Sep 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I have posted the following comment on another site but since it'[s mine, no copyright infringement...

Bad news for all euphemism lovers: you can no longer use the term “zionism” other than with the respect due to a noble self-determination movement. For now banned in universities, soon everywhere…

Freedom of speech has been affirmed and expanded in universities by new policies and a code of conduct to protect Jewish students from hate speech that vilifies a certain people’s noble “quest for self-determination,” called zionism, as the Forward reports:

From the Forward:

“Campuses are banning discrimination against Zionists. That’s good news for the pro-Palestinian camp

As the fall semester begins, colleges have appeared anxious to avoid last year’s vitriol around the Israel-Hamas war. They’ve enacted a wide swath of new policies about protests, encampments and hate speech to try and ensure a more peaceful campus environment.”

[Note that the pro-Palestinians are a “camp,” whereas the others are “community members,” therefore warlike versus peaceful].

“These policies appear geared toward protecting Jewish, pro-Israel community members. But they’re actually good for everyone — especially pro-Palestinian students. ”

[Of course, it is! What’s good for Jews and “pro-Israel community members” is always good for everyone…]

"That’s particularly true when it comes to updated protocols from NYU and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign that ban students from targeting Zionists… NYU’s move prompted backlash from pro-Palestinian groups, who claimed that the new code of conduct “criminalizes Palestine solidarity.

Those new NYU hate speech guidelines remind students that the word “Zionist” has often been used as a “code word” that perpetuates antisemitic stereotypes.

As a new report by a Columbia University task force notes, critiques of Zionism on campus have frequently strayed into “traditional antisemitic tropes about secretive power, money, global conspiracies, bloodthirstiness, and comparisons of Zionists to Nazis or rodents.

It would be wrong to pretend that this antisemitism is characteristic of the entire pro-Palestine movement. Many protesters are rightfully horrified by the devastation in Gaza.”

[Well, OK, they can be horrified, but let us call it “devastation.” The effect of something complex like a hurricane or an earthquake, don’t ascribe it agency.]

“But it would be equally wrong, for example, to assume that when Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich justifies denying food to hungry Gazans, that this cruelty characterizes the entire pro-Israel movement, or Jews as a whole. Just look at the hundreds of thousands of Israelis, many of my family members among them, who are protesting for an immediate hostage deal and ceasefire. “

[Smotrich is just an anomaly, see? He is just a cruel guy. Don’t go maligning the Israelis or the entire pro-Israel movement because of him. Look at the hundreds of thousands of Israelis protesting by … asking for an immediate release of Israeli hostages — “and” a ceasefire if the release can’t be arranged otherwise— which is good for the Palestinians and, you know, for everyone…]

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I would love it if everyone stopped using the term "Zionist" and just called them Jews.

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Sep 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It's done specifically to help spread these ideas among people who get triggered by the word jew. I agree though.

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Sep 10Liked by Craig Nelsen


I am not an "anti-semite," primarily I am not sure what it means. It is both vague and deceptive since it is never used in reference to semites like the Arab nations.

I am a judeophobe. Unlike other phobias-- all healthy and life-protecting-- like herpetophobia (fear of snakes), judeophobia is not instinctive, hard wired in our DNA and based on reflex, but a LEARNED reaction built up by the very long experience, observation and much suffering caused by Jews to the host nations that sheltered them. It is a nation's immune system response which the Jews have always tried to suppress by repressive means when they acquire political power and by complete immersion in pro-judaic propaganda produced by the media they own.

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Sep 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Let us be fair now and look at what the MSM hides from the general public when it comes to the Israelis' struggle against terrorism in Palestine.

We are told --correctly but only partly so -- that the enemies of the Israelis are the Palestinian Muslims, but we never hear about the Christian Palestinians who also pose a continuing threat to the Israeli Jews' right of self-determination in the land God gave them and only to them, as attested by documented history, a.k.a. the Torah.

We are we not told about these Armenians, for example, who still (!!!)l live in Jerusalem (unlike tens of thousands of Christians who used to live in the West Bank and were all successfully driven out. One way or another.

All these Armenians are Christians (which means "idol worshippers) to any Jew) and brazenly so (see the cross symbol on the doors!).

Watch the video below and ask yourself why is the media minimizing the magnitude of the existential threat faced by Jews in Palestine, sorry, I mean Israel, by never mentioning the Palestinian Christians?

Even zionist Christians like praiseworthy John Hagee, who fully supports the Israeli cause, never mentions them, let alone condemn them?!

Share this video widely, please, so people, especially uninformed Christians, can see what the media is not telling us!


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Sep 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

The most insidious aspect of this charge apart from the stated desire to evaporate the 1st amendment for the tribe, is who are the true descendents of Shem, and who are the demonic descendents of Canaan. Master noticer of the 20th century Eustace Mullins documents this well in his Demonolgy of History, published in 1986 and mysteriously "out of print."


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Thanks for that link, friend.

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Sorry, it was a bad link. Here's a good one for online reading or download...


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Thanks for posting the archive.org link, though. That site has been invaluable over the years for providing access to otherwise unavailable texts. Did you notice the banner on their site today? I'm going to try to contact them and see what's up with that message. In any case, I hope people pitch in with donations.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It's been indispensable for finding lost treasures. A court ruled against them on behalf of Jewish publishing monopolies in NY and London. A legal oy vey shut it down! They've already removed two books on WW2 that were available a month ago though some still remain. Get them while you still can.

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Some of my favourite Archive channels:

• Jeff’s Library Archive


• @Political Hacker Archive


• Know Your Enemy Archive


• ETA - Expose Them All

• Books, Essays, Articles, Reports - Various PDF Files (1) - 440 PDFs


• Essays, Articles, Studies, Reports, Documents, PDF's - Various Text (1) – 539 PDFs


• World War 1, World War I, WW 1, WWI - World War 2, World War II, WW 2, WWII (1) - by ETA - Expose Them All


• World War 1, World War I, WW 1, WWI - World War 2, World War II, WW 2, WWII (2) - by ETA


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Damn, this is great. Thank you.

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Sep 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

Top notch. Thanks.

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Why in the zohar do they call "the land of Edom" America today? Or is it just Kabbalist metaphor for all of christianity?

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Side subject: are you familiar with the emerging “millennial reign” and/or “Satan’s little season” theory?

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A YT channel named Jason Jack has a 10 or 12 part series on it, if anyone is interested. And along that route, you might take a look at the Prime series, World’s Greatest Palaces, and specifically at Caserta. The water works speak for themselves, but pay attention to what is being said about the staircases.

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Do you have a reference for that? Neat trick, since the Zohar was written pre modern America (allegedly).

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Reference? A Rabbi you'll see in a 911 post I'm publishing in 30 minutes.

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It will be interesting to see that. I suppose it would be akin to Christians calling America Mystery Babylon.

I don’t think you can separate the powers that control the world into national entities. It is clear though, that the beast system is seated in the tri-state union of Washington DC, The City of London, and Vatican City.

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Excellent distilled history. Will finish tonight.

Are you familiar with probably Alexandra?


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Vaguely familiar.

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They made it “log in to borrow”.

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Sep 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen


"We own this country!"

Read the comments at the end of the article.

People are finally waking up.



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well it is a anti Israeli publication so almost like an echo chamber...I would not give much attention

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Sep 8·edited Sep 17Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It is now so clear that we were tricked into believing that the jews were good,even when their own history depicted them as liers and theives. So sad for us.

Whenever I bring up the Talmud in conversation I'm shocked at how few supporters of Israel have read it.

Thanks for this useful post.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

We are forced to live in their delusion.

They suffer from mass psychosis.

They need urgent psychiatric help at racial level (probably some gene therapy may be safe and effective).

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"We’ve all known people who believe the whole world is against them. Judaism took that psychological aberration and made it into a religious tenet."

The jew is against the entire human race, including their own children. That they project that mania onto others is the disease. After reading the substack about Pitesti there is no doubt that they would destroy all humanity to sate their desire to be free from God.

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Gulag States of America

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Why now? All my life I been hearing about the Jews. But now, they want it to be a crime when this country refused to even except them during the war.

Just like in a Jesus time. You got true god fearing Jews. And you got Baal worshipping Jews. Folks need to know the difference.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Nah. Anyone who follows the Torah and Talmud is complacent. I do not care about historical subdivisions and all the other narrative about who's real or not, who's Biblical or not. These are all classic diversion tactics and gatekeeping to keep the Goyim infighting.

They hide in deception and confusion.

I solve such deception and confusion easily.

You follow the Torah and Talmud? You are complacent. End of story.

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Well put!

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Sep 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

The few Jews I’m familiar with are secular. They do not follow either and nor do they follow Christ. Nor do they care to know about any of it. Just because they are Jewish doesn’t mean they are part of ze plan.

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Judaism is an ethnoreligion. So they can be secular but still consider themselves Jews.

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