Craig, I have to applaud your dive into the comments section at Reddit.
It's important to comment to each other on the platforms where we all tend to agree with each other - doing so helps us develop our ideas, and provides the kind of social support many wouldn't be getting otherwise.
However, I think there is a lot of value in sticking your neck out once in a while and commenting in places where you know almost everyone will disagree with you.
Not for the sake of starting an argument, but for the sake of getting out of the echo chamber once in a while and trying to shed some light in the darker corners. You never know what you'll find, what kind of connection you might make, or what seed you may plant. (Even if you won't necessarily get to see that seed germinate.)
You are right about the support and development amongst friendlies, but it also helps hone your thinking to defend amongst hostiles. As Robinson Jeffers put it (roughly): "What but the wolf's tooth whittled so fine the deer's shinbone?"
Ah, yes, the sweet sound of gasps and pearl-clutching in the morning.
The problem is, all the arguments and facts are on our side. Their side relies on ignorance and falsehoods. So the mods just ban you when you demonstrate you are a little more aware than the average sheep. The mods aren't interested in thoughtful dialogue, which proves their agenda is indoctrination.
I regularly use Jeff Childers' comment section to drop my videos and nuggets of wisdom. For some unknown reason, he has kept his word and not banned me (I am never offensive, just contrarian to the Trump worship and Gaza ignoring). Same with a few big platforms.
In the White West, we don't have 'religion'. By definition, 'religion' should be what binds (Latin '-lig-') a people to itself.
Christianity never bound Whites to themselves, but, rather, was a source of constant division and destruction of what Whites had built over thousands of years, erasing a vibrant civilization of both spiritual and technical excellence and replacing it with something so inferior that we've been in a Dark Age for almost 2000 years.
The jews have a religion because hatred of non-jews binds themselves to themselves. Their efforts at destroying what they cannot dominate has given them both temporal and moral authority over 'christians' of all stripes.
The only via 'religion' for the White West at this point is White Nationalism, the love of Whites for Whites and refusal to be divided by anything other than race.
Interesting comment. At the same time, the most racially segregated institution in the US is the Christian church. Except for the megachurches, if those are even churches and not political rallies.
I think the religious revolution will do away with the universalism of Christianity and will reestablish natural hierarchies in the realm that is Religion's concern: relationships between individual humans. The top tier will be the family--the people to whom we belong and who belong to us. Race, as nothing but a huge extended family, is top tier by extension, though subordinate to the family. Within the family, a man and woman, as the creative force, is paramount, and within their subordination to their unity a trinity (!) emerges that merges the past and the future through the generations. In there, somewhere, we'll discover that God really is Love, but not a saccharine Hallmark love. Rather a powerful awesome love like the attraction between two bodies that holds the planets in their orbits.
The 'christian churches' are not 'segregated'. Any Negro that wants to join a 'christian church' will be fawned over like the Second Coming of the Second Coming and 'white christians' get all weepy-eyed when they're invited to Negro 'christian churches'.
I cannot predict the order of priority of 'loyalty' in a White Nationalist condition. What I know is that 'christians' will seek to undermine White Love White (White Nationalism) in preference to 'christian love christian'. They do it in the existing movement now and they'll continue to do so for as long as their jew-worship and anti-White 'universalism' is given any credence at all.
Come the revolution, there will be no difference between 'race' and 'nation'. Driving that wedge has been the goal of Semitism for over 2000 years.
I have a problem with people who speak for all Christianity, especially when they are not one and they proffer obvious misconceptions this much.
Personally, I am trying to find allies wherever I can. The white nationalist atheist (like this guy) thinks that they can do this fight without the folks like me. Maybe they can. But I don't think so.
The saddest part is that I must now insure that I protect myself from them, since they really are just as much against white Christians as they are the damned jews.
What 'misconception' do you think is being proffered?
Do you deny that White churches would embrace negro christians as 'spiritual kin'?
Do you deny that White christians would jump at the chance to attend a negro christian church in order to show how 'not racist' they are?
Name the top five christian denominations that are pro-White, preferably racially separatist.
Please. I'll wait.
You see, the thing is, even if you're a pro-White christian, you have *nothing to offer*.
All the 'pro-White christians' in the US couldn't even fill a small college football stadium. And even if you did, you'd start squabbling about theology and practice before you all got seated.
If you want to be on the White Side of Things, then you have to do it as a White, not a 'christian'.
You're *religion* needs to be White Nationalism, not some jewish ideology that has been used to destroy White civilization.
You speak out your ass because I am a Christian that defies your point. I don't go to church. I don't embrace niggers. I don't identify with any denomination. I live among whites and protect whites in my clan/family.
Get over it. Be an an ally or go suck a jew.
I don't care if you are my enemy, I just want to identify you before the shit goes down.
You are the most dangerous white nationalist. The stupid one with a chip on his shoulder.
You are a Christian? Your racism speaks loudly that you are an agent provocateur, and shame on the rest of you for not castigating this racist bastard. I’m not saying sensor him, just call him out.
Apparently God is ok with ALL men, if you’d bother to read the text of your professed creed.
A Great Multitude from Every Nation Revelation 7:9
9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
You're a christian. You're commanded to not protect yourself, your family, your race. You're commanded to be the docile and feckless herd member your insane belief demands. You're as much humanities enemy as are all others who comprise "the jew". The only ones you may fight alongside of, defend and venerate is and will be "the jew". So commands your insanity.
You’’re a moron. You’re commanded to believe anything the jew tells you to believe about Christians. You’re commanded to attack the only viable ally you might have against their scourge, but are too stupid to know you are being used. Your stupidity is so vast that you would rather attack me than the actual enemy… the jew.
So commands your total lack of awareness of their total control of your mind.
That's cute coming from a believer. The main tactic of all believers is projection. Turn the other cheek, love your enemies and suck the teat of "the jew" as you will never grow up.
This whole series duh at the cracks in the Jew Christ narrative. Eusebius and another guy had some fun things to say. The Gmirkin videos are so fascinating.
I'll have to hunt the articles down. Justinian's wife was also of the ethnic bankers. Nicea was where the Old Testament was forced upon Christianity and the supremacy of Peter was formalized. Peter was a "zealot" Jew of the Pharisee variety while Paul was a Hellenized Jew.
Ah, the freedom of Marcionism. The chains of YHWH weigh heavily upon Christianity. Guilt is a powerful thing and the ethnic Bolsheviks are past masters. Reddit people whining about the Judeo-Christian guilt complex. Jesus is a wonderful archetype for how to treat your fellow man. Bolsheviks exploit loopholes in the teachings. My neighbor is a fellow similar to me not some weirdo.
I don't have this concept fully developed in my mind, but I believe Christianity is some kind of "psyop" to keep the goyim docile and self-sacrificing and focused on the afterlife while the jews focus on the here-and-now earth plane. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the jews have any concept of an 'afterlife'. When you're gone, it's lights out and goodbye. By making the gentile masses focus on things other than the here-and-now, it makes it easier to control them.
I was raised Catholic and I remember being mortified when I first was aware as a kid and walked into a church and saw the crucifix. WTF kind of image is that to base a belief system around? Think about it.
Off topic somewhat, but need to know nonetheless. Pete Quiñones is currently undertaking the reading of the entire book "Two Hundred Years Together" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with excellent running commentary by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson.
The fifth part of the series will be running this week I assume, and I think readers of your work will find this quite interesting as it documents the actual history of the Jews living among the Polish and Russian Empires as those borders did their convolutions from the 1700s through the 20th century. It is quite revealing for an otherwise relatively obscure time period. And it explains so much. Quite enlightening.
I think Pete is reading from a different edition than this one I'm posting, but it is no impediment to understanding, rather it likely adds nuance, as does most certainly Dr Johnson's able assistance.
The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend. Roman Empire never ended it went underground. There never was a separation of church & state we were just erroneously taught there was &b/c the church never was a legit church to begin with. Exposed already long ago as a sham. The state is the coldest of all the cold monsters. Everything it has it has stolen from conquest & tyranny via projection of power via deception. The oldest trick of infamy is to invent/create two or three lies & have people repeatedly argue over which lie is true. We are there agin in the Zeitgeist epoch of twistory.
I suspect that a good portion the Jewish Kazarian royalty migrated to the City State of Venice after the fall of Khazar and shape changed from Jews to Christians. After all they had a reputation of being name stealers, changing religions as required would be a cake walk. ****
After League of Cambrai, Venice diversified to Amsterdam and London. For a couple of hundred years Amsterdam was first fiddle and London was 2nd . That changed. For example, the Dutch East India Company became simply the East India Company after making England a corporatist state (AKA Fascist) and its headquarters. That is where the Kharzian-turned-Jewish-turned-Christian Party of Venice groomed the Bolsheviks.
- Vladimir Lenin, one of the leading figures in the Russian Revolution, lived in London for 15 years, publishing revolutionary literature, organizing Bolshevik groups, and keeping contact with other revolutionaries. ****
“……….Such a Golem is Bolshevik Russia. It is a simple sort of Jewish folkloric fairy-tale, yet it contains implicitly all of the germs of a true classic tragedy. The moral flaw in the character of the rabbi prompted him to produce such a creature, and to place temptation in the way of a foolish wife who he should have known could not resist such lure. So, since neither of the two players, nor the poor Golem, were able to change its habituated nature, the tragic consequence ensued. …
Such is the tragedy brought upon this planet by those who created, and fostered Bolshevik Russia. It was real-life Magicians, including the Bogomils of Venice and kindred precincts, who created this monster known first as the province of Muscovy, and, later, transformed Muscovy into that Bolshevik Moscow devoutly dedicated to the Dostoevskyian madness of establishing itself as the eternal capital of a Third Roman Empire. The heirs of the ancient Magi have supplied themselves, and, unfortunately, our planet, many Golems, including Horace Walpole's Hell-Fire liberalism in eighteenth-century Britain, and eighteenth-century Jacobinism. They supplied us Mazzini's neo-Jacobin "Young Europe" conspiracy, out of which sordid infection came anarchism, terrorism, Karl Marx, modem fascism, and Bolshevism………..”
WTF! Mind blow. Just ordered his autobiography. I want to hear the musings of a guy who went from far left communism to far right, non-establishment conservatism.
Simply put its time for the sword. "We jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they (gentiles) see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword. We will never be deposed by words, only force." Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Assistant to jewish senator jacob javits who spearheaded the open immigration policy in 1965.
All who censor are Capitol Criminals, outlaws. Our Duty is to kill all outlaws on sight or humanity will never overcome "the jew" . Sound radical? How has over 3000 jewish expulsions worked out so far for humanity? All who comprise "the jew" must be openly hunted to extinction. We have their written claims, their censoring, their deceptions to use as evidence for the hunt.
Craig, I need your help. I wrote a response on a site referencing 80 million Russian Christians were murdered by Bolsheviks and I got a slew of hate. Can you give me a few links to substantiate this?
Hi Erick, I always use the figure of 66 million because that is the figure Solzhenitsyn uses, and he is, in my view, the most trustworthy source on the history of Jews and Russians. He takes great pains to be even-handed. He is certainly more trustworthy than Wikipedia, for example, which outright lies on behalf of Jews and cites the SPLC as an authority.
Regarding the actual number, Solzhenitsyn says that the Bolsheviks created such a hell on earth in Russia that no one will ever know exactly who and how many Russians lost their lives as a result of the communist takeover. When you are machine-gunning entire villages day-after-day, you lose count.
To those who deny the the Bolshevik "revolution" was a Jewish genocide of Christians, I find the fact that the Bolsheviks razed thousands of churches, but left the synagogues untouched to be dispositive.
It would be hard to convey how pissed I was when after years of watching all the different network news (4 of them) back as a young man I supported israel while they were killing the Palestinians. The only thing worse was learning my lover in HS hired a Witch to torture my daughter to death, before I knew she existed and so failed in my duty to Protect and Provide .. those two alone makes a nuke war killing 3+ Billions and perhaps me and all my family seems like Justice in this level of vile Hell, and perhaps the survivors would be free from Zionist controlled GreatSatan Federal Gov, and could make laws like hanging Abortionists, baby-murdering mothers, child mind-body-soul mutilating teachers, .., and false-witnessers like those calling people racists, sexists, or antisemite, and see how long they do that after they and all the older adults in family hanging with them as a thank-you for raising such, and making us suffer such spawn.
I've seen and read enough about the holocaust to be sure no 6 millions Jews died, and that all my long life 5.7 millions of undead never-alive Jews haunted us all and still do.
The Zionist Supremacy State's genocide and war-crimes should enlighten everyone to what is deep in the putrid vile black-hearts of some Sects of Jews, and revie all the lies through history, till today, and realize who the Spawn of Hell are.
About Reddit, I started a little bit ago in the Catholic sub-reddit and after explaining that Modernists had sat Satan in the middle of Vatican, and the Church still lives in the Traditional Catholic worship and service, one of the mod.s warned me that I should not talk anti-Catholic information! Retards.
Craig, I have to applaud your dive into the comments section at Reddit.
It's important to comment to each other on the platforms where we all tend to agree with each other - doing so helps us develop our ideas, and provides the kind of social support many wouldn't be getting otherwise.
However, I think there is a lot of value in sticking your neck out once in a while and commenting in places where you know almost everyone will disagree with you.
Not for the sake of starting an argument, but for the sake of getting out of the echo chamber once in a while and trying to shed some light in the darker corners. You never know what you'll find, what kind of connection you might make, or what seed you may plant. (Even if you won't necessarily get to see that seed germinate.)
You are right about the support and development amongst friendlies, but it also helps hone your thinking to defend amongst hostiles. As Robinson Jeffers put it (roughly): "What but the wolf's tooth whittled so fine the deer's shinbone?"
I dunno. There is some pleasure found as I drop a grenade in a comment section.
Ah, yes, the sweet sound of gasps and pearl-clutching in the morning.
The problem is, all the arguments and facts are on our side. Their side relies on ignorance and falsehoods. So the mods just ban you when you demonstrate you are a little more aware than the average sheep. The mods aren't interested in thoughtful dialogue, which proves their agenda is indoctrination.
I regularly use Jeff Childers' comment section to drop my videos and nuggets of wisdom. For some unknown reason, he has kept his word and not banned me (I am never offensive, just contrarian to the Trump worship and Gaza ignoring). Same with a few big platforms.
(crossing my fingers)
In the White West, we don't have 'religion'. By definition, 'religion' should be what binds (Latin '-lig-') a people to itself.
Christianity never bound Whites to themselves, but, rather, was a source of constant division and destruction of what Whites had built over thousands of years, erasing a vibrant civilization of both spiritual and technical excellence and replacing it with something so inferior that we've been in a Dark Age for almost 2000 years.
The jews have a religion because hatred of non-jews binds themselves to themselves. Their efforts at destroying what they cannot dominate has given them both temporal and moral authority over 'christians' of all stripes.
The only via 'religion' for the White West at this point is White Nationalism, the love of Whites for Whites and refusal to be divided by anything other than race.
Interesting comment. At the same time, the most racially segregated institution in the US is the Christian church. Except for the megachurches, if those are even churches and not political rallies.
I think the religious revolution will do away with the universalism of Christianity and will reestablish natural hierarchies in the realm that is Religion's concern: relationships between individual humans. The top tier will be the family--the people to whom we belong and who belong to us. Race, as nothing but a huge extended family, is top tier by extension, though subordinate to the family. Within the family, a man and woman, as the creative force, is paramount, and within their subordination to their unity a trinity (!) emerges that merges the past and the future through the generations. In there, somewhere, we'll discover that God really is Love, but not a saccharine Hallmark love. Rather a powerful awesome love like the attraction between two bodies that holds the planets in their orbits.
Come the revolution, race will supersede nation.
The 'christian churches' are not 'segregated'. Any Negro that wants to join a 'christian church' will be fawned over like the Second Coming of the Second Coming and 'white christians' get all weepy-eyed when they're invited to Negro 'christian churches'.
I cannot predict the order of priority of 'loyalty' in a White Nationalist condition. What I know is that 'christians' will seek to undermine White Love White (White Nationalism) in preference to 'christian love christian'. They do it in the existing movement now and they'll continue to do so for as long as their jew-worship and anti-White 'universalism' is given any credence at all.
Come the revolution, there will be no difference between 'race' and 'nation'. Driving that wedge has been the goal of Semitism for over 2000 years.
I have a problem with people who speak for all Christianity, especially when they are not one and they proffer obvious misconceptions this much.
Personally, I am trying to find allies wherever I can. The white nationalist atheist (like this guy) thinks that they can do this fight without the folks like me. Maybe they can. But I don't think so.
The saddest part is that I must now insure that I protect myself from them, since they really are just as much against white Christians as they are the damned jews.
What 'misconception' do you think is being proffered?
Do you deny that White churches would embrace negro christians as 'spiritual kin'?
Do you deny that White christians would jump at the chance to attend a negro christian church in order to show how 'not racist' they are?
Name the top five christian denominations that are pro-White, preferably racially separatist.
Please. I'll wait.
You see, the thing is, even if you're a pro-White christian, you have *nothing to offer*.
All the 'pro-White christians' in the US couldn't even fill a small college football stadium. And even if you did, you'd start squabbling about theology and practice before you all got seated.
If you want to be on the White Side of Things, then you have to do it as a White, not a 'christian'.
You're *religion* needs to be White Nationalism, not some jewish ideology that has been used to destroy White civilization.
You speak out your ass because I am a Christian that defies your point. I don't go to church. I don't embrace niggers. I don't identify with any denomination. I live among whites and protect whites in my clan/family.
Get over it. Be an an ally or go suck a jew.
I don't care if you are my enemy, I just want to identify you before the shit goes down.
You are the most dangerous white nationalist. The stupid one with a chip on his shoulder.
You are a Christian? Your racism speaks loudly that you are an agent provocateur, and shame on the rest of you for not castigating this racist bastard. I’m not saying sensor him, just call him out.
Apparently God is ok with ALL men, if you’d bother to read the text of your professed creed.
A Great Multitude from Every Nation Revelation 7:9
9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
You're a christian. You're commanded to not protect yourself, your family, your race. You're commanded to be the docile and feckless herd member your insane belief demands. You're as much humanities enemy as are all others who comprise "the jew". The only ones you may fight alongside of, defend and venerate is and will be "the jew". So commands your insanity.
You’’re a moron. You’re commanded to believe anything the jew tells you to believe about Christians. You’re commanded to attack the only viable ally you might have against their scourge, but are too stupid to know you are being used. Your stupidity is so vast that you would rather attack me than the actual enemy… the jew.
So commands your total lack of awareness of their total control of your mind.
That's cute coming from a believer. The main tactic of all believers is projection. Turn the other cheek, love your enemies and suck the teat of "the jew" as you will never grow up.
It has a lot to do with Council of Nicea and the Judaizing of Christianity.
Any book recommendations?
Here's a pretty good article from Rurik Skywalker
This whole series duh at the cracks in the Jew Christ narrative. Eusebius and another guy had some fun things to say. The Gmirkin videos are so fascinating.
Good article. Thank you.
Rurik is a peach.
Manetho not eusebius
I'll have to hunt the articles down. Justinian's wife was also of the ethnic bankers. Nicea was where the Old Testament was forced upon Christianity and the supremacy of Peter was formalized. Peter was a "zealot" Jew of the Pharisee variety while Paul was a Hellenized Jew.
If people actually read the Bible, there'd be a lot less Christians.
And if the gentiles read the Talmud, they'd maybe get the point that jews hate them.
Don't hold your breath, though.
Sheep are pretty stupid.
Maybe if somebody makes a TikTok video
Ah, the freedom of Marcionism. The chains of YHWH weigh heavily upon Christianity. Guilt is a powerful thing and the ethnic Bolsheviks are past masters. Reddit people whining about the Judeo-Christian guilt complex. Jesus is a wonderful archetype for how to treat your fellow man. Bolsheviks exploit loopholes in the teachings. My neighbor is a fellow similar to me not some weirdo.
I don't have this concept fully developed in my mind, but I believe Christianity is some kind of "psyop" to keep the goyim docile and self-sacrificing and focused on the afterlife while the jews focus on the here-and-now earth plane. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the jews have any concept of an 'afterlife'. When you're gone, it's lights out and goodbye. By making the gentile masses focus on things other than the here-and-now, it makes it easier to control them.
I was raised Catholic and I remember being mortified when I first was aware as a kid and walked into a church and saw the crucifix. WTF kind of image is that to base a belief system around? Think about it.
Believe it or not Chucky, this windy fellow struggles daily with this very concept.
Off topic somewhat, but need to know nonetheless. Pete Quiñones is currently undertaking the reading of the entire book "Two Hundred Years Together" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn with excellent running commentary by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson.
The fifth part of the series will be running this week I assume, and I think readers of your work will find this quite interesting as it documents the actual history of the Jews living among the Polish and Russian Empires as those borders did their convolutions from the 1700s through the 20th century. It is quite revealing for an otherwise relatively obscure time period. And it explains so much. Quite enlightening.
I think Pete is reading from a different edition than this one I'm posting, but it is no impediment to understanding, rather it likely adds nuance, as does most certainly Dr Johnson's able assistance.
Here's Part 1 on YouTube, it also runs on Odysee & likely other platforms:
The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend. Roman Empire never ended it went underground. There never was a separation of church & state we were just erroneously taught there was &b/c the church never was a legit church to begin with. Exposed already long ago as a sham. The state is the coldest of all the cold monsters. Everything it has it has stolen from conquest & tyranny via projection of power via deception. The oldest trick of infamy is to invent/create two or three lies & have people repeatedly argue over which lie is true. We are there agin in the Zeitgeist epoch of twistory.
This is gay
C'mon... "twistory"
Hey Craig - do you know much about Seth Abramson? His hit piece on Musk pretty much hits the mark, but ultimately it's a general, and typical, vilification of whitey by a typically tendentious jew:
Ironically, Abramson likely doesn't know that Musk himself is jewish.
No, not familiar. I'll check it out.
Is Musk Jewish?
It appears so...
hey there craig, do you feel like doing a podcast chat? thanks for reading my work!
Yes, by all means
Reddit is where the slaves to "acceptable speech" are willingly corraled.
I love Champagne:)
Your seat is already reserved.
I suspect that a good portion the Jewish Kazarian royalty migrated to the City State of Venice after the fall of Khazar and shape changed from Jews to Christians. After all they had a reputation of being name stealers, changing religions as required would be a cake walk. ****
After League of Cambrai, Venice diversified to Amsterdam and London. For a couple of hundred years Amsterdam was first fiddle and London was 2nd . That changed. For example, the Dutch East India Company became simply the East India Company after making England a corporatist state (AKA Fascist) and its headquarters. That is where the Kharzian-turned-Jewish-turned-Christian Party of Venice groomed the Bolsheviks.
- Vladimir Lenin, one of the leading figures in the Russian Revolution, lived in London for 15 years, publishing revolutionary literature, organizing Bolshevik groups, and keeping contact with other revolutionaries. ****
“……….Such a Golem is Bolshevik Russia. It is a simple sort of Jewish folkloric fairy-tale, yet it contains implicitly all of the germs of a true classic tragedy. The moral flaw in the character of the rabbi prompted him to produce such a creature, and to place temptation in the way of a foolish wife who he should have known could not resist such lure. So, since neither of the two players, nor the poor Golem, were able to change its habituated nature, the tragic consequence ensued. …
Such is the tragedy brought upon this planet by those who created, and fostered Bolshevik Russia. It was real-life Magicians, including the Bogomils of Venice and kindred precincts, who created this monster known first as the province of Muscovy, and, later, transformed Muscovy into that Bolshevik Moscow devoutly dedicated to the Dostoevskyian madness of establishing itself as the eternal capital of a Third Roman Empire. The heirs of the ancient Magi have supplied themselves, and, unfortunately, our planet, many Golems, including Horace Walpole's Hell-Fire liberalism in eighteenth-century Britain, and eighteenth-century Jacobinism. They supplied us Mazzini's neo-Jacobin "Young Europe" conspiracy, out of which sordid infection came anarchism, terrorism, Karl Marx, modem fascism, and Bolshevism………..”
WTF! Mind blow. Just ordered his autobiography. I want to hear the musings of a guy who went from far left communism to far right, non-establishment conservatism.
Very interesting comment.
Simply put its time for the sword. "We jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. Woe be unto us if they (gentiles) see the futility of it, lay down the pen and take up the sword. We will never be deposed by words, only force." Harold Wallace Rosenthal. Assistant to jewish senator jacob javits who spearheaded the open immigration policy in 1965.
All who censor are Capitol Criminals, outlaws. Our Duty is to kill all outlaws on sight or humanity will never overcome "the jew" . Sound radical? How has over 3000 jewish expulsions worked out so far for humanity? All who comprise "the jew" must be openly hunted to extinction. We have their written claims, their censoring, their deceptions to use as evidence for the hunt.
Craig, I need your help. I wrote a response on a site referencing 80 million Russian Christians were murdered by Bolsheviks and I got a slew of hate. Can you give me a few links to substantiate this?
Hi Erick, I always use the figure of 66 million because that is the figure Solzhenitsyn uses, and he is, in my view, the most trustworthy source on the history of Jews and Russians. He takes great pains to be even-handed. He is certainly more trustworthy than Wikipedia, for example, which outright lies on behalf of Jews and cites the SPLC as an authority.
Regarding the actual number, Solzhenitsyn says that the Bolsheviks created such a hell on earth in Russia that no one will ever know exactly who and how many Russians lost their lives as a result of the communist takeover. When you are machine-gunning entire villages day-after-day, you lose count.
To those who deny the the Bolshevik "revolution" was a Jewish genocide of Christians, I find the fact that the Bolsheviks razed thousands of churches, but left the synagogues untouched to be dispositive.
Thanks for the reply. However this person has decended into a stream of profanity. I'm not further wasting my time on a closed mind.
God Bless the Truth-tellers!
It would be hard to convey how pissed I was when after years of watching all the different network news (4 of them) back as a young man I supported israel while they were killing the Palestinians. The only thing worse was learning my lover in HS hired a Witch to torture my daughter to death, before I knew she existed and so failed in my duty to Protect and Provide .. those two alone makes a nuke war killing 3+ Billions and perhaps me and all my family seems like Justice in this level of vile Hell, and perhaps the survivors would be free from Zionist controlled GreatSatan Federal Gov, and could make laws like hanging Abortionists, baby-murdering mothers, child mind-body-soul mutilating teachers, .., and false-witnessers like those calling people racists, sexists, or antisemite, and see how long they do that after they and all the older adults in family hanging with them as a thank-you for raising such, and making us suffer such spawn.
I've seen and read enough about the holocaust to be sure no 6 millions Jews died, and that all my long life 5.7 millions of undead never-alive Jews haunted us all and still do.
The Zionist Supremacy State's genocide and war-crimes should enlighten everyone to what is deep in the putrid vile black-hearts of some Sects of Jews, and revie all the lies through history, till today, and realize who the Spawn of Hell are.
About Reddit, I started a little bit ago in the Catholic sub-reddit and after explaining that Modernists had sat Satan in the middle of Vatican, and the Church still lives in the Traditional Catholic worship and service, one of the mod.s warned me that I should not talk anti-Catholic information! Retards.
God Bless., Steve