
I have been asking "the Jewish Question" for about 12 years now. But it has only been very recently - even within the last week or so - that I have felt a new kind of visceral revulsion for Jews.

I think it's from watching Jew after Jew after Jew claim victim status while they are slaughtering children wholesale in Gaza.

I can't imagine I'm the only one.

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That's why I suspect the behavior is intentionally repulsive and part of the Jehovan cycle. This piece by Lee kern is cartoonishly vile and yet it gets 140 "Likes". They know as well as the whole world knows (with the exception of the willfully ignorant Christian Zionists) they are committing genocide against an innocent people. Are they trying to provoke us in the same way they are trying to provoke Russia and China? Is there something just around the corner we don't know about?

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Jun 21Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

They do provoke visceral revulsion but many of the people who feel it have been mentally disabled by the inculcated fear of committing the sin of "stereotyping" that they are unable to make logical generalizations based on observation and data.

They will rush to deny they are criticizing "Jews," but only "zionist jews" and to remind you that there are many "good Jews." I have often said that I know there are many "good Jews" and can invite all of them to dinner without breaking the bank.

If you criticize judaism they will point out that many Jews are not religious... This begs the question how come they self-identify as Jews then, since such an identity is completely dependent on the criteria established by judaism ("kosher" mitochondrial lineage, sexual mutilation of male newborns).

It is important to think of judaism as the mental DNA of Jews, passed on from generation to generation, which manifests itself even in the "good Jews" as the belief not only in their long history of unspeakable, unique suffering (the Holocaust myth must be sustained at all costs), but also in Jewish supremacism: the unshaken belief that they are superior in both intellect and morality to the rest of mankind and thus the rightful leaders in the societies where they have been accepted and which they strive to shape, by hook or by crook, into Jew-friendly environments.

Such an environment of Jewish utopia should be an atomized, Babylon of diverse groups (importation of "refugees" helps) that can never form a cohesive nation posing a threat to their dominance. This is why "nationalism" is one of their greatest fear and they push the idea that America is a "proposition nation." Their old fear is Christianity, another agent of cohesion opposing the atomization, which is why attacks on all fronts have been deployed in education, media and entertainment. Buy a few televangelists to steer millions of ignorant Christians (ignorant of history, let alone their own faith), toward that perfect oxymoron, "Christian zionism" and laugh all the way to the bank. You'll spend less money on politicians in this way because they depend on the votes of those millions of delusional former Christians.

Craig is right, of course, judaism is incurable. It is important to remember, however, that the judaic mentality extends beyond the specific religious tenets of judaism and includes its fruits, long consumed and assimilated by non-Jews in Western societies:

moral relativism leading to moral decay, greed presented as a virtue, "success" defined as accumulation of loot by any means, negation and eventual severing of all meaningful ties to one's own (family, race, ethnic group, religion, nation, country) and allegiance of convenience to one's perceived "betters": the Jews in power.

Gilad Atzmon, ex-Israeli Jew, who contributed significantly to diagnosing the mental and psychological malaise of Jews (The Wandering Who) could not bring himself -- for reasons known only to him -- to indict judaism. Instead, he settled on calling it "Jewishness."

As far as I am concerned, "Jewishness" without Judaism is like a weed without roots.

Nevertheless, accepting "Jewishness" as a definition of the phenomenon -- otherwise termed the Jewish Question)-- falls short of evaluating the breadth and depth of the problem we face if we only include Jews in it.

The rot they caused has created a whole societal structure of "Jewishness" (from the usurious banking system they own to the Jewish media, as they do the entertainment, not to speak of the political system, education, etc). And all of this is operated by non-Jews deeply inculcated by "Jewishness."

It seems that all of this happened gradually and then... all of a sudden. It is becoming more obvious to many more people than before only because now, secure in their power, they strut above boasting of it, convinced of their immunity. Understandably so: they Goyim did not notice what happened to them in 1913 when the global Jewish bankers took over the country's finances, they did not react to changes in immigration laws in the 60s, nor to the :"women's liberation" movement, nor to the empowerment of Black marauders (Leonard Bernstein hosted parties to celebrated and gather funds for the Black Panthers) under the guise of yet another liberation," nor to the attacks on White Christian culture and traditions, but they did not even react to USS Liberty attack. How about 9/11? How about Jonathan Pollard? How about all the Jewish wars we waged on the ME?

No wonder they feel safe to "come out" and Blinken can say to Netanyahu "I come before you as a Jew." I imagine their puzzled frustration that all of a sudden a little thing like a genocide in Palestine can cause so much opposition. The chorus of American political leadership insists that Israel "has a right to defend itself." And not just the likes of Blinken or Schumer but the uncircumcized like Sullivan and others. They did not study the Torah and the Talmud in an yeshiva but that is "Jewishness." Jewishness by proxy.

The only difference between Judaism and the Jewishness by proxy is that the former is incurable, an uneradicable part and parcel of their self-identification, whereas for the latter removal from power and proper punishment for their crimes would strip them of their allegiance and make them the stingless drones without a moral center they always were.

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I have never tried sharing a comment in my Notes before, but this one was full of so much insight that I hit that share button for the first time.

I loved your quip about inviting all the "good jews" to dinner. Bulls eye.

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Jun 22Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Yeah every comment in this thread is well thought through. To add a couple of insights: Judaism -when one scratches (past) the surface comes across as a huckster's creed. A guidebook of heuristics and rules-of-thumb - for only their tribe to get-ahead-at-all costs, even and esp. non-jews' life and liberty. The other contemporary interesting thing is the echo chambers the Jews and Israeli Jews in particular being caught in - that epistemic bubble that they are in - seems un-pierceable. Are they even watching the same horrors as we are, ?

It seems to me that there at least 2 of the following 3 must become true - collectively in any society - in order for the Jewish question to resolve:

1. Widespread acceptance of alternative histories from 1915-now, or at least post WW1- and esp. WW2. Starter kit: https://www.unz.com/runz/the-bibliography-for-an-alternative-historical-narrative/

2. Shared collective admittance of the detrimental full-spectrum disproportionate dominance of Jews by creep & subterfuge over every critical Western institution (govt, banking/finance, media/entertainment, immigration/feminism/pornography) over the past 100 years continuing on to today.

3. The utter vacuousness of Judaism as a moral calculus

#2 seems to be the easiest and is only held back by fear. Recall that Chrisopher wood guy? https://x.com/Iinda1509/status/1795038231219618201

That's all from me.

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I want to stand up and cheer every time I see a video of Christopher Wood doing his thing. He is amazing.

I am increasingly of the opinion that the most important thing for us to do with regards the Jews is to overcome our fear of them - be it conscious or subconscious.

Remember the old saying about fearing God? I never liked it, but I'm starting to hear it differently. "Fearing God" is about respecting the Creator of the Universe and *no one else.* What the Jews want is to be God - and have us fear them.

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Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

You are not the only one. I promise.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Fantastic summation of why the biological imperative of the White Race and the Eternal jew will always be diametrically opposed. Us vs them may help clarify the situation for our more somnambulist Volk. \o

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In truth, it's the imperative of all humanity for the same reason. We just happened, thanks to geography, be next in line. We're not the first. It is up to us to stop it.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It's always up to us; that's why there's a price on white, especially male, heads today. They know we can.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Very well stated. This existential pressure will ultimately fare us well. We are a stratified race, and it has taken the A Team a bit longer to anger, as is our way. We are very angry at this point, and any tendril of unification, will see Pogroms unparalleled in human history. The jew has more than earned our enmity.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Craig, I believe some of the jewish enmity towards us is endemic to species, some because we were proximal, but MOST, is very strategic. Only the White Race, and some East Asians/Persians offer any chance of defeating the jew, a unified White Race, is certain to defeat them. And, we have a storied history of having done so.

Hadrian and Vespasian came close, Hitler unfortunately used wooden doors. We must be genetically, more fastidious. \o

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Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

They always insinuate themselves into the halls of power; Roman emperor Claudius was befriended by Herod Agrippa as young men, and Josephus, who led a Jewish revolt team, when he saw it was a no-win, defected to the Romans and told Vespasian he was the predicted messiah (one of the Hebrew prophets had said the messiah would come from outside Israel, like Cyrus did), and played on his vanity. Vespasian believed him and the rest is history (also written for us by Josephus, who was even granted the imperial family name: Flavius). They are masters of infiltration.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

"Putting it bluntly: we need to tell the world we will fuck up anyone who tries to hurt us." Yeah, because Jewish men are so overwhelmingly masculine; e.g., one Lee Kern:


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He was a co-writer on the Borat 2 mockumentary. Steve Sailer does a good job pointing out how the substance of the Borat movies is ethnic hatred.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

The Jews can really do a lot of damage, though. They control Western governments and media. There are tons of Jewish lawyers, prosecutors and judges. They've torn up the Constitution and you have no rights under their system. If whites so much as form a white student union, the Jews will scream Nazi. If whites band together to promote their own interests, the Jews will send in the Feds to manufacture a "crime" and then swoop down with law enforcement a la Ruby Ridge and Waco. They can pick off their perceived enemies one by one. The one thing they can't do -- and this infuriates them -- is disarm the whole population all at once. If they try that -- even using the military -- they'll lose more badly than America lost fighting rice farmers in Vietnam and goatherders in Afghanistan. It's up to the Jews to decide how bold they want to be. In the meantime, do everything you can to have nothing to do with them and their white stooges. Form white communities -- but do it discreetly. Don't discriminate against anyone. Just live in such a way that Jews -- and the nonwhites who they use to bash us over the head with -- won't be comfortable and will want to leave. Center the community around a church and live in a county with a constitution-respecting county sheriff in an unincorporated area where he has jurisdiction. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) can guide you to those sheriffs. Don't talk to reporters. Don't talk to law enforcement without a lawyer present. Stop using trackable technology and devices that can be manipulated. Just use common sense.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

I understand the usefulness of the church around which you say to form your community as the means of making it "uncomfortable" for Jews, but the church is now and has been our biggest weakness ever since the fatal blunder 15 centuries ago giving Jehovah, of all the sick, filthy animals, equal divine authority to Christ. Christianity was wrecked at that moment and has repeatedly shown itself incapable of defending us ever since. Even now, Christianity is one of the biggest weapons Jews use against us; 25% of American Christians are cheering on the slaughter of children in Gaza as part of God's plan to make Jesus come back. That kind of evil stupidity cannot be countenanced. John Haggee is us at our worst and weakest.

(Consider all the movies Jews have made mocking the kind of "Christian" community you suggest. The people are always given extreme Old Testament characteristics: harsh, merciless, secretive, anachronistic, insular, all the men are scowling, dressed in all-black, and named Jebediah or Ezekiel.)

I'm also not sure about the all-white thing. I personally don't see blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc., as enemies. They are easily weaponized against us (and each other) by our real enemies, granted, and that may be sufficient reason to "make it uncomfortable" for non-whites to remain in your community, but it seems to be an ancillary issue at the very most.

I have long argued we need a religious revolution. We need a new kind of church that emphasizes the moral necessity of "belonging" to each other (as a commenter here put it recently in describing a mother-infant relationship). That kind of moral insight naturally prioritizes family over race and race over humanity, but it doesn't alienate or reject any human. Just as a family has a right to live "separated" from everyone else in their own house or apartment, so, too, does a race, language-group, ethnicity, or what-have-you and that seems to be the way things naturally sort themselves. That's what nations are, or were, until the nation-destroyers worked their Old Testament hatreds on us--using to great and destructive effect, the churches.

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Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Yes, churches have been corrupted. But there are some that are not. I recommend Pastor Chuck Baldwin (chuckbaldwinlive.com and libertyfellowshipmt.com). As for whites, we need our own space. There are exceptional Jews and nonwhites, and I am not saying to reject them. But I wouldn't encourage them either. They might be fine, but what about their kids down the road? Of course, those who disagree with me can form other kinds of communities. What community in the U.S. has managed to stay white without any Jewish influence? The Amish. I think that's a good model to emulate.

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The Bolsheviks are the group in power, now, in the United States and with the same ethnic make up they had when they took power in Russia. Our modern Bolsheviks include the direct descendants of the unpunished monsters who murdered, tortured, and dispossessed tens of millions of Russian Christians in the last century.

There was only one group in Russia for whom communism was a net benefit--the Jews, who came out of communism wealthier, more powerful, and more numerous than they went in. No other group was exempt from Jehovah's command to "utterly destroy," and I don't think our Amish will be left alone, either.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, to me, there is one overriding issue in front of us that all our efforts need to be concentrated on--fighting Jewish supremacy. Rule by Jews means extermination or enslavement for all gentiles. That makes all gentiles into allies. Or they should be. Any effort that goes counter to that alliance is detrimental.

Someone above left a comment to the effect that Israel has as many "fags" as San Francisco. Comments like that are exceedingly unhelpful and I don't understand what the commenter hopes to gain by making it. There is no benefit to be had from making that statement and it only serves to help the Jewish strategy of "let's you and him fight." It keeps us divided and fighting each other rather than uniting against a common enemy. Same applies toward any group.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 21Liked by Craig Nelsen

Yes, to successfully fight against Jewish supremacy, there must be unity.

However, the one group the Jews are attacking right now consists of non-Jewish, male, heterosexual whites. Other groups are favored by the Jews. They have no reason to be as motivated as we are. If we were to include them, we would be distracted and lose our focus.

It will be hard enough just dealing with other whites. Getting whites to unite is like trying to herd cats. There are many who claim to be anti-Jew and pro-white but can't stop themselves from taking pot shots at other whites and forming a circular firing squad.

We Americans have been raised to think we can do anything. We can't. We had a white nation with minimal Jewish influence, and we lost it. It was given away, slowly, piece by piece, over many generations.

It will be a small, tightknit group of highly disciplined whites who will save all the other whites. No one else is going to do it. We need to give such a group a chance to develop by forming many groups -- groups grounded in tradition.

As for the "fag" comment, I would say if someone's gay, he should keep it to himself. The white communities we form need to be something the majority of whites can identify with. We need tough, unsentimental masculine energy.

Let them call us racist, sexist, etc. I would be worried if they didn't.

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Yes, in this country, whites are the main target. But in Palestine, Arabs are the main target. In Ukraine, the Orthodox Christians are the ones getting slaughtered. In Iraq, it was the Sunnis. When the Jewish Young Turks took power, they genocided the Armenians. The Jews who controlled the East India Co set Hindus killing Hindus and Muslims killing Hindus and Hindus killing Muslims. The Jewish managers of the Opium wars had Chinese killing Chinese and on it goes.

It isn't a matter of including or excluding non-whites in any future movement or army or militia or community or what-have-you. We are thrown together already by our designation as gentiles. We are necessarily allies. Therefore, it is entirely counterproductive to attack niggers and fags and she-boons and chinks, etc. Live with your family, form communities with your race, but keep your eyes focused on the enemy of humanity and be respectful to your allies.

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ALL churches are now corrupt. Without exception.

In 1948, the Christian west was sent into Spiritual Babylonian captivity.

The complete destruction of the church by the removal of the doctrine of Christ was the 3rd plague of Revelation. That is why they all now wave the gay pride flag or the Satanic flag of the Zionist state (which means 666 - the kabbalistic number of Moschiach), and promote the theosophical doctrine of globalism.

Bible prophecy teaching on the internet is - without exception - a Zionist scam. All of it teaches some aspect of the Zohar/Talmud, e.g. a future Antichrist, cashless society, the idea that Roman Catholicism (which is a creation of Judaism) is the litle horn of Daniel.

Antichrist is already finished.

The Zionist state (the king of fierce countenance of Daniel 8 )is in the process of destroying itself.

Chuck Baldwin promotes guns and politics, Andrew. No Christian is permitted to be violent, and all politics is kabbalah.. There is no political Messiah.

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I think you're on an ego trip, trying to pretend that only you have all the answers. Baldwin is a serious man, and if anyone will restore Christianity, it will be him, not you. Christianity is not a suicide pact. And Baldwin is not claiming to be a messiah.

You're polluting this conversation with off-the wall nonsense. I have already shown how you distort the bible. It is people like you who make others shy away from exposing the Jews. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Jew.

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If xou think that promoting guns and poltics is Christianity, there is nothing more to say, Andrew.

Christianity is Jewish.

Judaism is total blasphemy, which considers Christianity to be Satanism.

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Absolutely! (Sounds like you’ve been listening to Jared Taylor?)

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Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Jared Taylor is great, but he downplays the Jewish issue. I recommend Taylor, but I would also look into Kevin MacDonald (The Occidental Quarterly and theoccidentalobserver.net), Greg Johnson (counter-currents.com), the Institute for Historical Review (archived at unz.com), Brother Nathanael Kapner (realjewnews.com), Rick Wiles and Raymond Burkhart (trunews.com and faithandvalues.com), Jerry Barrett (powerofprophecy.com and texemarrs.com) and Jeff Rense (rense.com). For Christians, I recommend Pastor Chuck Baldwin (chuckbaldwinlive.com and libertyfellowshipmt.com), trunews.com, faithandvalues.com, kti.com, the above-mentioned Brother Nathanael (realjewnews.com and a series called "Bible with Brother") and the film "Marching to Zion" by Texe Marrs et al.

Good books are Wilmot Robertson, "The Dispossessed Minority"; Kevin MacDonald, "The Culture of Critique" and "Cultural Insurrections"; Ilan Pappe, "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine"; Thomas Goodrich, "Hellstorm"; Samuel Roth, "Jews Must Live"; Jared Taylor, "White Identity"; Henry Ford, "The International Jew"; M.S. King, "Planet Rothschild"; Texe Marrs, "Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star" and "Holy Serpent of the Jews"; David Duke, "My Awakening"; George Lincoln Rockwell, "White Power"; Michael Hoffman, "The Great Holocaust Trial"; Arthur Butz, "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" and transcripts of the two trials of Ernst Zundel.

There are also the dystopian novels of William Pierce, writing under the pen name Andrew MacDonald ("Hunter" and "The Turner Diaries") and Harold Covington ("A Distant Thunder", "A Mighty Fortress", "The Brigade", "The Hill of Ravens" and "Freedom's Sons"). I would call Covington the Balzac of white nationalism.

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Wow, thank you for doing this. I have read Kevin Mac on Occidental, and I’ve seen one or two of Br. Nathanael’s videos. I’m wondering whether Taylor considers Jews white (they don’t seem to think themselves to be so given the criticism of “white men” that I’ve seen) or maybe he gets enough flak as a “white supremacist” as it is so tried to avoid the “antisemite” thing.

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Jun 20Liked by Craig Nelsen

I think it's a combination of both. He's been a white advocate for around 35 years. He says he recognizes that a lot of Jews can be a problem, but he'll let other people deal with that. He says there are Jews who support his positions. He's an excellent writer and very personable. In fact, I've been surprised how many leaders on our side have engaging personalities: David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, Brother Nathanael, Jared - really, all of them. Attractive, nice, well-educated people. The very opposite of the foaming-at-the-mouth stereotype promulgated by the opposition.

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Very true. They come across as clearly sane and rational people.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Bloody typical. Looks the way he writes. What is the saying? "Beauty comes from within"?


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Israel is full of fags like San Francisco

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I'm not holding my breath thinking he will ever be accused of hate speech. Its only hate speech if I criticize Zionism.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

They do seem to forget that they're less than 1 PERCENT OF THE FUCKING POPULATION!

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I have a feeling that they lie about their true numbers.

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I believe you are right. No gentile authority is ever permitted to count the Jews.

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Never was. In tsarist Russia, that was a means of tax evasion (amongst others).

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Jun 17Liked by Anna Cordelia

The World hates the Jews because the Jews hate everyone else who isn’t a Jew and according to their supposedly holy book The Talmud they are god’s chosen people and can do anything they want to us..They are satanic and Jesus Christ himself said I know those who call themselves Jews but are not they are from the Synagogues of Satan..And because they are satanic they only want to kill and destroy..White Christians especially but ultimately all of Christianity because they rejected Jesus and Christians are the chosen ones now..The Jews aren’t worthy of any sympathy at all because they create nothing but hatred and hell on earth so as a Christian I will pray for them up to and until they are at my door then I will dispatch them to meet their little g god.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

The Jews are antisocial, except to other Jews. But -- unlike a hermit who simply withdraws from society -- they need to control everything and everyone. They can't be completely comfortable in this world until they rule everyone with an iron fist. That is the key to understanding their mental illness. Schopenhauer said it is foolish to give them any influence or authority. In every country they inhabit outside of Israel, they are a Trojan Horse. Of course, not all or even most Jews are like this, but plenty are -- enough to constitute a mortal threat. Although small in number, they are a tightknit group, with hundreds if not thousands of organizations (local, regional, statewide, national and international) in numerous countries. Being scattered in different countries has enabled them to dominate international trade going all the way back to the 17th century. As a result, they have acquired the enormous wealth needed to buy politicians (or finance their opponents). The whole U.S. Congress is now controlled by AIPAC. While whites fight and compete with each other, the Jews work as a team. That is how they win. And they do everything they can to divide non-Jews and keep them at each other's throats. Divide and conquer. Just look at the Jewish controlled media, stirring up racial, gender and class hatred, pitting generations against each other, etc.

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"... they need to control everything and everyone." This is just one of their characteristics that has helped me to realize such Jews are literally psychopathic. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that - they are text book examples of psychopathy.

Thanks for your contributions to this discussion, Andrew. It's great to hear from people who have given these issues so much thought.

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Jun 19Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Thanks. I appreciate you for bringing up this subject.

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Anna, you are a disgusting Jew hating little twit ass.

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Jun 18Liked by Anna Cordelia

I agree with you 100% they are parasites and they need to rounded up and put in a human zoo.Divide and conquer is a military strategy and is being used in the American political process..They are our enemy plain and simple and as such we are constantly at war because of them and their boot lickers in congress who are our enemies also..But the mindless minions would rather argue about who is better the Democrats or Republicans and neither side represents Americans anymore..They can all fuck off l no longer consent to be governed

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Jun 19Liked by Craig Nelsen

Incurable? Nah, even Hitler had Jews in the Wehrmacht.

How many, you might ask? Well…

130K+, including dozens of officers, four generals, and a Field Marshal.

They also were awarded among them 14 Iron Crosses, I believe.

Once we have the biggest truth and reconciliation episode in all of human history, I think it’ll be pretty much “cured”.

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Jun 20Liked by Anna Cordelia

From what I can tell, they were all half-Jews and quarter-Jews. If a full Jew got through, it was probably through some kind of deception.

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Hitler declared more than a few full-blood Jews to be "honorary Aryans". It also looks like the number may have been as high as 150k. Jews also served and held high positions in the SS.

Curiously, the Wikipedia page that had all the Jewish officers seems to be missing, now. Almost like they don't want you to know just how many Jews were loyal to the Reich, probably because people would then start to ask "why?"...

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Jun 21Liked by Anna Cordelia

You couldn't be in the SS without proving your pure Aryan blood going back to the 18th century. There might have been plenty of half and quarter Jews in the Wehrmacht, but only a small number of full Jews. Field Marshall Milch was only partially Jewish.

Jews are always trying to confuse Gentiles with claims such as Hitler having Jewish blood and working for the Rothschilds. Sun Tzu says you can't win a war if you don't know who the enemy is. The Jews understand this and try to confuse their opponents.

There is a cure for Judaism: Give up your Jewish identity. This is accomplished by becoming a sincere Christian or by intermarrying with non-Jews -- generation after generation -- to the point where there are no Jews left. It's Jewish tribalism - reinforced by the Talmud - that is the problem: A tribe that is loyal only to itself and thinks it has the right to rule over everyone else.

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So sad for you that we aren’t going to do that. You little creepy hater.

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Jun 23Liked by Craig Nelsen

Why is hating all humanity outside of your tribe acceptable to you but hating those who hate humanity is "creepy"?

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Who are you even to write such filth about other people? Where do you get the nerve? Why? What’s wrong with you? How dare you malign an entire religion and civilization that you know nothing of?

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Jun 23Liked by Craig Nelsen

Maybe becoming a Christian in order to abandon your Jewish identity is not only a big ask but downright counter-productive insofar as being a constant reminder of the identity you need to discard.

I have SUCH a deal for you! Become a Buddhist! Not a "Buddhist jew” (another oxymoron) but an American who happens to believe in Buddhism.

Just be careful to avoid marrying a Jewish woman who would produce certifiable Jewish offspring, or to use your term, “creepy haters,” which would render all your effort null and void.

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Jun 22Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Not sad for me, sad for you. You reject Jesus. Since Jesus is God manifested in human flesh (John 1:1, 1:14) you are anti-God. That makes you children of the devil (John 8:44) and enemies of mankind (1 Thess. 2:15). Instead of life, you choose death. Instead of good, you choose evil. Instead of truth, you choose lies. Instead of justice, you choose injustice. Instead of beauty, you choose ugliness. And you bring all of this to the rest of us. God is loving and patient. Human beings, on the other hand, will only tolerate so much. Then when the reaction comes, it will be back to Jewish crocodile tears.

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Powerfully put

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"You couldn't be in the SS without proving your pure Aryan blood going back to the 18th century."

A Jew was a founding member of the SS, and it had Slavs, Asians, Africans, and Turks in it's ranks.


I doubt any Jews in the Wehrmacht and the SS identified as Jews.

Turns out Bolshevism was so bad, that every race on the planet was willing to fight, bleed, and die for Germany in order to stop it. When the truth of that comes out, the world will be a different place...

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Jun 22Liked by Anna Cordelia

Your founding member of the SS, Emil Maurice, only had one-eighth Jewish blood. Hitler made an exception for Maurice because he was one of the earliest members of the party and had served as Hitler's chauffeur. Any other examples?

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If you're not going to examine anything I link to, there's really no point in discussing further. Good luck.

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What a lovely site for all your little pathetic Jew hating Nazis to gather.

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Judaism is not Jewish.

Christianity is Jewish.

The rebels of Judah rejected Messiah and were cast out of the Israel of God, just as Messiah and John the Baptist said.

Since 70AD, the rebels of Judah have continued in their man-made religion of Judaism, which has zero to do with anything Moses said. Judaism is witchcraft (kabbalah) and the blasphemous doctrines of men (Talmud).

They didn't want to do the good, so they were condemned to do the evil:

Judaism is Amalek aka the little horn of Daniel, aka the whore of Babylon, aka Gog.

The Zionist state is the land of Magog of Ezekiel 38: The blasphemous creation of the European globalists.

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The Israelites consisted of twelve tribes, of which the Jews (Tribe of Judah) were only one.

An argument can be made that Christianity is the "true Israel" based on God's promises to Abraham and Galatians 3:29.

But it wouldn't be accurate to call Christians Jewish.

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Here is what the Zohar says about "Gog & Magog part 3":

1) Russia and Ukraine must go to war, drawing in Europe. The latter is then destroyed.

2)"Israel" must face a multifront war, during which the North is completely destroyed, thus drawing the USA into a war with Iran. That war ends with the destruction of the USA (not Iran).

Judaism views the Cjhristian West as the arch enemy of God, Edom, which must be annihilated.

They view Christianity as the blasphemous little horn of Daniel, which is why they created Roman Catholicism: They had to control its history.

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A Zohar expert here on substack. Sure.

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Don't you know about the Zohar?

The Zohar is the script of post 70AD history.

As the kabbalists of Judaism have always known, within the Zohar are encoded all of the events of post 70AD history.

The kabbalists believe that it is their task to engineer them, in order to prepare the world for Moschiach.

Their final task is to ignite "Gog & Magog part 3", in which the Christian west is completely destroyed. As you will see on your Talmud-vision, they are hard at work bringing it about via their fake "Russia versus Ukraine" scam, and the attemnpt to involve the USA in a clash with Iran.

All of the recent post 9/11 middle east wars are encoded in the Zohar.

But the Zohar is not the holy guide to global Talmudic rule from Jerusalem.

It is the curse of Zechariah 5.

The kabbalists of Judaism have (unwittingly) spent centuries engineering the Judgements and plagues of the Book of Revelation.

Gog & Magog parts 1 and 2 were "Gog & Magog parts 1 and 2" (6th trumpet Judgements of Revelation).

The kabbalists of Judaism are the son of perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2.

They completely control the global church via their false front organisation, Roman Catholicism.

"Gog & Magog part 3" is the Final Judgement.

It cannot be stopped.

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Oh I heard of the Zohar. Just didn’t think it would be abused by a Jew hater on substack.

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Jew hater?


Christians are the people of God.

Judaism on the other hand is Edom: The people against whom the Lord shall have indignation forever.

And you are not helping them by colluding with their delusions.

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Sorry typo: WW1 and WW2 = Gog & Magog parts 1 and 2.

The rabbis gloat about it on youtube.

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Of course it is accurate to call Christians Jewish.

The church was founded by the faithful remnant of Judah: The Apostles (Isaiah 1:9).

The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews.

Gentiles were grafted in.

Amd whether gentile or Hebrew (i.e. a descendat of any of the 12 tribes), Christians are Jews, as defined By Paul.

The 10 tribes of the North were dispersed by the Assyrians, and went to Europe (the clay mingled with the seed of men - i.e. with the gentiles of Rome).

But Ephraim and Manessah were given lands again, as promised in Genesis 48. They ultimately became the British Empire (UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia - the spiritual mountains of Israel) and America, respectively.

America fell to Satan in the Freemasonic, i.e. Zionist, take-over of 1776. Kings are appointed by God, and it is blasphemy to overthrow them.

The final remnant called out of Spiritual Babylon are also Jews. But they have nothing to do with the Satanic cult of Judaism. Romans 11 is not speaking of Judaism.

Only the Lord God Almighty knows everyone's genetic heritage.

You make a good point, however, in the fact that Judaism has tried to make people forget that Moses spoke to the 12 tribes, not just to Judah. If you listen to the kabbalh wizards (aka rabbis) on youtube, they smudge that point completely.

Research the prophecies of the Zohar, Andrew.

The rabbis think it is their roadmap to global Talmudic rule from Jerusalem, and they have spent centuries engineering what the found encoded in it, e.g. the Russain revolution, WW1, WW2, the WW2 holocaust. 9/11, COVID, and now - WW3.

WW3 = "Gog & Magog part 3" of the Zohar = The Final Judgement of Revelation.

But it is the curse of Zechariah 5: The blueprint for the Judgements and plagues of Revelation.

In the Scriptues, "Israel" has several meanings.

But it NEVER refers to the tribe of Judah in isolation.

The Zionist state was called "Israel" because the kabbalists have to claim that the prophecies on the regathering of Israel refer to Judaism, when in fact they refer to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Galatians 3:29 makes it clear that Christians - not Jews - are the seed of Abraham. They fulfill the promises God made to Abraham - that his seed would be greatly numerous (Genesis 22:17), that many kings would come out of them (Genesis 35:11), and that they would bring God's blessings (by seeking converts) to the rest of the world (Genesis 22:18). The Jews have done none of these things. The Jews who became Christians left their Judaism behind. The old, conditional covenant with the Jews was abolished (Matthew 21:33-46 -- the Parable of the Vineyard), leaving only God's eternal covenant with Abraham and his seed.

Christians are not grafted into the Jewish vine. There is no Jewish vine anymore. On the contrary, it is Jews who sincerely convert to Christianity who are grafted into the Christian vine.

Jesus Christ is God in human flesh (John 1:1 and 1:14). He is not a Jew. He existed before time and before there were any Jews (John 8:58). He is not "king of the Jews" - that statement was made by Pilate, who was mocking the Jews.

The Gog and Magog war already took place between the Jews and Antiochus IV Epiphanes (see the Matthew Henry Study Bible, available at libertyfellowshipmt.com). Evangelical Zionists are pushing the U.S. into a war with Russia based on their misreading of the bible, which is the result of the Jew Samuel Untermeyer financing the career of Cyrus Scofield.

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Yes, the old covenant is dead,

The 10 commandments, for example, are not to be applied anymore. Christians only follow what the Lord jesus Christ said, as commanded by Moses.

Putting up the 10 commandments on walls is Judaism.

According to Judaism, all Christians violate the first commandment and must be put to death by beaheading.

Revelation 20 is not referring to physical beheading. It is referring to the fact that Christians take on the mind of Christ: He is their head.

Judaism isn't going to perscute anyone with their vile Nohaide laws. They are finished.

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The sceptre was given to Judah.

Messiah is the King of the Jews.

The New Covenant is the only route to reconciliation with God.

The Apostles and the first Jewish and Israelite Christians were the fiathful remnant: THEY were the light to the nations.

The sed of Abraham is the Lord jesus cxhrist.

HE owns the Holy Land.

Jesus was not God: He is the WORD of God.

And how on earth can you say that He was not a Jew??

And how on earth can you say that the vine is not Judah??

That flatly contradicts everything the New testament says.

God cannot be killed.

Gog is Judaism.

Magog is the European globalists: Roman Emoire, Holy Roman Empire, European Union. They are the iron rod that was used throughgout the Messianic Era to punish the nations.

Satan detests the Jews.

Which is why he gave them a bad name by having the term Jew applied to the satanic cult that is Judaism (Edom).

The footnotes of the Scofield refernce Bible are lifted straight from the Talmud. Christian Zionists are NOhaide cult members, who have been taught the eschatology of Judaism.

But worship Judaism, get Judaism.

The Final Judgement is coming, because the world has facilitated Judaism and their false interpretations of the Scriptures.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Craig Nelsen

"Jesus is not God. He is the WORD of God."

Read John 1:1 again.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

John 1:14:

"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

It's very clear from these passages that the Word, God, and Jesus are all the same being.

"How on earth can you say that [Jesus] was not a Jew?"

Jesus is God. God exists before time. He existed before there were any Jews. For a short time, he manifested himself on earth as a human being. He blended himself into the one group at that time that believed in a single God (as opposed to the pagans worshiping multiple Gods). That group happened to be the remnant of Israelites living in Judea. That doesn't make Jesus a Jew. You're reducing the spiritual to the material. This is the biggest error of all - committed by Christians as well as by Jews.

Stop focusing on conspiracy theories and focus on the bible - particularly the New Testament. And check out chuckbaldwinlive.com.

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God, His Word, and His Spirit are one, Andrew. THAT is the point.

The WORD was made flesh.

Conspiracy theories?

Globalism is rebellion against the Lord God Almighty, and all of Daniel and Revelation show the rebellion that has been in play for centuries.

It is all over now.

The final Christians were called out of Spiritual babylon in 2018, exactly 70 years after the Christian west (Israel) was sent into Spiritual Babylonian captivity (Isaiah 47:6).

Do you know what the final Christians have ben doing since then?

They have been in daily contact with the Sanhedrin, warning them that they are the Son of perdiiton and that their Gog & Magog part 3 war is the Final Jugdment .

Are you familiare with the blasphemy of Judaism?

e.g. the fact that they belive that God was created, and that rabbis have authority over Him? That they think Christianty is satanism?

The Zohar says that the Zionist state must be in captivity to babylon (the UN) for 70 years: From 1948 to 2018, and that in 2018 they would regain Jerusalem via the King of Edom (President of the US).

The Zohar states that in the year 2016, a man who is "not fit to be king" must becaome the king of Edom: Donald Trump. They told him he was the reincanration of Cyrus.

Here is the e-mail address of the Sanhedrin:

president@the sanhderin.org

Write to them niw, and ask them if it is true that they have been engineering the atrocities they found encoded in the Zohar, and have deliberately and syetematically destroyed the Christian west via the sorceries of Hollywood, pop music, mass immigration etc etc etc. ASK THEM

The Sanhedrin rejoiced when the Christians contacted them in 2018, because they thought it was this:


Here is the Sanhedrin, explaining that the UN (which was THEIR creation) is the tower of babel and must be ended so that they can build a temple and implement the Nohaide laws worldwide:


Populism is a Zionist scam,

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Judaism is the mother of harlots:

Roman Catholicism (the "Virgin Mary" is the Schechina)



Christian Zionism




etc etc etc etc

And the run Russia, ever since their lying Zionist revolution of 1917.

The "UN plan" was a Zionist scam to get the Christian West (Israel) to destroy itself. (Isaiah 47:6). The UN was set up by Judaism to fail.

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