The overt genocide in Gaza is happening in our faces. The creeping genocide in America is happening under our noses. The common denominator? Jews spending Gentile money to kill Gentiles, near and far.
I've got a growing feeling that this is not going to end well for the Jews. But most of them would rather bring the whole world down on their own heads than just learn to share it with the rest of us.
The genius of Ezekiel and his Leviticals was to set up a system in which Jehovah compels genocide or subjugation, the accomplishment of which reinforces Jehovah's power to compel genocide or subjugation. It seems a very base, closed aspiration, ultimately.
In the 1940's, FDR's government enlisted the Rockefeller foundation to go to war against hunger in Mexico. Within 20 years they quadrupled Mexico's grain output, using cross breeding techniques, pesticides, synthetic fertilizer, and mass irrigation. The population of Mexico has increased 400% since 1950, while the population of the United States has increased 150%. In 1968, global population growth peaked at 2.1%, while the the "green revolution" from Mexico was being exported worldwide. Since 1968, world population has increased by about 4500 million people while European population has increased by 94 million (and only 20 million in Japan). If there's anyone to blame for "climate change" and or "overpopulation" it is the elites who offered the world all it can eat on the back of fertilizer manufactured from natural gas. These same elites have now pronounced a bias against "white" peoples and seek to belittle and diminish us at every turn. Equality quite simply requires our destruction. They will pick and choose from our genes for their future hybrids.
I realize that the elections are rigged via fraudulent voting machines and other nefarious means and methods. But, if you were running against Gottheimer wouldn't you just simply harp on the contents of that treasonous Shields act to every voter in that district? Over and over again. It seems like a slam dunk to me.
That's what I always think, too. But the voters are very lazy, stupid, ignorant, timid, and easily manipulated and the press is owned by Jews. You could emphasize just what a traitor this guy is (if you had the money) and all the local papers and TV stations and most of the radio programs will focus on your antisemitism. Did you have a "drunk and disorderly" arrest in college? You are an antisemitic alcoholic.
And Gottheimer doesn't even have to pay for the attacks on you or for the lalaland ads for himself that will sway the typical voter. The $150,000 that AIPAC gave him (it is a clear indication just how corrupt and far gone we are that that is even allowed) came from Jewish donors from...? Some of the billions that Gottheimer spreads around Israel and South America and Africa and Ukraine certainly finds its way back to his $18 million elasticated warchest.
Democracy can work in small homogeneous places, I suppose, but it is evil in a place like the US. But imagine trying to get rid of it. The typical American still thinks that's what "our ancestors fought and died for."
The only thing I can think of with the power to reorder our system is a religious revolution that reconceptualized the moral framework around human relationships
I guess I was not thinking clearly and forgot about the likes of Jim Traficant, Cynthia McKinney, etc. That being said, if there was ever a moment in the last 100 or so years that the Zionists were open to exposure in the U.S., this is it. Imho. The Gaza genocide is opening many peoples' eyes for the first time. Once one sees something, it cannot be unseen...or something like that. The dam is cracking in real time, in many ways. E.G.--- a couple of days ago, on The Jimmy Dore Show on youtube, ( I have to use that venue because it offers CC's, which I need ), Jimmy had, as a guest, Philip Tourney who was a survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. 57 year anniversary, next Saturday. I would guess that more folks will learn of that event directly and indirectly, from this one youtube episode, than any other single disclosure in US history. To me, the USS Liberty is the most lucid historical, unequivocal and undeniable event that exposes the Entity as our not-an-ally, and furthermore, opens the door to the rabbit hole on the Zionists. Full disclosure, that's what did it for me some 20 years ago. For many, many decades I naively believed that Israel was an ally, the good guys, and that ''Palestinian'' was synonymous with ''Terrorist.'' Then I learned of the Liberty. My first reaction was shock, outrage and disgust, etc. etc. Next was, ''Why the fuck have I never heard of this?? '' Of course, Craig and others, we know the answer to that question. I believe that a lot of people today, especially younger folks, are coming to that same ''aha'' moment of realization....despite the desperate attempts at censorship and outlawing fake ''antisemitism.'' More and more people are not swallowing that BS. The Liberty is just one example. Which circles me back to Gottheimer and the whole AIPAC thing. AIPAC tried to primary Rep. Thomas Massie (possibly the only decent person in Congress) and they failed miserably. So maybe, just maybe, Gottenheimer, etc are ripe for a downfall. Speaking of June 8, huge, Pro-Palestinian protests are being organized for DC and elsewhere. Just sayin.' Thanks for this article, Craig, and for your replies to me and everyone else. I cannot unsee them, or something like that......
re "younger folks, are coming to that same ''aha'' moment of realization''.
I'm wondering if the more intelligent aren't already being red-pilled by the impossibility of what was supposed to have happened on 9-11. The Truthers are getting pretty good at making sharp criticisms of the official story. I'd hope the 'yoof' are curious enough to follow the bread crumbs the Truthers scatter across Twitter.
I hope so, too. The young 'ns are much less susceptible to mainstream media, instead they are seeking alternative (or no) media, but, they are being brainwashed/indoctrinated by the miseducation system so I think that there's kind of a tossup there. Only time will tell how it shakes out. We have to keep on dispensing the red pills.
I disagree with you on the 'religious' revolution. I'd imagine that any religion we were to have in this 'facebook' saturated society would be pretty damn evil. Imagine Woke + Christian Zionism + BLM. That would reconceptualize the 'moral framework around human relationships'.
I'm speaking from experience here - I know a black american millionaire who adheres to all 3. He's the nicest bigot you could you meet.
I think your wish for a religious revolution assumes the religion would be advocating for a society built upon an honest, moral, set of values. But I'd say its more like any religious revolution would be either a perverted form of Christian Zionism or straight out Satanism with 'wicca for women' as a side order. Be careful what you wish for. The way society is imploding I'd imagine its quite likely we'll see simple folk becoming susceptible to simple answers. Ones that only demand adherence to their belief system. There is no rule that says the religion that provides those answers has to be based upon a healthy set of beliefs.
When I say "religious revolution," I mean "revolution" in the sense we mean when we say "scientific revolution." The scientific revolution wasn't about replacing the geocentric system with the heliocentric system, for example, or adopting the table of elements, etc., it was a shift in the way we understood the physical world in relation to ourselves.
Until Francis Bacon came along, we'd been spinning around in circles under Aristotle's teleological understanding of science for 2000 years.
Human: Why does it rain?
Scientist: To make the grass grow.
Bacon's great insight was to detach the human from the physical world and turn him into an observer.
Human: Why does it rain?
Scientist: Well, there's this thing called evaporation, which we've all observed, and I've observed that when the temperature drops, there's condensation, and I observed there's a relationship between temperature and pressure, and from there I observed pressure systems, and from there I observed saturation points and that got me thinking about molecules, so I set up an experiment and observed...
It seems a minor thing to us now, what Bacon did, and obvious, but it wasn't obvious or minor at all. Aristotle was a very very very smart guy and he had it wrong, and all the smart people for 2000 years across the whole planet failed to see that simple step right in front of them.
You can see what a powerful revolution occurred and how Bacon, by separating out the human and placing the physical world in its proper place, as it were, unleashed Science to daily dazzle the world with new marvels.
This is what hasn't happened yet with religion. Religion is still loaded down with all the primitive nonsense like God gets angry, and God has a chosen people, and God's word, and virgin births, and God turns his face away, and faith, and prayer for who becomes president and on and on it goes. But, once religion is placed in its proper sphere, all that will seem as absurd--even to Jews--as phlogiston and throwing virgins in volcanoes to make the corn grow.
But as to your point. I'm not sure we aren't already seeing the death of religion. One morning, as a child, I opened an umbrella in the kitchen and my mother was convinced it was my act attracting 'bad luck' that caused one of our cows to die that afternoon. That type of superstitious thinking used to totally dominate Western society until little more than a hundred years ago. As an eight year old I can remember the local 'wise woman' coming to cure the cattle of ring worm - my father had been brought up in a culture which had relied upon witches as healers (using herbs, magic spells and thru conjuring spirits). As that culture died it produced Psychical Societies that investigated ectoplasm, contacting spirits, Madame Blavatsky with her Theosophists and such like. I think it relied more upon Attribution Theory than teleology. My mother sought the cause for the cow's death and *attributed* it opening the umbrella.
Or are they the same thing? With my old professor preferring to believe Attribution Theory was based on a psychological need rather than a philosophical one? My parents needed a way to explain the world. Whether that was a cow's death or (the summer sun drying out and so) curing ring worm. Is there a difference between holding a teleological theory of reality and that sort of superstition? My mother knew the cow's death was caused by bloat. But she believed the opening of the umbrella attracted the bad luck which triggered the bloat. What is the mechanism that explained that process? My mother assumed that we were living in a world controlled by unseen, magical forces. An enchanted world. It might be a world in which everything is ordered by the Divine.... 'not a sparrow falls' but God has willed it. Or it may be one dominated by sprites, the 'little people', fireside trolls, the spirits of the dead, etc which are believed to be the hidden forces controlling the world. My mother's superstitious way of viewing reality is still held to be true in many primitive (tribal) societies.
Seems to me teleology would be the sophisticate's philosophy that underlies the common people's 'primitive' superstitious beliefs. As our society has dropped superstitious beliefs, it has also dropped the idea that we live in an enchanted world. As a result of the Scientific Revolution we have changed from teleological explanations to scientific ones. This change has had a huge effect upon religious beliefs. Prayers are the same as casting magical spells - they use the power of the word to invoke the power of God, His Son, the Son's Holy Mother, much as spells call upon gods, nature spirits, ancestors, Ceres or this Holy Mother's son who dies and is reborn, etc. Most people can see that prayer is an attempt to evoke teleological powers that rely upon a superstitious mind set. Many Roman Catholics still hold to this enchanted view of reality. And most people think its stupid - which is why Christianity is dying out.
If superstition dies, if science replaces the idea of an enchanted world ruled by unseen spiritual forces, then traditional religion is over. As its role was to use magical powers to control the world. (My father only went to church during droughts. He went to pray for rain.) That type of belief system has almost completely gone from our culture. We might smash a bottle on a boat about to be launched but no thinks the boats 'spirit' likes to drink. Superstition died when we choose science over enchantment. What role is left to God? If petitioning the Lord with prayer is ...well, stupid, then in what way will religion persist?
I think it will continue to exist in two forms. First as a philosophy of life, which is how many Christians have come to see Christianity. (Not the Roman Catholics but English Anglicans do). And secondly as a way of 'petitioning' the powers of an enchanted world. You will always have a residue of the ignorant, the uneducated and emotionally dependent who find comfort in replacing thinking and understanding with believing and revealed "Truth". Truth being, as you say "the exceedingly ignorant and wrong and destructive idea of the "written word" "God's Word" (in) the sacred magic book". Most muslim extremists, for example, really do seem to believe in a garden of full of virgins. Christian Zionists seem to be at least equally ignorant and bigoted - nothing you can say can compare with their 'God's Word'. Such people can always be manipulated and exploited - by their church leaders, the (Jewish invented and controlled) Muslim Brotherhood or by Rabbis who sell the values of the Talmud to Zionists. But is that religion? No, I think its a psychological cult that uses MKUltra type mind control techniques to manipulate people.
I'd say religion has died. 'God is Dead'. For most of us in the West it has been replaced with a vague philosophy based upon the values of the Christianity. Some peoples are a bit less advanced than most Westerners and are still in the process of changing from teleological explanations to scientific ones. And there are those who are are being exploited by the elite who use what used to be a set of religious beliefs but are now political beliefs - religious teachings twisted and militarised - to turn those caught in these cults into political pawns. We see this most clearly in Christian Zionism and militant Islam. Judaism is different in that they don't really believe in any God. Just in profiting from being evil. That political agenda has had several religious wrappings but those wrappings are more useful as camouflage and as a way of indoctrinating the young than indicative of any real religious impulse.
Craig, I don't think you have a problem with religion. God is dead and a new moral code will naturally evolve, one suited to the coming world. You have a problem with political ideologies masquerading as religions. Social organisations demanding religious rights from others and sacrifices from their own membership. I think you have problem with elites manipulating large groups of people into acting out unacceptable behaviours. But the worst, worse than Christian Zionists and Muslims seeking martyrdom, are those Zionist Jews who, by murdering the Palestinians, are creating a future where they will be hated by the world for ever.
Our problem is that alienating the Jews from Humanity will trap them in the mind set of the Jewish ghetto. Their sense of persecution will never abate, their fear and hatred will increase growing into an ever larger problem for the rest of us. That is the problem. But its not a religious problem. Its a political agenda masquerading as a religious problem.
Right, Judaism is a political program, nothing more. There is nothing religious about it. Religion is limited to the world of how we treat one another as individuals. Judaism never delves below the level of "how we treat gentiles" vs "how we treat Jews"
As to your point about the world losing its enchantment, I think there is a linguistic hiccup there. Throwing virgins into volcanoes was "enchanted" really, but not in the way we think of the meaning of the word "enchanting." It was just dumb and primitive and brutal. Perhaps the villager with the volcano god was "happier" than we are or something, or they lived in a more magical world, but it doesn't seem like we can opt for that. Just as Jews won't be able to opt for their monstrous Jehovah god post religious revolution. It will be too obviously stupid.
If you go onto a Christian message board, you will see them debating endlessly over the stupidest things, like what year the world was created. It's so stupid, and manifestly not a religious question. Come the revolution, people will understand that the question "where did the universe come from" is no more a religious question "why does it rain."
I appreciate most of your points but will take issue with 3:
'Religion is limited to the world of how we treat one another as individuals.'
No, not really. Just because one throws out the Book of Troof & its 'holy' author doesn't mean the concept of 'divine' should also be dismissed in favour of sociology & morality. The divine is a part of human experience. Maybe divine is a bad word if speaking to an atheist but - for instance - even atheists who take LSD return from their trip speaking of seeing the Divine. Experiences of Unity do not require an old man with a beard sitting on a cloud but its easier to describe them if one uses words like 'holy' and 'sacred'.
Indeed 'enchantment' is a technical word meaning physical reality is seen as imbued with magical essences, elves, nature sprites, the presence of god and so forth. Its the world as understood by superstitious people who see ordinary physical reality as a living 'spiritual' or magical complex.
Throwing virgins in volcanoes was not that dumb. No more than Aztecs offering up hearts or priests insisting wine is Jesus' blood. All those acts make sense within a world view that the more scientific of us reject. But as you said, seriously incorrect teleological views were held by really smart folk for a real long time.
"Just as Jews won't be able to... It will be too obviously stupid."
ha ha - you underestimate humanity's ability to be real dumb.
Is there a center where tribal decisions are made? Israel Shamir, Brother Nathanael and Gilead Atzmon, all "self-hating", ex-Jews would say there's no central authority. I suppose the Elders of Zion, at whose behest the Protocols were written would have constituted a ruling body at the turn of the 20th century. But was that title part of the original documents or added by a later copyist? It was supposedly delegates to a world Zionist conference who were the audience. Was its executive committee functioning as a temporary or permanent institution? I don't think we know.
Nobody's saying they have a pope only a college of cardinals type body. Couldn't they just function under an egregore, an occult entity that watches over a dedicated group? Isn't that the kind of divine guidance they're used to?
I've sort of just assumed there was some sort of hierarchy within the rabbinate that produces an amorphous center of influence, that it is probably consumed with struggles over Talmudic interpretations and the like, and that it moved from Russia to the USA sometime during the 20th century. Herzl says after his first World Zionist Congress something like, "There arose before our eyes Russian Jewry, a power we had never suspected." He, or someone, says that it was clear that the delegates from Russia represented the unified voice of all the millions of Russian Jews. They were certainly acting in concert when they humiliated and defeated him a few years later and handed the leadership of Zionism to the Russian Jew, Chaim Wizeman.
You introduced me to the word egregore. Not sure how to think about that. Are you saying that is YHWH?
Here how the Bulgarian spiritual sage Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov describes an egregor:
"When a certain number of people come together around an idea, their thoughts and desires alone create a living reality. This is a law of the spiritual world. And even if this reality is not made up of particles that are sufficiently material to be seen or touched, it exists, and we call this collective entity an egregor. An egregor is a living and active entity, and each country, each religion, and each philosophical movement has one. The Universal White Brotherhood* [a spiritual movement Aivanhov founded in France] also has its egregor, and all its members, the brothers and sisters who gather together with the same ideal of peace and light, never stop nourishing and strengthening it. Not only can it then have a positive influence on other egregors in the world but, most of all, it contributes to the evolution of those who have worked to create it."
*note that the use of the word "White" in the name of the Brotherhood had nothing to do with the White race.
My (limited) understanding is that egregores can be positive or negative.
Insofar as the question of "can they impact events in the world?" goes... If I was to guess at how Aivanhov would answer the question, it would be to say that everything in the material world arises from the plane of thought.
So, yes, I would say that egregores can impact events in the world, and may even initiate certain events as well.
Craig / Anna. I wonder if the idea of Mob Behaviour or Hive Mind is really a rapid formation of an egregore. Thus the application of mass psychological techniques can form an egregore at the behest of the people applying these techniques thus avoiding logic / debate.
exactly. I understand an Egregore as the 'spirit' of a social movement or a collective of people that have coalesced around a shared idea or ideal. But its the group's spirit in the sense of their enthusiastic adoption of shared beliefs, values and goals. Not a spiritual entity in the sense of a demon or godlet. Pre-scientific cultures fail to differentiate between the two and thus those of us using 'ancient' or traditional views of reality can unwittingly confuse or conflate the primitive's belief in divine entities with the psychological effect of being in an in-group.
excellent comment. The concept of Egregore and how they are created, maintained and grown etc is the secret to understanding how our so called reality is manipulated and shaped to the desires of the invested few.
YHWH is their egregore. JLL (John Lamb Lash) thinks Melchizedek in the OT is a kind of ET embodiment of the demiurge (the Jewish egregore). Melky anoints Abraham, so this King of Salem is above Abe, closer to YWHW. He sends Abe off to found the ruling racial dynasty.
The idea that there's some kind of supernatural guidance that the J race receives makes sense of their amazing achievement over the centuries. That they stay on track and regroup even when deported or defeated bests our (humanity) own record of triumph/empire followed by dissolution and internal struggle/war leading to fracture and defeat.
If there's no central power base, only a spiritual guide, how can the race be defeated? Oligarchs and dynastic families come and go but the race rolls on. They've had crises like false messiah Sabbatai Sevi or once and future messiah Jesus Christ, but miraculously those hated figures seem to make them stronger. The Sabbateans become successful satanic Jews and Christians, once enemies, become Zionist Jews.
Yeah, the stronger the focus, the greater the manifestation. Lash, based on his study of the Nag Hammadi mss, coined the archon term much bandied about these days. They are the grey embryonic looking minions of the reptilian overlords. YWHW might be considered the Master Overlord. Aborted fetuses would be sacrifices pleasing to this local ET species. As EM Jones is fond of mentioning, many Jewish orgs have signed a statement defending abortion as a Jewish sacrament. Sacrament may be Jones's word, but the idea is it's sacred to them (reform/Sabbataen Jews).
As far as corporeal substance goes, Lash thinks the archons can not long survive in Earth's present atmosphere, the same way we can't breath under water. IOW they are corporeal entities, but not suited to the Earth's environment. One wonders about the aim of geo-engineering. I would think they could manifest temporarily and, in the past, climate conditions may have been more amenable.
Not a new interest. Discovered Lash about 10 years ago. His book Not in His Image was the turn on. I have a used copy of the first edition if you're broke and interested.
He's pro Nat Soc and an expert on Gnosticism, differing from those who consider it an early form of Christianity. His take on it is quite unusual. Instead of considering the Demiurge an evil creator god and mankind living on a prison planet, the standard pessimistic neo-gnostic version, Lash posits Gaian Gnosticism - the Aeon Sophia incarnating as Planet Earth.
Wexner's MEGA group, started back in the 80s, could have acted as such a dedicated group. Bronfmann was chair of WJC, Lauder was a member (he's hugely influential) and there were about 20 others all massively wealthy. Wexner ran Epstein (blackmail op, breeding program, IP theft, massive financial engineering). MEGA also has its own secret society of volunteers they sent out into the world (much like WEF graduates). I assume they directed much of the election 'contributions' made by wealthy Jews and are thus responsible for the election of the politicians that have been betraying us for the last 40 yrs. Mossad and AIPAC worked with them. I've not heard of any analysis of this group but they certainly have the links and the power to disseminate instructions thru US Jewry.
I think Soros was a member - thus MEGA helped co-ordinate the 2020 summer of riots and the election of the AGs that let the rioters go free. Ah, I think they also control much of the 'grants' made to CFR and the other think tanks. Jewish money took over the Think Tanks about the same time MEGA was formed. It was that take over which facilitated the rise of the NeoCons.
I don't see the need for a higher 'level' of organisation. It seems to me that MEGA had all it needed to expand the NWO agenda. I have a sneaking idea the one who bought the WTC just before 9-11 was also a member. The Project for a New American Century was a NeoCon product. So perhaps MEGA are also responsible for creating 9-11. In which case it would make sense to lay responsibility for '7 countries in 5 years'. The invasion of Somalia or Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, was it Lebanon and one other? And then finally Iran. Which Netanyahu is desperately trying to get Biden to attack right now.
Yup, them, they seem to be behind most of the evil that so agitates us.
All I found on MEGA was from wiki from the Jewish Encyclopedia.
In 1991, Wexner formed with billionaire Charles Bronfman the Study Group, which is more widely known as the Mega Group.[36] The group was a loosely organized club of some of the country's wealthiest and most influential businessmen who were concerned with Jewish issues. Max Fischer, Michael Steinhardt, Leonard Abramson, Edgar Bronfman, and Laurence Tisch were some of the members. The group would meet twice a year for two days of seminars related to the topic of philanthropy and Judaism. In 1998, Steven Spielberg spoke about his personal religious journey.[37] The group, which Wexner co-chaired with Charles Bronfman, went on to inspire a number of philanthropic initiatives such as the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, Birthright Israel, and the upgrading of national Hillel.[36]
No mention of Soros, who seems like the anti-thesis of the neo-cons. If he can be tied to MEGA then you've got a major bloc. Otherwise it doesn't sound like much. Wexner and Lauder don't strike me as dynamic geniuses. Bronfman family are more likely as cabal leaders. They were involved w/ JFK assassination.
I'm sorry, I'm really busy, so I can't find you all the nec. info. But I think you are under-estimating MEGA. After all you won't find the dark truth about evil Jews in their own encyclopedia.
"Wexner and Lauder don't strike me as dynamic geniuses."
Lauder was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy and was former President of the Jewish National Fund. He is also described as an international businessman[2]. Lauder has been called "the principle force behind the privatization of the WTC" and also "responsible for the privatization of Stewart Airforce Base".[3] He is a member of the Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Theological Seminary. (calling him a "member" doesn't reflect his power and influence in those orgs) .... Member of CFR (I assume that means he is setting the strategy to be followed by those who design US policies as he's a mover and shaker, the essence of ZOG. One of his quotes reveals he is an extreme Zionist / Jewish fascist.)
Wexner is possessed by an evil spirit (what a Christian would call a demon) known in Judaism as a dybuk. He discusses it at length in an interview somewhere. Just think of all the pots Epstein was stirring - and he worked for Wexner. Or that Wexner has his own secret org. of Jewish agents - Epstein was merely one of them. Epstein was killed in the US's top security, safest, lock up. Just think about the power needed to eliminate a loose end that lead back to MEGA.
Bronfman - that family is so powerful and evil that Al Capone was merely one of their franchise managers.
'The group was a loosely organized club...' yeah, like Bilderburg was a club. I don't think you can rely upon the material they put out as camouflage for an insight into their real intentions.
Witney Webb has probably done a deep dive on MEGA but I've not noticed anything online, you may have to read her books to find out more. If you do find a source do please post it here as I'd be interested.
Here's what Whitney Webb had to say about MEGA, which is a lot more than Wiki. However, it seems Mega is a neo-conor right-wing clandestine Jewish group right from its beginning (Roy Cohn) till 2019 at least. No mentions of Geo Soros or leftist Jewish connections. W/o them MEGA can't be the new Sanhedrin, the overarching, decisive power group. Not to say they aren't powerful. When it comes to blackmailing they're go to. But they're sectarian, representing one part of the dialectic only.
We know Soros and Hilary work together, Soros was created by the London Rothschilds and Hilary is tight with Evelyn Rothschild's wife. I'd guess that puts the R's in the left wing of Judaism. If we don't know of a connection to MEGA we'd have to assume these two groupings run independently of each other.
I can't see Hilary, R's or those running MEGA as the sort of people who take orders. So instead of postulating a top level decisive power group it might make more sense to assume various Jewish groups share some goals (Jewish power) and perhaps disagree over other issues such as Israel's political future, future role of money, the advisability of starting a nuclear war with Russia and even the nature of religious belief.
The only other top level grouping that comes to mind is Schneershon's Lubbavitch which I think has strong links to Russian organized crime. Could they all do their own thing? With their links, such as they are, being based in being useful to each other plus the morals and values of their common background. So they act independently with more or less shared goals and the only overarching rulings come from their own desires to advance their more or less common cause.
So we're back where we started after a worthy examination of MEGA and its power history. No Queen of the Hive. No one group that has final say. The addition of the Lubavitch org as connected to MEGA duly noted.
I'm also going to agree w/ your conclusion that the House of Roth is left-oriented, something I hadn't entertained before because they founded Israel and it's been right-wing for so long. Rabin seems to have been the exception. But the whole kibbutz/sabra/socialist mentality of the original settlers was likely fostered by the Rothschilds. Some neo-cons are hinting the Rats might euthanize their child (unless Trump is elected).
Reading Whitney I was disturbed to see she repeatedly misconstrued Mordecai Vanunu as Vanunu Mordecai. Mordecai is a rather common Jewish first name. Thinking of him prompts me to mention not everyone believes his story. People who deny nukes as wmd's think the honey pot escapade was contrived to burnish Israel's credentials as a nuclear power possessing the Samson Option.
"God gave to us, His Chosen People, as a blessing, the dispersal, and this which has appeared to all to be our weakness has been our whole strength. It has now brought us to the threshold of universal rule. (SARF #11)"
Thanks, Aelred. Right, because I don't believe even now the goal is for Jews to rule the world, but rather for *these* Jews to rule the world. As long as there is a non-Jewish "enemy," an explicitly aggressive political program like Jehovahism can function and the mass of Jews will fall into line.
It doesn't appear Judaism can co-exist with gentiles, but it can't exist without them. Maybe that's why it says in Deuteronomy that Jehovah will deliver the nations to be destroyed but not to destroy them all at once "lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee."
This is an exchange I had a few days ago with a commenter on Unz Review.
He said:
"the hebrew immigrant aid society does quite well supporting and sustaining non jews from the terd world on their journey across the southern border into the US.”
To which I replied:
"Not true. You have been misinformed.
HIAS has always been all about helping Jews from anywhere in the world migrate to wherever they wished. They had occasional frictions with J.O.I.N.T. and other Jewish organizations which only wanted them to go to Israel (“settlement material”). But they always made up quietly, away from prying Goy eyes.
HIAS had the strong argument on its side, that helping them go to the US, Western Europe or even Australia was also a plus for global jewry, exactly the same argument that Jabotinsky had when he helped stop the flow of Jews from Germany to Palestine on the Ha’arvara agreement: there must be enough Jews left in place to… influence events. The German Jew who headed the effort to implement the Ha’arvara agreement (on which 50,000 German Jews went to Palestine with all their money…) was soon after assassinated in Tel Aviv.
I know of cases of European non-Jews fleeing from communist countries who went to HIAS in Paris asking for help under the same misconception as yours. They were very politely and nicely directly to go to the WCC and other Christian charities, described as “better equipped” to help them.”
Nevertheless, upon reading Craig’s article, which by the way is one of his very best ever (no small achievement when he is competing with himself), I realized how wrong I was and I went back to apologize to him:
"I apologize to you. I was wrong.
HIAS not being involved in anything other than helping Jews “wander” where they pleased is so… yesterday, or maybe my info is 30 years old. You did not convince me because you provided no evidence but I have just happened to read this stupendous article that has a wealth of evidence of the involvement of HIAS in facilitating and accelerating the massive illegal immigration into the US of millions, and the best part is that HIAS is munificently funded by the US!"
The mission of “helping” Jews `always goes hand in hand with the mission of destroying “Goy” societies (whether Christian or Muslim) by fragmenting, atomizing and diminishing them, turning the ethno-religious majority into a minority in their native countries (well under way in countries like Sweden), creating false “minorities” called “communities” by sexual criteria (like the gastrointestinal sex “community called “gay), attacking any nucleus of ethno/religious/racial cohesion of the white majority from its roots, i.e., traditional family).
I frequently talk about the religious revolution we need in order to free ourselves from our predicament, a re-working of the moral framework that governs human relationships, which is the only reason any of us have to live. The family unit is where that need is most acute, it seems to me.
It is unbelievable what a complete disaster the Christian family is.
I'd rephrase that. Christianity has become a disaster. I did once meet a priest who was an honest to goodness, true Christian. Made a huge impression upon me. But he was unique!
And families in the West are a disaster - blame feminism and the economic destruction of our society.
Thus I'd say there is no such thing as a Christian family. I'd hope there are some but I can't recall meeting any.
I'd say we need a new social cum moral code upon which to build a new society. But it won't be Christianity. Hopefully it will be based on the values Christianity used to espouse. But I fear the values of 'Only Fans' and Mad Max are more likely to predominate.
When you think about it, we've had all this progress over the last 2000 years, except when it comes to religious progress. Scientific progress...mid-blowing. And think of the difference between cave art and a beethoven symphony or tribal warlord-ism and the enlightened self-interest of the New England townhall meetiing. But the one place where there has been no progress is the one place where its not only more needed, but fundamentally more complex and important. the realm of morals, love, friendship...the religious realm. A lot of that has to do with the exceedingly ignorant and wrong and destructive idea of the "written word" "God's Word" the sacred magic book. Like everything else about humans can progress at lightning speed and be in constant flux, but in this one crucially important area, we're going to receive The Truth, some guys are going to write it down 2000 years ago, and then that's it, forever. not a single bit of progress allowed, blasphemer, sinner.
It's too bad that Christianity absorbed all the crap from Judaism, but not the amendability of the Word.
It's no wonder people dismiss religion with a sneer of contempt. It has made itself contemptible by the insane and unnecessary insistence on holding on to this stupid idea that there is such a thing as God's "Word" and that's pure truth forever no matter what. It may have been great religious progress 200 years ago, but now it is just an obstacle to real religion
Only Talmudists wanted Zionism in the SU at the time because communist Jews had subjugated the goyim for the Chosen. The situation wasn't your average Jew just wanting to get along w/ the Slavs. It was hey, what are you doing? where are you going? We're building heaven on earth, er, the slavs are building it for us. We'll have a Moscovian Talmud. Stay the course, Shlomo.
In Europe there was assimilation w/o revolution, hence the necessity for the Frankfurt School and the New Left. Long march thru the institutions instead of strikes and destruction. Solidarity w/ minorities instead of w/ proletariat. Gradual conversion of Christians to Noahide acolytes. The weaponizing of assimilation.
I'm not saying there aren't always some Jews who just want to get along, who truly assimilate, but damn, just press that Holocaust button and most of them become hysterical Zionists.
And I think the allure of racial supremacy is stronger in some races than others. I think it is least strong among whites, but maybe everybody thinks that about their own race. If it is least strong among whites, it's pretty ironic (or instructive) that whites are the only ones condemned for it--in this country, anyway.
One of the things I found eye-opening in Doug Reed's book was his elucidation of the parallel nature of communism and Zionism--presented to the outside world as bitter enemies struggling for the soul of the Jewish people (a view Churchill certainly had at one point). Communism as extreme anti-nationalism vs Zionism as extreme nationalism.
But as Reed points out, they seemed to run on parallel tracks. They both triumphed in the same week in 1917, they both had the same goals (the whole world annihilated or enslaved under a world government over which a small group of the same people would exercise absolute power), and they were used together to whip the Europeans into obedience.
Funny you mention that. That's exactly the subject of the next post. Did you know 25 states comprising 3/4 American students mandate Holocaust education?
The overt genocide in Gaza is happening in our faces. The creeping genocide in America is happening under our noses. The common denominator? Jews spending Gentile money to kill Gentiles, near and far.
I've got a growing feeling that this is not going to end well for the Jews. But most of them would rather bring the whole world down on their own heads than just learn to share it with the rest of us.
The genius of Ezekiel and his Leviticals was to set up a system in which Jehovah compels genocide or subjugation, the accomplishment of which reinforces Jehovah's power to compel genocide or subjugation. It seems a very base, closed aspiration, ultimately.
In the 1940's, FDR's government enlisted the Rockefeller foundation to go to war against hunger in Mexico. Within 20 years they quadrupled Mexico's grain output, using cross breeding techniques, pesticides, synthetic fertilizer, and mass irrigation. The population of Mexico has increased 400% since 1950, while the population of the United States has increased 150%. In 1968, global population growth peaked at 2.1%, while the the "green revolution" from Mexico was being exported worldwide. Since 1968, world population has increased by about 4500 million people while European population has increased by 94 million (and only 20 million in Japan). If there's anyone to blame for "climate change" and or "overpopulation" it is the elites who offered the world all it can eat on the back of fertilizer manufactured from natural gas. These same elites have now pronounced a bias against "white" peoples and seek to belittle and diminish us at every turn. Equality quite simply requires our destruction. They will pick and choose from our genes for their future hybrids.
Jews being jews... For millennia!
I realize that the elections are rigged via fraudulent voting machines and other nefarious means and methods. But, if you were running against Gottheimer wouldn't you just simply harp on the contents of that treasonous Shields act to every voter in that district? Over and over again. It seems like a slam dunk to me.
That's what I always think, too. But the voters are very lazy, stupid, ignorant, timid, and easily manipulated and the press is owned by Jews. You could emphasize just what a traitor this guy is (if you had the money) and all the local papers and TV stations and most of the radio programs will focus on your antisemitism. Did you have a "drunk and disorderly" arrest in college? You are an antisemitic alcoholic.
And Gottheimer doesn't even have to pay for the attacks on you or for the lalaland ads for himself that will sway the typical voter. The $150,000 that AIPAC gave him (it is a clear indication just how corrupt and far gone we are that that is even allowed) came from Jewish donors from...? Some of the billions that Gottheimer spreads around Israel and South America and Africa and Ukraine certainly finds its way back to his $18 million elasticated warchest.
Democracy can work in small homogeneous places, I suppose, but it is evil in a place like the US. But imagine trying to get rid of it. The typical American still thinks that's what "our ancestors fought and died for."
The only thing I can think of with the power to reorder our system is a religious revolution that reconceptualized the moral framework around human relationships
I guess I was not thinking clearly and forgot about the likes of Jim Traficant, Cynthia McKinney, etc. That being said, if there was ever a moment in the last 100 or so years that the Zionists were open to exposure in the U.S., this is it. Imho. The Gaza genocide is opening many peoples' eyes for the first time. Once one sees something, it cannot be unseen...or something like that. The dam is cracking in real time, in many ways. E.G.--- a couple of days ago, on The Jimmy Dore Show on youtube, ( I have to use that venue because it offers CC's, which I need ), Jimmy had, as a guest, Philip Tourney who was a survivor of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967. 57 year anniversary, next Saturday. I would guess that more folks will learn of that event directly and indirectly, from this one youtube episode, than any other single disclosure in US history. To me, the USS Liberty is the most lucid historical, unequivocal and undeniable event that exposes the Entity as our not-an-ally, and furthermore, opens the door to the rabbit hole on the Zionists. Full disclosure, that's what did it for me some 20 years ago. For many, many decades I naively believed that Israel was an ally, the good guys, and that ''Palestinian'' was synonymous with ''Terrorist.'' Then I learned of the Liberty. My first reaction was shock, outrage and disgust, etc. etc. Next was, ''Why the fuck have I never heard of this?? '' Of course, Craig and others, we know the answer to that question. I believe that a lot of people today, especially younger folks, are coming to that same ''aha'' moment of realization....despite the desperate attempts at censorship and outlawing fake ''antisemitism.'' More and more people are not swallowing that BS. The Liberty is just one example. Which circles me back to Gottheimer and the whole AIPAC thing. AIPAC tried to primary Rep. Thomas Massie (possibly the only decent person in Congress) and they failed miserably. So maybe, just maybe, Gottenheimer, etc are ripe for a downfall. Speaking of June 8, huge, Pro-Palestinian protests are being organized for DC and elsewhere. Just sayin.' Thanks for this article, Craig, and for your replies to me and everyone else. I cannot unsee them, or something like that......
Your comments are such breath of fresh air, serafino. Thank you for being here.
Thanks Anna, and back at you.
I hope you are right.
re "younger folks, are coming to that same ''aha'' moment of realization''.
I'm wondering if the more intelligent aren't already being red-pilled by the impossibility of what was supposed to have happened on 9-11. The Truthers are getting pretty good at making sharp criticisms of the official story. I'd hope the 'yoof' are curious enough to follow the bread crumbs the Truthers scatter across Twitter.
I hope so, too. The young 'ns are much less susceptible to mainstream media, instead they are seeking alternative (or no) media, but, they are being brainwashed/indoctrinated by the miseducation system so I think that there's kind of a tossup there. Only time will tell how it shakes out. We have to keep on dispensing the red pills.
I disagree with you on the 'religious' revolution. I'd imagine that any religion we were to have in this 'facebook' saturated society would be pretty damn evil. Imagine Woke + Christian Zionism + BLM. That would reconceptualize the 'moral framework around human relationships'.
I'm speaking from experience here - I know a black american millionaire who adheres to all 3. He's the nicest bigot you could you meet.
I think your wish for a religious revolution assumes the religion would be advocating for a society built upon an honest, moral, set of values. But I'd say its more like any religious revolution would be either a perverted form of Christian Zionism or straight out Satanism with 'wicca for women' as a side order. Be careful what you wish for. The way society is imploding I'd imagine its quite likely we'll see simple folk becoming susceptible to simple answers. Ones that only demand adherence to their belief system. There is no rule that says the religion that provides those answers has to be based upon a healthy set of beliefs.
When I say "religious revolution," I mean "revolution" in the sense we mean when we say "scientific revolution." The scientific revolution wasn't about replacing the geocentric system with the heliocentric system, for example, or adopting the table of elements, etc., it was a shift in the way we understood the physical world in relation to ourselves.
Until Francis Bacon came along, we'd been spinning around in circles under Aristotle's teleological understanding of science for 2000 years.
Human: Why does it rain?
Scientist: To make the grass grow.
Bacon's great insight was to detach the human from the physical world and turn him into an observer.
Human: Why does it rain?
Scientist: Well, there's this thing called evaporation, which we've all observed, and I've observed that when the temperature drops, there's condensation, and I observed there's a relationship between temperature and pressure, and from there I observed pressure systems, and from there I observed saturation points and that got me thinking about molecules, so I set up an experiment and observed...
It seems a minor thing to us now, what Bacon did, and obvious, but it wasn't obvious or minor at all. Aristotle was a very very very smart guy and he had it wrong, and all the smart people for 2000 years across the whole planet failed to see that simple step right in front of them.
You can see what a powerful revolution occurred and how Bacon, by separating out the human and placing the physical world in its proper place, as it were, unleashed Science to daily dazzle the world with new marvels.
This is what hasn't happened yet with religion. Religion is still loaded down with all the primitive nonsense like God gets angry, and God has a chosen people, and God's word, and virgin births, and God turns his face away, and faith, and prayer for who becomes president and on and on it goes. But, once religion is placed in its proper sphere, all that will seem as absurd--even to Jews--as phlogiston and throwing virgins in volcanoes to make the corn grow.
that was beautiful.
But as to your point. I'm not sure we aren't already seeing the death of religion. One morning, as a child, I opened an umbrella in the kitchen and my mother was convinced it was my act attracting 'bad luck' that caused one of our cows to die that afternoon. That type of superstitious thinking used to totally dominate Western society until little more than a hundred years ago. As an eight year old I can remember the local 'wise woman' coming to cure the cattle of ring worm - my father had been brought up in a culture which had relied upon witches as healers (using herbs, magic spells and thru conjuring spirits). As that culture died it produced Psychical Societies that investigated ectoplasm, contacting spirits, Madame Blavatsky with her Theosophists and such like. I think it relied more upon Attribution Theory than teleology. My mother sought the cause for the cow's death and *attributed* it opening the umbrella.
Or are they the same thing? With my old professor preferring to believe Attribution Theory was based on a psychological need rather than a philosophical one? My parents needed a way to explain the world. Whether that was a cow's death or (the summer sun drying out and so) curing ring worm. Is there a difference between holding a teleological theory of reality and that sort of superstition? My mother knew the cow's death was caused by bloat. But she believed the opening of the umbrella attracted the bad luck which triggered the bloat. What is the mechanism that explained that process? My mother assumed that we were living in a world controlled by unseen, magical forces. An enchanted world. It might be a world in which everything is ordered by the Divine.... 'not a sparrow falls' but God has willed it. Or it may be one dominated by sprites, the 'little people', fireside trolls, the spirits of the dead, etc which are believed to be the hidden forces controlling the world. My mother's superstitious way of viewing reality is still held to be true in many primitive (tribal) societies.
Seems to me teleology would be the sophisticate's philosophy that underlies the common people's 'primitive' superstitious beliefs. As our society has dropped superstitious beliefs, it has also dropped the idea that we live in an enchanted world. As a result of the Scientific Revolution we have changed from teleological explanations to scientific ones. This change has had a huge effect upon religious beliefs. Prayers are the same as casting magical spells - they use the power of the word to invoke the power of God, His Son, the Son's Holy Mother, much as spells call upon gods, nature spirits, ancestors, Ceres or this Holy Mother's son who dies and is reborn, etc. Most people can see that prayer is an attempt to evoke teleological powers that rely upon a superstitious mind set. Many Roman Catholics still hold to this enchanted view of reality. And most people think its stupid - which is why Christianity is dying out.
If superstition dies, if science replaces the idea of an enchanted world ruled by unseen spiritual forces, then traditional religion is over. As its role was to use magical powers to control the world. (My father only went to church during droughts. He went to pray for rain.) That type of belief system has almost completely gone from our culture. We might smash a bottle on a boat about to be launched but no thinks the boats 'spirit' likes to drink. Superstition died when we choose science over enchantment. What role is left to God? If petitioning the Lord with prayer is ...well, stupid, then in what way will religion persist?
I think it will continue to exist in two forms. First as a philosophy of life, which is how many Christians have come to see Christianity. (Not the Roman Catholics but English Anglicans do). And secondly as a way of 'petitioning' the powers of an enchanted world. You will always have a residue of the ignorant, the uneducated and emotionally dependent who find comfort in replacing thinking and understanding with believing and revealed "Truth". Truth being, as you say "the exceedingly ignorant and wrong and destructive idea of the "written word" "God's Word" (in) the sacred magic book". Most muslim extremists, for example, really do seem to believe in a garden of full of virgins. Christian Zionists seem to be at least equally ignorant and bigoted - nothing you can say can compare with their 'God's Word'. Such people can always be manipulated and exploited - by their church leaders, the (Jewish invented and controlled) Muslim Brotherhood or by Rabbis who sell the values of the Talmud to Zionists. But is that religion? No, I think its a psychological cult that uses MKUltra type mind control techniques to manipulate people.
I'd say religion has died. 'God is Dead'. For most of us in the West it has been replaced with a vague philosophy based upon the values of the Christianity. Some peoples are a bit less advanced than most Westerners and are still in the process of changing from teleological explanations to scientific ones. And there are those who are are being exploited by the elite who use what used to be a set of religious beliefs but are now political beliefs - religious teachings twisted and militarised - to turn those caught in these cults into political pawns. We see this most clearly in Christian Zionism and militant Islam. Judaism is different in that they don't really believe in any God. Just in profiting from being evil. That political agenda has had several religious wrappings but those wrappings are more useful as camouflage and as a way of indoctrinating the young than indicative of any real religious impulse.
Craig, I don't think you have a problem with religion. God is dead and a new moral code will naturally evolve, one suited to the coming world. You have a problem with political ideologies masquerading as religions. Social organisations demanding religious rights from others and sacrifices from their own membership. I think you have problem with elites manipulating large groups of people into acting out unacceptable behaviours. But the worst, worse than Christian Zionists and Muslims seeking martyrdom, are those Zionist Jews who, by murdering the Palestinians, are creating a future where they will be hated by the world for ever.
Our problem is that alienating the Jews from Humanity will trap them in the mind set of the Jewish ghetto. Their sense of persecution will never abate, their fear and hatred will increase growing into an ever larger problem for the rest of us. That is the problem. But its not a religious problem. Its a political agenda masquerading as a religious problem.
Right, Judaism is a political program, nothing more. There is nothing religious about it. Religion is limited to the world of how we treat one another as individuals. Judaism never delves below the level of "how we treat gentiles" vs "how we treat Jews"
As to your point about the world losing its enchantment, I think there is a linguistic hiccup there. Throwing virgins into volcanoes was "enchanted" really, but not in the way we think of the meaning of the word "enchanting." It was just dumb and primitive and brutal. Perhaps the villager with the volcano god was "happier" than we are or something, or they lived in a more magical world, but it doesn't seem like we can opt for that. Just as Jews won't be able to opt for their monstrous Jehovah god post religious revolution. It will be too obviously stupid.
If you go onto a Christian message board, you will see them debating endlessly over the stupidest things, like what year the world was created. It's so stupid, and manifestly not a religious question. Come the revolution, people will understand that the question "where did the universe come from" is no more a religious question "why does it rain."
thanks for your reply.
I appreciate most of your points but will take issue with 3:
'Religion is limited to the world of how we treat one another as individuals.'
No, not really. Just because one throws out the Book of Troof & its 'holy' author doesn't mean the concept of 'divine' should also be dismissed in favour of sociology & morality. The divine is a part of human experience. Maybe divine is a bad word if speaking to an atheist but - for instance - even atheists who take LSD return from their trip speaking of seeing the Divine. Experiences of Unity do not require an old man with a beard sitting on a cloud but its easier to describe them if one uses words like 'holy' and 'sacred'.
Indeed 'enchantment' is a technical word meaning physical reality is seen as imbued with magical essences, elves, nature sprites, the presence of god and so forth. Its the world as understood by superstitious people who see ordinary physical reality as a living 'spiritual' or magical complex.
Throwing virgins in volcanoes was not that dumb. No more than Aztecs offering up hearts or priests insisting wine is Jesus' blood. All those acts make sense within a world view that the more scientific of us reject. But as you said, seriously incorrect teleological views were held by really smart folk for a real long time.
"Just as Jews won't be able to... It will be too obviously stupid."
ha ha - you underestimate humanity's ability to be real dumb.
Stop making so much sense, serafino. You're hurting my brain.
Is there a center where tribal decisions are made? Israel Shamir, Brother Nathanael and Gilead Atzmon, all "self-hating", ex-Jews would say there's no central authority. I suppose the Elders of Zion, at whose behest the Protocols were written would have constituted a ruling body at the turn of the 20th century. But was that title part of the original documents or added by a later copyist? It was supposedly delegates to a world Zionist conference who were the audience. Was its executive committee functioning as a temporary or permanent institution? I don't think we know.
Nobody's saying they have a pope only a college of cardinals type body. Couldn't they just function under an egregore, an occult entity that watches over a dedicated group? Isn't that the kind of divine guidance they're used to?
I've sort of just assumed there was some sort of hierarchy within the rabbinate that produces an amorphous center of influence, that it is probably consumed with struggles over Talmudic interpretations and the like, and that it moved from Russia to the USA sometime during the 20th century. Herzl says after his first World Zionist Congress something like, "There arose before our eyes Russian Jewry, a power we had never suspected." He, or someone, says that it was clear that the delegates from Russia represented the unified voice of all the millions of Russian Jews. They were certainly acting in concert when they humiliated and defeated him a few years later and handed the leadership of Zionism to the Russian Jew, Chaim Wizeman.
You introduced me to the word egregore. Not sure how to think about that. Are you saying that is YHWH?
Here how the Bulgarian spiritual sage Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov describes an egregor:
"When a certain number of people come together around an idea, their thoughts and desires alone create a living reality. This is a law of the spiritual world. And even if this reality is not made up of particles that are sufficiently material to be seen or touched, it exists, and we call this collective entity an egregor. An egregor is a living and active entity, and each country, each religion, and each philosophical movement has one. The Universal White Brotherhood* [a spiritual movement Aivanhov founded in France] also has its egregor, and all its members, the brothers and sisters who gather together with the same ideal of peace and light, never stop nourishing and strengthening it. Not only can it then have a positive influence on other egregors in the world but, most of all, it contributes to the evolution of those who have worked to create it."
*note that the use of the word "White" in the name of the Brotherhood had nothing to do with the White race.
And that would go for negative, malignant egregores as well?
Can they impact events in the world?
My (limited) understanding is that egregores can be positive or negative.
Insofar as the question of "can they impact events in the world?" goes... If I was to guess at how Aivanhov would answer the question, it would be to say that everything in the material world arises from the plane of thought.
So, yes, I would say that egregores can impact events in the world, and may even initiate certain events as well.
Craig / Anna. I wonder if the idea of Mob Behaviour or Hive Mind is really a rapid formation of an egregore. Thus the application of mass psychological techniques can form an egregore at the behest of the people applying these techniques thus avoiding logic / debate.
exactly. I understand an Egregore as the 'spirit' of a social movement or a collective of people that have coalesced around a shared idea or ideal. But its the group's spirit in the sense of their enthusiastic adoption of shared beliefs, values and goals. Not a spiritual entity in the sense of a demon or godlet. Pre-scientific cultures fail to differentiate between the two and thus those of us using 'ancient' or traditional views of reality can unwittingly confuse or conflate the primitive's belief in divine entities with the psychological effect of being in an in-group.
excellent comment. The concept of Egregore and how they are created, maintained and grown etc is the secret to understanding how our so called reality is manipulated and shaped to the desires of the invested few.
YHWH is their egregore. JLL (John Lamb Lash) thinks Melchizedek in the OT is a kind of ET embodiment of the demiurge (the Jewish egregore). Melky anoints Abraham, so this King of Salem is above Abe, closer to YWHW. He sends Abe off to found the ruling racial dynasty.
The idea that there's some kind of supernatural guidance that the J race receives makes sense of their amazing achievement over the centuries. That they stay on track and regroup even when deported or defeated bests our (humanity) own record of triumph/empire followed by dissolution and internal struggle/war leading to fracture and defeat.
If there's no central power base, only a spiritual guide, how can the race be defeated? Oligarchs and dynastic families come and go but the race rolls on. They've had crises like false messiah Sabbatai Sevi or once and future messiah Jesus Christ, but miraculously those hated figures seem to make them stronger. The Sabbateans become successful satanic Jews and Christians, once enemies, become Zionist Jews.
I suppose the secret rites, ceremonies, sacrifices, and so on would add to the corporeal substance of the egregore? I.e., make them stronger?
Yeah, the stronger the focus, the greater the manifestation. Lash, based on his study of the Nag Hammadi mss, coined the archon term much bandied about these days. They are the grey embryonic looking minions of the reptilian overlords. YWHW might be considered the Master Overlord. Aborted fetuses would be sacrifices pleasing to this local ET species. As EM Jones is fond of mentioning, many Jewish orgs have signed a statement defending abortion as a Jewish sacrament. Sacrament may be Jones's word, but the idea is it's sacred to them (reform/Sabbataen Jews).
As far as corporeal substance goes, Lash thinks the archons can not long survive in Earth's present atmosphere, the same way we can't breath under water. IOW they are corporeal entities, but not suited to the Earth's environment. One wonders about the aim of geo-engineering. I would think they could manifest temporarily and, in the past, climate conditions may have been more amenable.
Is this a new interest? I don't recall you mentioning this before.
Lash just posted a new commentary on YT. It's synchronous w/ our discussion and will afford a decent intro to his views.
Not a new interest. Discovered Lash about 10 years ago. His book Not in His Image was the turn on. I have a used copy of the first edition if you're broke and interested.
He's pro Nat Soc and an expert on Gnosticism, differing from those who consider it an early form of Christianity. His take on it is quite unusual. Instead of considering the Demiurge an evil creator god and mankind living on a prison planet, the standard pessimistic neo-gnostic version, Lash posits Gaian Gnosticism - the Aeon Sophia incarnating as Planet Earth.
They do always see assimilation as the primary threat.
Wexner's MEGA group, started back in the 80s, could have acted as such a dedicated group. Bronfmann was chair of WJC, Lauder was a member (he's hugely influential) and there were about 20 others all massively wealthy. Wexner ran Epstein (blackmail op, breeding program, IP theft, massive financial engineering). MEGA also has its own secret society of volunteers they sent out into the world (much like WEF graduates). I assume they directed much of the election 'contributions' made by wealthy Jews and are thus responsible for the election of the politicians that have been betraying us for the last 40 yrs. Mossad and AIPAC worked with them. I've not heard of any analysis of this group but they certainly have the links and the power to disseminate instructions thru US Jewry.
I think Soros was a member - thus MEGA helped co-ordinate the 2020 summer of riots and the election of the AGs that let the rioters go free. Ah, I think they also control much of the 'grants' made to CFR and the other think tanks. Jewish money took over the Think Tanks about the same time MEGA was formed. It was that take over which facilitated the rise of the NeoCons.
I don't see the need for a higher 'level' of organisation. It seems to me that MEGA had all it needed to expand the NWO agenda. I have a sneaking idea the one who bought the WTC just before 9-11 was also a member. The Project for a New American Century was a NeoCon product. So perhaps MEGA are also responsible for creating 9-11. In which case it would make sense to lay responsibility for '7 countries in 5 years'. The invasion of Somalia or Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, was it Lebanon and one other? And then finally Iran. Which Netanyahu is desperately trying to get Biden to attack right now.
Yup, them, they seem to be behind most of the evil that so agitates us.
All I found on MEGA was from wiki from the Jewish Encyclopedia.
In 1991, Wexner formed with billionaire Charles Bronfman the Study Group, which is more widely known as the Mega Group.[36] The group was a loosely organized club of some of the country's wealthiest and most influential businessmen who were concerned with Jewish issues. Max Fischer, Michael Steinhardt, Leonard Abramson, Edgar Bronfman, and Laurence Tisch were some of the members. The group would meet twice a year for two days of seminars related to the topic of philanthropy and Judaism. In 1998, Steven Spielberg spoke about his personal religious journey.[37] The group, which Wexner co-chaired with Charles Bronfman, went on to inspire a number of philanthropic initiatives such as the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, Birthright Israel, and the upgrading of national Hillel.[36]
No mention of Soros, who seems like the anti-thesis of the neo-cons. If he can be tied to MEGA then you've got a major bloc. Otherwise it doesn't sound like much. Wexner and Lauder don't strike me as dynamic geniuses. Bronfman family are more likely as cabal leaders. They were involved w/ JFK assassination.
I'm sorry, I'm really busy, so I can't find you all the nec. info. But I think you are under-estimating MEGA. After all you won't find the dark truth about evil Jews in their own encyclopedia.
"Wexner and Lauder don't strike me as dynamic geniuses."
Lauder was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy and was former President of the Jewish National Fund. He is also described as an international businessman[2]. Lauder has been called "the principle force behind the privatization of the WTC" and also "responsible for the privatization of Stewart Airforce Base".[3] He is a member of the Jewish National Fund, World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Anti-Defamation League and Jewish Theological Seminary. (calling him a "member" doesn't reflect his power and influence in those orgs) .... Member of CFR (I assume that means he is setting the strategy to be followed by those who design US policies as he's a mover and shaker, the essence of ZOG. One of his quotes reveals he is an extreme Zionist / Jewish fascist.)
Wexner is possessed by an evil spirit (what a Christian would call a demon) known in Judaism as a dybuk. He discusses it at length in an interview somewhere. Just think of all the pots Epstein was stirring - and he worked for Wexner. Or that Wexner has his own secret org. of Jewish agents - Epstein was merely one of them. Epstein was killed in the US's top security, safest, lock up. Just think about the power needed to eliminate a loose end that lead back to MEGA.
Bronfman - that family is so powerful and evil that Al Capone was merely one of their franchise managers.
'The group was a loosely organized club...' yeah, like Bilderburg was a club. I don't think you can rely upon the material they put out as camouflage for an insight into their real intentions.
Witney Webb has probably done a deep dive on MEGA but I've not noticed anything online, you may have to read her books to find out more. If you do find a source do please post it here as I'd be interested.
Here's what Whitney Webb had to say about MEGA, which is a lot more than Wiki. However, it seems Mega is a neo-conor right-wing clandestine Jewish group right from its beginning (Roy Cohn) till 2019 at least. No mentions of Geo Soros or leftist Jewish connections. W/o them MEGA can't be the new Sanhedrin, the overarching, decisive power group. Not to say they aren't powerful. When it comes to blackmailing they're go to. But they're sectarian, representing one part of the dialectic only.
I'd agree with that - thanks for letting me know.
We know Soros and Hilary work together, Soros was created by the London Rothschilds and Hilary is tight with Evelyn Rothschild's wife. I'd guess that puts the R's in the left wing of Judaism. If we don't know of a connection to MEGA we'd have to assume these two groupings run independently of each other.
I can't see Hilary, R's or those running MEGA as the sort of people who take orders. So instead of postulating a top level decisive power group it might make more sense to assume various Jewish groups share some goals (Jewish power) and perhaps disagree over other issues such as Israel's political future, future role of money, the advisability of starting a nuclear war with Russia and even the nature of religious belief.
The only other top level grouping that comes to mind is Schneershon's Lubbavitch which I think has strong links to Russian organized crime. Could they all do their own thing? With their links, such as they are, being based in being useful to each other plus the morals and values of their common background. So they act independently with more or less shared goals and the only overarching rulings come from their own desires to advance their more or less common cause.
So we're back where we started after a worthy examination of MEGA and its power history. No Queen of the Hive. No one group that has final say. The addition of the Lubavitch org as connected to MEGA duly noted.
I'm also going to agree w/ your conclusion that the House of Roth is left-oriented, something I hadn't entertained before because they founded Israel and it's been right-wing for so long. Rabin seems to have been the exception. But the whole kibbutz/sabra/socialist mentality of the original settlers was likely fostered by the Rothschilds. Some neo-cons are hinting the Rats might euthanize their child (unless Trump is elected).
Reading Whitney I was disturbed to see she repeatedly misconstrued Mordecai Vanunu as Vanunu Mordecai. Mordecai is a rather common Jewish first name. Thinking of him prompts me to mention not everyone believes his story. People who deny nukes as wmd's think the honey pot escapade was contrived to burnish Israel's credentials as a nuclear power possessing the Samson Option.
"God gave to us, His Chosen People, as a blessing, the dispersal, and this which has appeared to all to be our weakness has been our whole strength. It has now brought us to the threshold of universal rule. (SARF #11)"
Basically America is owned BUT the same horrifying genocide is currently slowly under way here on our soil.
Thanks, Aelred. Right, because I don't believe even now the goal is for Jews to rule the world, but rather for *these* Jews to rule the world. As long as there is a non-Jewish "enemy," an explicitly aggressive political program like Jehovahism can function and the mass of Jews will fall into line.
It doesn't appear Judaism can co-exist with gentiles, but it can't exist without them. Maybe that's why it says in Deuteronomy that Jehovah will deliver the nations to be destroyed but not to destroy them all at once "lest the beasts of the field increase upon thee."
This is an exchange I had a few days ago with a commenter on Unz Review.
He said:
"the hebrew immigrant aid society does quite well supporting and sustaining non jews from the terd world on their journey across the southern border into the US.”
To which I replied:
"Not true. You have been misinformed.
HIAS has always been all about helping Jews from anywhere in the world migrate to wherever they wished. They had occasional frictions with J.O.I.N.T. and other Jewish organizations which only wanted them to go to Israel (“settlement material”). But they always made up quietly, away from prying Goy eyes.
HIAS had the strong argument on its side, that helping them go to the US, Western Europe or even Australia was also a plus for global jewry, exactly the same argument that Jabotinsky had when he helped stop the flow of Jews from Germany to Palestine on the Ha’arvara agreement: there must be enough Jews left in place to… influence events. The German Jew who headed the effort to implement the Ha’arvara agreement (on which 50,000 German Jews went to Palestine with all their money…) was soon after assassinated in Tel Aviv.
I know of cases of European non-Jews fleeing from communist countries who went to HIAS in Paris asking for help under the same misconception as yours. They were very politely and nicely directly to go to the WCC and other Christian charities, described as “better equipped” to help them.”
Nevertheless, upon reading Craig’s article, which by the way is one of his very best ever (no small achievement when he is competing with himself), I realized how wrong I was and I went back to apologize to him:
"I apologize to you. I was wrong.
HIAS not being involved in anything other than helping Jews “wander” where they pleased is so… yesterday, or maybe my info is 30 years old. You did not convince me because you provided no evidence but I have just happened to read this stupendous article that has a wealth of evidence of the involvement of HIAS in facilitating and accelerating the massive illegal immigration into the US of millions, and the best part is that HIAS is munificently funded by the US!"
This is well worth a read to the end: “
The mission of “helping” Jews `always goes hand in hand with the mission of destroying “Goy” societies (whether Christian or Muslim) by fragmenting, atomizing and diminishing them, turning the ethno-religious majority into a minority in their native countries (well under way in countries like Sweden), creating false “minorities” called “communities” by sexual criteria (like the gastrointestinal sex “community called “gay), attacking any nucleus of ethno/religious/racial cohesion of the white majority from its roots, i.e., traditional family).
Thank you for the kind words, Ariadne.
I frequently talk about the religious revolution we need in order to free ourselves from our predicament, a re-working of the moral framework that governs human relationships, which is the only reason any of us have to live. The family unit is where that need is most acute, it seems to me.
It is unbelievable what a complete disaster the Christian family is.
I'd rephrase that. Christianity has become a disaster. I did once meet a priest who was an honest to goodness, true Christian. Made a huge impression upon me. But he was unique!
And families in the West are a disaster - blame feminism and the economic destruction of our society.
Thus I'd say there is no such thing as a Christian family. I'd hope there are some but I can't recall meeting any.
I'd say we need a new social cum moral code upon which to build a new society. But it won't be Christianity. Hopefully it will be based on the values Christianity used to espouse. But I fear the values of 'Only Fans' and Mad Max are more likely to predominate.
When you think about it, we've had all this progress over the last 2000 years, except when it comes to religious progress. Scientific progress...mid-blowing. And think of the difference between cave art and a beethoven symphony or tribal warlord-ism and the enlightened self-interest of the New England townhall meetiing. But the one place where there has been no progress is the one place where its not only more needed, but fundamentally more complex and important. the realm of morals, love, friendship...the religious realm. A lot of that has to do with the exceedingly ignorant and wrong and destructive idea of the "written word" "God's Word" the sacred magic book. Like everything else about humans can progress at lightning speed and be in constant flux, but in this one crucially important area, we're going to receive The Truth, some guys are going to write it down 2000 years ago, and then that's it, forever. not a single bit of progress allowed, blasphemer, sinner.
It's too bad that Christianity absorbed all the crap from Judaism, but not the amendability of the Word.
It's no wonder people dismiss religion with a sneer of contempt. It has made itself contemptible by the insane and unnecessary insistence on holding on to this stupid idea that there is such a thing as God's "Word" and that's pure truth forever no matter what. It may have been great religious progress 200 years ago, but now it is just an obstacle to real religion
Only Talmudists wanted Zionism in the SU at the time because communist Jews had subjugated the goyim for the Chosen. The situation wasn't your average Jew just wanting to get along w/ the Slavs. It was hey, what are you doing? where are you going? We're building heaven on earth, er, the slavs are building it for us. We'll have a Moscovian Talmud. Stay the course, Shlomo.
In Europe there was assimilation w/o revolution, hence the necessity for the Frankfurt School and the New Left. Long march thru the institutions instead of strikes and destruction. Solidarity w/ minorities instead of w/ proletariat. Gradual conversion of Christians to Noahide acolytes. The weaponizing of assimilation.
I'm not saying there aren't always some Jews who just want to get along, who truly assimilate, but damn, just press that Holocaust button and most of them become hysterical Zionists.
"just press that Holocaust button"
And I think the allure of racial supremacy is stronger in some races than others. I think it is least strong among whites, but maybe everybody thinks that about their own race. If it is least strong among whites, it's pretty ironic (or instructive) that whites are the only ones condemned for it--in this country, anyway.
One of the things I found eye-opening in Doug Reed's book was his elucidation of the parallel nature of communism and Zionism--presented to the outside world as bitter enemies struggling for the soul of the Jewish people (a view Churchill certainly had at one point). Communism as extreme anti-nationalism vs Zionism as extreme nationalism.
But as Reed points out, they seemed to run on parallel tracks. They both triumphed in the same week in 1917, they both had the same goals (the whole world annihilated or enslaved under a world government over which a small group of the same people would exercise absolute power), and they were used together to whip the Europeans into obedience.
Not all Jews are evil, but Judaism is evil.
Funny you mention that. That's exactly the subject of the next post. Did you know 25 states comprising 3/4 American students mandate Holocaust education?
Look on the bright side. 20% of Gen Z don't believe it. And its their kids that are being lined up for the indoctrination. Could get interesting.
Yep, another act of desperation. Will it work? Time will tell.