
Good luck on the project to travel the country and talk to people about Aaron Bushnell and the genocide the West has been deceived into supporting, Craig.

I have been watching the uprisings in the UK and Ireland with a heavy heart. It's high time the indigenous Peoples of those islands stood up for themselves - but it is such a tragedy that the immigrant invaders and the indigent libtards who embrace them are flying the Palestinian flag in their counter-protests.

IMHO the Palestinians have far more in common with the British Nationalists than they do with a bunch of machete-wielding, club-carrying miscreants who stab children and groom underage girls for sex.

I don't want to belittle the Palestinian cause, or ignore the fact that their suffering has been going on for 75+ years, but the way things are playing out - the fighting between Christians and Muslims - looks like another win for the Jews. It makes me wonder if the current unrest was all part of a greater plan with regards to October 7?

Maybe a project like the one you are undertaking, Craig, can help more people to see who our common enemy is.

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Your comment made me realize: we don't really have a flag.

But, yeah, that sucks that the Palestinian cause is being seen as antagonistic to the native Brits. They should be allies. Of course, so should the migrants be (once they go home). But, eventually, the whole West will be sinking into similar violence of the kind Enoch Powell predicted, and Jean Raspail predicted, and Tom Tancredo predicted, and so many others. The first time the SPLC publicly attacked me as a racist was back in 1999 (the year Aaron Bushnell was born) and it was for stating that continued mass immigration could lead to "balkanization"--i.e., racial conflict.

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Aug 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Speaking of flags...

Craig, will you consider putting up three flags on the van: a Star of David, a Rainbow of inclusivity and the Stars and Stripes (in that order), which by rights should be at the White House entrance.

Isn't it time to change the name of the White House? Don't most people understand by now that “white” has shameful connotations: racism, especially its most repugnant form — anti-semitism? Perhaps this can be done if Kamala wins the election. The Second Gentleman says will hang a mezuzah at its entrance:

"Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff hung a mezuzah — a decorative box containing biblical text — in the entryway of the vice presidential residence after he and Harris moved in there in 2021. And he suggested he’d do the same at the White House should his wife defeat former President Donald Trump in November.

“I’m just gonna keep living life openly as a Jew, and maybe there’ll be a mezuzah in the White House, just like there is in the vice president’s residence,” Emhoff said at a July 24 event with the Jewish Democratic Council of America."

But don't get carried away, Craig, and affix a mezuzah on it too because that is only for places where there is a Jew in residence.

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Well, no danger of any mezuzahs, but I'd like to know what Biblical text Enhoff has hanging on his door. Something about pulling down and destroying all the gentiles, I'd wager. Maybe one of the many verses that enjoin the Jews from feeling compassion, mercy, or pity. Or something about slaughtering men, women, and children, or delighting in the bashing of babies' heads against the rocks, or enslaving the world for Jewry. That book is offensive, frankly, and so are mezuzahs. Maybe we should start stapling pages from Mein Kampf to our front doors.

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Aug 12Liked by Craig Nelsen

Looking at Emhoff's statement of "living life openly as a Jew” I was struck by the word “openly,” so heavily trafficked these days, as in “openly gay.” With Jews so blatantly ruling every essential aspect of life in the US it is amazing to see that he, or rather they, would feel as if they were oppressed, underground like the ancient Christians hiding in catacombs and now it is time to “come out.”

No, it can't be that. It is the very Jewish need to boast, gloat and ostentatiously rub it in. We know he is a Jew but he wants us to admire him for putting his marker on the White House, or else he can't live “openly as a Jew.” If you don't agree you are an anti-semite.

The LGBT-etc, their creation, exhibits the same behavior. It is not enough to know someone is a homosexual, we must celebrate him for “coming out” and accept the “liberation” of our children from their biological sex. If you disagree you are a homophobe.

Continuing to live life openly as an enemy is what he plans to do if he makes it to the White House, because the “proposition nation” is after all a multitude of Amaleks.

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I was struck by that, too. And you are right. By "openly" he means publicly gloatingly. They are so used to seeing us and everyone else as enemies that they can't imagine a world in which everyone doesn't see everyone else that way. So, if and when he enters the White House, he will imagine it as an "in your face, whitey" kind of moment. He is incapable of seeing it any other way. Another distorted victim of Judaic hatred.

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Do you know the true history of the star of David? I have heard it isn't actually meant to be definitely associated with Judaism.

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Aug 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Not just racial…familial and political etc etc…..

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Conflict on all sides

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Check out this article from the local rag in Robinson Jeffers beloved Carmel. It’s the second one down on the front page, about antisemitism in the local high school.


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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia


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The only problem with Palestinians is Islam. Mohammad took the Old Testament and multiplied it by 10 for world conquest.

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Aug 13Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Who rules the Jews is an interesting question. Even though they are not a nation and Israel is an artificial state that can only exist as a parasite it is a legitimate question to ask how and by whom they are coordinated by “organized jewry" in such a way as to act in unison, so that a Jew in Argentina is as dependable a sayan as one in Russia or the US.

Any American or Western European has witnessed (or read about) the Jews being the leading advocates of “democracy,” starting with the Bolsheviks and continuing with all the “leftist” of all stripes, from communists to socialists, who are all in for “class struggle.” See Zin or Chomsky or Sanders fulminating against the corporations, the greedy capitalists, or in simplified form, "the rich.” Indeed they advocate for unity of all workers, irrespective of race, creed or ethnicity against the greedy rich. Marx did promise that communism would nicely level society into a concentric horizontal structure with the proletariat in the center, guided by its nucleus, the communist party. This, however, is for the Goyim.

No horizontal structure when it comes to their own judaic world. Unity of all workers? The largest trade union in Israel— Histadrut— only accepts jews. Class struggle? Inexistent. Years ago Gilad Atzmon explained that a middle class Jew living anywhere in the world would never identify with his middle class Goy neighbor even of they had been living next to each other in peace, if not even amicably, their entire lives. But he would always identify with fabulously rich Jews he would never meet, which Atzmon exemplified with Jewish jokes and sayings about Rothschild.The judaic world is vertical, and not only in their imagination. A pyramid.

At the top are the wealthiest jewish dynasties, the names of many of whom we don’t even know. They move the big pieces on the chess board: identify big prey to bring down with color revolutions, delegate to its institutions the culling of the Goy world (IMF for financial ruin, WEF for “climate change,” and "sustainability” directives for economy destruction, WHO for non-vaccines vaccines) etc. They do not micromanage. From time to time a Jewish name pops up you never heard of before and it turns out his estimated fortune is around $20 billions or more. He was not helped to get there by the

guys at the top. The tribal network does its job without any additional instructions.

Several strata below, under the technocrats, under the satraps, are the sayanim. They are like Samson's hair: cut it off and they lose their power despite their wealth, because the sayanim are the tentacles that hold the Western world in their deathly grip. Viewed in this light the dismantling of Israel is necessary but not sufficient.

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So much here the average gentile just doesn't know. How many know, for example, that the Christians were screaming about democracy along with their Bolshevik masters all the way to the slaughterhouse?

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Reading this piece, it really hit home for me how much being a Jew involves agreeing to follow myriad rules and regulations... that's a really interesting filter to apply to a group. Agree to living by the world's most tyrannical bureaucracy, or get out.

Obviously, the ones who valued freedom would leave. The ones who stayed have given rise to the modern-day Jewish group. It all follows from there.

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

As a simple, elderly psychologist, I always sought the underlying truths, in my life and in my clients.

And up till I read your powerful creation, I defaulted on the side of Israel, simply because, what happened on October 7, was bestial by any standards of ‘natural justice’.

However, whilst flying the flag, of moral judgement, against that Palestinian, organised slaughter, the other half of my psyche, was creating some major, Cognitive Dissonance for me.

Little ‘red flags’ were repeatedly popping in to my conflicted, moral faculty.

Why was the Holocaust, predicted in all ‘their’ Legacy Press, in 1936?

Why did these ‘Tribes’, claim that they were the moral arbiters of everyone’s moral codes, considering, that reading the Old Testament, beginning when I was nine, traumatised me so much, that I found needy, spiritual solace, by quickly moving on to the relative ‘Enlightenment’ of the New Testament.

I mean, when Lot, justifies impregnating his two daughters, in a cave, after his wife was turned to stone…I was simply aghast!

Now, that I have found the Gnostic perspective, banned by the Roman, Flavian dynastic in-breeders, I see that the establishment of an alternative, Abrahamic, and sacrificial, religio/Capitalist, psyops programme, was a bastardisation of what Jesus really stood for.

But, also..another major factor, important to me now capriciously, and markedly, turning my back on institutionalised religion, is that since being involved with avid Jewish, friends, peers and fellow professionals…

…I was always left feeling, as if I had been used, like a spent condom, because I really did not exist, outwith their ‘Twelve Tribe’, conceited and megalomaniacal, dogma.

So, if the Palestinians, divest themselves of their genocidal, ISIL/S mentality…then I will concur.

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Really appreciated reading your thoughts, Martin.

In what I am sure is your ongoing search for truth, you may want to make a study of the cover of the Economist from the end of 2012, "A Rough Guide to Hell":


Note in particular the drawings of Hamas and Netanyahu attacking each other using hang gliders near the top of the illustration.

Does this make you wonder what really happened on October 7? Babies in cooked in microwaves by a ragtag militia that managed to breach the most heavily protected border in the world, or just more outrageous lies from the Usual Suspects?

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thank you Anna...only, your 'drone' link, doesn't work....

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia

" if the Palestinians, divest themselves of their genocidal, ISIL/S mentality"

What is that? I have never heard of that

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Furthermore, it has long ago been revealed that the ISIS/ISIL are terrorist orgs that devolved from Al Qaeda, and the Americans already admitted they created Al Qaeda to do terrorism against the Russians in Afghanistan.

Education is not an indication of intelligent or integrity, as this faux doctor reveals.

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Who is the Doctor?

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That may be , because I just created it.

But the horrific image, I have burned in to my emotional spirit, is that, of the "Beatles", behaeding a loving and earnestly moral, truck driver, who had travelled from his humble home, all those many miles away, to feed very needy folks, just simply energised by his love for his fellow 'Human' Beings....is a trauma inducing, and iconic, tragedy.

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I don't know what "iconic" tragedy you are talking about but you might have to travel far and wide nowadays to find people willing to buy your preposterous bald face assertion of a "Palestinians genocidal mentality." Also about ISIS and any other of its permutations created by the CIA and Mossad.

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Aug 11Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I had to search to find out about Alan Henning's beheading. It's a sad story. From what I understand, the ISIS militants who executed him were creations of Zionist backed intelligence PSYOP operations, i.e CIA, Mossad to destabilize Syria. Brutal motherf*"#ers all around. From what I can put together, the Palestinians and Mr. Henning are victims of the same "forces".

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Martin, since you're a psychologist, I'd appreciate your take on this video clip (if you have time to watch it and comment).

It's just over a minute long, and it's an Orthodox Jew explaining how she gets around the rule about not cooking on Shabbos in order to make a cup of tea:


In light of the discussion in Craig's article around the myriad rules and regulations traditional Jews are supposed to live by, what do you think of what this woman is doing?

I mean, she seems certifiably insane to me, but I'm curious as to your professional opinion. Is there some psychological explanation for why people would get obsessed with following ridiculous rules? What need does it satisfy?

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Why don’t you try asking him to account for his misrepresentation of what a text says? I am not saying the text is right or wrong, only that he is wrong about what is plainly says. Do facts not matter to you people? I suppose that is a rhetorical question .

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Hamas is merely a controlled opposition creation of Israel whose purpose is to engage in scripted false flag attacks like the one that occurred on 10/7.

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thank you..

I have become more aware of this, by consuming the personally unppalatable information, from X posts, (and some personnal interactions), especially, the CIA, symbiotic involvement, with various US Presidents.

Omg...where do the Psyops of the Mossad/ US, end.....and "Reality", begin?

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Sounds like you are waking up, Martin! That's the question everyone asks at some point. It's really mind-blowing, the lengths to which we've been deceived at all levels and in all avenues of life. But that is coming to an end! Keep (re)searching!

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We probably only know 80% of reality. They won and winners are the ones who always write history.

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Aug 13Liked by Craig Nelsen

I’m sorry I mean 20% of reality. I bet 80% of what we think is reality is completely wrong.

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You are a sociopath supporting the genocide of women and children, while you ignore the fact that Israel created Hamas, Israel currently funds Hamas.

In other words, it’s no surprise that you are a phucked in the head fake doctor.

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You still believe in PhDs?

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Of course I do. absent "BIAS".

BIAS can come from many places, although money is the main serving, since our twisted socio economic paradigm rewards greed over integrity and honesty.

That's the problem with the world right now. People do not know how to evaluate credibility. They look for confirmation BIAS instead.

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Genesis 19:30-38

Where in that text do you find Lot’s justification?

It isn’t there. You, like so many other Biblical critics, just make shit up, and count on the ignorance of your audience not to know better.

To Craig’s credit, he quotes the text accurately.

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Aug 12Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Well Craig, if you ever come through East Texas with your camper, I’d love to buy you dinner to discuss this topic more. DM me!

I am 35 and have spent the last 2 years going down the rabbit hole after reading Griffin’s “Creature from Jekyll Island” and Henry Ford’s “The International Jew”. I feel so alone here because nobody has a clue a clue what I’m taking about. I don’t hate Jews because most are good people (the lesser Jews), but those who are the Levites, the inheritors of that priestly class, are the sworn enemies of mankind. They are the ones destroying European cultural identity. My answer as to why is because that group is a threat and has been the only Gentiles proven capable of throwing off their yoke which has been done multiple times in different places throughout history.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Author

Many of us around these parts know exactly what you mean when you say, "I feel so alone..."

I guess I'm stating the obvious, but it can't be said often enough: the truth is we are not alone, we just haven't met each other in person. Yet.

It is to your credit that you can think independently, despite the fact that so often there is no one IRL to talk to about these things. Thanks for coming around!

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Aug 13Liked by Craig Nelsen

well said

I feel the same way

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia


This is a Jewish god that humanity is at war with. There are so many gods to choose from: Baal, Moloch, Satan, Lucifer,…

This link will point you to the 3 dominant gods of evil. They come from the clairvoyant Christian Rudolph Steiner of early 20th century.

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In my experience, regardless of any contrived, institutionalised, religious edifice, such as Mecca, or the Vatican….

Is that, “There is only one Evil”…and that, is the mindless, and soul-less, predator, who stalks you, whilst salivating on how, he is going to assassinate your very essence.

And …Yes

I have survived those in-human assassinations, …..

And they did not resemble “three” gods…

Not at all….

They only resembled my close cousins…greeted every morn’ in that bathroom mirror…

My friend, the ‘Killer-Chimp”..

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There are entire ecosystems of demons and imps on a plane on existence overlapping ours. But it seems you are referring to your multi-facetted soul that contains good and evil. Or maybe a spiritual possession?

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Yes....since I am writing a book on how both, are a symbiosis......

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I know a little Steiner from hanging w/ the NYC Anthropops for a few years. Lucifer and Ahriman were discussed and as I remember they were not exactly as Charlton would depict them. Lucifer was Mephistofeles, sophisticated, the tendency to pride, arrogance, hubris, a spiritual impulse taken too far. Rebellion for its own sake. Could be correlated w/ disorder of upper chakras. However Lucifer was not given to excess pleasure seeking which is a lower chakra problem. Lust would be Ahrimanic, seeking materialistic satisfaction not intellectual. I do agree about Ahriman seeking control/lockdown more than just power.

Sorath was never mentioned. He sounds like Lovecraft's Cthulhu: why settle for a lesser evil?

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These aee the essential questions that keep me searching. Who is the god of Israel? Is Yaweh evil? Who is the god of Catholicism? Is he evil, judging by the millenia of institutionalized pederasty?

I wish I had living conversations over Steiner. I have been circling his works for four years now. John David Ebbert videos and an aquaintence introduced me to him.

So these gods/spirits are real and have gifts. Like humans, Eric Clapton would be a good resource for music while Erwin Rommel would be a good resource for military affairs. So a god of lust is not the only lustful god.

The way I understand it. Lucifer is Promethian and would be worshipped by the Rockefellers.

Ahriman is not ambitious like Promethius. Ahriman is a control freak, despises human values that give life meaning, and uses technology to create a control grid. Bill Gates and Elon Musk serve Ahriman.

Satan is full of earthly pleasures like Bacchus, Jupiter, and Pan, but Satan takes it too far. And Satan has the bloodlust and murder issues. Maybe Maria Abrahamovich is a Satanist, maybe she is just a fully actualized Jewess. Somewhere child sacrifice and Moloch fits in here. Is the god of the Talmud actually Moloch??? Or is Yaweh demanding blood of children?

Finally Sorath? Is he necessary? Steiner is a clairvoyant and creative. But did he err on this god? A god of total destruction and void of life. A god that prefers the silence of a lifeless landscape is different than a phoenix-like god that cleanses with fire and allows rebirth.

I see a place for Sorath.

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Aug 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Yahweh in the OT speaks openly and directly that he intends death and destruction for non Jews. That's evil. Craig has laid it out clearly. Seems you have a tendency to muddy waters, to thrash about, trying to connect dots between people and gods and gods of one tradition to those in another. If this is only because of inexperience, sighs of youth, then OK. I've been there. But be aware of this tendency to create confusion when the truth is simpler to accept and will bring a sense of stability and sureness to your search.

Jesus Christ is the God of Catholics. Just because his clergy don't follow their own rules is not the same as Jews creating lots of loopholes re pederasty in their Talmud. Disobedience is not equivocation. It's declared sin vs endless disputation on morality.

Yahweh does demand blood of male children in the circumcision which goes way back before the Talmud. That certain Jews also have a predilection for the blood of gentile children is another clue to the moral rot underpinning their aberrant behavior.

Steiner was creative and beneficial to humanity in a way no great Jew that I'm aware of has ever been. Doesn't mean he was always right. I think his embrace of Christ as savior of humanity is off base because Christianity as a branch to cling to is rooted in Judaism. How do any of these Christian apologists reconcile Yahweh's rules and intentions w/ Christ's repeated positive references to a heavenly father? There's a basic theological paradox for you to ponder.

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This: "But be aware of this tendency to create confusion when the truth is simpler to accept and will bring a sense of stability and sureness to your search."

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Thanks for the reply. Hehe. I am a grown man, not a young flailing agnostic. I get the vibes that you are Catholic. Currently, my interest is getting to the names of gods that different peoples serve - Jews, Catholics, and Protestants mainly. I was raised old-school Protestant: 2 hour church services and read myself to sleep as a child with the Bible. We tended to see Catholics as the religion for third-world peasants, greasy Jersey mafia, and sheep. Catholicism was antithetical to America, as my peoples left England to escape Catholic and Anglican. My family were Bostonians before the drunk Catholics arrived. :)

I am done with Catholics saying their god is the true god. Pederasty is essential to Catholicism. Two thousand years from now, Catholics will be remembered as that religion that ass raped children as a religious ldoctorine. My concern now is: 1) What of Christianity can be salvaged?

2) Who are the gods of “Catholicism” and “Judaism”, no free passes. Gods aee responsible for their flock and will be judged accordingly. Their combined actions are consistent and evil, even if their is a 98% population of useful idiots.

3) How to defeat Ahriman, Judaism, and Catholic Satanism.

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Aug 11Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

You are onto an aspect of Judaism that few recognize. Because most gentiles and most Jews in the West are not religious, they don't know about the mission statement contained in Deuteronomy. Nor have they read its brazen confirmation by inflamed Zionists like Samuels. The gentiles just see them as fellow travelers whether neocons or woke SJW's. IOW they're just like us. They want the same things as us. That there are Jews who are opposed to what they want just goes to show they aren't monolithic like racists think they are. It's a tough nut to crack, Craig. To get atheists to pay any heed to the OT is practically impossible. To get Christians to see the OT in a predatory light is just as hard.

Best of luck to the van tour. If can't find or fashion a flag, maybe a tee-shirt w/ a tour name and places and dates. May the force be w/ you!

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Craig, be sure to let us know where you are in case it's near enough to come meet you sometime!

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Aug 11Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Honestly, the "bury your shit in the War Camp" commandment was a great practical code to make sacrosanct. Considering these people were probably savage desert Semites, it was enough of a problem to need THE WORD OF YAHWEH to enforce it.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Craig Nelsen

I like to time travel in my head and insert myself in historical situations to get context.

"Hey, bro, stop shitting on the ground in our camp, that's fucking nasty."

"Hey, bro, stop eating carrion."

"Hey, bro, stop fucking random people all the time."

"But why?"

(lack of knowledge of germs and disease, but noticing patterns/intuition)

"Because God said so."

"Oh, well, okay then."

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Not exactly the King James Version, but, yeah LOL

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You are way off. The tribe of Judah IS NOT where Judaism came from. Judah, with regards to the tribe has absolutely nothing to do with today’s Jews. You are referring to the Judeans who lived in the area, however, they were not part of the royal bloodline. Judaism is occult and Talmudic. They have Canaanite blood. Judah himself initially married a Canaanite but that line is usually not pointed out. This indicates there are three bloodlines from Judah. However, most Christians are only aware of two. (I point this out to show you how history has been rewritten to make the Jews appear to be part of gods chosen people) Canaanite bloodlines are not considered part of gods chosen people as they continue their pagan practices and many consider there to be an evil seed, that dates back to the Garden of Eden, the fall of the angels, Nimrod) In fact God ordered his people to slaughter every last Canaanite, when the Israelites finally moved into the promised land. But they defied God and did not. That was king Solomon‘s downfall. Overtime these Canaanites (Philistines, Sadducee’s) who lived in the land of Judah and participated in the crucifixion of Jesus rebranded themselves as Jews and gods chosen people and have succeeded in gaining special status and pulling the wool over the majority of today’s Christians. The true Israelites, royal bloodline, dispersed when taken into captivity by Assyria followed by the remainder taken by Babylon. God was punishing them for not following his rules which included marrying pagans. God was trying to keep his people away from the evil bloodline. So, most of gods, chosen people, dispersed into the North and went out into the world. Only a few returned to Jerusalem from Babylon when it was conquered by Persia. The temple was rebuilt. By then there were many different peoples living in the land known as Judea including the Jew. The term Jew first appears in the Bible during this time and they are clearly NOT included as part of Gods chosen people for they were “of Satan” as Jesus later described them. (I am not at home to find the verse. ) Think about it. Jesus said my sheep know my voice. Those few true descendants, who were left heard his voice and accepted Jesus as their savior, and converted to Christianity. So the Old Testament is the history of early Christianity. The Jews, who you refer to have nothing to do with the true lineage of gods chosen people. While they may adopt the old testament, they were in capable of hearing the voice of Christ and they are still waiting for the return of their Messiah, which sounds a lot like the Christian Antichrist.

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Aug 10Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Let me see if I got this right:

So today’s Jews who claim to be God’s Chosen are impostors because Yahweh, with His divine prerogative to choose one tribe and condemn all others to perdition unless they serve the Chosen, had actually chosen a completely different tribe!

The real Chosen tribe, not the Jews, were the… whatchamacallit…royal blood line. Repugnant identity thieves, the Jews!

The part I don't get is why Yahweh suffered his Chosen to disappear or worse, convert into idol worshippers, and did not smite the pretenders? Was it neglgence? Could it be that He was pleased by the sincere zeal with which the impostors embraced the Deuteronomy like it was custom made for them? So He smiled on them and said: You will no longer have to sacrifice your sons to show me you love me. Just send me their prepuces as a pledge.”

Also worth considering a paraphrase on the old Arab saying “If you stay for more than 40 days and 40 nights within the walls of a foreign city, living like them, you become one of them,’ which in this case would be

“If you live for several centuries within the mental walls of judaism and you think and act like them, you have become one of them.” Royal blood lines, my foot.

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Honestly, I can't follow all that. But you went off the rails at the outset: "The tribe of Judah IS NOT where Judaism came from."

I think I said it was the Levitical priesthood that subjugated Judah. But either way, when you write that God ordered some group to slaughter some other group, we are in totally different worlds. You are talking about some sort of political God, which can't possibly exist. God cares about one thing and one thing only: how we treat each other as individuals. Period. Also, fish don't swallow humans and vomit them back up on the beach still alive three days later. Doesn't happen. Never has. Ever.

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Well said. The jews being the Chosen People is a lie, as is the claim Jesus was a jew.

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If Jesus wasn't a Jew why was he circumcised on the eighth day?

Why did he celebrate Passover?

Why did he quote the Hebrew scriptures and the Hebrew prophets?

How did he descend from the Jewish warlord-king David?

Why did he preach in the Temple?

How did he know the Jewish Torah as a child, well enough to go toe-to-toe with the elder rabbis?

Why did he claim to be a Jew?

Why did he pretend to be a Jew, to the point of submitting himself to the judgment of the Jewish Sanhedrin?

Why did he call non-Jews "little dogs"?

Seriously, homes: how retarded is you?

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First of all, the word "Jew" has an extremely slippery etymology and didn't even exist in the earliest versions of the Bible. Secondly, the truth of Jesus' lineage is buried in the multiple layers of lies that the jews have heaped upon it. And beyond Jesus' own statements on the matter, there are numerous sources of information out on the internets that make my case. Finally, the jews are notorious for taking undue credit for anything consequential on this earth, and of course nothing could be more consequential to Christians than Jesus' own identity.

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Multiple layers of lies? Do you mean testimony from Jesus’s own disciples? Who were, of course, also Jews. You worship a Jewish god

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Aug 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

There is no "Jewish god." The Jews are a tribe that worships itself and have created Yahweh in their own image. Even the Jews who believe in Yahweh know that he is not smarter than the average Jew and can be easily fooled to make the "Law" more accommodating. Want to get out on Shabbath and do things you are not allowed to do outside of your home? Easy: hang a string ("eruv") from trees/lamp posts around the jewish neighborhood and gullible Yahweh will think that part of the outside is inside.

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Okay, so Yahweh is a Jewish god. Ergo, there is a Jewish god. Jews do not think god is “outsmarted” they just view everything through the lens of a lawyer

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I don't worship anyone or anything except my Creator, and he ain't jewish.

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Jesus was a Jewish man and Jesus was also God, and Jesus is both fully god and fully human.

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Not paragraphed. Wall of text. TLDR.

Try again.

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Aug 21Liked by Craig Nelsen

You’re my favorite anti-Semite!

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Excellent. I wish you the best of luck in your journeys, and thank you for spreading the awareness. As you said in the footnotes, we truly need a religious revolution in this country.

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Irrespective of its origin it is on the Israeli flag, accepted by Jews as a judaic symbol, and it is called the star of DAVID. If they had chosen the image of a brown mound and called it the Scat of David, it would be the symbol of judaism. Personally I find the Scat of David more fitting given their obsessive coprophilia. What was her name? Irene Zisblatt?

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New topic: Judaism is the only religion/cult that has created a profession dedicated to the sexual mutilation of newborn baby boys-- the mohels.

I have always wondered what want ad for mohels says: “Pedophiles wanted. Must be Jews and have a taste for vampirism.”?

From today's jta:

"I’m a traveling mohel. My colleague’s unprecedented arrest in Ireland has shaken me to my core.

“What are these for?” the security guard at the Dubai airport asked as three others inspected my bris kit — the bag of supplies I carry when I perform circumcisions on Jewish baby boys.

Whenever I travel for work and I’m away from Israel for only a short time, I never check a bag, so this can make for interesting encounters at the X-ray machines. There are times I’ve lied and said I make jewelry, but since circumcision is a cultural norm in the United Arab Emirates and other Muslim countries, I decided to come clean. “I perform circumcisions,” I replied. They looked at me with blank stares. “You know, the operation done to a baby … on his…” The penny dropped and all three showed their recognition in unison. It felt like I was in a movie.

I have many stories like this, most of them involving my luggage. People love to talk about Israel, Judaism and brit milah, Jewish ritual circumcision, even in the most unexpected places. But as a recent trip approached, the news out of Ireland gave me pause.

Rabbi Jonathan Abraham, a well-respected mohel from the United Kingdom, was arrested in Dublin for performing circumcision despite not being a physician, on the basis that circumcision is a medical procedure. The details of the story are still emerging, but what is known is that the rabbi traveled to Ireland, which he had done many times before, to perform circumcisions for a number of non-Jewish boys.


“a number of non-jewish boys”???

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Aug 16Liked by Craig Nelsen

Sweden to ban all religious schools… well, almost all…

Maybe it is time to review and revise the latitude allowed by the right to ‘freedom of religion. I am in favor of measures to obligate all religious practices in the Western world, our ‘civilized’ world -- all religious practices, no exceptions allowed — to obey the laws of the country based on our values, specifically forbidding:

(1) mutilation of children (like circumcision, or “gender dysphoria`’ castrations, mastectomies, and hormone injections);

(2) cruelty against animals (like the death by exsanguination of cattle to satisfy cult rituals, or the killing of thousands of chicken by smashing their heads against walls to allegedly “transfer the sins" of the psychopath cult practitioner to the animal);

(3) any rituals involving the use of human blood.

Any residents, whether citizens of the country or not, caught breaking these laws should be punished by fines and deportation without possibility of return.

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Aug 16Liked by Craig Nelsen

Note to my commdent above:

Sweden vows to ban ALL religious schools in an effort to tackle segregation after taking in a record number of asylum seekers

Sweden's main governing party proposes a ban on all religious schools

It follows reports of gender segregation in some Muslim free schools

Jewish schools will be exempt from the new ban, politicians said.

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Alternating between wailing eternal victimhood and shouting "Up is down and down is up! Genocide, rape and torture of prisoners held without trial, and starving entire populations to death is a legitimate way of defending our right to plunder and kill, and anyone who thinks differently is a Jew hater"-- THAT must be exhausting despite a very long practice.

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This comment was addressed to Zalam's (Aug 11). I have no idea why it did not appear under his wail, nor why all of a sudden I can post comments that are not under someone else's... the games google likes to play with me... next I'll try to click on "LIke" and if it works I will no longer have to write it out as a reply.

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I really didn't read this diatribe. Mainly because I am totally fed up with the 'citing' of History.

THIS IS happening now.

DISGUSTING depravity from Human beings.

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