
I knew that Churchill was aware of the Jewish nature of the Bolsheviks, and always wondered how he came to ally his country with the Soviets against Germany later in WWII.

But I did not know how quickly he moved from calling out the Jew in February 1920 to "appeasement" mode in November 1920. What a bloody hypocrite.

He must still be sizzling in hell.

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One thing that many of the worst of the gentile leaders seem to have in common is a fascination with the Old Testament.

Churchill, Lord Balfour, Eisenhower, Truman.

People who find the Old Testament worthy of reverence--who give it "equal divine authority"-- seem to be exceedingly suggestible. And there are a lot of them. This is why I think gay troll's work is interesting and important

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He wanted to keep his country estate “Chartwell”. His gormandising lifestyle, massive alcohol consumption etc etc. Funny how his debts got paid

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Yes Ownen Benjamin calls it fancy pants and lollipops, the addiction to comfort to the point of selling out ones soul and one's people is infantile.

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See, for example, the rotating gentile heads of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance--the people behind the "antisemitism carries a prison term" push.

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The Shabbos Goys are actually the worst IMO. I can at least understand the Jews fucking over people to benefit their tribe, though it's obviously horrible. People like the Clintons who act as their agents out of pure sociopathic greed and lust for power just utterly disgust me.

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Feb 15Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

"Any gentile who is “pro-Israel” is a deeply immoral, mentally sick traitor to their people, to their God, and to humanity. It’s no longer possible to claim to have been “honestly mistaken”—to have been doctrinally or politically or philosophically or scripturally in error."

Yes, it's true. It has been a long disturbing road to awakening to the Zionist agenda after a lifetime of being told they are innocent victims, despised because (so we are told) they "killed Christ." Well, that was the least of their sins as it turns out. Coming to accept the truth is mind-blowing. It is like finding yourself become a flat earther; "Am I really starting to agree w/ the Nazis and anti-Semites of all times? Can it be true? But the evidence is mounting, and the truth that has been hidden for thousands of years is coming to light as Aquarius dawns. All that is done in secret will be revealed. It's a ginormous mindfuck, but the truth is the truth and doesn't care about your feelings (to paraphrase one Zionist).

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In some subjects, learning is a process of discovering the extent of your error. And you are right, it's mind-blowing. It's like someone telling you there is no ocean, and then proving it to you. It's wrenching and there are a lot of people who just shut down rather than have their whole world upended. The greatness of a civilization can probably be measured by the ratio of those with the integrity and nobleness of character to embrace the truth no matter what to those who don't.

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As Jung said somewhere in his voluminous writings, only a few people attain individuation at any given time, so it would seem that's just how things go here (and why we need to insist on our rights as individuals and not let "them" collectivize us, as they're always trying to do---another "Jewish/Hebrew" effort, as the OT always puts the "people" as a whole before any individual. "It is better that one man die for the people..." etc.).

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That's an important connection to make - that the collectivist mindset is an extension of the Judaic one. Thank you for that insight.

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It's also interesting that Jung said only a few people attain individuation at any given time.

Somehow that is encouraging... if we are not reaching everyone, that's to be expected. It's more about individuating individuals finding other individuating individuals and sharing the journey with each other.

(I'm sure Jung put it more eloquently than that, but you probably get what I mean!)

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Feb 15·edited Feb 15Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I do, yes It's like what is said about enlightened or awakened people, that they recognize each other w/out saying a word (like a zen master or guru could recognize that his student had achieved liberation or enlightenment, and often they would just look at each other and then laugh or smile knowingly. I like that image.)

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Yes Talmudic Jews are insular, tribal, and full of rage that Jesus predicted the fall of the 2nd temple. That is of course a terrible combination and it has echoed down the ages for 2000 years now. Tribal is just another way of saying "collective" or the many over the one. Marx was a Jew, and though he claimed atheism, his Jewishness left a mighty stamp on Communism.

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My redpill on the JQ really accelerated after the genocide in Gaza started, I have lost friends, and gained so many interesting new friends. I am genuinely astonished how well read, historically literate, and genial the "anti-Semite," "Nazi," crowd is, it was my bad to believe any of (((their))) propaganda from the start.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10Author

My progress on this journey was certainly slower than it should've been, but I take consolation from the fact that, like all of us, I started from a standing start, facing the wrong direction, without a guide and, as propagandists go, they are the very best in the world.

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Yes, you don't lose your child-innocence all at once. Who knew our teachers and the media (esp. TV, as a kid) were gaslighting us? Plus, on a lot of things you have to go through that stage of disbelief that evil is organized and "officially sanctioned by the Powers That Be"; e.g., 9/11: They wouldn't do that! Kill all those people for those reasons?! No way! WAY.

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I know that feel, I was an Earth First! leftist in the early 2000s, and stayed on the left to the end of Occupy Wall St., when I could no longer tolerate being shit upon for being born a white straight man. It has indeed been a long strange trip.

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Feb 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

“The fearful series of events must run their course.”

Must? I wonder who told Churchill that?

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Good eye. Douglas Reed points out how gentile politicians consistently use the imperative when making public statements on government policy towards Israel/Jews.

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Feb 14Liked by Anna Cordelia

. . . someone is twisting their arms, no doubt.

I really do wonder who was twisting Churchill’s.

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Feb 17Liked by Craig Nelsen

Sorry to be late in joining (email went to spam) but....

yesterday I heard someone confidently assert that Churchill was financially supported by a group of about 50 rich and influential people (lawyers, politicians, bizmen). Apparently they were motivated by the thought that 'he was worth supporting' (eg there was a hidden agenda). They called themselves 'The Focus'.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Craig Nelsen

Hah! got it. I did a search on Yandex, lots of interesting leads:


The Focus for the Defence of Freedom and Peace, but known as The Focus Group and originally the British Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi Council to Champion Human Rights, was a propaganda lobby group in the United Kingdom, founded in 1935 in response to a call by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, as part of a propaganda attempt to give National Socialism a very bad press and turn people against Germany. It continued to exist until the late 1950s. They published a journal named simply Focus.

.....The funding for the group came from mostly Jewish sources, particularly Robert Waley Cohen, former Director of Royal Dutch Shell and Vice-Chairman of University College, London, described by his biographer as the "veritable dynamic force of Focus". He gave £50k - a fortune in those days - to the group, with more money coming from fellow travellers. However, other movers and shakers in the group were largely not Jewish (maybe just useful idiots to them).

.......As a secret pressure group, Focus started giving slush money to Churchill in the 1930s. ....The group was mostly dissident politicians, people who were out of office and wanted to get back in and willing to go to any lengths to do it, including overthrowing the government and putting Churchill in their place. ((many UK politicians are Jews)) .....King Edward VIII was pro-German and pro-peace but was forced to abdicate over an affair with a divorcee. ((sounds like something Epstein would organize. After all, in our time King Charles's pedophillia is kept secret ... by those in the WEF who control him?))

Hitler kept asking Britain for peace[3], and whilst these offers were placed before the Cabinet[4] only half the Cabinet wanted to accept them - Churchill's casting vote kept Britain in the war.[5] The war bankrupted Britain.

.....so they got everything - Russia's Jewish rulers saved, Israel, the only anti-Jewish force in Europe destroyed, the British Empire destroyed and England bankrupted all ready for them to instigate their World Rule while they were the Court Jews, hiding behind the leadership of the Exceptional Nation. And we see the full flowering of this system as Biden's White House, dominated by Jews, is actively pursuing the Zionist policy of genociding the Palestinians.

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Feb 15Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Thanks keep up the reseacrh folks are watching.

“This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.”

—Winston Churchill (Freemason), quoted in Emrys Hughes, “Winston Churchill: His Career in War and Peace,” p. 145

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Wow. Just wow.

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There is also Richard Poe, grandson of Russian Jews, on how communism served the British interests too.


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