Here's Why We Think Israel Was Behind the Covid Attack on China
The circumstantial evidence that our best friend and only democracy in the Middle East was behind the deliberate release of the Covid virus in Wuhan is compelling.
One of the lasting consequences of the Covid pandemic that kicked off in early 2020 was a major drop in public trust in institutions previously thought to be constituted in the interest of the general welfare of the people—public health authorities, medical research projects, and the medical profession in general—and a broadening of the distrust in those institutions already at rock-bottom levels of public esteem—the media, big tech, and the government. In the institutional response to the virus, there was so much official dishonesty and coordinated suppression of alternative voices, and the measures taken were so extreme and totalitarian, that it’s not surprising there is no shortage of theories attempting to explain what was really going on.
One category of theory, for example, holds that Covid was a ruse and the real aim was to implement a global vaccination regimen. Another category holds that the pandemic was a means by which to invest the state with new totalitarian powers. Whether some or all of these theories is correct, I couldn’t say. But all the theories I’ve come across suffer from the same shortcoming. They would still be true (or false) regardless of where the virus first appeared. None attempts to answer the important question, “Why China?” With one exception.
Ron Unz, publisher of the indispensable The Unz Review, early on argued in a series of articles that the virus was a deliberate act of bio-warfare committed by rogue elements—rogue neocon elements—within the American national security apparatus and directed at China for the purpose of hobbling China’s economy. Unfortunately, the virus didn’t stay confined to China, and, as a result, the rest of the world—including the US—has suffered the blow back from our botched attack. Unz makes a strong argument for the first part of his theory—the virus was a deliberate act of bio-warfare committed by rogue neocon elements within the American national security apparatus—but isn’t as convincing for the rest of it.
My theory is that the virus was a deliberate act of bio-warfare committed by rogue neocon elements within the American national security apparatus acting under the direction and at the behest of Israel. It was directed at China, but not for economic reasons. Rather, the intent was to increase tensions between the US and China. Moreover, the virus blow back was always a given and not the result of some amateurish miscalculation.
Unz has a rather expansive writing style, so I’m going to repeat the salient points of his argument mostly from memory rather than going back and rereading all 100,000 words of the articles in which he makes them. Then I’ll add my own arguments after.
Unz correctly points to the curious, but little remembered, outbreak of Covid among Iran’s leadership that occurred with deadly effect simultaneously with China’s outbreak. The deaths among Iran’s leadership had, Unz reports, the neocons chortling with glee. The fact that, despite its significance, the Iran outbreak so quickly disappeared from the public discourse in America is, by itself, suspicious. It’s like when the 9/11 commission released its report on the collapse of Building 7, absurdly claiming burning office furniture brought the skyscraper down. The commission’s findings were reported and then…nothing. That completely implausible explanation of a wildly significant event just disappeared. I mean, a 46-story skyscraper just fell down in the middle of the afternoon. Where were those tenacious reporters, anyway? Eventually, you begin to see a common thread in these ghost events. Pattern-noticers will know what I’m talking about.

The Covid outbreak in Iran first of all makes it less likely the Covid virus was accidentally leaked from the lab in Wuhan since, if it were an accidental leak, it probably wouldn’t have hopped over to Iran just as it was beginning to spread among the Chinese population. So it was likely deliberately released, and since the US has no more native enmity toward Iran than it does toward Russia, that is to say, if it weren’t for the influence of our best friend and only democracy in the Middle East, Iran would be to us like Argentina or Indonesia—just another country in the world. In other words, it’s unlikely an actual American was behind any deliberate Covid attack on the Iranian leadership.
So, that’s circumstantial evidence point #1: The simultaneous outbreak in Iran.
Unz also notes the ABC News report in April 2020 that the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) warned American military commanders in the Asia-Pacific region in November of 2019 of the threat of a serious pandemic occurring in China.
Unz writes on April 21, 2020:
But with the horrific consequences of our own later governmental inaction being obvious, elements within our intelligence agencies have sought to demonstrate that they were not the ones asleep at the switch. Earlier this month, an ABC News story cited four separate government sources to reveal that as far back as late November, a special medical intelligence unit within our Defense Intelligence Agency had produced a report warning that an out-of-control disease epidemic was occurring in the Wuhan area of China, and widely distributed that document throughout the top ranks of our government, warning that steps should be taken to protect US forces based in Asia. After the story aired, a Pentagon spokesman officially denied the existence of that November report, while various other top level government and intelligence officials refused to comment. But a few days later, Israeli television mentioned that in November American intelligence had indeed shared such a report on the Wuhan disease outbreak with its NATO and Israeli allies, thus seeming to independently confirm the complete accuracy of the original ABC News story and its several government sources.
It therefore appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I think this may have happened for the same reason that arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires.1
The Pentagon denied the report, but, according to a September 16, 2020 report by Patrick Turner in Defense One, “Gen. Robert Ashley, who runs the Defense Intelligence Agency…said that the agency ‘did what we were supposed to’ and that a bigger story would come out eventually…”
General Ashley’s statement doesn’t sound like he is trying to cover for being “asleep at the switch” in regard to the government’s response to Covid. It sounds like he is hinting that a high-ranking goverment official outside his agency used his intelligence document in a way that brought disrepute on his agency and the US military in general. He continues, “Over the coming months and years, that will get unpacked in probably a much more public way, not for this particular venue. But one of the things we have done, and we have done it early on, is we have looked at everything we knew, who we told, when we told them, and when we knew it, and what leader did that get to.” My guess is that the DIA was fed information about the outbreak by an insider. They prepared the warning and distributed the document as required by the agency’s foundational charter, and then that document was leaked to ABC News and the Israeli media outlet.
If anything could inflame the Chinese people to demand a military response to an American provocation, evidence that the US military had prior knowledge of the Wuhan outbreak would be it. The Israeli media confirmation of the report would certainly help inflame passions, but why would a document distributed to US officials carrying a warning that steps should be taken to protect American forces based in Asia need to be distributed to any foreign government?
So, that’s circumstantial evidence point #2: Prior knowledge of the outbreak in the American military with Israel in the loop.
There was also the curious case of the Israeli pharmaceutical company in the first days of Covid announcing that it already had a vaccine. It was all over the news and then suddenly it wasn’t—exactly like one of the moving parts had slipped out of its track and a few phone calls from higher up quickly put it back in place and shut down all media mention of it. And a commenter on The Unz Review reports, “I remember an article in the local Jewish community newspaper the first week of March 2020 bragging about Israeli covid vaccine research. America locked down the following Tuesday.”
So, that’s circumstantial evidence point #3: Israeli work on a vaccine was apparently already underway when the pandemic hit.

From October 18-27, 2019, Wuhan was host to the 2019 Military World Games at which more than nine thousand athletes from 109 countries competed. President Xi Jinping presided over the opening ceremonies, which were lavish in that way the Chinese do. China finished in first place, Russia was second, and the United States came in 35th. Yes, 35th. Namibia beat us. Latvia’s entire military is one small sailboat with a harpoon and a couple of guys on scooters, and they beat us. Even India beat us, for crying out loud, and there wasn’t even a spelling event.
When the Covid story was first breaking, a friend in China sent me a Chinese-language sportscast from Taiwan in which the very animated sportscaster was going bananas over the USA’s poor showing at the games. He conjectured the poor showing had to do with the American team having Covid. But, here’s the interesting part. At the end of his broadcast, he did a hat tip to the sender of the email that had brought that angle of the story to his attention. They displayed the email address on the screen. It began with the word “RED” and was from a domain with the Israeli country code suffix.
So, that’s circumstantial evidence point #4: someone in Israel was sending emails to Chinese-language media outlets making sure they made the connection between the American military’s presense in Wuhan three months earlier and the outbreak of Covid.
What possible reason would an Israeli have for wanting the Chinese people to believe the US military was responsible for releasing a deadly virus in their country?
Unz theorizes that the bio-weapon, if such it was, was an economic weapon that back-fired. I believe a much more plausible theory is that it was a shit-stirrer–a casus belli set spinning into the world that succeeded brilliantly. Inflaming hatreds and igniting wars is one of the things the Khazars who run Israel do best. Whether it’s the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, the blacks against the whites, the Muslims against the Christians, the Russians against the Ukrainians, the Americans against the Germans, the Americans against the Iraqis, the Americans against the Syrians, the Americans against the Chinese, or the Americans against the Russians, there is the Khazar in the background whispering, let’s you and him fight.
“American Pravda: Our Coronavirus Catastrophe as Biowarfare Blowback?” Ron Unz, The Unz Review, April 21, 2020
"The Covid outbreak in Iran first of all makes it less likely the Covid virus was accidentally leaked from the lab in Wuhan since, if it were an accidental leak, it probably wouldn’t have hopped over to Iran just as it was beginning to spread among the Chinese population."
No, but if the Israeli's knew about it (from the MIA report) then they may have released something similar they already had in the fridge. Because it was strange just how lethal the Iranian virus was. It nailed quite a few top level Iranians, including their man in the Vatican. Apparently the morgues were filling up (if we can believer what we read) with ordinary people too. At the time I just assumed it was a really lethal virus but now we know Covid 19 was only slightly worse than flu (if it wasn't just flu rebranded and heavily marketed). And its victims tended to have an average age of 80. So in retrospect Iran's supposedly high death rate was an anomaly. Could the Israelies have spies etc so placed in the Iranian Parliament that their access enabled them to poison some politicians? It would be interesting to know the political leanings of those who died.