I wonder how the modern-day Russian government describes the history of the Romanov crown jewels? Somehow, I don't think they are following the same trajectory as Craig does here.

It's not just the West that has lost the story - I suspect the Russians by and large have too. Ditto for the Ukrainians, who were also governed by the Tsar.

And it's important that the story has been memory-holed and cleansed of its jewish perpetrators - along with the rest of the Red Terror of 1918-1923 - because otherwise Russians might start noticing how cosy Vladimir Putin is with the Chabad Lubavitch cult, and Ukrainians might start noticing Vladimir Zelenskyy's jewish pedigree.

And then the Russians and Ukrainians might figure out it's time to turn off the meat grinder known as the Russo-Ukrainian war... and start sizing up their real adversary.

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Far too many jews take great pleasure in torturing and murdering Gentiles.

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It is sadly a religious conspiracy first and foremost. If the Europeans do not realize that they live in a Jewish Hollywood production 2000 years in the making and they have been neutered because of that nothing changes.

Rejection of any Jewish cultural context including religious language and framing should be pursued aggresively.

Only then deprogramming commences and Europeans will reconnect with their ancient bloodlines who lay in their tombs asking for justice.

We start untangling the web from where it first started. The fabricated myth of Jesus Christ.

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TGR. “fabricated myth of Jesus Christ”. Bad call. He is the Son of the living God. May you repent one day.

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You're the first person I've ever seen that says Jesus is a myth. You are correct. Jesus was very real but he was never the son of God and he never died on the cross. He's the spawn of Lucifer and the whore, Mary.

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Thank you, rabbi.

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You just proved you've never done one iota of research. If Jesus was given all authority in heaven and earth that can only mean that he loves sex trafficking and chemtrails.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and it is the glory of kings to search out a matter." I'm not a rabbi. Fuck the God dammed jews and Jesus. They're both spawns of Satan. And go fuck yourself for being a brain dead kunt. God was very clear when he said Satan is the god of this world.

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Why does Frank use the same language as the rabbis?

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I though you were on substack to find the truth. Or is your truth the only truth? There is only one God. Even the demons know this and tremble in fear. Jesus lived to be 85 years old. His bones are interred beneath the Vatican today. Joseph was a wealthy merchant marine. Jesus studied at all the "great mystery schools" in Egypt, India, Africa and Glastonbury. Mystery schools are freemason and illuminati schools. The 3 wisemen were Magi. Sorcerers from Persia. "For by your sorcery were all the nations of the earth deceived."

Sorcery doesn't just mean pharmaceuticals. It's literally sorcery. I think you know that the jews run Hollywood and every single thing that comes from Hollywood is jewish propaganda. If a jew says it happened then it didn't happen. If a jew says it didn't happen then it most assuredly DID happen. The passion of the christ came from Hollywood. Which means it's 100% a lie. Just like "Sound of freedom" was a freemason movie designed to get everyone to chip their kids. Mel Gibson made the antisemitic comments so everyone would trust him when he made both movies. Satan plays the long game. 2000 years long. And you fell for it. No shame. The entire world fell for it.

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Just like a rabbi, thinking people are here for YOU.

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Protocol 4 has certainly been fulfilled with great success, as have all the other pretend its not true Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


3. But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE “GOYIM” THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD AND THE SPIRIT, AND TO PUT IN ITS PLACE ARITHMETICAL CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL NEEDS.

4. In order to give the GOYIM no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe. But again, in order that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of the GOYIM, we must put industry on a speculative basis: the result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes.

5. The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks delivered to economic life will create, nay, have already created, disenchanted, cold and heartless communities. Such communities will foster a strong aversion towards the higher political and towards religion. Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights which it can give. Then will the hour strike when, not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards the privileged, the lower classes of the GOYIM will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the GOYIM

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Keep worshipping your Talmud.

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I've read the Talmud. And the Zohar. The jews are demons 100%.

God says that Satan is still the god of this world. Jesus said all authority in heaven and earth was given to him.

Which verse is true?

Jesus said "I am the light of the world."

God said Satan masquerades as an angel of light.

Which verse is true?

I believe God 100%. I also know Jesus never died on the cross. It's all jewish kabbalah baalshit. He lived to be 85 years old and his bones are interred beneath the Vatican today.

Jesus also studied at all the great mystery schools. In India, Africa, Egypt and Glastonbury. Do some research before you spout your ignorant mouth off.

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Reading some of the comments here and visualizing the Jews laughing hysterically and declaring, “These fools are attacking the Catholic Church! Our sworn enemy for two thousand years, and the perpetrators of our persecution. What tremendous allies these ignorant fools make. Only with their help may we get them to fight against each other and deflect their attention away from the damage done to us by this article, and toward my sworn enemy, The Catholic Church. They even recite our Talmud for us: Jesus is a bastard boiling in a pot of excrement in Hell, along with his whore mother.”

You who do this are ambulance chasing pikers who don’t possess a grain of intellect to interpret history through the lenses of theology and philosophy. You are lazy! And you are weak detestable slaves of the people St Paul called “the enemies of the human race.” I detest you because of your lazy and weak minds. Do your damn homework and get it right FFS.

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You call your made up theories about the New Testament and the death of Jesus on the cross, research? No, you do the same thing that every conspiracy theorists everywhere do, you look for hyperbolic sources besides the Gospels to reach your conclusions, and worse yet, you do the Jews work by blasting Jesus as the son of a whore. you are ignorant and despicable. The Jews, laugh when they read your comments because you are doing their work for them and you are dividing the flock. I posted a scathing critique of the comments made by people like you yet I have not seen them published. It is right to identify the errors and the crimes committed by Jews and criticize them for it. But to do as you do, which is to blast truth of Jesus as the Messiah, as just another Jew, and therefore a bastard, is reprehensible. You will have to account for that when you have ceased to exist. Print this, Mr. Nielsen.

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If Jesus was given all authority in heaven and earth that can only mean that he loves sex trafficking and chemtrails. The jews worship Satan and Jesus was their king.

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Like the Jews whom you hate, you engage in rebellion against the Logos and against reason and truth. You have become a Jew.

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My apologies to Mr. Nelsen. My rebuke of the blasphemous comments is at the bottom of the thread.

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Craig Nelson likes this comment? Maybe I should unsubscribe.

So you, like the Jews, reject The Logos? Logos being the rational order of the universe that the Jews killed and in rejecting the Messiah, then rejected the Logos. And what can only be the outcome of such a thing where a race declares, “Let his blood be upon our hands and on our children”?

A constant revolutionary mindset.

Read “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by E Michael Jones.

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All the jews do is lie. If they say they killed Jesus that means it never happened. And if Jesus was the son of God and actually died on the cross and his sacrifice was perfect, why aren't we in heaven? The jews made the movie "Passion of the christ. " Hollywood black magic. The prince of the powers of the air waves. Satan.

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Wrong. Mel Gibson made the movie and was punished by the Jews who own Hollywood.

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Nope. Mel made the antisemitic comments in '96 so everyone would trust him when passion and sound of freedom were made. Sound of freedom was made by freemasons to get everyone to chip their kids. Satan plays the long game. 2025 years long. And you worship him. You probably even say amen after every prayer. A kiss to Amen Ra. Another demon. You're a fool. 💯💯💯💯

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Because you have become a Jew, one cannot reason with you.

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Because you worship Satan one cannot reason with you. Remember what I said when you miss the rapture.

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"When the power of the holy people has been destroyed."

This means Jesus and the jews. All spawns of Satan.

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Your comment is Sola Scriptura at its worst. You interpret Daniel 12:7 ON YOUR OWN and you get its meaning wrong. The Jewish creation of Freemasonry that assisted Luther’s REBELLION against the Church allows you to do this. Any country that rejects the teachings of its Catholic king , the Church itself, will then be ruled by Jews.

They killed the Logos and forever became revolutionaries, and they killed their own submission to the reality of reason and order in the universe. You are an accomplice to this.

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Protocol 4 has certainly been fulfilled with great success, as have all the other pretend its not true Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


3. But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE “GOYIM” THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD AND THE SPIRIT, AND TO PUT IN ITS PLACE ARITHMETICAL CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL NEEDS.

4. In order to give the GOYIM no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe. But again, in order that freedom may once for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of the GOYIM, we must put industry on a speculative basis: the result of this will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through the hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes.

5. The intensified struggle for superiority and shocks delivered to economic life will create, nay, have already created, disenchanted, cold and heartless communities. Such communities will foster a strong aversion towards the higher political and towards religion. Their only guide is gain, that is Gold, which they will erect into a veritable cult, for the sake of those material delights which it can give. Then will the hour strike when, not for the sake of attaining the good, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards the privileged, the lower classes of the GOYIM will follow our lead against our rivals for power, the intellectuals of the GOYIM

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At 41, I feel so misinformed as to historical events. I have so much learning to do. But I also feel that we’ve been misled (lied to) in this country to believe the good people are the bad and the bad are victims. I’m sure everyone who reads this will agree, but how do we share this knowledge with all of the people who have been lied to?

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Try talking to friends and family, offering little tidbits of information at first, so as to not overwhelm them. Maybe put the information in the form of questions, like, "I wonder why the genocide of tens of millions of Christians and Muslims in Russian and Ukraine 100 years ago is never talked about in the Media, is not taught about in school, is not memorialized with hundreds of museums dedicated to honoring the victims, and is not remembered every year with speeches and moments of silence for the dead? That seems kind of strange, doesn't it?" "Why is it a crime in about 20 countries to question the Holocaust story? Why does something that is true need protection from investigation?" "Why are so many of our friends and relatives who got the experimental COVID-19 gene therapy injections getting cancer and dropping dead from strokes and heart attacks?"

To fight back, withdraw your consent from and participation in the system as much as possible. And try to wake other people up. Start a substack or a blog, post on social media, wear t-shirts with freedom messages, put bumper stickers on your car supporting Palestine and condemning the WEF, protest in your capital against the tyrants steering our countries into The Great Reset, talk with friends and neighbors and coworkers about these issues.

I think that we are in the position we are in because we have all been asleep for most of our lives, believing that the system we were born into was legitimate, that the history we were taught in school was accurate, and that we were living in a system of freedom and "democracy." So we never had any reason to think of rebelling against the system. But now we can see that we have been living in a carefully-crafted illusion. I now think of the system that we are living in as a giant tax farm run by psychopaths, and these psychopath farmers appear to be culling us.

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Thank you for your well thought out reply. I will do these things. I just find my knowledge lacking. I find this substack so informative. I’m working on my confidence.

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Not wanting to discourage you, you should still know that your efforts of telling an (the most) uncomfortable truth won't be met with gratitude. If you keep pressing this topic, people will shun you. If approached the wrong way, it can mean social death.

Just a heads up. Cheers.

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Only when I understood The Matrix, was I able to leave into the reality. The fear of abandoning what's perceived as real, is an illusive fear, created by yourself to legitimize remaining in the Matrix - the Norm. The courage to leave, comes from accepting your mortality, by recognizing, the by existing in the Matrix, you're dead anyway. Leave and live...

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Everything Binky says below is true, but you are already a hero in my book. Supporting the truth is as important as speaking it.

Or, if you wear the t-shirt to a protest at the capital, you'll be the most truthfully dressed person there!

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Unfortunately..while the Overton window of change grinds very ..very.slowly..only revolutionary anxiety and glowering apocalypse.....the barking dogs if war poverty. Hyper inflation and terror..that ..sadly.is historically

prerequired...to.forcibly open the eyes of the deceived....but..no matter....

Welcome to the New American Kristal Nacht*. *Rearm Now.

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Yep you’re spot on & right over the target again. Another zeitgeist galvanizing Masonic Zionism moment in twistory using the Arc of Crisis Hegelian dialectic formula. Inside hit no different than JFK/LINCOLN/McKinley/Garfied/Capt. Henry Morgan/Julius Caesar/Alexander the Great poisoning etc.What we do for ourselves dies with us. Morals & Dogma playbook. Another faustian bargain with Mephistopheles. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. The flavors of the peach and the apricot are not lost from generation to generation. Neither are they transmitted by book learning. The Ant’s a Centaur in his Dragon’s world.

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Twistory? Did you coin that? That is THE best new word of the new enlightenment.

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I agree and "new enlightenment" isn't bad either

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I release it & give it freely to universe. It’s all lies all of it. The oldest trick of infamy is to Invent two or more lies & have people repeatedly argue about which lie is true. Vatican knows all about it.

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BLUF & BTW, there’s no need to bicker about what the “G” actually means. Studied it many years read lots. “G” is for generative - G is for Gamma - G is for Geometry & so (sow/sew forth). There is alternative apocalypse meaning (of course the Vatican created Latin silly humans) of unveiling/revealing which is viable as well which is why I called it a zeitgeist or Sea change. New Age of Enlightenment is apropos. In Oder to create you must destroy. Out of the ashes rises the Phoenix only to be reborn again & again. Ordo ab Chao - Sow seeds of Chaos to bring about order. SATOR Square Paladin.

Chaos: When the present determines the future but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.

"The truly creative changes and the big shifts occur right at the edge of chaos."

AI gives them the perfect scapeGOAT. Masonic Zionism has always hidden & uses the mask BAC (Behavioral Analysis Unit) theory. Chameleons disguised in suits.

Only the madman is absolutely sure. Conquers don’t ask for permission. Win a no-win scenario by rewriting the rules. You’re going to have to relay on your intuition & instincts. Like never before. Entheos = the God within. Zoroaster/Rig Vedas are the root source of duality theos. Satanism=Saturn=Kabbalah “DAATH” knowledge. Oldest known so far are Gobekli Tepe/Karahan Tepe which are Phallis (Linga) worship. Appears Yoni (pindi) came slightly later (Shivlinga) they symbolically represent the microcosmos and macrocosmos & the ideation that all reality emanated from that.

Hard to get facts at this critical twistorical time. Sun is Fire - Male (masculine) Moon is Plasma state of matter energy most likely - female (feminine) & all related to Lunar calender/Ovulation of female gender. All the world’s a rigged stage with actors & actresses merely making their entrances & exists. Enjoy your journey - truth is where you find it - Namaste’

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The head of the Serpent/Dragon/Snake is D.C./Vatican-Switzerland/City of London. CIA/MI6/Mossad. They are creating a Bible prophecy script with 2 current outcomes that appear viable. Jerusalem Greater Israel Project-PNAC-Oded Yinon Plan- Muslim Manifesto/Muslim Brotherhood & Zewkraine (Ashkenazi-Chabad Lubevitcher-Kharzarian Empire roots-the New Jerusalem.

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I personally identify as a sigma wolf. Alpha not so much but i live what youve written here in this comment

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Awful work to document and share but important to do. Judaic supremacists are lying traitors to all of humanity. No quarter can be given this time, it is a plain choice, made abundantly clear by their own words and deeds.

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Spectacular exceedingly relevant reportage about a truth of history .most Americans know nothing about**.The Jewish Communism of the last 200 years has reappeared in the isreal firster uniparty in Zog occupied Washington..the root of Zog . ....The ziocons..extending into the preternatural..vile...WEF--Blackrock globohomosexual homicidal Jewish Cyborgs......all these Jews still under the tutelage and micromanagement of Rothschild.... .. Beware the Synagogue Of Satan. Let All Beware The 666 ..do not be surprised if..it"appears as a Jew**. Rearm Now**

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Fantastic article. Thankyou for posting.

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Document extract:

“Excerpt from Protocol No. 159 – Council of Peoples Commissars – 5/18 July. The extraordinary announcement by Ya. M. Sverdlov of the execution of Nicholas II.

Chairman: V Ilych Ulianov [Lenin]

PRESENT: [names not listed here for brevity]

DISCUSSED: 3. The extraordinary announcement by CEC chairman com. Sverdlov of the execution of the former tsar Nicholas II by decision of the Ekaterinburg Soviet of Deputies and the upholding of this decision by the Presidium of the CEC.

RESOLVED: to take note of the information.

Chairman of the Council of People’s Deputies V Ulianov [Lenin]

Secretary of the Council N. Gorbunov”

Signed by Ulianov [aka Lenin]

Source: “A Lifelong Passion – Nicholas and Alexandra – Their Own Story” by Andrei Maylunas and Sergei Mironenko.

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I wonder why Sverdlov was killed.

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Sorry but the picture labelled 'The Romanovs in the execution chamber just before the Jews open fire' is NOT genuine. These are actors. I recognise at least 3 of them though I can't remember the names. This is a still from some film re-enactment. Where did you source it from?

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Here are the three reasons I decided the photo is real:

1. The photos of the couplet scrawled on the wall and the execution aftermath are real. The wallpaper in those photos matches the wallpaper in the photo of the family taken before the execution, as do other details like the molding around the door, the inset of the door panels and the handle on the door.

2. All members of the family seem to have aged an equal amount of time between the first picture of them and the second one. It would be very difficult to find not only actors who resemble each family member so closely , but after the passage of what appears to be five or six years. Even the body language seems to be precisely correct, as in the second daughter from the left. That would be some monumental casting and directing.

3. Jews seem to be unable to resist the photographs. They are probably prized possessions or something among the Jehovans. The five dancing Israelis on 9/11 told an Israeli TV audience that that was why they were in the United States in the first place. To take the picture of the towers coming down. And they love the staging. The photo of George W. Bush being informed a second plane has hit the WTC while he was seated in a six-year-old's chair. Someone was positioned n exactly the right place at exactly the right time to take that picture. The same could have occurred in Yekatarinburg (damn, I was going to see whether I could spell that correctly without looking it up. I failed. Damn Russians. It took me five years to learn to spell Solzhenitsyn. )

I could be wrong, of course, and would acknowledge as much and make the correction if I am. At this point I still think it's a real photo of the doomed family.

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Thank you. Obviously those people are actors / models and I wanted to see if anybody else noticed that.

I hope that the author corrects that so that his otherwise fine article is no longer marred by a somewhat risible mistake.

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If I had to guess, it's taken from Dr. Zhivago.

Certainly it's a reproduction but nevertheless in recreating that moment I would wager the pressure of emotions and context would be enough for the actors to reproduce a near similar mental state and outward expression.

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More on the actors featured in the picture in the article. I remembered one. Timothy West. Timothy West (far right in the photo) played the role of Dr. Botkin in the 1971 film “Nicholas and Alexandra”, a historical drama about the Russian royal family. Dr. Botkin was a physician who served as the personal doctor to Tsar Nicholas II and his family. The film is a depiction of the Romanov family’s tragic fate, including their imprisonment and execution by the Bolsheviks.

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OK thank you.. I'll make the correction.

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And to think! I was once a fan of Leonard Cohen's music. Metanoia is a bitch!

(Cameo appearance from Daniella Weiss, Slaughterbot ZioBorg par excellence!)


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I had to look up "metanoia" thanks. So you think Cohen was in support of the slaughter-god? Or was he condemning?

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Greetings Craig,

Metanoia. Yes..."epiphany" doesn't quite do it. Neither does "catharsis" or anything else I can think of. The upending of one's entire worldview and cognitive map needs a forceful word to describe it. It's like learning to live in a world where the force of gravity no longer applies.

As for Cohen's intent - support or condemnation - I could answer that in several of six million ways (Cough!). In other words, for me at least, it's complicated. I think I am reluctantly swinging toward the support end of the spectrum by now.

Let me explain, however briefly...

When I was a young gaffer, coursing with the hormonal flow that inevitably accompanies youth, I encountered what could best be describes as a "fair young maiden". Very fair. So fair in fact that I was willing to do anything to woo and court her. Turns out, she was BIG in to Leonard Cohen. At the time - mid-eighties - I really had little idea who the guy was, other than a passing familiarity with songs like "Suzanne" or "Bird on the Wire" and such. As you may imagine, I had every incentive to get up to speed on Lennie's music (and poetry and novels and such), which I did. While it had little appeal to me at first encounter, it kinda grew on my tastes. By that time, I don't think he had released more than half a dozen albums. Well, that youthful affair ran its course and fizzled out and I dropped my erstwhile interest in Cohen for decades. In the early 2010's, by happenstance really, I got back in to his music and explored his more recent stuff. But I retained positive memories and associations with his music, as I'm sure you might understand.

There is no doubt that Cohen was an accomplished, if enigmatic and even iconoclastic lyricist and songwriter, which probably explains why so many people, from Johnny Cash to Sting to Tom Jones and boatloads of others have covered his material; also why there were so many tribute concerts after his death in 2016 (just 3 days before Trump's inauguration). To some ears, yes, his voice was reminiscent of a poorly tuned cement mixer, but that wasn't the point. Something in his songs resonated with very large audiences, and particularly his musical peers.

I suppose one facet of that "appeal" was that so many of his songs were deeply psychological and for want of a better phrase "spell-casting" songs. Many were also written in an inimitably cryptic sort of way so one could interpret them one way or the other. For instance, from early in his career - go and listen to "The Stranger Song" (lyrics here: http://www.maartenmassa.be/CohenChords/index.htm ) / ( studio version here: https://youtu.be/ZqlR5D0y23s ) . Now please tell me what the song is "about"!?!

I could go in to a great deal more detail here about your initial question, but I don't want to turn this in to a dissertation on the possibility that Cohen was functioning as an emissary of the SlaughterGawd. There is a possibility, in fact a likelihood that this is true, and I myself, despite being reluctant to admit it, must concede this. These are certainly revelatory times.

Craig, try listening to "The Future", "Democracy" or "Everybody Knows" (studio versions on You Tube without any distracting dumb video accompaniment). Listen attentively, in light of what you know about the JQ, and get back to me. For sure, some of the lyrics could be construed as being...how shall I say...Talmudically tainted.

Democracy: https://youtu.be/RWjRPJdzbC8

The Future: https://youtu.be/3VAxwimExn0

Everybody Knows: https://youtu.be/Gxd23UVID7k

Oh...and this...prescient and chilling...I think he knew. I think he knew that his folks were on the cusp of instituting Boshevik Revolution 2.0 on a global scale.

Leonard Cohen: You're not going to like what comes after America (6:00)


Perhaps, after enough due diligence and some deep research, you could pen an article: Leonard Cohen and the Slaughter God!?!

Just kiddin' of course.

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Is Daniella Weiss the woman speaking at the beginning?

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Yes, it is. I really do mean "it". She brazenly embodies the collective supremacist psychosis of Israeli society and a prominent chunk of Internationalist Jewry. If you can stomach it (and there is probably nothing here you do not already know), try watching this documentary about the settler movement in Israel. (By the way, my current opinion is that Israel is not a country, never was; it functions as a political pretext and justification for so much that is broken and damaged in this world.) NO great insight here I suppose, but just sayin'.

Holy Redemption (the atrocities of radical settlers in the occupied West Bank) | (2024)


Hey...while I've got your attention here Craig...I just want to thank you for the effort you put in to this substack. I have read all your posts for the better part of a year now and send them along to any of my Goyim compatriots who I think are not too far gone or catatonic to derive benefit from them. Just wanted to mention that.

Have a fulfilling New Year!

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She's like a caricature. She's the female version of The Happy Merchant, but in real life and not as cuddly

Your last recommendation was a good one. I'll definitely check Holy Redemption out.

And thanks for that last. Encourages me and everybody who reads it.

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Something else to note : The seizing of all gold, silver, precious stones (on crosses etc) and icons in the Russian Orthodox and Catholic churches in 1922. Because some of these artifacts were extremely old the Pope offered to buy them from the Bolsheviks for the market price.

The Bolsheviks refused to sell.

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Putin and other Russians seem to be showing repentance for their commy beginnings and more ,propping up Christians workdwide..

They do this while carefully appeasing the more communistic factions left but a directional change seems real the last decade plus especially.

Do you author believe Putin and Co are sincere here or mere diplomatic strategy hiding a heart as cold and murderous as ever?

Whatever the truth there is,I think God is influencing Russians to be of better moral character then avg American or European somehow thru all of the dark mazes they went thru a purification has occurred that's stunning Americans who recognize it as closer to what we were supposed to be..

However this alleged improved Russian heart in the leadership may be an illusion as there's evidence they as well as the Chinese and Uk, others plotted to destroy America by rotting out it's core with debaucheries promoted etc,while leaving their own people alone there mostly.opinion;ie nutshell version please

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I don't know man

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The Marxist-Leninist Jewish Joe Slovo, one of the ANC founders, would be proud that the ANC are following in the footsteps of the Bolsheviks, as his legacy continues through South African president Ramaphosa who has signed the Land expropriation Bill into law, which allows the state the expropriation of land in South Africa without compensation.

There are still Boer farmers who have not been slaughtered yet, and they still growing healthy food, Jewery hates this and must take the land by any means possible to put a stop to such healthy food.

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The Protocols make much of dispossessing all landowners. Once Jews own land, there are Talmudic restrictions on selling it.

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God the Father, or Jehovah as you called Him, consider them the Synagogue of Satan. Your text leans too much into nazi paganism, except for your ads promo of the tee at the end. Shared anyway.

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I don't know what nazi paganism is

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