After this current atrocity in Gaza, the Zionists will no longer get sympathy when invoking the "Holocaust"; they've shot themselves in the foot.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

Look for them to pull a major false-flag. Perhaps several.

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Another great article. Thank you.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

Talking of the Israeli's IDF murdering Palestinian women and children makes me wonder who was Bush talking about here.

"Bush continues his address to AIPAC:

They hate all who reject their grim vision of tyranny. They hate people who love freedom. They kill without mercy. They kill without shame. And they count their victories in the death of the innocent.”

From https://craignelsen.substack.com/p/killing-rasputin

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

I believe the defining trait of psychopathy is lacking all empathy. That is psychopaths do not see other people as being fully human, not as they are. They do not perceive others as a person who has feelings, is of value and is worthy of being treated as a fellow member of humanity. This is why psychopaths are unable to comprehend why their victims might hate them. Until recently this was purely an intellectual understanding for me. But now I've seen this psychopathic trait illustrated many times in videos or quotes of Jews in Israel saying the most horrific things about Palestinians while convinced of their own 'humanity'. Indeed, as it is for psychopaths, its a Jewish thing to assume that only Jews make up humanity (since non-Jews are not fully human). For instance;

"it is a hatred which is not in us, which is foreign to man… We cannot understand it."

An example of the conviction that Jews alone are mankind plus a claim that Jews don't hate plus being unable to comprehend why others might hate them (for their evil actions). That is a lot of chutzpah packed into a few words.

Similarly we see Jews justifying the IDF's murder of 10,000 or so Palestinians, mostly women and children, by the claim that their 1,300 dead makes them 'the victims'. The whole world recoils in horror from their murder of the innocent - while they remain oblivious of their own evil. Thus they are unable to comprehend why others protest against this. Because they see themselves as innocent of any wrong doing they can only understand the protests as 'anti-semiticism'.

I now know why Judaism is called 'the psychopathic religion'.

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Judaism as a religion is exceedingly primitive, it's not even a religion, really (God really doesn't care whether you eat shellfish or have fringes on your clothes), but as a political program to rule the world, it's proven itself very effective. Arguably, it has achieved, or nearly achieved, what it set out to do *politically* 26 centuries ago.

But politics and religion each have their own spheres. Trying to replace one with other violates the natural order of things that Anne C. was talking about here recently and produces the effect you point out. "To assume that only Jews make up humanity" is no different than the narcissist who believes everyone else is an actor in his play and produces the same behavior. And it's a religious failing.

Some narcissists can see their way to a more religiously rational view of the humans around them, some die in their unhappy irrational world. We will see how it plays out with the Jews.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

"Some narcissists can see their way to a more religiously rational view of the humans around them, some die in their unhappy irrational world. We will see how it plays out with the Jews."

I think it will continue to 'play out' the same as it has for the last 2,500+ yrs. As it seems to be a permanent or fixed trait specific to Judaism. Sure some do manage to break out of the narcissistic mind trap and assimilate. But with the Orthodox being obsessed with reproducing at a high rate they can absorb such losses and still increase in number. I think the real issue is this:

Is the trait genetic and inherited - as is psychopathy which may be the cause of their narcissism? Or is it entirely cultural and thus a change in their religion could see a reduction in their narcissism?

Because if its an inheritable trait which is re-enforced by their evil, racist religious culture and their numbers are increasing then humanity has a problem. As these psychopaths think of all humanity in the same was as they do of Palestinians. They see us as 'two legged beasts' that their god, Lucifer, gave them dominion over and thus for them we are 'human shaped animals' to enslave, abuse or kill at their leisure.

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Good point about the orthodox having large families which prevents Jewish demographics from failing, unlike white stats. In Israel they're protected from mandatory military service. And I suppose they must get welfare as well in order to support all the kids while not working because you're studying all the time.

I don't think Judaism the mindset is inherited/determined at birth. But being raised by Jewish parents, produces the same effect.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

Indeed, many Orthodox live off charity, often in abject poverty.

Is 'the mindset is inherited/determined at birth'? Work has been done on this which does seem to show a genetic component. See UNZ.com and https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net But the explanation is, to my mind, faulty. It is that 'predating' on the indigenous peoples in Ukraine etc favoured the reproduction of psychopathic traits among the predators. That part of the argument I find sound. But obviously that relatively recent selection pressure can't explain the satanic behaviour exhibited since the times of the Old Testament. For instance their genocide of the Amalek - history recently referenced by Netanyahu.


Such murderous behaviour was presumably solely the result of the religious culture within which they were raised.

So maybe they should have been sent to re-education camps, not concentration camps!

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The exclamation mark tells me you're being humorous about re-education camps. The first 7 years are sufficient to leave an indelible imprint on your soul, so said the Church. After that, re-education probably won't accomplish anything but lip service.

Anecdote: Met an old beatnik turned hippie living in rural NM growing weed (which we were imbibing) and married to a gentile woman. He was born Jewish but hadn't set foot in a synagogue since before the flood. This was late 90s, post Waco and OKC. He voiced concern about white militias. I asked him which he feared more, the FBI or militias. He said both equally. He was imbued w/ fear of gentile violence against Jews whether govt or anti-govt varieties.

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Yet another argument for a religious revolution in the same way we had a scientific revolution. I'm adapting you and Ashowa's exchange to a post.


If you were in New Mexico in the 90s, and smoked weed, perhaps our paths crossed. I went to school in Santa Fe and graduated in 1995.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023

I have a friend, quarter Jewish. He lives in fear of being 'pogromed'. Its inexplicable - unless its genetic. But he is only a 1/4 Jewish!

I believe Jewish culture indoctrinates a fear of being a victim into their children from an early age. Among other effects it means the child sees all other Jews as fellow victims, and all non-Jews as potential murderers. That is a powerful fear, sufficient to colour the child's perceptions for the rest of his life. Making him, at a deep atavistic level, pro-Jew and anti-goyim.

Maybe the fear of being a victim is so powerful that it can be passed down the generations in the form of stories told by a grandparent to a part Jewish child?

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