." By any other name a specific immune response of the host under a certain attack

Of course the term "anti-semitism" is wrong; judeophobia is much more accurate.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I get your point but I am only suggesting that the antisemitism angle is another (major) example of how the jews lie about virtually everything. It's quite clever when you think about it - slander your critics with a label that at the same time reinforces a fundamentally false narrative. Accordingly, these fake Semites are genociding real Semites while calling out their critics as "anti-Semites". Only psychopaths could come up with such a tactic.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I agree with you completely.

The Holocaust marketing package is another example of the tactic you point out: accuse your targeted enemies of imaginary organized massacres of which you are the alleged victim in an attempt to obscure the horrendous, all too real, genocide of Christian Russians you led in Russia as "Bolsheviks" (see Ana Cordelia's series), the Armenian genocide of Armenian Christians you engineered in Turkey using the thoroughly infiltrated Young Turks as a cat's paw, the odious massacres of Catholic priests and nuns in the Spanish Civil War by the "international Brigades" (whose "international" daily bulletin was type written in Yiddish), all the way to the Nakbah in Palestine brought to the crescendo of the ongoing genocide of Muslim and Christian Palestinians.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I would just point out that by any other name they choose for themselves -- "semites" returning "home" to Palestine after thousands of years of painful "Galut," or Bolsheviks fighting to bring communist utopia to the masses, or "international fighters against fascism and the obscurantism of Christianity selling opium to the people" in Spain, or noble and enlightened democracy advocates on Ukraine side, by any other name, invariably they are ... Jews.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

All excellent points and examples. To paraphrase a famous verse from the book of John in the NT:

"When he (the jew) lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

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And isn’t it just supernaturally amazing that in this highly technological, top down and complete control system that we live in, all the antisemitic substacks go uncensored. And further, the HIGHLY censored YouTube, allowing such informative antisemitism - like the Zoomer Historian Channel - one might get the idea that people are being baited into it. Throw in a high profile, aw shucks country boy, congressman like Thomas Massie, spilling the beans on Tucker Carlson 😂😂😂, and then throw in some guy asking you to register your antisemitism with him personally, ….well?, that looks awfully lot like a honey pot.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I think our current government would like to exterminate all white, non-Jewish people, saving only those who serve as its stooges - but eventually getting rid of them, too. In the long run, we aren't going to save ourselves by being "good".

So, I don't see much point in worrying about honey pots. For the time being, you'll be left alone as long as you don't advocate violence or gain a lot of influence. That being said, I do acknowledge the legitimacy of your concern.

The ADL says only 9% of Americans are anti-Jewish. That 9% doesn't have any power.

We're like the low-class proles in George Orwell's "1984". We don't count. So, the government doesn't pay any attention to us, and we can do pretty much anything we want.

Of course, a paranoid, narcissist nutcase like Kern obsesses about people like us. But I don't think he carries much weight with the powers that be. They are secure in their power, even if he isn't.

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Very good comment, Andrew, and astute. I might differ with you only on your last paragraph by adding "Kern's role is to marshal and prime Judaic hatred. Get it ready to be unleashed on the next group of antisemites, terrorists, fascists, white supremacists, or whatever they call the next group of gentiles they genocide.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia

I agree with all that you say. Only exception is that I personally am not worried about honey pots; I was merely observing what I thought o was seeing going on, in a broad sense.

There is something very sadistic about those “powers” behind everything and they seem to relish bloodshed and suffering, so a repeat of the Bolshevik era is on the table - and more easily done these days, I would think.

However, they may just clean sweep everything with another vaxx and other assorted extermination scenarios. One I have paid particular attention to lately is the Bukele roundup of MS13 in El Salvador. If you take a hard look at it, it’s a little too tidy, and I could see them actually turning those poor, unfortunate broken men (already ruthless killers), into a highly trained army that could reek havoc in the US. Add to them the hornet’s nest of the Muslim world that has been stirred up, and a maybe some Chinese, and this country would fall like lightning from heaven. Think of how irrational D-Day was, all the completely unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifice. I think TPTB would love to see that happen to white Christian Americans on their own soil.

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Yes, very much so, and you are right about this too: "There is something very sadistic about those “powers” behind everything and they seem to relish bloodshed and suffering,"

One thing this means is that all those gentiles who are willing to betray their own people in order to save themselves (Representative Mike Lawler, Joe Biden, the prostitute in Jericho, etc.) will have a rude awakening.

During one of Stalin's purges, a cosmopolitan Bolshevik who had been a top foreign diplomat for the Bolshevist regime for many years was arrested and interrogated by a non-Jewish Russian (in Poland, if I remember correctly, so it must have been after the war). He escaped the fate of many of his cohort and lived out his days retired in Moscow. I read the transcript of the interrogation, which was interesting, but one part sticks out in particular.

The Bolsheviks took special pleasure in the arrest, torture, and execution of gentile allies who'd outlived their usefulness. The man described their shocked sense of betrayal as adding greatly to the pleasure. In particular, the look on their faces as the betrayal dawns on them and they grasp the horror they are about to endure that, in many cases, they had helped the Jews inflict on their own brethren.

There are similar accounts involving the intelligentsia.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Interesting perspective. Or maybe some rando just jumps in, on a guy..... an honest person... who's expressing his opinion based on the facts, in order to throw some shade on that guy and to try and scare the readers/subscribers into silence lest they be dragged off to the gulags for thought crimes? IOW, the readers be gone with the wind. Hmmm.

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Well ..,yes. That was my intent exactly, to make readers aware of a potential danger.

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Your fascination with your own views prevented you from catching what Serafino did there. Step back and consider the possibility you haven't got it all figured out and there are things others see that you don't.

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Jun 23Liked by Craig Nelsen

Still blowing a lot of hot air...

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Well Hi Billy! Most people would at least pause and see the possibility of it. It’s all just packaged a little too nicely.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I find it surprising that someone who thinks, as you do, that every single Jew-aware (in the widest meaning) commenter, every denunciation of the Jewish manipulation and coercion of the gentiles is nothing but a Jewish trap, comes here and boldly informs us all of that.... Surely you must realize that if you believe we must all keep quiet your warning is itself an "anti-semitic" crime. How heroic of you....

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What is that old expression? You catch more flies with…

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

So stay safe: don't ever eat honey. Just drink vinegar.

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One of the main benefits of the Covid scheme, was to identify the true dissidents. People who would stick to their principles and call a lie a lie, and lose their jobs over it (both my wife and I, for example). They know who will resist and who will bend over.

And we know from the Epstein & Maxwell affair about honey pots to trap politicians and men in positions of power.

And so it is with what I have proposed, especially with all the pending legislation. How else would you find out who is a diehard antisemite but to bait them, like so many rats scurrying around. And then when the opportune time comes,!it’s just a matter of “dealing with them”.

For my part, I am a not an antisemite, but an anti-person who lies. If you lie and manipulate, I am anti you - no matter your race, color, or creed.

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Jun 24Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

The COVID scam is not a pertinent example at all. People who refused the jab were not "dissidents." Some refused it for religious reasons, some for medical reasons, others because they did not trust what was presented as "science." Identifying potential resistors to other measures by this criterion would be as valid as the infamous PCR used as a diagnostic tool. Furthermore, some people who felt they had to take the jab for fear of losing their livelihood may well turn out to be resistors opposing other measures.

The Epstein and Maxwell honey pot scheme for political blackmail is also a poor argument. For obvious reasons they targeted people in high positions of power/influence.

Sites like this one and a few others where people can post their opinions without being muzzled by "community guidelines" are not "honey pots" in any connotation of the term: they get nothing in return and you flatter yourself if you think that little you or me are being "trapped."

You may not be able to post inconvenient opinions on youtube without having your post disappeared or get a warning that you have been suspended from posting on youtube for 24 hrs for breaking community guidelines. But that is because they don't want you to, God forbid, become an "influencer." But "dealt with"? No. That's done by an algorithm, not by making lists of every Tom, Dick and Jerry who talks out of school. Too many of no account, as far as they are concerned, as long as hey are stranded, not organized.

BTW: You need to review your own unconscious indoctrination: what's a "diehard antisemite"?! Does it mean there are garden variety anti-semites and ... incurable ones?

Your disclaimer that you are not an antisemite should help, I guess, when this "honey pot " is revised to sort us out into "not antisemites, just people against lies" --you -- and the sorry lot of the rest of us, some anti-semites, some odious diehard ones...

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See reply above - starts with ‘People who rejected …”. I switched devices and in signing in, the comment jumped out of place.

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I get it and I’ve been thinking about it since the beginning myself. How come all of a sudden we are allowed to talk about this?!

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I am a Christian (a not political Christian - I don’t think Christians should “entangle themselves in the affairs of the world”), and so my view is that it always comes down to the attempt to destroy as much of The Church / Christianity as possible. So by making Israel the pariah of the world and joining them at the hip with evangelical Zionist Christianity, you make both out to be the bad guys. And I actually believe it’s Zionists behind the whole scheme. And that’s why you are now allowed yo discuss it openly without being censored. I’ve been censored before - truly censored, where my keyboard function has been taken over, literally as I type and my comments erased as I write them. So I know they can very well censor anybody they want.

And of course the far left liberals who once would never cross that line of antisemitism, are now marching in the streets against Israel. Fickle useful idiots.

Anyway, I think it’s a guilt by association trap for the church.

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We know that if it’s plastered all over the news, they want us to believe it. Which makes all the the Israeli / Hamas thing suspect. Right away the idea that they were surprise attacked just didn’t hold water. How much of the atrocity on either side is true, is anybody’s guess. And with Craig being as intelligent as he is, for him to jump in on the deep end, was just too suspicious. And then, as you point out, one minute you can’t dare say “the Jews”, and now it’s fashionable. We are definitely being played; just not sure how, so the safe bet is to not believe any of it, and to fit the pieces together as they become clear, to try to understand. And that’s why I smell a rat here and on other antisemitic pages.

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So if you get red-pilled by a Substacker or dissident YouTuber or maverick politician or de-platformed pundit that's just people getting suckered into A-S, exactly what the JPE (Jewish Power Elite was Karl Haemers's term) wants? It's the equivalent of "some guy asking you to register your antisemitism with him personally." So what's the better course to follow? You don't tell us. You leave us hanging in the prophetic breeze.

Let me guess as to a recommended course. Read your bible for 20-30 years. Underline puzzling passages. Mull them over until you've been touched by the Holy Spirit. After that grounding in God's Word, you may want to make public political statements. But don't ever mention Jews except in positive or neutral ways, and even then using euphemisms for the Chosen is preferable. However, best of all, is to keep them entirely out of your discourse.

Now, you may strongly hint that following any other path is falling for the devil's snares. Good, except that nudge may provoke retaliation so, again, better to keep your assertions vague and half-formed so no one can touch, let alone penetrate, your subjective eloquence.

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Fake moon landings abd fake pandemics, just to name 2 huge and complex schemes to bamboozle people; yes, I do think they’d do exactly as I am suggesting, gaslighting people with a fake maverick politician and all the rest I’ve detailed. It doesn’t even take much of an imagination to see it.

Let me say Billy, that there is no other book on the earth like the Bible. It is clearly an esoteric book and requires initiation (a born again experience) to understand. And even so, it’s written in such a way as to keep men arguing about it for centuries, a clever trick to keep men engaged. If it were all clearly spelled out 1 through 10, ABC, men would quickly lose interest in it. The eloquence with which it is written is clearly above mortal men. Other religious texts that I have read are so clearly hamfisted and clunky.

I don’t understand everything in the Bible and I find some of it troubling. But, there is power in Jesus name to transform a person, and the demonic yield it, which I have personally experienced.

This material world will pass as though it never existed. All the pain and suffering will be as though it never happened. I think it will be more than forgotten; it will all be gone. Just think about that guy who was burned to death in the Pearl Harbor raid, his unspeakable suffering and horror. Which guy you ask? Doesn’t matter; the point is, that it is water so far under the bridge that it is gone completely out of memory and nothing that we can experience or know. So it will be when this world passes - there will be no remembrance.

As to the Jews, I am neutral because first, I don’t know who the true Jews are, and second, all men are sinners and in need of repentance. That’s not to say that I don’t recognize this group who claims Jewishness and is clearly dominating the world. What I find interesting, is how successful they are, in their personal lives and in dominating the world. Someone remarked elsewhere that they thought that their true population numbers were artificially low, and I agree with that.

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It doesn't matter who the "true Jews" were. Many Protestants seem fixated on this chimera. They're depicted as a bad lot in every version of the OT and, perhaps more importantly, their deity shown to be a murderous maniac. In addition, the people who call themselves Jews today are living up to the standards of those ancestors and following the imperatives of Deuteronomy to subjugate the nations w/ extreme prejudice.

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Last comment to you Billy, to you Craig, and to all who read this:

Jesus said, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man opens I will come in a sup with him and he with me.”

That is an open offer to all mankind. Will you, Billy & Craig, open the door of your heart to Jesus today?

Choose this day whom you will serve. It’s not our show, we have little option, and you will serve somebody, by will or by default.

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We’ve been over all that in the past, so there is no use revisiting it. I’ll hold to my opinion that both the church and the nation of Israel (and Jewry worldwide) are infested with half human hybrids, which are imposters and are the ones responsible for all the mischief.

As to God himself, whatever the drama is about, it’s quite obvious that we humans are caught in a spiritual drama played out in a material world. I maintain that that peculiar culture of the ancient Hebrews was for that specific period of time.

All suffering of this present material world will be forgotten and purified out of existence. That’s small comfort to those presently suffering, but it’s obviously out of our control.

It’s not my world nor yours, so we don’t have too much say in the matter. Unfair? Yes, from our perspective. But immorality is on the table for everyone, but increasingly men love darkness rather than light. And so perhaps much of what is happening is being brought upon us by your own actions.

Interestingly I was reading Psalm 78 the other day and I was thinking, “man God, you sounds unhinged!”. Then several memories flooded my mind of when I lost it on my kids after they drove me to exasperation. I think we all have this idea that God should be beyond emotional reaction, like he shouldn’t be getting pissed off. Like everything should be continuous kumbaya. But I think everything has to have its counterpart to make it real. What is great love without great anger? You wouldn’t know without the contrast. Contrast is an immutable part of life which shows up in EVERYTHING - art, sex, love, the natural world, etc. A lot of people like to deny and dismiss this, but it is self evident, and they basically are arguing against suffering. I am not arguing for suffering - I don’t like it as much as the next guy - but I recognize the value of it.

Guess I got carried away and revisited it all anyway.

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A few obvious typos in there.

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Duh! Because the Jews are lying about it, which is why there are 55 million idiot white people who need a bitch slap upside their fucking heads.

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People who rejected the jab DISSENTED with the official position making them dissidents for whatever reason. Did you take the jab, is that why you are making this ludicrous response to this point?

If the average goyim’s opinion didn’t matter to them, they wouldn’t be drafting the legislation. The Epstein honey pot was to make sure the lawmakers went along with whatever they wanted, like funding wars and making odious laws. We know most every word is tracked online, and likely the spoken words in your home & car. To deny this is silly. The antisemitism laws are history repeating itself of the Bolshevik era, as Craig so well points out. And they certainly came for many average people. Do you think those poor peasants flattered themselves too? How many ‘No-account’ Russians were dragged from their homes I wonder.

I’m not going to argue the degrees of antisemitism. You very well know what I mean and are just being snarky, which is just you being a woman, so I know it’s a losing proposition. You responses thus far have been illogical, again, very much the trait of a woman, and wise men know it’s just pointless to argue on, so I’ll bid you good night.

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I think your points are valid. We each have to make our own decisions about the amount of risk we are going to take. There is no doubt that the Jews are quite vengeful.

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Guilty on both counts...So since I'm likely to continue being "snarky" `and have no plans to "transition" so I'll always be a woman, bid me Good Bye instead of just Good night.

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I’m just giving you a hard time. Lots of people were in no position to resist the jab, and I have a lot of sympathy for people in that situation. The pressure on people was diabolical. I do know some people who took it so they could travel, go to The Giants games, and to go fishing with their family (all three separate people), and they could have otherwise avoided it. I am irritated with those people to no end. Oh yeah, and other neighbor who is very wealthy, but took it because his wife is a flaming liberal who bought the scheme hook-line-sinker, and he didn’t want to disappoint her. No wonder this country is in the toilet.

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Guilty that you caved to the jab?

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Would it make you feel stupid to know you are wrong on this guess too?

Not only did I not get he jab but I don't even know anyone here who did because I am lucky enough to live in a country that adopted the policy of "Libertad con responsibilidad"-- the Chinese jab was available and later Pfizer too for those who chose to take it. No pressure. No lockdowns. But I have some friends in the States who resisted as long as they could and later caved in for more or less understandable reasons.

You're not giving me a "hard time." You are boring me.

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😂. Just glad you didn’t get it.

And I really got to be done with this, so the last thing I’ll say to you is:

The Bible is either the biggest mindf**k in the history of man, or it’s the truth. I obviously believe it’s true. And I think guys like Craig can stretch the context, because most people can’t even crack the book open.

All mankind will be judged individually to account for their lives. It’s a drama we are caught up in that we didn’t ask for, but we’re in it, like it or not. Jesus is THE figure of all history and how you respond to him is the whole ballgame for humanity.

Really, that’s it. I have a lot work to do and I gotta get to it.

God Bless you and may he give you eyes that see and ears that hear.

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The nations are those created by the Israelites. Think of all the Europeans who were all basically Germanic who went different ways speaking different languages and adopting different customs based on where they settled. Jesus Christ said specifically that He came ONLY for the lost sheep of the children of Israel (Jacob). Period, end of story. Whites are the ones facing judgement and whites are the ones facing annihilation because their NATIONS are controlled by Essau. Don’t be a bullshitter.

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There was no holocaust, fuck the Jews, White people are the Israelites, Christian Identity is the only truth and Whites had better start really reading Scripture because it tells us where this is all heading. Wake up my fellow Israelites. Yahshua walks among us as our time is at hand.

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Revelation 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.”

Yeah, people should read their Bibles. Christians come in all flavors, according to the text. TPTB hate all Christian’s, but I’ll concede they do seem to have a particular disdain for those of white European ancestry. Probably because of the Reformation.

To Ariadna: do you need a a more clear example than this guy?

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I am not bis "fellow Israelite.'" Good bye

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Didn’t think you were; I was just pointing out a clear example of a hard core antisemite.

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