
"If they really want to please the New York Times, they should change the Bible so that the disciples were behind locked doors for fear of white supremacy."

News flash to anyone who hasn't figured this out yet: it is nigh on impossible to please the Jews, so don't waste your time on such folly.

Re-reading Henry Ford's words was very instructive. Having proudly embraced the title of Anti-Semite, I have realized what my own personal definition of that term is: One Who Does Not Fear The Jews.

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May 13Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I know that many people reject the term "anti-semitic" as erroneous as used since Arabs are semites but arguably Ashkenazi Jews are not. Nevertheless, since it is already widely accepted as meaning as "anti-Jews," I join you: I am anti-semitic too....

Craig only said “Jews run Hollywood" and the priest got frightened. If he had said "Jews run everything: our financial system, Congress, education system, media, and entertainment industry" he would have had a heart attack.

He would have been dead already, unable to hear Craig continue by saying “and they also control the Catholic Church” (see Bergoglio banishing Catholics prelates who refuse to recognize the Vatican II transformation of the Church to make it “jew friendly,” euphemistically called "progressive.")

The tale of Joshua, however, shows that another factor, aside from fear, motivates the traitors:

"“devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.”11Rahab and her relatives then dwelt among the Jews.”

They don't care if the Jews destroy their nations as long as they, themselves, the traitors, get to “dwell among the Jews” and get some crumbs from their table— the 30 silver pieces.

The tale of Rahab also exemplifies how the Jews need whores among the Goyim in order to vanquish them. The US Congress is a brothel full of Rahabs.

"We also see this debilitating fear of the Jews evident in Russia in the years preceding the systematic mass murder of 66 million Russian Christians.”

Unfortunately Russia is still in fear of them due to its own collaboration in the fabrication of the ‘holocaust” myth when WWII ended. Demolishing the noxious myth is completely within Russia’s capability and that would go a long way toward putting an end to Jewish power. Doing so, however, would also unravel all the lies about WWII in which the Russians people were indeed the most numerous victims but the Red Army also committed monstrous war crimes, side by side with the Allies, all of which make the Nazi crimes pale by comparison. Russia walks a tightrope now allowing Israel to bomb Syria, even to arm Ukraine, allowing the existence and onerous profiteering of the Jewish oligarchs who remained in Russia upon promising to "not interfere in politics."

The utility of whoring extends for Jews beyond using Goy whores to attain their aims. Their rabbis teach them that whoring your own wife is praiseworthy if it achieves the intended result -- “benefits." Here’s is Abraham— the first proxenet “hero” pimping his wife:

In Genesis 12:10-12:20, Abram and his wife Sarai go to Egypt to flee a famine. Abram asks Sarai to pretend to be his sister so that the Pharaoh might reward Abram because of her. Abram's plan works, and when “the woman [Sarai] was taken to Pharaoh's palace,” Abram receives benefits from the Pharaoh.

Esther was another Jewish whore, the personification of the criminal Jewish lobby avant la lettre.

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"They don't care if the Jews destroy their nations as long as they, themselves, the traitors, get to “dwell among the Jews” and get some crumbs from their table— the 30 silver pieces."

Has it always been like this? Or was it different before the ruin of the aristocracy? And I wonder if they have their own versions of traitor? A son who marries a "prostitute" for example? Or those, like Benjamin Freedman, who speak openly and honestly about Jewish behavior?

When I first started sniffing around the edges of the JQ , the speech Freedman gave in DC in 1961 was one of the first things I encountered. It had a major impact on me--radically altering my views on all sorts of things--especially on Germany and WWII. But one of the things I found most surprising about that speech had nothing to do with the content of the speech. I found it very illuminating and significant that, as completely unknown as the speech was among gentiles, it was known among Jews. And not with approval.

That suggests that Jews do have their traitors, but the phenomenon is much rarer among them.

This is another reason we need a religious revolution, in my view. As it is, we offer very little to be loyal to. Similarly, our country offers very little to be patriotic to.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I uploaded a Kol Nidre portion of that speech to my channel years ago. Just in case others have not heard it:


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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I am surprised that youtube has not deleted it yet. The tribe that worships itself gives itself a ritual blank check every year to remind the new generation (the old ones don't need reminders, the are hardened criminals) that wherever they are they constitute a state within a state whose divinely chosen members follow only one "ethical" principle: "What's good for the Jews." Perjury or any other crimes punishable by the Goy laws are already absolved in advance. Stealing or defrauding, even on massive scale only become crimes in their judgment when committed against other jews. I well remember Bernard Madoff, who operated on Wall Street for many years with impunity, ruining the loves of many Goyim, until he ran out of Goyim to fleece and then he went to where there was lots of money, scamming rich Jews. He even defrauded the icon of the Fauxlocaust, Elie Wiesel. That did him in. I will never forget an article in NYT in which a Jews castigated him for his Jew-certified crime: "How could he do this to his own people?!"

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That was an "aha" moment for me, too, back when I was just starting to wake up. It was a NYT article about some scandal involving a group of rabbis in New Jersey who'd been busted in some sort of money-laundering/defrauding the public treasury sting. The article was reporting on the collaboration of one of the rabbis' son, and how the rabbi disowned his son, and the repercussions of that. I remember noticing how odd it was that the article was written from the point of view that the real malefactor in the whole affair was the son, not the actual criminals.

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May 17Liked by Craig Nelsen

"Has it always been like this?" Craig asks. The recent meeting between Putin and Xi also raises the question "Will it always be like this or will it continue in the foreseeable future?"

In the future “multi-polar world” in which Russia and China will indisputably be the major “poles,” Jews, like always, end up on top, no change there.

As long as holocaustianity is sacrosanct, even if Israel disappears or morphs into a new deceiving entity, Jewish Power perdures. “Denial” is a punishable crime.

The joint declaration of Russia and China at the conclusion their momentous recent meeting proves it:

"The two sides will continue to firmly defend the results of the victory of the Second World War and the post-war world order enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and oppose the denial, distortion and tampering with the history of the Second World War. The two sides pointed out that they must carry out correct historical education, protect the world's anti-fascist memorial facilities from desecration or destruction, and severely condemn the glorification and even attempts to resurrect Nazism and militarism. The two sides plan to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japan and the Great Patriotic War in 2025, and jointly promote the correct view of the history of World War II."

As long as there is an officially declared "correct view" of history no independent thinking, no honest examination of the past is allowed,. As long as the Biggest Hoax of the 20th century (thank you, Arthur Butz) is enshrined as "the correct view of history" Jewish Power remains strong in whatever new disguises it assumes.

We cannot expect any top down redress of wrongs and true liberation from the judaic dominance. Such fundamental change can only happen arising from the nations in revolt. Sadly I cannot think of any nation currently conscious of what and whom they should revolt against. They swat ineffectually against what are only the symptoms of the disease (LGBT+, population replacement, gender "identity" etc) attributing them to political corruption, one or the other wings of the Uniparty, the MIC, etc. It is the Jews. The longest-lasting empire in history (1,000 years!), the Byzantine empire, saw it. No Jew was allowed to have any political office or engage in money lending. Interest on money lending was legislated by the state at no more than 3-5%. There was tolerance for other religions but Christianity ruled. No wonder the truth about that empire is assiduously hidden and its history falsified as "the Dark Ages."

We can root for Russia, in fact we must, but we must not expect salvation from its victory against what the Russians call the "hegemon" -- since the US is but a tool of Jewish Power.

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Your observation that Jews need whores among the Goyim is brilliant - as is your calling out the Russians for their collaboration in the Holocaust (TM) narrative. I have never fallen for Putin's supposed anti-globalism, because he never fails to condemn the "Nazis."

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I believe my view of Putin is a shade more nuanced than yours or Billy Thistle's. Not that it is accurate, only that it is ... mine.

I believe Putin is a sincere Russian patriot. I also believe that irrespective of whether he is, in his heart of hearts, a true Christian believer or not, he understood (from Solzhenitsyn and Dugan) that the Russian nation's revival and unity can only be achieved by restoring its traditional "pravoslavnik" Christian Orthodox faith to its place as moral guide in society, and he did all he could to accomplish this.

I think in the beginning he did not see globalism as nefarious but merely as the place of power where Russia should be integrated as a deserving member. He wanted, as it is often said, to have a place at the table with the big boys. He went to the WEF.

He kept calling the wolves "nashi partniori," he closed his eyes on what they did in Libya, he kept trying to get in. He was so naive he thought he could be inducted in the select club while also being allowed to do as he pleased at home, to reject some main dogmas of globalism, like LGBT+ or the theme of the always oppressed minorities. He memorably said then "Russia needs its minorities less than the minorities need Russia. He was so naive he thought that the Jews who had left Russia and settled in Israel were some sort of Russian lobby in Israel he could count on. Unfolding events disabused him of this silliness. This naive period lasted more than it should have. He finally understood that globalism, as promoted by the West, is Russia's enemy. Whether he --and those who will succeed him--truly understand that globalism is fundamentally jewish, is debatable. Even if they do they are not equipped to oppose it openly. They have the ball and chain of their direct participation in the creation of the Biggest Hoax of the 20th Century. So "Holocaust Denial" is punished in Russia as it is in Germany.

Furthermore, I think that the concept of globalism is not repugnant to him: only the kind that excludes Russia. If the much ballyhooed "multipolar world" were to come into being, it would be another globalism, one that serves a full Chinese meal with a beet borscht option as an appetizer. On the other side, a much diminished essential nation" is fed lab "meat" and carries out periodic asymmetrical attacks.

The idea that small chihuahua nations could then deal with the giant Panda or the Ural bear as equal is hilarious. Lambs and wolves deciding what to have for dinner.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I agree that Putin is more than he seems, but that above all he is a patriot. I suspect he went to the WEF's training to find out what they were about and what their plan is (like the good spy that he was trained to be). As Americans have never been invaded (till lately), they have little understanding of Russians' paranoia from being invaded and having millions killed so many times in their history (Napoleon, Hitler, Bolsheviks, et al.) only to be saved by their brutal climate.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It took me years to concede the fact that Putin is a cuck. That he saved Syria from falling to the Judeo-American West raised him above MAGA, as walking the damn walk. Then I started reading Rolo Slavsky, now Rurik Skywalker, and got a better picture of Putin's lamentable westernized liberalism. Putie (Dubya nickname) got pissed because he hasn't been accepted at the NWO table w/ the big boys. His religious observance is mostly for show, along the lines that Craig points out as typical of Progressive Christianity. Most egregiously, he has no intention of winning his war like a real nationalist would.

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"since Arabs are semites"

So you believe the Arabs, along with the Hebrews, are entitled to turn the people of the middle east and north Africa into their servants and occupy their homelands? All because Noah got drunk and cursed a little boy named Canaan?

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May 16Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Why were they not stamped out by so many who tried over time, not just the Romans or the 3rd Reich but virtually all European countries that kept kicking them out again and again. And why did it have to be “again and again” instead of once and for all? The "ancient evil that won't die” is not, I don't believe, some otherworldly satanic force. The leadership of the tribe that never developed a culture of its own did develop two hugely successful programs, one for themselves and one for the “Goyim” they meant to subjugate, displace and destroy.

For themselves they elaborated a cult that enthralled the "mitochondrially legit” (mother lineage) and circumcised tribe with a great deal: (1) the rabbis told them that material possessions, and the power to acquire them are supreme good to attain; (2) there is no afterlife, so grab all you can by any means while you can; (3) you are the Chosen, so are divinely destined to rule over the subhumans, grab the fruits of their labor and kill those who do not submit.

For dealing with the the Goyim they elaborated a simple strategy that has always worked: always appeal to their basest instincts:

GREED — to bribe them, entrap them in debt/Ponzi schemes, by obscene display of wealth make greed a “virtue” and env, as “competition," an acceptable revision of the Christian moral principle of not coveting your neighbor’s possessions.

Jewish tenets of amorality have been pushed by Hollywood since its kosher birth. The hugely popular Jewish diva, Mae West, proclaimed: "Too much of a good thing is wonderful.” Anything goes, just go and grab it.

CONCUPISCENCE — using pornography, preaching "sexual liberation,” degrading the institution of marriage, degrading women, sexualizing all human relationships, including parental/filial ones (see Freud’s bastardization of Greek mythology whereby he claims the Jewish neuroses and deprived personality disorders are in fact … universally human).

MORAL and AESTHETIC RELATIVISM. Make the Goyim ashamed of their history and traditions. Tear down the monuments. We, a tribe for whom history is a judeocentric myth inscribed in a closed circle (holocaust, revival and holocaust again…), will tell you what your history of oppressors and anti-semites was.

As for aesthetics, up is down is down is up: forget the ancient Greek Goyim’s or the equally Goy renascentist ideals of beauty. Ugly is beautiful while the old fashioned beautiful is but fat shaming and white supremacism. The repugnant paintings of Francis Bacon showing homosexuals with beast-like faces coupling in silent howls of agony and ecstasy are beauty. Forget all the architectural marvels of Western civilization. Jew Frank Gehry creates the new norms of architectural beauty: soulless, inhuman, cold and ugly. Admire his Dancing House:


ERASING CHRISTIANITY. Cannot emphasize enough the importance of this— A goy cannot be ”progressive” unless he laughs appreciatively at the Jewish comedy ‘geniuses' (Larry Davis and Sarah Silverman) mocking and insulting Jesus. Larry Davis urinating on a an icon of Jesus is high jewish comedy. A crucifix in a jar of urine is celebrated as "art." Objecting to them brands the Goyim as retrogrades, bigots and anti-semites. If he still claims to be a Christian, a Goy must make sure to specify he adheres to the oxymoronic creed of the “judeo-Christian" values… The “judeo” part cancels the Christian empathy, humanity and the love for peace and harmony and replaces them with ruthless cruelty, and savage vengeance — an eye for an eyelash. Gaza. All of Palestine since 1948.

To conclude another overly long comment, whatever “satanic force” is at work, it resides in us in the form of the basest animal, atavistic instincts. Allowing the Jews to coax them out and use them against us is our fatal weakness.

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May 16·edited May 16Author

Not overly long at all, Ariadna. Insightful, thought-provoking and above all, cathartic. Thank you.

Loved your line about "an eye for an eyelash." Exquisite poetry to finish off your wonderful prose.

And you are spot on about the Jews leveraging our own basest instincts to achieve their ends. They have absolutely zero true creativity, and once we figure that out, they lose their power over us.

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May 16Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thank you. I urge everybody to read this:


It is long, so read it in installments when you can, but read it

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A recommendation to read something by someone who can write something as clear-sighted as the above is a recommendation I take especially seriously. I'm familiar with the author's name, but that's it. Looking forward to diving deeper. Thank you on behalf of all of us for your well-formed and valuable contributions.

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Great recommendation, Ariadna. I can't remember the last time I read such a good synthesis/analysis of how the Jews have conspired against us over the centuries.

The half hour or so read was time very well spent - and it has sparked further thoughts in my wee brain. For example...

I was unaware that, 'According to a concept in the Cabala of Isaac Luria called tikkun olam or “repair of the world” in Hebrew, the creation of the Tree of Life, the Kabbalistic symbol of the universe, was an accident that produced a great disorder that only the Jewish people have the power to repair by hastening the coming of their Messiah to the Holy Land through social, political, and military actions.'

This made me realize that the Jews are essentially a damaged people (or "broken," "fallen," whatever term you want to use). In typical Jewish fashion, they project their own fault/characteristic onto the rest of the world - because they are broken, they see the world around them as broken. (Just like they project their own sense of superiority onto White people and label us "White Supremacists," and how they project their own desire to rule the world onto the "Nazi" Germans and claim Hitler wanted to take over the world.)

Once they have projected their own broken state onto the world, they proceed to go about "fixing it" (tikkun olam) - and always, always, in a way that puts more money in their own pockets, and/or more power in their hands.

The whole sorry situation gives a whole new meaning to the expression, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

But it is a joy to figure these things out! Thank you for sharing that link.

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May 17Liked by Anna Cordelia

Excellent observations, especially pointing out the omnipresent Jewish projection, a reflex to deflect any negative view of the Jewish mentality/behaviors by ascribing them to their "enemies." I suspect that for most of them it is a hard-wired reflex but for the likes of Freud was a deliberate construct of lies and distorted interpretation of Greek mythology to convince the gullible that the Jewish neuroses and psychopathies were in fact "universally human." Why, it is perfectly normal for a man to wish to couple with his mother and kill his father, isn't it? Only a sick Jewish mind could read that in the myth of Oedipus whose tragedy was a terrible accident (had not known his mother), for which he repented by severely punishing himself, not shrugging it off as a natural, human desire.

Thanks for stressing out this essentially Jewish projection.

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Your lucidity regarding Freud is so refreshing.

I don't know how many psychology-genre books I've read by authors who are otherwise astute, but constantly genuflect to Freud as if he was some kind of genius.

Maybe an evil genius - but of a completely psychotic strain. My "redneck" husband just calls him "Fraud."

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There has never been a greater evil than Zionism. Never in all of history. NOTE to all concerned: I edited my original version of this comment because I am not an anti-semite nor anti-Jew. Judaism per se is not the problem, any more than other religions could be the source of an evil that has destabilized the entire world. I condemn zionism and anyone or any institution that supports it (which includes many evangelical Christians, atheists, etc). Not Jews categorically. I believe this distinction is crucial.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I don't think that anyone who is familiar with even only the basic tenets of judaism can honestly say that "Judaism per se is not the problem, any more than other religions could be the source of an evil that has destabilized the entire world." It is a tribal cult of UNIVERSAL HATE. No other religion preaches killing all outsiders to the cult and taking over their lands and possessions.

I don't think that anyone who has basic knowledge of world history can say that the problem is zionism, which is only the descendant in a long line of jewish disguises from the anti-Christian campaigns in ancient Rome, to the Jewish conquest of England after Cromwell, to the "revolutionary spirit" in modern times appearing as "republicanism" in the Spanish Civil War (whose church- and monasteries-burning International Brigades from various European countries communicated with each other by means of a daily bulletin in ... Yiddish), to the Bolsheviks of the not-so-Russian Revolution, to the zionists, to the neocons.

Nobody aware of the jew-led campaign to destroy national consciousness, Christian values (family!) and pushing population replacement by open borders in the US (as in Western Europe) can blame it on one single facet of Jewish power, i.e., zionism.

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You might find it hard to believe, but I am relieved you replied. I was very torn before deciding to edit my original comment. I cannot argue with most of what you say. One reason is that your knowledge of the history involved seems more in-depth than mine. But the main reason is I agree with much of what you wrote. I consider what is being done today and has been done in the name of Judaism for millennia to be the greatest cause of wars, chaos, oppression and injustice. That force can only be demonic in nature. So what is my problem? As I said, where I have to draw the line is condemning ALL individuals who sincerely practice their faith and do not wish to hate or kill, or even those who just identify as Jews but wish no harm to anyone. Because I have personally known a number of Jews who were of impeccable character, secondly there are many Jews who are disgusted and scandalized by what is done in their name. Many of them are public figures who do not hide their opinions, who actively and very harshly condemn the actions of the zionists and the powers that be in Tel Aviv, New York, London etc. Many orthodox Jews condemn the very existence of the state of Israel, the Karaite Jews reject the demonic Talmud and everything beyond what is in the Old Testament. They are a very tiny minority and not very popular in Israel, it's been said. And what about evangelical "Christian" zionists, who may well be the worst. I have much still to learn but have come to the point that I require really overwhelming evidence before condemning ANYONE, never mind millions of people who happen to have some or many things in common, but not all things. On a hopeful note, it is beginning to look like many, many people worldwide are waking up to the truth behind the deceit, treachery and propaganda. I believe in the Holy Bible and the second coming of Christ, I believe in the coming apocalypse and the Final Judgment. So I have not a shred of doubt that justice WILL be done. And woe unto those who have posed as believers but obeyed Satan. I wish you the best.

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I can understand your approach to this thorny issue, Prodigal. But unfortunately your kindness says more about you than it does about the Jews.

I hate to admit that I still get excited every time I come across someone I think might be one of those exceptional (and exceedingly rare) "good Jews." I've come to see it as a kind of weakness - and one that the Jews understand and exploit.

I'm not saying good Jews don't exist - but I think of them as "extraordinary Jews" rather than "ordinary Jews." And it seems the best of the best walk away from Judaism anyhow, in one way or another.

Thank you for sharing your ideas. And God Bless you... I do completely agree with you that no one escapes Divine Justice.

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deletedMay 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen
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P.S. One good link deserves another...


When you said, "If you look at any of the worst trends, historic events and occurrences that have had the most horrible impacts on the world, just scratch the surface and you will find that Jews are ridiculously over-represented"... I was reminded of Adolf Hitler's accounting of how he woke up to the JQ when he moved to Vienna as a young man. The video above is a great visual representation of the process of "noticing."

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Looks like an interesting video, Prodigal - thank you for the link!

Fascinating that your study of the JQ led you to notice, above all else, the "deceit, deception, lies." I find myself calling the Jews "The People of the Lie"... which turns out to be the title Dr. M. Scott Peck used for his book on psychopathy.

Psychopaths are very difficult to understand (if you're not one of them!) but one description I've heard that fits well is "a person without conscience." That seems to describe the Jewish people (as a group) uncomfortably well.

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May 15Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Prodigal, give "Karl's substack" a look-see too; he writes about this issue; his latest is a very long discussion of Cassius Dio's history of the Romans and what Dio says about the Jews; it's the same ole story as ever: infiltration, deception, destruction of civilized society.

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Your inner conflict is between your basic human decency (the recognition that all humans share a fundamental quality--what I call a "claim on centrality") and the bedrock tenet of Judaism, which is an explicit denial of that recognition. To the extent anyone persists in the delusion that Judaism is just another religion or "faith," that conflict can never be resolved.

For "God" to be real, God must be universal--i.e., what's religiously true for me must be true for you, too, whether you are Chinese or Indian or Russian or even Canadian.

YHWH posits up front to the Jews: "You are a special people unto me." In other words, YHWH says at the outset, I am a false god. Now go kill or enslave everybody else. Christianity was fatally compromised when it attached the monstrous Jehovah to itself and gave it "equal divine authority" some 15 centuries ago. And we have paid an enormous price for that blunder.

The Jews of "impeccable character" you mention are apostates at least and I don't see how they can identify as Jews except through ignorance. Maybe they identify racially, which is a whole other aspect.

Thanks for the comments.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

"Christianity was fatally compromised when it attached the monstrous Jehovah to itself and gave it "equal divine authority" some 15 centuries ago. And we have paid an enormous price for that blunder."

So when Bergoglio calmly declared that the Jews' covenant with God was never canceled (they are still God's Chosen), as if Jesus had been a small side show passing through, there were no Christians with forks and torches at the Vatican demanding that the impostor be sent back to Buenos Aires to rejoin hius best friend rabbi Skorka.

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In the article above I included a couple of the pics I've taken of political messages displayed by churches. The real message behind the political slogan is: this church is fully Judaized. If you are looking for religious truth or to enrich your spiritual life or a greater awareness of how God is acting in the world through you, go somewhere else.

Religion has nothing to say about "white supremacy" or "Black Lives Matter" or who the president of the United States is or how many bombs we send to Israel. It's hard for people to grasp that but it's no different than saying Science has no position on who to vote for.

Judaism is a political program only--an especially nasty one that openly proclaims its enmity to humanity. Like a Ponzi scheme, it promises its adherents material rewards--slaves, slaughter, and "rule over many nations." It delivers a deformity, but it at least delivers. Christian Zionists, like Bergoglio's victims, are enlisted in their ugly political program on the promise of rewards later, when they're dead. Tragic.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Thank you for your sincere and thoughtful reply.

“… [Jews] who sincerely practice their faith and do not wish to hate or kill..."

— It is impossible to “sincerely” practice judaism and not hate the non-jews who stand in their way or wish for them to be annihilated. Not just vanquished but literally exterminated. Israel entire jewish population and all vocal Jewish supporters of Israel in the US prove it.

" I have personally known a number of Jews who were of impeccable character, secondly there are many Jews who are disgusted and scandalized by what is done in their name.”

— I have also personally known a number of Jews who were of impeccable character and it was from them that I really understood the frightening depth of judaic indoctrination. Case in point: an American-born Jew of American-born parents who was a distinguished physician at a reputable East Coast university hospital whom I got to know through my work. Loved and deeply respected by patients, students and colleagues. A highly intelligent and well-read man with a great sense of humor. After we became friends we had long conversations on all kinds of topics. I once asked him what meant to him to be a jew. He thought for a long moment and then said that the best way to explain it is to say that if he is in a group of American colleagues with whom he shares the same social class, level of education, worldview, etc, he feels fine but he is… “on guard.” But if he were to somehow suddenly find himself in the middle of a motley crowd of Eastern European Jews, no higher education and no possibility of verbal communication because they don't speak English, then he would be totally relaxed. I was stunned. But why, I asked. Because in a non-Jew environment a Jew must always be alert, he said, even though no member of his family was a “survivor.”

So, underneath “impeccable character” lurks that durable anti-Chrstian paranoia which makes them all permanent potential victims of the next “holocaust."

— About the Jews who are “scandalized” by what Israel does in their name ask yourself this:

after all the odious crimes committed over the past 75 years in Palestine why is it that only now the are scandalized? Because only now the world got to see the Jews committing them LIVE and “their name” is in danger of being directly indicted collectively. They insisted that Germans were all collectively gulty— see Goldhagen's vile book “Hitler Willing Executioners.” But to indict Jews collectively for what organized Jewry is guilty of and the rest of Jewry supports actively but more or less silently, that is the unforgivable: anti-semitism.

So now they scramble to blame… zionism, or even just Netanyahu and the Likkud. All the American Jews who are “scandalized” are Israeli citizens lacking the minor technicality of having a passport issued. Israel is the state for all Jews anywhere in the world.

Many years ago there was a site long discontinued, where many Jews vigorously criticizing Israel wrote their opinions. A non-Jew proposed that all Jews who were pro-Palestinian rights sign a letter symbolically renouncing their Israeli citizenship and asking that it be given to a Palestinian instead. Guess how many of those fervent pro-Palestinian jews of impeccable character signed it? ZERO. Excuses: "that’s a just a silly stunt of no consequence, I won't bother,” or “No, that would be arrogant on my part to presume to bestow citizenship on a Palestinian,” or no response at all.

"Many orthodox Jews condemn the very existence of the state of Israel, the Karaite Jews reject the demonic Talmud and everything beyond what is in the Old Testament."

— Get to know them a little better. Why do they reject the existence of Israel? Because they are waiting for the perfect Red heifer to be found…What do they do while they wait? They squat on occupied Palestinian land. What will happen after the Red Heifer is sacrificed and “Moshak’ arrives? The Jews will rule the world. Why? Because they are God’s “ chosen,” obviously. Keep your eyes on the major tenet of judaism— Jewish supremacism— not on intra-judaic squabbles on rituals.

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Brilliant, Ariadne. Thank you.

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May 15Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Thank you Ariadna, I want to say those very same things but you have done it brilliantly, as Craig has said. It is really difficult for people to conceive or believe that other humans can be evil but to really be a Jew is to embrace, embody, and perpetuate an ancient evil that just won't die. Even the Romans and the Nazis, with the best tech the world had, couldn't stamp it out, which, one must conclude, is because there is a nonhuman force within and behind it, and yet, it seems its time is drawing near; I hope I live to see it.

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May 13Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I am reading Douglas Reed's 1940s book The Controversy of Zion and it's terrifically enlightening (I HIGHLY recommend it!); non-Jews have feared the Jews ever since the beginning when they started genociding everyone around them as per Yahweh's directive. If people only knew how they've infiltrated our governments and media and banks for centuries in order to gain control over our perceptions about them, it's really eye-opening.

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In my view, that's the most important book written in the 20th Century. I was hooked after the first sentence:

The true start of this affair occurred on a day in 458 BC which this narrative will reach in its sixth chapter. On that day the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah (earlier disowned by the Israelites) produced a racial creed, the disruptive effect of which on subsequent human affairs may have exceeded that of explosives or epidemics. This was the day on which the theory of the master-race was set up as “the Law.”

At the time Judah was a small tribe among the subject-peoples of the Persian king, and what today is known as “the West” could not even be imagined. Now the Christian era is nearly two thousand years old and “Western civilization,” which grew out of it, is threatened with disintegration.


It is a monumental achievement.

This is the book for which I tried to spark an effort to get it translated into Chinese.


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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

I also liked how Reed says that perhaps the most important event of the last 2500 years was Cyrus's liberation of the Levites of Babylonia and his sending them back to Jerusalem, and that that event has been repeated over the centuries; that said, it's very interesting (and disturbing) that the Israelis have minted a coin showing Donald Trump as the new Cyrus. (IMHO, they are in for a real surprise though).

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Right, liberating them from the "captivity" in which, as I understand it, they ran their own affairs in their own ghetto, acted autonomously within Babylon and could come and go as they pleased. Of course, they were under the very harsh and restrictive control of the Levitical priests, so, in that sense, they were held captive.

The first group of settlers they sent to empty, devastated Jerusalem was a population about the size of Hoboken, New Jersey (Jerusalem was originally a Jebusite city--one of the many populations totally wiped out by God's Chosen Exterminators.--just one of many reasons modern Jews have no moral claim rooted in antiquity to Jerusalem.)

The Levites only accompanied the settlers to Jerusalem, but, crucially, they rode up at the head of Cyrus' army and were laden with Cyrus' gold--just as the genocidal monsters in Israel today ride at the head of our military and with our wealth.

And once the settlers were established, the Levites went back to Babylon where the living was better, just as rabid Zionists like Haim Saban and Bill Ackman prefer to live in Los Angeles and New York today.

The Jews showed their gratitude to Babylon by orchestrating its complete destruction as payback for their "captivity" just as they are orchestrating ours through efforts like the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act as payback for our "antisemitism." As Reed points out, Cyrus was the first manifestation of a pattern that's been repeated many times since. They've honed their "let's you and him fight" skills to a razor's edge.

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And their "M.O." is laid out in the book of Esther, celebrated yearly at Purim: infiltrate the gov't's highest levels, whisper in the king's/president's ear that he needs to get rid of so-and-so, and bam, the Jews are saved again!

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We perceive this article commentary has a vivid excellence..we note also the extraordinary relevance of the prescient Henry Ford s cogent comments. So relevant in 2024.The JQ cannot be disappeared.Everything the brown shirts in the Synagogue of Satan denizens do.....for ....greater *plandemonium...*......*the revolutionary satanic Jew never knows when to stop.....".geinrich yagoda...lazar kaganovich..Soros..Satanyahoo..Gavin gruesome globohomosexual Jew destroyer.. newsome.......Barbara Lerner specter..Bernie Madoff sam.b.fried. Sam Altman . Zuckerfarce..blinken the isreali American undertaker fop......rabbi Solomon fried owner of pornhub..demon possesed jewbitch cecille Richards..planned Parenthood..laughing as she wildly profiteers by selling human baby body parts. .....ackman..rothschild...Wallensky fauci zaks bourla ...gene Simmonds coward Stern Jared kushner..the 460biden minyan..the genocide Jew Biden.junta**.....zients..JEWS!**.macron..trudeau..chertoff..div zackheim...larry dilversteen..roy cohn...dershowitz and trumpdog 45. Lolita express superstars! Warp speed incompetence..warp speed genocide....Henry Kissinger in hell with Ruth bader Ginsburg and the accursed Madelyn Albright......it doesn't stop till Jews have zero secular powers over non Jews...**Mr Nielson penned a fine article **

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

The Catholic Church pre-Vatican 2 did not flinch from saying the Holy Week Scripture passages blaming the Jews for killing Christ. And then, Vatican 2 and Nostra Aetate happened. EM Jones sez the Jews had much to do with that change in Vatican 2. To the point that, today, the USCCB in its absurd way even warns Catholics about the "real meaning" of those passages for Holy Week.

Look up answer to "Q. Are the Jewish people guilty of killing Christ?"

--here: https://www.usccb.org/prayer-worship/liturgical-year/triduum/questions-jews-judaism-triduum

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Real talk, thank you.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Had a good friend, a well educated Irish Catholic. Met Tom at a JFK convention in Dallas. He lived in NYC and we would meet for dinners or the occasional Mets game and talk at length mostly about politics. While I did not share his confessional faith, I used to be there myself and was still culturally Catholic. Our falling out must have been over the Nazis and Hitler. Not that I ever brought the subject up, but whenever he did I'd defend them.

Recently E Michael Jones has been on an anti-Nazi tear. He asserts Catholics were the real Holocaust victims, Poles and Catholic priests. He now maintains this weakly supported stance after bravely coming to accept the Jewish Holocaust was a hoax after years of pussy-footing. I think he's taken on protective coloration because he crossed the line w/ that latest book, the H Narrative.

Anyway, Tom just stopped answering my emails at some point. He was no progressive but traditional/paleo Catholic. The Latin Mass, devotion to Our Lady of Fatima along w/ the power of prayer would have been his answer to Craig's question about how to defeat Jewish takeover.

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That's one of our weaknesses, I believe. The willingness of so many of our people to sever completely and permanently all ties of friendship or family over differing political views.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It happened w/ my sister over Trump v Hillary. But Tom and I agreed about 95% of the time. I think there's more tolerance w/ a pagan/animistic outlook than an Abrahamic one.

I have toted your Bushnell poster a couple of times at the local Saturday demo. I'm not inclined to join w/ them regularly as they tilt old left generally. Still old left seems better than new.

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"I have toted your Bushnell poster a couple of times at the local Saturday demo. I'm not inclined to join w/ them regularly as they tilt old left generally. Still old left seems better than new."


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May 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

It appears EMJ is part of a limited hangout and possibly a crypto.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Don't think he's a crypto, but the anti-Nat Soc thing is so lame, so ungrateful. Germany tried to defend all of Europe from Judeo-Bolshevism and basically got a cold shoulder from the Church. Only after the defeat did the papacy try to help the survivors escape. Jones won't touch that hot potato. He's being a real dick pretending Hitler persecuted Catholics for being Catholic when it was only Catholics who were supporting the commies that were jailed. He's using the anti-Semitic lie that they hate us for our faith, as if it had nothing to do w/ their behavior.

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May 15Liked by Craig Nelsen

I agree. He is not just anti-Nat Soc but clearly an anti-nationalist. According to his brand of Catholicism, ethnic consciousness impedes the full realization of his version of Christianity. Millions of unassimilable migrants into the US are not a problem as long as they are potential converts to Catholicism.

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May 15Liked by Craig Nelsen

He is anti-nationalist if it means secular or protestant. He's also anti-racialist. Race to him is a category of the mind. Of course Catholicism is also, but he never mentions that. However, not anti-ethnic. His first book was all about how the Jews broke burgeoning Catholic power by destroying their various European ethnic neighborhoods w/ urban renewal.

I think he'd want immigrants to be already Catholics. His son married a Hispanic woman. The Catholic conversion clergy is missionary not domestic. They go to foreign lands and try to convert the indigenes, in which endeavor they have succeeded famously. He has visited and written glowingly about Catholic missions in Africa where they provide social support for the people their corrupt govts ignore. Basically they conversion specialists not like Jehovah's Witnesses, nor even Mormons who must all do a year of missionary service.

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May 15Liked by Craig Nelsen

Thanks. Yes, I recall his writing about the destruction of ethnic neighborhoods, but he only got agitated because they were Catholic ethnic neighborhoods. He is totally indifferent to the destruction of America by the onslaught of millions of unassimilable migrants from Central America because they are Catholics.

Yeh.... there is no race...ha ha

I consider the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit his best contribution.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Interesting point that I've not seen anyone else highlight before. - Teresa L

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Sirs..madams..Judahites .the habiru we're child blood murder sacrificing in the HIGH PLACES mentioned in the Old Testament .... *Moloch worship..hermaphroditic saturnalia .Jewish.or habiru..bisexual whorishness

was was all over the old testament..the point is not that other races tribes nations also did and some still do ---child murder human sacrifice..it's that the

habiru tribes circa 600bc... were commanded never to do such..and repeatedly..over and over and over they did.......many Christians. Catholics say Jewish planned Parenthood global abortion is merely continuing Jewish ritual child murder sacrifice..**

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May 15·edited May 15Liked by Craig Nelsen

Thanks for the shout out, Craig. FWIW, Joshua et al were not technically Jews at that point in their diegesis. Joshua has a Jewish name but he's still just a "Hebrew". I don't know if it's worth honoring these split hairs since the whole yarn is so thoroughly ahistorical. We might as well call Adam a Jew too for all his historical relevance. But textually speaking, the Jews only exist soon enough to misbehave amongst themselves, to be punished by their own "G-d", and for their remnant to be saved from Babylon by the Messiah and returned to Jerusalem where he "re"builds their temple and so establishes Zion. YHWH does his dirty work for the chosen few Jewish survivors. In fact, Jews actively fulfilling their own prophecies would technically invalidate their prophecies. There's a reason Bibi is begging to get punched in the face in Israel. Because that's what is written. There can be no avenging Messiah without first a Nebuchadnezzar.

Joshua is also pivotal as the sixth book of the Bible, the first update to the published Torah. I hope you paid attention to my arguments that Joshua turns "Galilee" into an anti white slur. As for the number 40, it is also the accepted length of a Jewish "generation". This is why Titus Flavius, showing up precisely 40 years after the alleged crucifixion, fulfilled Jesus' New Testament prophecy of "this generation shall not pass" before Jerusalem is destroyed by the "Son of Man".

After reading the histories of Josephus and being stunned by how devoutly Jewish they are, I suspect that the second temple was just an nonexistent as the first. Josephus and Paul have a lot in common - both working to explain the apparent failure of the Jewish prophecies. Both working to redefine their fulfillment. The "second temple" in Jerusalem was actually a Roman fort. Remember what Josephus and Jesus both say about the second temple - that it was/will be left "without one stone atop another" - vanished without a trace, just like the first temple before it. How very convenient!

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Why did Paul and Josephus care whether the prophecies were fulfilled? Did they share the same motives?

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May 15Liked by Craig Nelsen

The word "Jew" didn't appear in the New Testament until the 18th century (1700's). "Jew" is a corruption of a person being from the Roman territory of JUDEA. The people that killed Jesus for rocking their money boat were PHARISEES/EDOMITES/KHAZARS.

Why to this very day, do PHARISEES continue to change their names wherever they settle? Hint, it's to blend in and SUBVERT you.

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Wasn't Judas a Judean? The only Judean of the 12, that is, of the tribe of Judah?

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Jesus was from Galilee (north). Judas was from Idumea (south). Edom meaning from Idumea.


It's safe to say the true events and meanings of words have been changed to benefit and remove guilt from a certain group. Look into all the discrepancies between the Septuagint and KJV. Weird how that same group controls the media and narratives.

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May 14Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

As Douglas Reed says in his book The Controversy of Zion, "The story of Zion can be summed up in the 21 words of Maurice Samuel: "We Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. . . . Nothing the Gentiles do will meet our needs and demands."

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Maurice Samuel's words echo in my mind just about every time I hear about another travesty in the ongoing Gazacide... the 7 mass graves at 3 different hospitals being the latest. God only knows what kinds of atrocity videos the IDF shared with each other on their private social media platforms during those operations.

Of course, not to be outdone, "ordinary Jews" who aren't part of the "Defence" forces are busy blocking and sabotaging aid trucks.

Samuel would be proud.

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May 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

"The process involves several steps. The extent of the Jewish power must be shown. To this, of course, strong Jewish objection is made, though no strong disproof can be made."

Proof in action:


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Typo. Silverstein..zackheim..respectfully. to be clear**

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Dr. E. Michael Jones asked AI about the Holocaust:

"How many Jews died in Auschwitz?

The chatbot answered: “It is estimated that at least 1.1 million people died in Auschwitz, the majority of whom were Jews.

Were the Jews murdered in Auschwitz cremated?

Yes, the bodies of those murdered at Auschwitz were cremated.

How many crematoria were there in Auschwitz?

There was a total of four crematoria in Auschwitz.

How long does it take for a crematorium to cremate a body?

It usually takes between two and three hours to cremate a body in a crematorium.

Is it possible to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria in four years?”


How many years would it take?”

It would take over 78 years to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria."

Damned antisemitic AI!! LOL

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Clif High's substack today (search Aether Pirates of the Matterium) titled "Time is not complicated, it's complex," wasn't really about that at all but about the Jews and Judaism ( which he refers to as the Elohim Worship Cult and a Stockholm syndrome, respectively). In his opinion, it doesn't look good for them in the near future...https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/time-is-not-complicated-it-is-complex?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Excuse me, but you are wrong right from your initial assumption. Jesus and the disciples, except Judas, were ISRAELITES, not “Jews”, so the woman you are complaining about is no wrong than you. Israelites are White people, Jews are edomites and canaanites. Look up what Herod was, an Edomite. How is this possible? Obviously you don’t know your Scripture, particularly Book of Maccabbee. The “Jews” have always been our enemy and now you morons believe they are us!!!! Christian Identity is the the truth.

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