
Thank you, Craig, for creating a forum where we can have these discussions!

The notion of the Frog needing to change its nature is compelling. (I've got the power to change myself, but changing the Scorpion is outside my scope.) The challenge this inevitably evokes is... how do I change my nature without destroying what makes me what I am?

This seems to be tied into the conundrum that our best characteristics can also be our worst. For example, one of the best characteristics of Western people, and one of our defining characteristics, is our strong sense of individualism. And yet, as you so aptly point out, our lack of collective cohesion, in terms of loyalty to our own kin, also seems to be our downfall.

I am by nature a fairly strong individualist. I don't know how far I can go in changing that - to do so would seem to nullify what I actually am. However, I am noticing that in my efforts to evolve as an individual, I have had a tendency in the past to slide into a kind of trap - you might call it a "white disloyalty trap." It goes something like this:

When I recognize something I don't like about the culture I come from, say materialism, I go around looking for a culture that *appears* to be less materialistic - to give me guidance, and possibly to find a place where I might feel I belong. I did this for a time with what is called "First Nations" culture in Canada, romanticizing a group of people I didn't know much about so that I could project what I wanted them to be, onto them as a group.

Not very respectful towards the group being romanticized... an ultimately a fool's errand on my part.

What I am attempting to do these days is to evolve as an individual, while still practising gratitude to my forebears for getting me this far. It helps enormously to have the insights of writing like yours. It might sound trite, but for the first time since I was a small child, I can honestly say I am really happy to have European roots.

If I don't know where to go from here at times, at least I can get inspiration from knowing that imagination has always fuelled the best of our culture. Thanks for helping me imagine where we need to take things with your posts.

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Thank you for this comment, Anne C. It is very encouraging to know one's effort isn't in vain. Like everyone else, I want my work to have value, so I put a lot of effort into making a reader's time spent here worthwhile. But, it's a joint effort because the comments you and several others leave here add enormously to the value offered.

Your descriptions of your inner journey are authentic as hell and will resonate with thousands of readers. Most of us lack the intellectual honesty or courage to see through the amour-propre and get such a clear picture of ourselves and our motives--what Solzhenitsyn called a "remarkable independence of mind." The lucid accounts of your own experiences provide us with a straight path there. And what could be more valuable than that? So thank *you*.

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I found the story of what the young Jewish woman did to the Russian peasant woman really unnerving. The guilt she reports feeling on her way to the train station is so overwhelmingly outweighed by the level of planning and the very successful execution of her con. (She knew where to go, what kind of person to look for, and how to behave towards her to get what she wanted.)

It makes her wailing of "What could I do?" that much more pathetic.

The story is like a real life enactment of the Scorpion & Frog tale. The Jewish woman is utterly incapable of overcoming her own nature. It behooves those of us who couldn't imagine doing the same thing to beware.

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In my early drafts of this post, I used the term "insufficiently antisemitic" to describe the peasant woman, but then removed it as distracting. It would be great if we could swap enough of our capacity for group disloyalty with enough of their capacity for group loyalty to balance us out and bring both groups into line--both groups functioning in a sustainable way as valued contributors to the richness of the human story.

But, I don't see any indication that there is even the slightest attempt on the part of the Scorpion to temper its extremism. In fact, it appears, if anything, it is caught in a kind of Talmudic crescendo of extremism. So, it remains to be seen whether the Frog can change *its * nature and rid itself of the Scorpion before it is stung.

I guess that's what we are here for!

Your comments are always thoughtful and I look forward to them. Thank you.

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Does nobody remember the adage about crocodile tears? Fits the Jewish woman's fleeting fit of guilt. Fits Oppenheimer's public regret for his bomb.

The Unz comments section is notorious for extremists who love to heap abuse on undeserving "race traitors". I suspect these cretins are neo-cons, Judaized conservatives who pretend to be defending Whites while making us look like insensitive scum feeders. What you write about solidarity in the face of a many tentacled enemy is a more important need than narrow displays of of individual bluster.

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“…and the woke Baltimore woman who lost her life to the heartless immorality of extreme in-group disloyalty…”

That’s stretching things.

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Well, perhaps, but woke ideology is, above all else, willful self-delusion. She made a career out of attacking white male achievement, which she saw as achievement at the expense of others, especially black males. If a black male failed to secure funding, or committed a violent crime, it had nothing to do with the black male, it was a consequence of systemic racism, blah, blah, blah. She fully embraced that extreme group disloyalty, had trained herself to live under that delusion, so, when she turned around in her lobby and saw a black male who was a stranger to her motioning for her to open the door, she complied. She didn't have the mental tools to enable her to quickly calculate the much higher risk of opening the door to a black male than a white male. Unfortunately, it cost her dearly.

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Also I think that people have the ability to read the character of individuals of their own race better

Eloquently described by Kipling in his poem ‘The Stranger’

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Author

Good point. And good poem. I'm afraid that bitter bread and wine already have my teeth on edge.

Another thing that may play into woke vulnerability is over-compensation caused by years of performing mental gymnastics to "shield" blacks from real life. Woke people are super-uptight about race and it shows. So if a white male had knocked on the lobby window and asked to be let in, she could reject the request no problem, because she has a policy of denying entrance to strangers or men or whatever, but, when a black male knocks, she can't say no, lest he think she is denying him because he is black.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

A good story, both of them, for they illustrate the problem; education, culture, upbringing. We see the world thru the lens of the stories we are told, or taught, initially by our parents, teachers, priests & rabbis and then thru the matrix of lies pushed by the media. Its hard to break that indoctrination. Is there any hope for any change? Or are most of us are doomed to either an early death or debt slavery in a surveillance society?

There are reports of a new book, The Great Taking, which describes the International Banking Cartel's plan to steal the world's assets. A plan at least 50 years in the making that put in place the legal changes, financial processes etc necessary to strip humanity of its wealth. Most of us recall TARP that 'saved' the banks, cost the People more than we can know and ensured the bankers got their bonuses on time. But we forget the murders and bribes that enabled them to create the Fed Res, the 6 or more Presidents and innumerable AGs, Senators.... let alone the thousands of politicians in other countries who have been murdered. The countless reporters dead. The millions who die from Big Pharma's price gouging (re Insulin in California today) or from the purposefully created opioid epidemic that killed 100,000 Americans last year. Or their agents - the CIA & FBI - who imported cocaine into the city slums in the 1970s to destroy Kennedy's legacy of social improvement.

Nor do most recall - or even know - that discoveries and inventions in science and technology are inhibited by limiting and controlling the research money necessary to pay for them. That project is over a century old now and has produced the corrupt academic world we now have - ivermectin is horse paste, the PCR test gives a positive for flu but its recorded as Covid. And, as most of us know, the inventor of the PCR test resisted the misuse of his invention and 'died' soon afterwards.

Nor should we forget their most evil con, the pointless torture of chemotherapy, that leaves the bereaved bankrupt.

But to return to The Great Taking:There are those who are lost in the Matrix, will hear this story and see the loose end hanging from the web of lies - will they pull on it? There are those who have felt the incongruities of the Covid Con, will hear this story and are now left wondering if maybe there is some truth to Conspiracy Theory. And, of course, there are those precious few of us who already know and are made ever more determined to resist.

The crucial thing is, will enough of us awaken, or enough of the awakened be convinced its time to act, in time to save our civilization? The Cartel and their minions know they need to stop the Goyim hearing the truth. But already cancelling those who point to the lies, and teaching porn to school children, seem to be counter productive. Will making speech illegal - with new laws that cover the whole world - work? Will courts cope with the workload? Or will enforcement become a joke? We've seen how Bud Light and Disney's offerings have gone down. What will the mood be when Hunter's laptop hits the MSM, Ukraine surrenders and Russia is acknowledged as the world's leading military power, Taiwan votes to enter an economic union with China, the loss of collateral collapses JPMorgan and Europe spends the winter cold and hungry?

Could the Zeitgeist be about to cripple the Cartel and, in 2024, destroy the Demonrats?

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Is this information from the book you mention, The Great Taking?

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I only stole this bit: A plan at least 50 years in the making that put in place the legal changes, financial processes etc necessary to strip humanity of its wealth.


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