If you lived through what I've lived through in the past 5 years you might want to reconsider that. British Columbia is Gavin Newsom's wet dream. I think I've sent this before, but if not and you've nothing better to do or read for the next 20 - 30 minutes:
Jews countered with: "Don't hate us." Short, but not so sweet.
So they settled on this: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
Hard not to gag on such a mouthful.
Jesus nailed it, and then the Jews nailed him to the cross. The rest is history.
If you apply the maxim of judging someone by what they do as opposed to what they say, it would seem that the Jews want to us hate them.
Could it be because that allows them to put anti-anti-semitism laws into place so that they can have what they really want - control over everyone else?
Sorry if that last sentence was a little Talmudic. It's hard not to get convoluted when you're talking about this group.
Democracy is simply mob rule whereby the 51% can subjugate the 49%. This nation was founded as a republic to prevent this from happening as the constitution is supposed to protect those in the minority. There is not a single reference to democracy in our constitution or preamble. We all know those days are long gone however. Democracy does not mean what people thinks it means.
But it does lay out in our Constitution how our representatives are to be elected, and so on.
I don't think there is a political solution to our condition. We will need a religious revolution, my view--a complete reordering of what it means to be a morally rational human. One of those revaluations will emphasize the fact that we owe more to our families than to some strangers in Israel or the Ukraine, for example.
Agreed. We need a SECULAR religion that, at minimum, would hold and guard the Vote as “sacred” as in: regarded with great respect and reverence; and as “holy” as in: clean and uncorrupted.
These (((People))) are the absolute limit. I happened to listen to Henry Ford’s timeless classic “The International Jew,” the other day. I cannot tell it was written in the 1920’s. Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Jonathan Pollard, etc are all “Americans” but are born Jews. They tell us what to think, what to believe, how to act and make millions living here in America. But they’ve ALL stated in public that they’re Jewish FIRST and therefore ultimately bow to Isn’t Real. (((They))) never change and never will.
Jesus changed all of that Jewish and therefore Christian slaughter stuff. Read the New Testament. Protestantism is heretical for many reasons but namely because they became a Judaized messianic form of Christianity. Read up on the insanity of the pre-reformation. Kill a Catholic king (Mr. Cromwell and then Voltaire’s buddies, the Jacobins) and cement that Judaized Christianity in Europe and America. Cromwell and Protestants look for Amalek on a seek and destroy mission, but before that they became Protestants. Scofield with Jewish money wrote his bible and made them Christian’s Zionists. God isn’t the problem, dumbshits are the problem. Where in the Catholic Catechism will you find genocide acceptable? Or even war itself unless it is for a just cause?
Are the stories in the Bible purely historical or do they at times convey a theological or spiritual message?
Did God instruct Catholics and Protestants to murder each other after the Reformation?
It is an intriguing subject for sure but it also requires some ability to understand the Bible and how to interpret it. I would advise searching the internet for help understanding the mystery behind this. You and Guyenot need to do some serious Bible study before you lump God and Jews together as twin evils.
I am no fan of Protestantism, but it was the Catholic Church that attached the Judaic poison to the NT and gave Jesus and the bloodthirsty, wilderness slaughter-god "equal divine authority." When the Church discards the Old Testament and declares, "Of course, no real God would have a "chosen people," then I'll be willing to listen to the Catholic pitch. Until then, the whole mess gotta go. It's destroying Western Civilization. And by the way, the Jews don't confine themselves to murdering Catholic kings. They are commanded by Jehovah to murder them all. And they obey.
Thanks for clarifying your argument. From what I have been studying lately, the Old Testament itself has shown that the old has been surpassed by the new, which is the Church. I don’t know how to address your critique of God himself.
While the Catholic Church seems to have become captive of Jewish lobbying, it has been traditional Catholic teaching that the old covenant is superseded by the new covenant. A few lines above I hinted at proof of this in the Old Testament itself.
There’s an English priest who gets banned on YouTube because he makes a strong case through scripture in the Old Testament. One quick example would be the stories about brothers in the book of Genesis. In each case, the younger brothers—Abel, Isaac, Jacob, etc .—are the favorites or blessed, the good guys, if you will, whereas the older brothers—Cain, Ishmael, Esau, etc.— are not “chosen”or not favored. Such an example would be older, brother Cain killing younger brother Abel and being damned for all eternity. Cain represents the old covenant, whereas Abel represents Christ and the new covenant. The old/new paradigm is also Judaism/Church. Once you get this key and read the scriptures themselves, it is very evident, to me at least.
Rather than try to explain the spiritual understanding of the brothers, I would suggest that you search Father Mawdsley for more information. Mawdsley also notes that the brother stories all have reconciliation in them. The brothers reconcile and that points to the unification between the two religions, and in other scriptures the priest sharpens the picture, showing Jewish conversion to Christianity. Of course, this makes sense to me also because if God did choose the Jews, but they through their actions and behavior in time havebecome unchosen, and God being one who wants all his creatures saved, and God who will not bring about the end of history until that is done, would certainly want to communicate through revelation in a veiled way, exactly this point about salvation through the one true Messiah and through the vehicle known as the Church—as leaky as it currently is.
The sticking point for me will always be trying to understand why you and the French guy lay the blame right on the doorstep of God himself. The Jews are problematic because they’re Jews. They need to convert and get with the program. Other than that, keep up the good work.
Thanks for calling my work good, but I don't agree that I lay any blame on god. Certainly I lay a lot of blame on Jehovah, whom I refer to as the "bloodthirsty, wilderness slaughter-god", but Jehovah is no more a real god, in my view, than Apu Illapu, the god to whom the Inca sacrificed 227 infants at one go to make the rain stop. All these tribal gods , with their slaughter this and slaughter that ARE NOT REAL GODS. They couldn't be. A fortiori, no real universal god would have a specific chosen people. Universal--specific. Mutually exclusive. Anyone who believes otherwise, is embracing a "religious" view that is every bit as primitive as the view that had them all standing in the rain slaughtering babies for Apu Illapu.
Until we accept that the Old Testament is a patchwork of desert tribal myths created by Greek educated Jews in Alexandria in the 3rd century BC, and said myths have almost no relationship with any literal events, and have no deeper meaning than, say, Native American stories—especially for Europeans, since we aren’t related to these people—only then can we move on.
Craig knows I am a cothinker. I would only debate strategy with him. That is a good thing. Biting off the Jewish Zionists AND the Christian Zionists at the same time will be more than we can chew. I think there are actionable items that we can do to diminish and destroy their power. It goes without saying they have all the money and therefore all the power. But there are more of us than there are of them. We can inflict death-by-a-thousand-papercuts. One of many paper cuts I can think of is to lobby far and wide for the following and watch the heads explode!
H.R.7484 - Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act”.
By Mr. BURCHETT: H.R. 7484.
Sponsor: Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]
I don't need to explain why heads will be exploding all over DC do I?
Agreed. Another thing we can/should/must do is render their money and power largely irrelevant by buying land and growing and raising our own food and families and building our own communities. Something like the Amish but with cellphones, guns, and pickup trucks.
We can primary them all. the same power that got Trump into power we can primary all those bastards. We need find the people willing to take a pro America stance as a congressman.
With a no Quarter attitude, just like what we’re seeing now we gotta take it a step further and finish the job of making America what it was originally meant before it got invaded by tiny hats if one goes through the congressional archives back in the 1780s 90s 1810s 20s etc. you can read exactly what the founding fathers thought of these people
Why is the first genocide of the 20th Century often ignored? The genocide of 2 million Christian Armenians by Turkish Moslems was well documented by American Ambassador Morgenthau in 1915 and in his book. Islam is incompatible with the Constitution and Bill of Rights because Islam is more than a religion, it embodies government with intrusiveness overriding the Constitution.
Wikipedia is completely untrustworthy when it comes to anything to do with Jews. They cite the SPLC as an authority on "hate groups" for crying out loud
On the one hand, Pierre Simon's "The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity" with my counterpoint to it, in which I point out that Judaism and Christianity are in fact mutually exclusive, wherein I was moved to write: "God’s chosen people” on the one hand, versus Christ’s message of universal love and brotherhood on the other?
Oil and water. How could the latter possibly spring from the former? The Lord works in mysterious ways I guess, and if any tribe on Earth needed The Son’s direct intervention, surely it was and is, the Jews."
On the other hand? This brief homily, "The Martyrdom of Saint Victor"; although you have to be utterly Church of England – pardon me, "Episcopalian" – to truly appreciate it. 😘
“How could the latter possibly spring from the former?”
For several reasons:
If I remember correctly, according to the work of Laurence Gardner, he was born of both royal and priestly lineage thus being the natural born unifier of the house of Israel. If he had succeeded to his birthright he would have been both high priest and king as well as being commonly called rabbi, teacher of the law and was also prophet.
It seems clear to me that he was a genius and had extraordinary psychic powers.
During his “lost years” he supposedly pursued spiritual studies at the highest levels in Egypt and India. Many of his works and words are actually derived from the Vedic tradition.
He knew who and what he was from an early age and took it as absolute truth. He saw it as his sacred duty to be the living embodiment and fulfillment of the sacred tradition of the prophets.
Oh the eternal puzzle. For my own peace of mind like most I choose to un ravel the puzzle and thus make sense hopefully.
To me the ethnic group known to the world by the name Jews and this includes all the varieties that go under various titles.
To me, the Jews are the chosen race.
But the hard question that no one seems to consider is. What are they chosen for?
My conclusion is that the Jews are a catalyst to provoke change in the real favoured people of this world. To force them to get off their back sides and evolve.
From that the Jews must be cast aside when they have completed their purpose as the catalyst.
The Jews are always at the centre of chaos and change, to me this shows their unique attributes that qualify them to be special but only in their natural ability to agitate and thus bring change and to the favour people of our creator.
Jews also like to use the phrase Antisemitism but the curious reality is they are not even Semitic, if we connect the dots of their bloodline.
They also like to claim that Christ Jesus was born a Jew. This is beyond ridiculous when we consider the definition of a Jew. A Jew is one born from adultery, most know the act of adulteration is a capital sin, the penalty is death of the soul.
There may be a Jewish Jesus but no real Christian cares.
Are there Christians who eschew the Old Testament? I would be very happy to know that. Otherwise, all those Christians who believe the Old testament is the divine word of God necessarily worship the bloodthirsty wilderness slaughter-god of the Jews.
Sorry to see you are being represented by Fred Flintstone in Congress, Craig.
It is, literally, unbearable. I'm getting the hell out of Kansas.
Be grateful. At least, like Dorothy, you CAN leave Kansas. I'm stuck in Woke Canuckistan until Donald makes good on us becoming the 51st State.. .
If Canada were south of Kansas, I'd consider moving there. You have way better truck drivers.
If you lived through what I've lived through in the past 5 years you might want to reconsider that. British Columbia is Gavin Newsom's wet dream. I think I've sent this before, but if not and you've nothing better to do or read for the next 20 - 30 minutes:
"Mending the Deck Chairs on the "Titanic" – Prelude" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/mending-the-deckchairs-on-the-titanic
I hear you.
Jesus: "Love thy neighbour." Short and sweet.
Jews countered with: "Don't hate us." Short, but not so sweet.
So they settled on this: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
Hard not to gag on such a mouthful.
Jesus nailed it, and then the Jews nailed him to the cross. The rest is history.
Is the IDF a "Jewish community institution?" Just curious. Also wondering about Antifa?
If you apply the maxim of judging someone by what they do as opposed to what they say, it would seem that the Jews want to us hate them.
Could it be because that allows them to put anti-anti-semitism laws into place so that they can have what they really want - control over everyone else?
Sorry if that last sentence was a little Talmudic. It's hard not to get convoluted when you're talking about this group.
Correct. They are satanic black magicians who employ the method of inversion.
The only thing that defeats darkness is light.
Be the Light!
This country is conquered and very few realize it. Red nor blue will save you nor this country. It’s all one big uniparty who panders to the jews.
I tend to agree with you. Certainly, we have learned democracy doesn't work.
Democracy is simply mob rule whereby the 51% can subjugate the 49%. This nation was founded as a republic to prevent this from happening as the constitution is supposed to protect those in the minority. There is not a single reference to democracy in our constitution or preamble. We all know those days are long gone however. Democracy does not mean what people thinks it means.
But it does lay out in our Constitution how our representatives are to be elected, and so on.
I don't think there is a political solution to our condition. We will need a religious revolution, my view--a complete reordering of what it means to be a morally rational human. One of those revaluations will emphasize the fact that we owe more to our families than to some strangers in Israel or the Ukraine, for example.
Definitely Craig!!!
Agreed. We need a SECULAR religion that, at minimum, would hold and guard the Vote as “sacred” as in: regarded with great respect and reverence; and as “holy” as in: clean and uncorrupted.
These (((People))) are the absolute limit. I happened to listen to Henry Ford’s timeless classic “The International Jew,” the other day. I cannot tell it was written in the 1920’s. Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Jonathan Pollard, etc are all “Americans” but are born Jews. They tell us what to think, what to believe, how to act and make millions living here in America. But they’ve ALL stated in public that they’re Jewish FIRST and therefore ultimately bow to Isn’t Real. (((They))) never change and never will.
Agreed. (((They))) will never stop… on their own…
None of these fucktards are Christians. They are Mossad stooges entrapped and blackmailed by Epstein-style pedo tapes. Or just on payola.
It is foundational to Christianity that Judaism is a venal hollow charade. Any so called Christian who says different is a heretic.
John Hagee pays the Jews. He also has a Jewish Executive Director and Jews sit on his church board. He is a traitor.
Pigee is treasonous filth.
Jesus changed all of that Jewish and therefore Christian slaughter stuff. Read the New Testament. Protestantism is heretical for many reasons but namely because they became a Judaized messianic form of Christianity. Read up on the insanity of the pre-reformation. Kill a Catholic king (Mr. Cromwell and then Voltaire’s buddies, the Jacobins) and cement that Judaized Christianity in Europe and America. Cromwell and Protestants look for Amalek on a seek and destroy mission, but before that they became Protestants. Scofield with Jewish money wrote his bible and made them Christian’s Zionists. God isn’t the problem, dumbshits are the problem. Where in the Catholic Catechism will you find genocide acceptable? Or even war itself unless it is for a just cause?
Are the stories in the Bible purely historical or do they at times convey a theological or spiritual message?
Did God instruct Catholics and Protestants to murder each other after the Reformation?
It is an intriguing subject for sure but it also requires some ability to understand the Bible and how to interpret it. I would advise searching the internet for help understanding the mystery behind this. You and Guyenot need to do some serious Bible study before you lump God and Jews together as twin evils.
I am no fan of Protestantism, but it was the Catholic Church that attached the Judaic poison to the NT and gave Jesus and the bloodthirsty, wilderness slaughter-god "equal divine authority." When the Church discards the Old Testament and declares, "Of course, no real God would have a "chosen people," then I'll be willing to listen to the Catholic pitch. Until then, the whole mess gotta go. It's destroying Western Civilization. And by the way, the Jews don't confine themselves to murdering Catholic kings. They are commanded by Jehovah to murder them all. And they obey.
Thanks for clarifying your argument. From what I have been studying lately, the Old Testament itself has shown that the old has been surpassed by the new, which is the Church. I don’t know how to address your critique of God himself.
While the Catholic Church seems to have become captive of Jewish lobbying, it has been traditional Catholic teaching that the old covenant is superseded by the new covenant. A few lines above I hinted at proof of this in the Old Testament itself.
There’s an English priest who gets banned on YouTube because he makes a strong case through scripture in the Old Testament. One quick example would be the stories about brothers in the book of Genesis. In each case, the younger brothers—Abel, Isaac, Jacob, etc .—are the favorites or blessed, the good guys, if you will, whereas the older brothers—Cain, Ishmael, Esau, etc.— are not “chosen”or not favored. Such an example would be older, brother Cain killing younger brother Abel and being damned for all eternity. Cain represents the old covenant, whereas Abel represents Christ and the new covenant. The old/new paradigm is also Judaism/Church. Once you get this key and read the scriptures themselves, it is very evident, to me at least.
Rather than try to explain the spiritual understanding of the brothers, I would suggest that you search Father Mawdsley for more information. Mawdsley also notes that the brother stories all have reconciliation in them. The brothers reconcile and that points to the unification between the two religions, and in other scriptures the priest sharpens the picture, showing Jewish conversion to Christianity. Of course, this makes sense to me also because if God did choose the Jews, but they through their actions and behavior in time havebecome unchosen, and God being one who wants all his creatures saved, and God who will not bring about the end of history until that is done, would certainly want to communicate through revelation in a veiled way, exactly this point about salvation through the one true Messiah and through the vehicle known as the Church—as leaky as it currently is.
The sticking point for me will always be trying to understand why you and the French guy lay the blame right on the doorstep of God himself. The Jews are problematic because they’re Jews. They need to convert and get with the program. Other than that, keep up the good work.
Thanks for calling my work good, but I don't agree that I lay any blame on god. Certainly I lay a lot of blame on Jehovah, whom I refer to as the "bloodthirsty, wilderness slaughter-god", but Jehovah is no more a real god, in my view, than Apu Illapu, the god to whom the Inca sacrificed 227 infants at one go to make the rain stop. All these tribal gods , with their slaughter this and slaughter that ARE NOT REAL GODS. They couldn't be. A fortiori, no real universal god would have a specific chosen people. Universal--specific. Mutually exclusive. Anyone who believes otherwise, is embracing a "religious" view that is every bit as primitive as the view that had them all standing in the rain slaughtering babies for Apu Illapu.
Ok, more clarity here. Thank you for engaging.
The demiurge makes more sense.
Until we accept that the Old Testament is a patchwork of desert tribal myths created by Greek educated Jews in Alexandria in the 3rd century BC, and said myths have almost no relationship with any literal events, and have no deeper meaning than, say, Native American stories—especially for Europeans, since we aren’t related to these people—only then can we move on.
Craig knows I am a cothinker. I would only debate strategy with him. That is a good thing. Biting off the Jewish Zionists AND the Christian Zionists at the same time will be more than we can chew. I think there are actionable items that we can do to diminish and destroy their power. It goes without saying they have all the money and therefore all the power. But there are more of us than there are of them. We can inflict death-by-a-thousand-papercuts. One of many paper cuts I can think of is to lobby far and wide for the following and watch the heads explode!
H.R.7484 - Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act”.
By Mr. BURCHETT: H.R. 7484.
Sponsor: Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2]
I don't need to explain why heads will be exploding all over DC do I?
Agreed. Another thing we can/should/must do is render their money and power largely irrelevant by buying land and growing and raising our own food and families and building our own communities. Something like the Amish but with cellphones, guns, and pickup trucks.
These aren’t real Christians, they are fools with no faculty of discernment.
We can primary them all. the same power that got Trump into power we can primary all those bastards. We need find the people willing to take a pro America stance as a congressman.
With a no Quarter attitude, just like what we’re seeing now we gotta take it a step further and finish the job of making America what it was originally meant before it got invaded by tiny hats if one goes through the congressional archives back in the 1780s 90s 1810s 20s etc. you can read exactly what the founding fathers thought of these people
Why is the first genocide of the 20th Century often ignored? The genocide of 2 million Christian Armenians by Turkish Moslems was well documented by American Ambassador Morgenthau in 1915 and in his book. Islam is incompatible with the Constitution and Bill of Rights because Islam is more than a religion, it embodies government with intrusiveness overriding the Constitution.
The Young Turks were Jewish. The Armenian genocide was another exaple of Jews successfully pulling off a "let's you and him fight."
Sabbatean crypto-Jews: The Dönme
According to Wikipedia, The https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_genocide of 1915 to 1917 against Ottoman Christians were masterminded within the CUP, principally by Turks, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enver_Pasha, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talaat_Pasha, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahaeddin_%C5%9Eakir, and others.
Wikipedia is completely untrustworthy when it comes to anything to do with Jews. They cite the SPLC as an authority on "hate groups" for crying out loud
I agree with you, but in this citation I am not sure.
Craig: should you ever run out of story ideas worthy of your creativity (as if!), you could always write about this:
In Miami, A Jewish Man Who Shot Two Israelis Thought They Were Palestinians
(This is Dimitri Lascaris, human rights lawyer from Montreal, Canada)
On the one hand, Pierre Simon's "The Jewish Plot to Enslave Humanity" with my counterpoint to it, in which I point out that Judaism and Christianity are in fact mutually exclusive, wherein I was moved to write: "God’s chosen people” on the one hand, versus Christ’s message of universal love and brotherhood on the other?
Oil and water. How could the latter possibly spring from the former? The Lord works in mysterious ways I guess, and if any tribe on Earth needed The Son’s direct intervention, surely it was and is, the Jews."
On the other hand? This brief homily, "The Martyrdom of Saint Victor"; although you have to be utterly Church of England – pardon me, "Episcopalian" – to truly appreciate it. 😘
But come to think of it? This is ALWAYS the way God behaves, isn't it?
“How could the latter possibly spring from the former?”
For several reasons:
If I remember correctly, according to the work of Laurence Gardner, he was born of both royal and priestly lineage thus being the natural born unifier of the house of Israel. If he had succeeded to his birthright he would have been both high priest and king as well as being commonly called rabbi, teacher of the law and was also prophet.
It seems clear to me that he was a genius and had extraordinary psychic powers.
During his “lost years” he supposedly pursued spiritual studies at the highest levels in Egypt and India. Many of his works and words are actually derived from the Vedic tradition.
He knew who and what he was from an early age and took it as absolute truth. He saw it as his sacred duty to be the living embodiment and fulfillment of the sacred tradition of the prophets.
Never heard of Laurence Gardner.. Can you tell me more/
Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed
Oh the eternal puzzle. For my own peace of mind like most I choose to un ravel the puzzle and thus make sense hopefully.
To me the ethnic group known to the world by the name Jews and this includes all the varieties that go under various titles.
To me, the Jews are the chosen race.
But the hard question that no one seems to consider is. What are they chosen for?
My conclusion is that the Jews are a catalyst to provoke change in the real favoured people of this world. To force them to get off their back sides and evolve.
From that the Jews must be cast aside when they have completed their purpose as the catalyst.
The Jews are always at the centre of chaos and change, to me this shows their unique attributes that qualify them to be special but only in their natural ability to agitate and thus bring change and to the favour people of our creator.
Jews also like to use the phrase Antisemitism but the curious reality is they are not even Semitic, if we connect the dots of their bloodline.
They also like to claim that Christ Jesus was born a Jew. This is beyond ridiculous when we consider the definition of a Jew. A Jew is one born from adultery, most know the act of adulteration is a capital sin, the penalty is death of the soul.
There may be a Jewish Jesus but no real Christian cares.
Torturing children has nothing to do with any catalytic function. It's just pure, psychotic evil.
"Christians, who also inexplicably worship the Jewish slaughter-god"
That it a big broad brush you use to describe us all. You should know better.
Are there Christians who eschew the Old Testament? I would be very happy to know that. Otherwise, all those Christians who believe the Old testament is the divine word of God necessarily worship the bloodthirsty wilderness slaughter-god of the Jews.