I'm in the middle of reading "The Iron Curtain Over America" ... just finishing up Chapter IV, "The Unnecessary War." The Unnecessary War refers to World War II specifically, and the chapter details just how much Americans didn't know before they were dragged into that mid-20th-century European meat grinder.

It is appalling to see how much information is being manipulated in real-time with the situation in Gaza. It's heartening to see many Western people are not having any of it this time around (9/11 and covid were nothing if not educational) but it's also depressing to see how many of European heritage are still fooled by their Jewish overlords.

The most disturbing aspect of all of this is that we could be in the process of being dragged into World War III.

One source I have started following (though I've only just come across it, so I can't unreservedly vouch for its veracity just yet) is Middle East Eye:


My prayers are with the Palestinians. And by extension, all the rest of us.

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"The Iron Curtain over America" is great. The whole Teutonic Knights thing was completely new to me. That's the only bad thing about reading history. The more I read, the more ignorant I become. Or, at least, the more aware I am of the vastness of my ignorance. It's like a video game where every time you turn a corner, the vista in front of you expands and more possible paths to explore open up.


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Annihilating Germany because they dared get free of the International Bankers, Implementing the Morganthau Plan to exterminate them, Eisenhower's death camps, obliterating Dresden full of refugees fleeing from the murderous Soviets then handing over half of Europe to Stalin. Dropping nukes on Japanese civilians and fighting a useless island hopping campaign with great loss of life etc. etc.

That war demonstrates just what TPTB think of ordinary people

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That's one of the tougher pills to swallow. We *allied* with the Bolshevik monsters right in the middle of their genocide of 66 million Russian Christians in order to help them annihilate 10 million German Christians. It's insane.

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Insane from our point of view. According to plan by the Globalists

Tragic and horrible but it happened

And they're still at it !

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Do you see any way out of our subjugation?

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This is the ultimate question. One thing for sure is that TPTB won’t quit. Their power is based on lies, ugliness, injustice and other negative qualities, it has a rejection of nature quality about it.

If there is a solution it will succeed by NOT playing by their rules

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If I understand you correctly, when you say "rules" you are talking about rules on a cultural level, right? Rules regarding "playing fair," and that sort of thing?

If so, then I agree with you, but to change the rules on such an elemental level would mean changing the whole moral framework. The justification for any moral imperative could no longer be "because it's written, that's why!" (the imperative becomes ossified and eventually it's useless or even harmful) and the compulsion to obey the rules could no longer be compelled by threats of eternal damnation (it no longer carries any weight).

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While you and I differ on the context of what Deuteronomy says, and how it plays out in the rest of the Old Testament, I am sickened by the lockstep with which major evangelical Pastors are moving. Most of them do the “tours to Israel” racket, so much of it may be financially motivated, like ER doctors with the Covid scam.

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What is their general position? Do you know? Are they just aping whatever the New York Times says on Israel they same way the liberal Protestant churches do on gay marriage and BLM?

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Yes, general aping. But what surprised me, was that there was no discussion whatsoever of the plight of the average resident of Gaza. And this is the non-denominational Calvary Chapel (which is a denomination unto itself now).

I expect the party line from Christian Zionists, but I thought I might find something a little more balanced from churches like Calvary Chapel. But no discussion of how Hamas came to be, the incongruity of the idea of “intelligence failures” (after years of bleating on about how sophisticated Israel’s security apparatuses are), and the blatant similarities of all other false flags. I shouldn’t be surprised though, as most churches won’t even touch 9/11 and fell in lock step with Covid.

The idealist in me hoped for more, but I think it demonstrates how thoroughly the church has been infiltrated by the beast.

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It's a shame because they have all those great cathedrals, but I agree. Outside of a religious revolution, the church is dead.

A few months ago, I spent several afternoons talking to a Catholic priest. I was trying to sniff out any undercurrents of revolution. I brought up the situation with the Covington Catholic High School kids who found themselves at the center of a national media firestorm after some run-in with a Native American in Washington, DC. I think it was the very first evening of the uproar and their own bishop came out with a public statement deploring their behavior and making assurances blah blah blah. It was so weak and pathetic and panicked and, as it turned out, wrong. The Catholic kids were completely innocent and the bishop had to make a public apology to them.

The priest said yes, he was in Rome at the time, but they were following the story from there.

I said that what that incident showed was that the church, in the bishop's case anyway, was more concerned about pleasing the New York Times than pleasing God.

It's the same with all these churches with the rainbow flags and BLM signs etc. All it shows is that the Christian church is intellectually dead. There is no independence of mind, there. They've imbibed the same TV sit-com morality everyone else has. They offer nothing. And they are empty and getting emptier.

Eventually my conversation with the priest got around to a point where I said "the Jews" in regards to something and his eyes got wide as saucers and full of terror and that was very quickly the end of our conversations.

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I’ve stated this before: I don’t consider Roman Catholics to be Christians. They are the largest “Christian” cult in the world.

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To be clear, when talking about Christianity, I'm talking about the West more than anything. Christendom. Europe and its derivatives. European culture. The Slavs, the Greeks, the Italians, French, Germans, Anglos, Scandinavians, etc. Yes, Christianity has made a huge impact on the West, but if you are familiar with Plato's writings, you can't read St Paul's writings without hearing Plato in the background. To me, the West is Greek. Homer gave it form, Socrates set it in motion.

When all is said and done, the entirety of the religious realm can be expressed by acting in terms of each other as we really are. And that's it. Religion is the realm of morals and individual relationships. How we treat one another. Love, friendship, family.

So, when it comes down to it, I don't think it really matters very much whether you go to church on Saturday or Sunday, or whether you were baptized or circumcised. There are some Protestants who practice a truer religion than some Catholics and some Catholics who practice a truer religion than some Jews and some Jews who practice a truer religion than some atheists and some atheists who practice a truer religion than some Muslims and vice versa.

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Well said.

I think you know I am speaking strictly from a doctrinal and ritual practices position.

But I really like what you just said.

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If you think Catholics are a greater cult than evangelicals, then you are self-deluded.

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I can see your point, but the only thing I will say, is that most evangelicals I know, while they do swallow some kool aid, they at least try to understand the Bible. Most Catholics I know, are content to follow the script given to them by The Whore in Rome. And I don’t say that with any malice. Sometimes I see the attraction of following a script.

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Jesus had their number. But the Christianist extremists, the polyester mega-church creeps, only read the Old Testament: their 'Christianity' consists of waving Jesus-on-a-stick around and practicing Jesus witchcraft, while worshiping the Jews and their Khazarian colony.

"For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies."

John 8:44

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My sister attends one of those mega-churches and invited me one Sunday. I went, out of curiosity. It was worse than I even imagined. There was a McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts, or something like that, in the lobby, as I recall, and the bulletin came with a credit card application insert. It was like, "In your face, Jesus! Try driving Bank of America out of the temple!"

I love my sister, but I was really put off by her church. I mean, if you are going to go to a church with a two hundred thousand dollar sound system, at least go to a black church. The service might last into the late afternoon, but the music will be way better.

I remember one Sunday after church when I was a kid, several families were having Sunday dinner at someone's house and the conversation at the adult's table turned to whether Pastor Carlson had signaled during the sermon his choice in the upcoming presidential election. The conversation became quite heated with one side saying he unmistakably had made his preference clear, and the other side, Pastor Carlson's scandalized defenders, saying he would never be so vulgar as to mix politics into a worship service. Looking back, it seems so quaint and harmless and vulnerable, like a crazy old uncle with good manners.

No doubt, the title of the sermon at my sister's church this Sunday will be something like "Washed in the Blood. Ethnic cleansing for Christ." It's all about the bejamins.

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So perfect: McDonald's, ATMs and credit card machines (slots if it's in Nevada). Washed in the Blood of Jesus: how to dry-clean your stolen land. If Kurt Vonnegut was still writing, he'd do them justice.

I live in the hardshell Baptist Southern Appalachians. No mega-churches here: that's more of a Texas thing. Just a lot of old-timey white picture-book churches and good country people... But they probably still preach Judeanity... Or maybe not: all the actual dead babies in Gaza may be a bridge too far. Haven't noticed any 'We Stand With Israel" stuff on the churches.

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That's good. One of the things our religious revolution will finally put to bed is this insane notion that a "universal God" could have a "chosen people." It's a logical impossibility, and like everything based on irrational thinking, it leads to perversions. So now we have *religious* leaders advocating in the *political* sphere for policies that are opposite to anything a real "universal God" would countenance--Satanic, evil things like blowing up hospitals full of children.

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The tribe of every tribal cult is the Chosen People. Tribes often, perhaps generally, call themselves "the real people" or just "people", and outsiders, something else. The other tribes mostly outgrew it: not the Jews.

As for American Judainity: it's clearly Antichristianity. Worship of money and power, love of genocidal violence and Israel. Hard to see Jesus doing anything with a Megachurch but burning it down.

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>>The other tribes mostly outgrew it: not the Jews.<<

When we are babies, we are the center of the universe. We just lie there blinking and drooling and when we want something, we scream, and people hurry to attend to our needs. But as time goes by, we learn we really aren't the center of the universe. Our parents teach us that others have the same claim on centrality that we do, and if they don't teach us, life will. Eventually, most of us decide to "share the center." That's part of becoming an adult. And since, in fact, no one really is the center of the universe, the rational choice is to give up the claim on centrality we had as babies.

Some people have a harder time than others giving up the claim to centrality. For some, their refusal/inability to give it up is severe enough it begins to negatively impact their lives, since they are viewing the world as it really isn't. These people are narcissists. When people begin to try to force others to abide by their delusions of centrality, they become psychopaths.

The doctrine of the Chosen People is the cultural equivalent of a spoiled brat. The brat can't accept that the world doesn't revolve around him, so when Mom says no candy bar in the check out line, he throws back his head and screams at the top of his lungs. The cultural equivalent is what happened to Kanye West. or putting a Holocaust memorial in every town in America large enough to have a post office. That's narcissistic brat behavior.

The new laws against antisemitism are evidence we've entered the pathological stage. The spoiled brat has grown up and instead of growing up and becoming adults, its sickness took another turn into pathology. It's now going to *force* everybody else to live in it's delusion..

Psychopaths can sometimes find individuals who will agree to live in the psychopath's sickness. Individuals with low self-esteem, who feel unworthy and valueless. They will give up their actual claim on centrality and give it to the psychopath. Battered spouse syndrome.

Christian Zionists are the battered spouses on the cultural level, and academics are a distant second.. Christian Zionists have put the well-being of their abuser even above the well-being of their own people and country. Hurting themselves, hurting their families, hurting their country, hurting their religion, and hurting the psychopath himself, ultimately. And no matter how frequently and severely the psychopath beats the battered spouse, no matter how undeniable the evidence of lethal intent, the battered spouse refuses to leave, press charges, or even acknowledge the truth of the situation.

Just like Christian Zionists

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That's such a fine analysis that I have nothing to add; won't spoil it with a gratuitous attempt.

On another matter, I wanted to read about Metternich, and the book the library system had turned out to be Kissinger's first, from 1957, fresh out of Harvard. I've read others by him, and he's very consistent, both in writing and policy, always seeking stability and avoiding war (remember, he and Nixon inherited Vietnam). Oh sure, he's guilty of all the warcrimes they say he is, but what great statesman isn't? He's right up there with Metternich, Talleyrand, Castlereagh (had never even heard of him). Lavrov is in that league.

I sure wish we had Nixon/Kissinger back: they'd have things sorted out in a year or so.

In his book about the later Nixon period, which included the '73 Mideast war, he doesn't hide the fact he favored Israel, but apparently did it in a way that still allowed him to mediate a peace.

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Evangelicals are fools of the highest order. The Tribe controls everything in the West. The Tribe forced the Romans to kill Jesus. The Tribe's god Yahweh is a blood thirst monster. And yet, evangelical morons worship the Tribe and worship Israel, because the Tribe said to them: "We are god's chosen people, bend the knee and kiss the ring."

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That's why we need a religious revolution. The idea that there could be such a thing as a universal God with a chosen people is completely irrational. That's why the Israelis keep referring to the Palestinians as "animals." Under the theory of the chosen people, if they were to grant to the Palestinians *human* dignity, then God's universality would have to extend to the Palestinians as well. And that destroys Judaism's chosen people theory. In the end, they and Christian Zionists are forced to conclude that bombing hospitals full of children is part of acting in accordance with God's will rather than recognizing it as the evil Satanic thing it is.

Thanks for the comment.

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Thank you for your reply. I was baptized in a southern baptist church as a young child, and intuitively I never bought the story they were selling. As I grew older I investigated and found this: Christianity is based on a lie. The Tribe wanted Jesus dead so they killed him. Then the Romans killed the members of the Jesus movement, and made it into a roman state religion. And in modern times the twisted cult of evangelicalism has been added to the church. The bible is a joke. God does not write books, men do. The bible is Tribe writing, translated by Greeks and compiled into a book by Roman Emperors and their minions. God as portrayed in the bible is a monster. A blood thirsty lunatic who wants everyone dead but the tribe. Christians just love the stories, and they are fools beyond belief. And now, Zionism is taught from the pulpit of every evangelical church in the US. They have a poisoned heart and mind and cannot be trusted, especially Donald Trump, the king of the clot shot. The US and Israel knew for months that an attack by Hamas was coming. They did nothing when Egypt warned them a few days prior to the attack, because the US and Israel wanted lots of dead Tribe in order to get global sympathy for and invasion, and extermination of Palestinians in Gaza. Mucht of the middle east has been destroyed by the US at the behest of Israel. This time may be different. If Israel invades Gaza, Hezbollah is waiting. And in closing.... please realize that the end game is to draw Iran into a war with the West. Of all the blunders by the West, that would prove to be the greatest.

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