
Teaching Palestinian kids not to hate Jews is just the thin edge of the wedge. Next thing they'll be teaching the boys they are really girls, and the girls they are really boys. Wait for it!

(And in case you started asking, "hmmm, are the Jews behind transgenderism too?" ... here's your answer:

https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1761483024187744484 )

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Apr 15·edited Apr 16Author

Thanks for the kudos, Craig. Just to be clear - I did not "stumble" onto Odysseus Unsheathed. Whenever I'm in the comments section of any substack, I am always on the look-out for the rare people like Craig that actually have the brains and the courage to address the "Jewish Question."

There aren't many out there. And Craig is the single best writer I've found on Substack looking into these issues. It's an honour to have been invited to contribute here.

I'm sorry I've been re-miss in putting up content lately - it's spring, and I'm reclaiming my Ukrainian roots. That means I have a lot of gardening to take care of right now. I'll be back to reading more of Melgounov when I can!

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Apr 16Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Zs in place of all Ds and Rs. The ignorant masses will think it means Zebra instead of Rino. It's all so tiresome, still, even after leaving 17 years ago.

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Apr 15Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

One, if one wants the sober truth, eventually realizes - must realize and subsequently accept - that the primary cause of 'antisemitism' is Jewish behavior.

One eventually must ask why it is these people have been kicked out of every single country, nation-state and polity that has hosted them for the last couple millenia, for the same reasons, every single time.

As such, and for good or ill, the onus is on Jews to prove that every single person who has ever had to live in the general vicinity of, work with or in some other way deal with Jews, is lying about them, their in-group bias, ethnocentrism, their genuine belief that they and only they are entitled to an ethnostate, and the observable narcissism, solipsism and pathologically deceptive and duplicitous manner with which they are compelled to fuck with every body and everything.

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Anyone who has actually read the Holy Bible - literal translation such as the KJV, NASB, 1599 Geneva only these days - knows the conquest of the Promised Land was for one generation just as the destruction of world in the flood of Noah's day, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the five cities on the plain, and then the conquest of the Promised Land or Palestine were one-time events to destroy peoples so completely under the influence of Satan they merited complete destruction. There was not one righteous man among them anymore, let alone ten possibles.

The part the Jews - and the author - omit, either through ignorance or deception - is that all the promises of God for victory in war, peace afterward, and prosperity were conditional on obeying God. The Israelites never did obey God longer than one generation, one Judge, or one king. God used the Assyrians and the Babylonians to punish his continually apostate people who finally turned from worshiping idols but developed a new wickedness and so were conquered by the Greeks and then the Romans in the 400 years of silence extending into the advent of Jesus the Christ, Lamb of God, very God and very man. The Jews were completely wicked and sought only how to kill Jesus after Jesus publicly exposed them as children of the devil, their Talmud or "traditions" counter to the law of God. The Jews capped the rest of their demonic acts by forcing the crucifixion of Jesus and then persecuting the Christian Church after Jesus' resurrection from the dead. God made the Christian Church the New Israel to evangelize the world with the good news of salvation from the eternal punishment for disobeying God. After the early Christian church had been dispersed from Jerusalem and cities under Jewish control, in A.D. 70 God destroyed Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple using the same Roman hands the Jews had used to crucify Jesus the Christ, Son of God.

The Jews of today who have created the fake "Israel" of today by terrorist acts do not have any blessing of God, are not God's "chosen people," have absolutely no divine claim to the land they occupy, and are as demonic as their forefathers. The Jews over the millennia since God drove them out of Palestine have made themselves odious among all civilized people they have infested ever since. Jews do not engage in productive labor, even when furnished with land and houses for free as in Tsarist Russia. Rather the Jew prefers traffic in vice, blackmail, lending money at usury, selling alcohol, addictive drugs, prostitution, gambling, pornography, money changing, etc.

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Excellent piece!! Excellent.

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