Thank you for sharing a few more details about your battle with the SPLC, and the toll it took on your personal life, Craig.
At some point, you should pull the whole saga together in a single post. I think there are many among us reading you on OU who would appreciate knowing the whole story.
Our personal narratives are sometimes the most powerful ones.
Thanks, Anna. There are so many tragic sides to the story. For example, the case would have been the perfect vehicle for undoing the damage done by a monumentally bad Supreme Court decision--a 9-0 decision--from the Civil Rights era known as New York Times vs Sullivan. That decision essentially handed the poison pen industry a gun and gave the rest of us a knife and then said, ok, let's let the marketplace of ideas decide.
Gentiles are terrified of name-calling, for some reason, and Jews, as the Protocols note, are master name-callers. That's why I couldn't get an attorney. The NYT v Sullivan decision made it extremely difficult to prevail as the plaintiff in a defamation claim plus it lets the defendant bring their gun into the courtroom.
Sounds like the rot goes very deep indeed. You're probably one of the only people who gets this. I'd love to be enlightened more on the NYT vs Sullivan case.
With a mind in that state, the possibility of a connection between the simultaneous resignation of leaders of an organization holding massive funds, and a Bolshevik Revolution 2.0, is easier to fathom.
According to a google search, "Morris Dees was fired from the Southern Poverty Law Center on March 14, 2019." So if Cohen et al resigned 10 days later, that would have given them plenty of time for embarking on the execution of, l dunno, a worldwide "pandemic" where almost every single world leader got into lockstep to get the rest of us locked down... and jabbed up.
Doug Emhoff, the husband of Comrade Harris, stated that if she wins the election he will place a mezuzah on the doorjamb of the White House. Comrade Harris already has a mezuzah on the door jamb of her office of vice president.
I don't have any hope for the U.S. When things get to this point it is game over. Thankfully, I thought ahead and moved to Panama with permanent residency.
Craig, I enjoy your articles and sincerely hope you will send this Substack to Jeff Rense and let him put you on air. You need a wide audience and Rense Radio Network has it. God bless.
Excellent piece! Try to keep in mind that Scripture, though mangled and used by them, is ours. Those references of war and killing are in relation to the massive racial wars that took down White culture and civilization and ultimately began replacing it with Arabized (mixed) people 2000 years ago. The Jews are our enemy and always have been. They themselves do not know or use the Hebrew language correctly or acknowledge the true name of God YHWH or Yahweh. To this day we continue to make the same mistake of trying to take over everyone and turn them into us and we end up destroying our own. That is the central truth of Scripture, and the Jews are the ones that take us down that road. The US never got rid of its slaves, it freed them and set them loose among us. All these other aliens have been brought in with massive propaganda leveled at Whites for over 100 years as to how OPEN our people should be to other cultures and how shallow our own is. Who pushed this shit? Jews.
>>To this day we continue to make the same mistake of trying to take over everyone and turn them into us and we end up destroying our own. That is the central truth of Scripture,
White people, Aryan people, are the culture creators of this world. Everywhere we go, and we forge a new culture that expands into nations, going back to India, the real China, Egypt Babylonia, the classical culture and the western culture. We can also include Aztec and Mayan cultures. They all eventually into becoming empires, they all absorbed alien people stay encountered, however, alien, they were, for example, the blacks of Africa, whatever indigenous people lived in the far east. Our people encountered them and ultimately ruled over them until they started a absorbing them and stopped being white people. We've done it for thousands of years. We have nowhere else to go.
I'm reading a book about the Warburgs, written by a Jew so completey laudatory.
One of the amusing aspects is their immense philanthropy, which isn't really philanthropy because it is all given to Jews: to Hebrew this, Jewish that. Apparently it never even occurred to the Warburgs to give to anyone but Jews, to help the swarm of Eastern European Jews invade the USA. The Jewish author never notes this either. Apparently it's just assumed in Judaism that one tithes to Jews and only to Jews.
And I'm well into the 1920s and the book doesn't mention M. Warburg funding Trotsky. But then, it wouldn't.
I once saw a piece on the humanitarian work of a Jewish organization partially funded by Israel helping Syrian refugees make it safely to Europe. Jews praising Jews for using the victims of Jews against other victims of Jews.
very jewish concept there. destroy your enemies, send the survivors to countries you plan to destroy. Sounds familiar. Almost sounds like H.I.A.S. is a jewish agent in the plot.
I came here just now via a link by a commenter over at "Unbekoming." Unbekoming read and reviewed the book, "How the British Invented Communism (and Blamed it on the Jews)".
The book's thesis is that British "intelligence" has been behind the large revolutions of the last couple of centuries. This includes the Bolshevik Revolution that turned Russia into the Soviet Union.
At this point -- largely due to my own ignorance -- I am at a loss as to what to think. Many know much more than do I...It leaves me just shaking my head.
Well, Marx was a Jew, but he did live in London when he wrote Das Kapital, so communism really was a British export.
There is no lie too outrageous...
One rule of thumb for telling whether a statement concerning Jews is true is to see whether it has been deemed antisemitic to make it. If so, then it is probably true. E.g., the statement "Jews control the media" has been officially declared antisemitic by the IHRA. And it's a true statement. "Bolshevism was a Jewish movement" is a true statement, but if you look up "Judeo-Bolshevism" on the SPLC website, you'll see it has been declared antisemitic.
My guess is "Unbekoming" is a Jew.
To understand the present, it is necessary to understand the past. So, kudos to you for looking.
Part Two. The zigzag of history, section V. Princes of Exile. This section explains the silk trade routes, the Rahdonites. And the Khazar Jewish coup of Obadia, about 960.
………………………“It is always difficult to calculate the consequences of a political action. It may be unfair to condemn the decision of the Byzantine diplomats to weaken the Khazars by contrasting them with the Russians, and at the expense of their war to join the empire with the Crimean Gothia. But the logic of events took effect. Russ has got access to Black Sea, and their attacks devastated coast of Asia Minor for 200 years. Too high a price for political intrigue. And the intrigue has given the result, return to the conceived. From robberies that Russ suffered Christian churches and orthodox influence in Khazaria has been weakened. A political vacuum was formed, which was immediately filled by Judaism……”
Commenter Billy Thistle pointed me to an argument by Laurent Guyenot that Jews were already there in Khazaria and essentially did what they do--infiltrated and took control.
The Jews were already there in pockets in the cities because all the main trade routes of the time passed through Khazaria. BUT, the Khazars were known as the "name stealers". I don't think they subverted Khazar, rather it was a marriage of convenience.
I suspect the Jews that were there were the post-Babylonian Jews infected by the “Whore of Babylon.” The Book of Daniel provides some insight into the methods the Babylonian captors used to strip the Israelites of their national identity. Daniel 1 details how the Babylonians co-opted the sons of royal and noble descent among the people of Israel to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s court. These elites had to attend training as Chaldeans, which meant exposure to the culture, religion, traditions, and worldview of the Babylonians.
Russ was pressuring the kharzas to abandon their pagan religion and its related rituals (human sacrifice?). They were willing victims, rather, partners.
The fall of the Khazar Khaganate, a medieval European Jewish state, occurred in January 1016. The Byzantine and Russian forces combined to defeat the last Khazaraian khagan, Georgius Tzul. While some scholars argue that Khazaria survived in small remnants for two more centuries, the khaganate had fallen, marking the end of the unique and powerful Jewish nation of the steppes.
The 10th-century Muslim geographer al-Iṣṭakhrī claimed that the White Khazars (the royalty) were strikingly handsome with reddish hair, white skin, and blue eyes, while the Black Khazars were swarthy, verging on deep black as if they were "some kind of Indian". I believe the Kazarian royalty migrated to Venice and that accounted for the ruling families of Venice growing from 50 families to 200. They simply shape changed from Jews to Christians and used the Latin pronunciation of their names. That was easy for the ancient “name stealers”.
I think the Kazarian royalty are truly the “Ferengi” (sarc). The name Ferengi was coined based on the originally Persian Ferenghi (compare older Feringhee), a term used in various languages throughout Asia and Ethiopia meaning "foreigners". Their appearance was radically different than their subjects.
>>While some scholars argue that Khazaria survived in small remnants for two more centuries, the khaganate had fallen, marking the end of the unique and powerful Jewish nation of the steppes.
Was it the end though? Or did it just disburse into the shtetls, making it even more unique and powerful?
In context those pockets would have had to be sitting around until 1900, 900 years. There is not a lot of history about which oligarchs gravitated to Venice (most likely on purpose). Constantinople did not last long either. So where did the “white” Kharzas, the oligarchs, go? I believe Venice. That would account for its growth from 50 ruling families to 200. The “petty bourgeoisie” (such as Rothchild – that was not their original name) and average Kazarian migrated Northwest. Some of the “petty bourgeoisie” moved into the upper portions of the pyramid, Rothchild. The average blue collar Jew actually contributed a great deal to European science and culture.
“1,200 AD. The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities.”
“Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century.”
“………at the end of the 15th century, with 180,000 inhabitants, Venice was the second largest city in Europe after Paris and probably the richest in the world.”
League of Cambrai in 1508,
“1509 CE-1547 CE: The Venetian oligarchy realized the futility of attempting a policy of world domination from the tiny base of a Venetian city-state so they transferred their family fortunes, Khazar philosophical outlook, and political methods into such states as England and the Netherlands. Soon the Venetians decided that England (and Scotland) was perfect for their New Venice, the future center of a new, world-wide Empire based on maritime supremacy and oligarchical domination.”
“The British ties to the conspirators were manifold. Sir Bernard Pares, known as the father of Russian studies in Britain, would exclaim upon the announcement of the Provisional Government, that "of the twelve new Ministers, seven were actually collaborators of my Russian Review in Liverpool. . . . Frankly, it was one of the greatest gratifications of my life."
The most informed circles, both in Russia and in Britain, were well aware that the "liberal" coup of February was but a passing phase, and that the elimination of the Czar would almost certainly propel a revolution to its logical conclusion, the triumph of the most radical wing of the insurrectionists, the Bolsheviks.”
The Trust
Following the Bolshevik Revolution, Lord Milner sent Lockhart back to Russia as his personal emissary to establish ties with the Bolshevik regime and, if possible, to draw the Soviets back into the war to reopen the Eastern Front against Germany. While Lockhart met daily with one or another high-ranking Soviet leader, Captain George Hill of the British SIS was serving as an aide to War Commissar Leon Trotsky. Hill helped Trotsky to establish Soviet Military Intelligence, the GRU. He also trained the kernel of the Cheka's future counterintelligence unit, the KRO, which was soon to be running the Trust spy organization.
So the good captive Jews were corrupted by the bad Babylonians. Every bible-thumping protestant and Israel Identity apologist believes this. But what is this belief in the original holiness of the Hebrews based on? That the Babylonians were pagan idolaters and the Jews worshiped the one true universal God who just happened to love Jews the best.
Did he demand they bring infant circumcision w/ them into Canaan? Infant, mind you, not pubescent like other nations. They also brought the bizarre tifillim and davening ritual, which sure looks idiosyncratically spooky to me. Who is this one true desert God so superior to all the nasty local vegetation gods?
Then there's mention of Black and White Khazars by an Arab chronicler. The Whites who sound like Aryans supposedly become the Black Nobility of Venice. Huh? And the Blacks, where do they go? This doesn't make sense to me. Asian features seems more realistic re Khazars.
You are missing my intent. I am not trying to defend the Hebrews. Rather to cleary define who our opposition is. We are in a war for our culture. Strictly targeting the Jews is a misdirection. I am targetting the Party of Venice/City of London. I am pointing out that up to 75% of that entity are Khazarian Jewish Oligarchs. But not all. Also, don't catagorize me. I consider the "Old" testament relatively useless. Only the four gospels have any philosophical meaning to me. Revelations is also useless since it is in code using old testatment references that "Every bible-thumping protestant and Israel Identity apologist" uses to recruit "christian" Zionists. Define the past is important, but the battle today is the issue.
I'm still not sure of your intent. Would you address infant circumcision, perverse Jewish prayer ritual and the Black Nobility confusion of the Arab chronicler so I can get a better sense of where you're at?
Strictly targeting the Jews is the best compass direction available. The OT is worse than useless. It has contaminated Christianity, perhaps irrevocably.
No comment. I always thought it was for cleanliness reasons. With that in mind, what difference does it make when it is done? I would think, the earlier the better? Regardless, it is of little consequence to our task now.
Tifillim and davening ritual
What does this have to do with the Kharzian Jewish Oligarchs in the City of Venice / City of London engineering and directing the current coup against our culture.
White Khazars
I took the quote out of context. The intent was that the term referred to Kazarian royalty. They were the wealthiest and, as I said, it appeared the went to Venice and shape changed into Christians. The City State of Venice financed the establishment of the Jesuits.
My trying to refine who the opposition is, is not the problem. The fact that there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jewish Zionists is the problem.
I appreciate the exchange of ideas but lets wait for Craig’s next post to continue this.
I would be interested to hear what you make of Candice Owens. Her star rose pretty quickly. She is speaking all kinds of things against Israel and is celebrating being called the #1 antisemite, and yet she is cheerleading Trump, the Zionist if Chief. The whole daily wire crew is suspicious, this odd blend of Catholics and Jews. Of course, I have long held that the Catholic Church has long been a hiding place for Jews, and that many of the hierarchy are actually Jews. Perhaps I am answering my own question then, but you are certainly more intelligent than, clearer thinking, and your writing is significantly better. We have our differences, but I respect so much of what you say and your courage to do so.
You are too kind, but thank you. Candace Owens I don't know too much about, but I saw an interview she did recently of one of the USS Liberty survivors and I thought it was excellent. She did a very good job and so did the interviewee, I thought.
Direct quote from the book.
Maybe in the previous chapters too much information and academic research have been presented. We did our best not to complicate things but the misconception has been huge and the deception multifaceted and long lasting.
To simplify things let’s sum up and see what evidences we’ve got so far that strongly debunk the mainstream conception that Ancient Egypt is the land that witnessed the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
· First of all we have clearly pointed out that the Hebrew Bible (the original source of the Israelite stories) explicitly states and affirms that Mizraim, and not Egypt, was the place of the Moses/Pharaoh story as well as the stories of Abraham and Joseph.
· The milieu of the Israelite stories, most of all that of Joseph and Moses, doesn’t dovetail with the culture of Ancient Egypt. The main themes of slavery and tribalism that permeated those stories couldn’t be recognized in the traditions of Ancient Egypt.
The confusion/deception happened in the 3rd century BC after seventy-two Jewish scribes had replaced ‘Mizraim’ with ‘Egypt’ in their translation of the Torah from Jewish into Greek (Septuagint Bible)...............................
Thank you for all this, George. I learn a lot from commenters here. Billy Thistle, for example, has changed my views in several areas. All of what you bring up is new to me--particularly the City of Venice/London stuff. Are you saying that that is a discrete entity? The name we should be giving to the elusive "priesthood of the priesthood?" The "we" in the Protocols?
Are you familiar with Maxwell Leland's @rainbowpill take on the Greek translations, etc.?
I saved this comment from Larry Johnson's site in May 2024:
1 hour ago
simplicius’ latest is very interesting mentioning British PM Disraeli, but apparently misses a vital point. There the Duran with Jeffrey Sachs also never mention Venice.
D’israeli anglicized to Disraeli was actually Venetian. The Venetian Party ran Britain during Queen Victoria’s time. King Edward VII was Venetian Party. Shakespeare knew the Venetian takeover then. Disraeli published Tancred, Sybil and Conningsby, the blueprint for Israel.
” George I. was a Doge; George II. was a Doge; they were what William III., a great man, would not be. George III. tried not to be a Doge, but it was impossible materially to resist the deeply-laid combination. He might get rid of the Whig magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution” – Conningsby.
Amazing how Venice, which ran the Crusades, then the 100 years War, is airbrushed out. The 4th Crusade plundered Constantinople, Tsargrad, which is why Venice is full of eastern traces. Russia mentions 9 crusades including 5 northern so this has been going on for a millennium, not since just 1840. Venice moved to London.
(The thing that struck me is, if Kings of England were Doges, the City of Venice's form of government lasted outside of Venice.)
“Once again there is war over Troy—the old war, over the question: Does Homer’s Iliad have an historical foundation, or is the epic only a product of the bard’s fantasy? …………… When in 1871 Heinrich Schliemann, entirely unknown in the circles of scholars of antiquity, searched through the landscape of the Troad, literally with his Homer in his hand, and later unearthed the ruins of the city, the old enthusiasm for Troy was again immediately awakened—and, as was to be expected, also the shrieking…..”
Direct quote from the book.
Maybe in the previous chapters too much information and academic research have been presented. We did our best not to complicate things but the misconception has been huge and the deception multifaceted and long lasting.
To simplify things let’s sum up and see what evidences we’ve got so far that strongly debunk the mainstream conception that Ancient Egypt is the land that witnessed the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
· First of all we have clearly pointed out that the Hebrew Bible (the original source of the Israelite stories) explicitly states and affirms that Mizraim, and not Egypt, was the place of the Moses/Pharaoh story as well as the stories of Abraham and Joseph.
· The milieu of the Israelite stories, most of all that of Joseph and Moses, doesn’t dovetail with the culture of Ancient Egypt. The main themes of slavery and tribalism that permeated those stories couldn’t be recognized in the traditions of Ancient Egypt.
The confusion/deception happened in the 3rd century BC after seventy-two Jewish scribes had replaced ‘Mizraim’ with ‘Egypt’ in their translation of the Torah from Jewish into Greek (Septuagint Bible)...............................
Thank you for sharing a few more details about your battle with the SPLC, and the toll it took on your personal life, Craig.
At some point, you should pull the whole saga together in a single post. I think there are many among us reading you on OU who would appreciate knowing the whole story.
Our personal narratives are sometimes the most powerful ones.
Thanks, Anna. There are so many tragic sides to the story. For example, the case would have been the perfect vehicle for undoing the damage done by a monumentally bad Supreme Court decision--a 9-0 decision--from the Civil Rights era known as New York Times vs Sullivan. That decision essentially handed the poison pen industry a gun and gave the rest of us a knife and then said, ok, let's let the marketplace of ideas decide.
Gentiles are terrified of name-calling, for some reason, and Jews, as the Protocols note, are master name-callers. That's why I couldn't get an attorney. The NYT v Sullivan decision made it extremely difficult to prevail as the plaintiff in a defamation claim plus it lets the defendant bring their gun into the courtroom.
Sounds like the rot goes very deep indeed. You're probably one of the only people who gets this. I'd love to be enlightened more on the NYT vs Sullivan case.
Loved that term, "clear-pilled."
With a mind in that state, the possibility of a connection between the simultaneous resignation of leaders of an organization holding massive funds, and a Bolshevik Revolution 2.0, is easier to fathom.
According to a google search, "Morris Dees was fired from the Southern Poverty Law Center on March 14, 2019." So if Cohen et al resigned 10 days later, that would have given them plenty of time for embarking on the execution of, l dunno, a worldwide "pandemic" where almost every single world leader got into lockstep to get the rest of us locked down... and jabbed up.
They say truth is stranger than fiction.
Doug Emhoff, the husband of Comrade Harris, stated that if she wins the election he will place a mezuzah on the doorjamb of the White House. Comrade Harris already has a mezuzah on the door jamb of her office of vice president.
I don't have any hope for the U.S. When things get to this point it is game over. Thankfully, I thought ahead and moved to Panama with permanent residency.
Craig, I enjoy your articles and sincerely hope you will send this Substack to Jeff Rense and let him put you on air. You need a wide audience and Rense Radio Network has it. God bless.
Excellent piece! Try to keep in mind that Scripture, though mangled and used by them, is ours. Those references of war and killing are in relation to the massive racial wars that took down White culture and civilization and ultimately began replacing it with Arabized (mixed) people 2000 years ago. The Jews are our enemy and always have been. They themselves do not know or use the Hebrew language correctly or acknowledge the true name of God YHWH or Yahweh. To this day we continue to make the same mistake of trying to take over everyone and turn them into us and we end up destroying our own. That is the central truth of Scripture, and the Jews are the ones that take us down that road. The US never got rid of its slaves, it freed them and set them loose among us. All these other aliens have been brought in with massive propaganda leveled at Whites for over 100 years as to how OPEN our people should be to other cultures and how shallow our own is. Who pushed this shit? Jews.
>>To this day we continue to make the same mistake of trying to take over everyone and turn them into us and we end up destroying our own. That is the central truth of Scripture,
Say more, please.
White people, Aryan people, are the culture creators of this world. Everywhere we go, and we forge a new culture that expands into nations, going back to India, the real China, Egypt Babylonia, the classical culture and the western culture. We can also include Aztec and Mayan cultures. They all eventually into becoming empires, they all absorbed alien people stay encountered, however, alien, they were, for example, the blacks of Africa, whatever indigenous people lived in the far east. Our people encountered them and ultimately ruled over them until they started a absorbing them and stopped being white people. We've done it for thousands of years. We have nowhere else to go.
In a just and sane world, I would be reading your syndicated column in a major daily, Mr. Nelsen.
My God, you can WRITE! ...which you do consistently with courage, reason and honesty.
You're more than a good man. You're a real man. Thank you for what you do.
But in a just and sane world there would be nothing to write about! Thank you for the kind words.
I'm reading a book about the Warburgs, written by a Jew so completey laudatory.
One of the amusing aspects is their immense philanthropy, which isn't really philanthropy because it is all given to Jews: to Hebrew this, Jewish that. Apparently it never even occurred to the Warburgs to give to anyone but Jews, to help the swarm of Eastern European Jews invade the USA. The Jewish author never notes this either. Apparently it's just assumed in Judaism that one tithes to Jews and only to Jews.
And I'm well into the 1920s and the book doesn't mention M. Warburg funding Trotsky. But then, it wouldn't.
I once saw a piece on the humanitarian work of a Jewish organization partially funded by Israel helping Syrian refugees make it safely to Europe. Jews praising Jews for using the victims of Jews against other victims of Jews.
very jewish concept there. destroy your enemies, send the survivors to countries you plan to destroy. Sounds familiar. Almost sounds like H.I.A.S. is a jewish agent in the plot.
I recall seeing something about Israeli doctors deeply involved in the 'humanitarian' invasion-operation.
I came here just now via a link by a commenter over at "Unbekoming." Unbekoming read and reviewed the book, "How the British Invented Communism (and Blamed it on the Jews)".
The book's thesis is that British "intelligence" has been behind the large revolutions of the last couple of centuries. This includes the Bolshevik Revolution that turned Russia into the Soviet Union.
At this point -- largely due to my own ignorance -- I am at a loss as to what to think. Many know much more than do I...It leaves me just shaking my head.
Well, Marx was a Jew, but he did live in London when he wrote Das Kapital, so communism really was a British export.
There is no lie too outrageous...
One rule of thumb for telling whether a statement concerning Jews is true is to see whether it has been deemed antisemitic to make it. If so, then it is probably true. E.g., the statement "Jews control the media" has been officially declared antisemitic by the IHRA. And it's a true statement. "Bolshevism was a Jewish movement" is a true statement, but if you look up "Judeo-Bolshevism" on the SPLC website, you'll see it has been declared antisemitic.
My guess is "Unbekoming" is a Jew.
To understand the present, it is necessary to understand the past. So, kudos to you for looking.
6. Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe, Gumilev
Part Two. The zigzag of history, section V. Princes of Exile. This section explains the silk trade routes, the Rahdonites. And the Khazar Jewish coup of Obadia, about 960.
………………………“It is always difficult to calculate the consequences of a political action. It may be unfair to condemn the decision of the Byzantine diplomats to weaken the Khazars by contrasting them with the Russians, and at the expense of their war to join the empire with the Crimean Gothia. But the logic of events took effect. Russ has got access to Black Sea, and their attacks devastated coast of Asia Minor for 200 years. Too high a price for political intrigue. And the intrigue has given the result, return to the conceived. From robberies that Russ suffered Christian churches and orthodox influence in Khazaria has been weakened. A political vacuum was formed, which was immediately filled by Judaism……”
Commenter Billy Thistle pointed me to an argument by Laurent Guyenot that Jews were already there in Khazaria and essentially did what they do--infiltrated and took control.
The Jews were already there in pockets in the cities because all the main trade routes of the time passed through Khazaria. BUT, the Khazars were known as the "name stealers". I don't think they subverted Khazar, rather it was a marriage of convenience.
I suspect the Jews that were there were the post-Babylonian Jews infected by the “Whore of Babylon.” The Book of Daniel provides some insight into the methods the Babylonian captors used to strip the Israelites of their national identity. Daniel 1 details how the Babylonians co-opted the sons of royal and noble descent among the people of Israel to serve in Nebuchadnezzar’s court. These elites had to attend training as Chaldeans, which meant exposure to the culture, religion, traditions, and worldview of the Babylonians.
Russ was pressuring the kharzas to abandon their pagan religion and its related rituals (human sacrifice?). They were willing victims, rather, partners.
The fall of the Khazar Khaganate, a medieval European Jewish state, occurred in January 1016. The Byzantine and Russian forces combined to defeat the last Khazaraian khagan, Georgius Tzul. While some scholars argue that Khazaria survived in small remnants for two more centuries, the khaganate had fallen, marking the end of the unique and powerful Jewish nation of the steppes.
The 10th-century Muslim geographer al-Iṣṭakhrī claimed that the White Khazars (the royalty) were strikingly handsome with reddish hair, white skin, and blue eyes, while the Black Khazars were swarthy, verging on deep black as if they were "some kind of Indian". I believe the Kazarian royalty migrated to Venice and that accounted for the ruling families of Venice growing from 50 families to 200. They simply shape changed from Jews to Christians and used the Latin pronunciation of their names. That was easy for the ancient “name stealers”.
I think the Kazarian royalty are truly the “Ferengi” (sarc). The name Ferengi was coined based on the originally Persian Ferenghi (compare older Feringhee), a term used in various languages throughout Asia and Ethiopia meaning "foreigners". Their appearance was radically different than their subjects.
>>While some scholars argue that Khazaria survived in small remnants for two more centuries, the khaganate had fallen, marking the end of the unique and powerful Jewish nation of the steppes.
Was it the end though? Or did it just disburse into the shtetls, making it even more unique and powerful?
In context those pockets would have had to be sitting around until 1900, 900 years. There is not a lot of history about which oligarchs gravitated to Venice (most likely on purpose). Constantinople did not last long either. So where did the “white” Kharzas, the oligarchs, go? I believe Venice. That would account for its growth from 50 ruling families to 200. The “petty bourgeoisie” (such as Rothchild – that was not their original name) and average Kazarian migrated Northwest. Some of the “petty bourgeoisie” moved into the upper portions of the pyramid, Rothchild. The average blue collar Jew actually contributed a great deal to European science and culture.
“1,200 AD. The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities.”
“Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century.”
“………at the end of the 15th century, with 180,000 inhabitants, Venice was the second largest city in Europe after Paris and probably the richest in the world.”
League of Cambrai in 1508,
“1509 CE-1547 CE: The Venetian oligarchy realized the futility of attempting a policy of world domination from the tiny base of a Venetian city-state so they transferred their family fortunes, Khazar philosophical outlook, and political methods into such states as England and the Netherlands. Soon the Venetians decided that England (and Scotland) was perfect for their New Venice, the future center of a new, world-wide Empire based on maritime supremacy and oligarchical domination.”
“The British ties to the conspirators were manifold. Sir Bernard Pares, known as the father of Russian studies in Britain, would exclaim upon the announcement of the Provisional Government, that "of the twelve new Ministers, seven were actually collaborators of my Russian Review in Liverpool. . . . Frankly, it was one of the greatest gratifications of my life."
The most informed circles, both in Russia and in Britain, were well aware that the "liberal" coup of February was but a passing phase, and that the elimination of the Czar would almost certainly propel a revolution to its logical conclusion, the triumph of the most radical wing of the insurrectionists, the Bolsheviks.”
The Trust
Following the Bolshevik Revolution, Lord Milner sent Lockhart back to Russia as his personal emissary to establish ties with the Bolshevik regime and, if possible, to draw the Soviets back into the war to reopen the Eastern Front against Germany. While Lockhart met daily with one or another high-ranking Soviet leader, Captain George Hill of the British SIS was serving as an aide to War Commissar Leon Trotsky. Hill helped Trotsky to establish Soviet Military Intelligence, the GRU. He also trained the kernel of the Cheka's future counterintelligence unit, the KRO, which was soon to be running the Trust spy organization.
Conclusion: The Bolshevik revolution was a Party of Venice/City of London endeavor.
So the good captive Jews were corrupted by the bad Babylonians. Every bible-thumping protestant and Israel Identity apologist believes this. But what is this belief in the original holiness of the Hebrews based on? That the Babylonians were pagan idolaters and the Jews worshiped the one true universal God who just happened to love Jews the best.
Did he demand they bring infant circumcision w/ them into Canaan? Infant, mind you, not pubescent like other nations. They also brought the bizarre tifillim and davening ritual, which sure looks idiosyncratically spooky to me. Who is this one true desert God so superior to all the nasty local vegetation gods?
Then there's mention of Black and White Khazars by an Arab chronicler. The Whites who sound like Aryans supposedly become the Black Nobility of Venice. Huh? And the Blacks, where do they go? This doesn't make sense to me. Asian features seems more realistic re Khazars.
You are missing my intent. I am not trying to defend the Hebrews. Rather to cleary define who our opposition is. We are in a war for our culture. Strictly targeting the Jews is a misdirection. I am targetting the Party of Venice/City of London. I am pointing out that up to 75% of that entity are Khazarian Jewish Oligarchs. But not all. Also, don't catagorize me. I consider the "Old" testament relatively useless. Only the four gospels have any philosophical meaning to me. Revelations is also useless since it is in code using old testatment references that "Every bible-thumping protestant and Israel Identity apologist" uses to recruit "christian" Zionists. Define the past is important, but the battle today is the issue.
I'm still not sure of your intent. Would you address infant circumcision, perverse Jewish prayer ritual and the Black Nobility confusion of the Arab chronicler so I can get a better sense of where you're at?
Strictly targeting the Jews is the best compass direction available. The OT is worse than useless. It has contaminated Christianity, perhaps irrevocably.
No comment. I always thought it was for cleanliness reasons. With that in mind, what difference does it make when it is done? I would think, the earlier the better? Regardless, it is of little consequence to our task now.
Tifillim and davening ritual
What does this have to do with the Kharzian Jewish Oligarchs in the City of Venice / City of London engineering and directing the current coup against our culture.
White Khazars
I took the quote out of context. The intent was that the term referred to Kazarian royalty. They were the wealthiest and, as I said, it appeared the went to Venice and shape changed into Christians. The City State of Venice financed the establishment of the Jesuits.
My trying to refine who the opposition is, is not the problem. The fact that there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jewish Zionists is the problem.
I appreciate the exchange of ideas but lets wait for Craig’s next post to continue this.
So you think they all simultaneously resigned in preparation for Red Terror 2.0 in 2025?
I don't know. But something is up. And the people we normally would rely on to ask the questions are not doing it
I would be interested to hear what you make of Candice Owens. Her star rose pretty quickly. She is speaking all kinds of things against Israel and is celebrating being called the #1 antisemite, and yet she is cheerleading Trump, the Zionist if Chief. The whole daily wire crew is suspicious, this odd blend of Catholics and Jews. Of course, I have long held that the Catholic Church has long been a hiding place for Jews, and that many of the hierarchy are actually Jews. Perhaps I am answering my own question then, but you are certainly more intelligent than, clearer thinking, and your writing is significantly better. We have our differences, but I respect so much of what you say and your courage to do so.
You are too kind, but thank you. Candace Owens I don't know too much about, but I saw an interview she did recently of one of the USS Liberty survivors and I thought it was excellent. She did a very good job and so did the interviewee, I thought.
Something is definitely up. I’m dreading the future, starting this week…
Librarian from Librarian’s Substack <>
Direct quote from the book.
Maybe in the previous chapters too much information and academic research have been presented. We did our best not to complicate things but the misconception has been huge and the deception multifaceted and long lasting.
To simplify things let’s sum up and see what evidences we’ve got so far that strongly debunk the mainstream conception that Ancient Egypt is the land that witnessed the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
· First of all we have clearly pointed out that the Hebrew Bible (the original source of the Israelite stories) explicitly states and affirms that Mizraim, and not Egypt, was the place of the Moses/Pharaoh story as well as the stories of Abraham and Joseph.
· The milieu of the Israelite stories, most of all that of Joseph and Moses, doesn’t dovetail with the culture of Ancient Egypt. The main themes of slavery and tribalism that permeated those stories couldn’t be recognized in the traditions of Ancient Egypt.
The confusion/deception happened in the 3rd century BC after seventy-two Jewish scribes had replaced ‘Mizraim’ with ‘Egypt’ in their translation of the Torah from Jewish into Greek (Septuagint Bible)...............................
Thank you for all this, George. I learn a lot from commenters here. Billy Thistle, for example, has changed my views in several areas. All of what you bring up is new to me--particularly the City of Venice/London stuff. Are you saying that that is a discrete entity? The name we should be giving to the elusive "priesthood of the priesthood?" The "we" in the Protocols?
Are you familiar with Maxwell Leland's @rainbowpill take on the Greek translations, etc.?
Something of interest for you especially, Craig, but for all of us of conscience as well.
Thank you, David. Bless those people.
I saved this comment from Larry Johnson's site in May 2024:
1 hour ago
simplicius’ latest is very interesting mentioning British PM Disraeli, but apparently misses a vital point. There the Duran with Jeffrey Sachs also never mention Venice.
D’israeli anglicized to Disraeli was actually Venetian. The Venetian Party ran Britain during Queen Victoria’s time. King Edward VII was Venetian Party. Shakespeare knew the Venetian takeover then. Disraeli published Tancred, Sybil and Conningsby, the blueprint for Israel.
” George I. was a Doge; George II. was a Doge; they were what William III., a great man, would not be. George III. tried not to be a Doge, but it was impossible materially to resist the deeply-laid combination. He might get rid of the Whig magnificoes, but he could not rid himself of the Venetian constitution” – Conningsby.
Amazing how Venice, which ran the Crusades, then the 100 years War, is airbrushed out. The 4th Crusade plundered Constantinople, Tsargrad, which is why Venice is full of eastern traces. Russia mentions 9 crusades including 5 northern so this has been going on for a millennium, not since just 1840. Venice moved to London.
(The thing that struck me is, if Kings of England were Doges, the City of Venice's form of government lasted outside of Venice.)
I went to that Substack but was not sure which post I should be reading. Maybe this is related:
I read it 22 years ago.
“Once again there is war over Troy—the old war, over the question: Does Homer’s Iliad have an historical foundation, or is the epic only a product of the bard’s fantasy? …………… When in 1871 Heinrich Schliemann, entirely unknown in the circles of scholars of antiquity, searched through the landscape of the Troad, literally with his Homer in his hand, and later unearthed the ruins of the city, the old enthusiasm for Troy was again immediately awakened—and, as was to be expected, also the shrieking…..”
1 min ago
Librarian from Librarian’s Substack <>
Direct quote from the book.
Maybe in the previous chapters too much information and academic research have been presented. We did our best not to complicate things but the misconception has been huge and the deception multifaceted and long lasting.
To simplify things let’s sum up and see what evidences we’ve got so far that strongly debunk the mainstream conception that Ancient Egypt is the land that witnessed the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
· First of all we have clearly pointed out that the Hebrew Bible (the original source of the Israelite stories) explicitly states and affirms that Mizraim, and not Egypt, was the place of the Moses/Pharaoh story as well as the stories of Abraham and Joseph.
· The milieu of the Israelite stories, most of all that of Joseph and Moses, doesn’t dovetail with the culture of Ancient Egypt. The main themes of slavery and tribalism that permeated those stories couldn’t be recognized in the traditions of Ancient Egypt.
The confusion/deception happened in the 3rd century BC after seventy-two Jewish scribes had replaced ‘Mizraim’ with ‘Egypt’ in their translation of the Torah from Jewish into Greek (Septuagint Bible)...............................
Source for Dzerzhinsky's lineage?