Thank you for posting the link to the Linh Dinh interview. Really looking forward to reading it.
Obviously, the Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club was a brilliant idea... and so it had to be destroyed before it got off the ground. I still hold out hope that it will one day be resurrected... and that many franchises will follow!
Just finished reading your 2019 interview by Linh Dinh, Craig. Such a privilege to get to listen in on two great minds commiserating over our current and ongoing malaise. Also kind of interesting that the interview was just pre-covid, which has of course shaken up The Scene somewhat.
I really appreciated finally getting to hear the whole Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club story in one go - having only been privy to bits and pieces of it on OU until now. I do find it extraordinarily depressing that white people in small town America, hard hit by Deaths of Despair, could be incited to hang out their car windows and scream, "Racist" and "Nazi" at you - for trying to set up a program to help white men at risk of committing suicide.
Could any of the white men involved in inventing and developing the wonder that is the modern automobile have ever imagined such an insane scenario?
It seems to me that our biggest problem is that we are too easily weaponized against ourselves. And then I find myself being "led into temptation" to despise the cowardly whites attacking you... which is of course just reinforcement of more of the same.
I'll be the first to admit I don't know what the solution to all of this is. So much of what those of us who can "see" are doing to address our situation seems like just nibbling around the edges of the problem. I try to think of our "nibbling" as being like one of those natural processes, where it looks like nothing is happening, until things happen all at once - catastrophically and irreversibly.
Which brings me back to the spiritual perspective. I don't subscribe to any particular church or religion, but I do listen to people who seem to have learned and worked out more about the spiritual angle than I have. One thing I have heard a number of times from a number of sources is that the current spiritual age we are in is one of Self-Sacrifice (in line with the popular story of Christ sacrificing Himself on the Cross). Further, we are supposed to be in the process of moving from the current Age into a new one - the next one being the Age of Brotherhood.
I hope and pray (and try to have faith) that those of us making the sacrifices right now - as you have been doing for so long, Craig - will be the first to taste the fruits of the Age of Brotherhood.
The ones hanging out the car windows were just kids and when I think back to how confused I was at their age I can't take it too seriously. The ones I felt the most disappointment in were those older ones who I knew knew better. They weren't joining in the calumny, but they weren't joining in, either.
Our people are terrified of being called names. I don't know why, but it seems to be the case. The Chinese are like that, too. Worse, even, I think. We need to be more like the blacks and the Jews. Get called a name, just shrug, "...and?"
Maybe it's status insecurity.
As Solzhenitsyn said about the way Russians are--we are wolves to each other.
This was an impressive article. The so-called Old Testament was written in 250BC, in Greek, as a "master race" theology for the Ptolemaics at that time. The Cathaginians later felt right at home adopting the same beliefs.
We're not supposed to know that a certain ethnicity drove the Bolshevik movement. It might start people asking awkward questions about FDR and the fellow travelers in his administration. Only one religion was allowed to keep it's places of worship under the initial Soviet government. Stalin cleared quite a bit of it up but he was still murdering Russians then again Stalin was a Georgian.
Yes, I've read his recent article. Documents are what we have for proof. What record is Reed using? I'm always a little skeptical of historical accounts. It is always possible that fragments or traditions may have existed. Hebrew as a language is little more than 2 millenia old. I find the situation fascinating frankly. Christianity can exist without the baggage of Judaism.
I would amend my comment to say that I look a bit askance at historical accounts that lack corroborating documents or records. New information can always be unearthed as well.
I think Reed tells the story in the context of the "captivity" in Babylon, and the Persian King Cyrus putting his wealth and military power in service to the Jews and re-establishing the Jews in Jerusalem. I guess I assumed those kinds of historical events have fixed, generally acknowledged dates corroborated by things like modern dating methods and archaeology.
I might oversubscribe to Reed's account simply because his book, The Controversy of Zion, was the watershed book for me personally.
In the end, the existence, nature, history, and goals of the "World Program" that Reed lays out is completely convincing regardless what year Deuteronomy was written
I studied in the West and I was always puzzled why my history and philosophy teachers always somehow skipped the Bolsheviks. Somehow I thought it was my fault, that it was common knowledge and that I should have known it, and so I was always embarrassed to ask.
What did I just read? How did this descend into antisemitism? Wow, I get it, let's give White American men a break in their own nation, but then you go off deep end into Jew hatred. And I'm Black...Please read Genesis 12:3.
Again you need to distinguish btw the true Israelites/Jacob who heard Jesus voice and accepted him as the Messiah and those fake Jews who are of Abrahams seed but not the chosen Israelites. True Israelites were taken into captivity and scattered during the Assyrian and Babylonian conquests. Most eventually migrated into Europe. They are the Anglo-Saxons. Only a remnant of the true Israelites returned to Jerusalem following release from Babylon at the beginning of the Persian Mede empire. Between this time and the coming of Christ, many Canaanites, Edomites, Hittites, etc. converted to Judaism. The Maccabees forced many more to convert. These fake converts were called Jews and they took advantage of their new conversion to gain positions of power and wealth. Herod was one of these. You know the guy that cut off the head of John the Baptist. These Jews were the ones Christ referred to as the having Satan as a father, and being from the synagogue of Satan. These were the same Jews, responsible for killing Christ. The term Jew was never applied to the Israelites. Since Jesus came from the line of Israelites, Jesus was never a Jew. No these converts are the bad seeds... the tares in the Bible. So it should be no surprise that they also rewrote Christian history, making everyone think they are gods chosen people when in reality, Christ hated them. He refers to them throughout the New Testament. The true Israelites, who were gods chosen people were able to know Christ was the Messiah, because they were his sheep and knew his voice. The OT points to Christ throughout. I personally can’t understand how one can be familiar with the texts and not realize Jesus is the true Messiah. You have to willfully ignore the prophecies. You have to willfully ignore the black and white proof within the OT. But hey subhumans wouldn’t do that just so they could maintain status and power would they? Think about it. The true Israelites migrated over into Europe, and went on to establish the Christian nations of England and the United States. Amazing how today’s churches blindly support Israel because they think they’re gods chosen people when genetic studies would beg to differ. I mean my God their coming messiah looks a lot like the Christian Antichrist. Coincidence? The chapter in Deuteronomy that you quoted... yes God did tell them to go in and conquer every last one of the Canaanites. He had a reason for doing so. But they didn’t. Solomon took several for his wives. Yesterday’s Canaanite is today’s Jew.
I also want applaud you for the boxing club. I’ve been the medical Director of several addiction facilities and noticed a pattern throughout the years. As guys get healthy, they band together and work out. They form a bro unit. They support each other and it’s beautiful to watch as they help each other to heal and get healthy, physically mentally and spiritually. I used to love to see that happen. It’s a thing. A beautiful thing.
>>I also want applaud you for the boxing club. I’ve been the medical Director of several addiction facilities and noticed a pattern throughout the years. As guys get healthy, they band together and work out. They form a bro unit. They support each other and it’s beautiful to watch as they help each other to heal and get healthy, physically mentally and spiritually. I used to love to see that happen. It’s a thing. A beautiful thing. <<
Yes, it is. Very much so.
That's how I got the idea for the RJBC in the first place. For years, I lived in a couple of warehouses in an alley in Washington, DC directly across from the Downtown Boxing Club. My office window looked out on the alley and in nice weather the boxers would be out skipping rope and stuff in the alley. I'd have my windows open and could hear their conversations and so on.
I noticed the same thing you did. You'd see a new guy show up, and for the first few weeks he'd stand off to the side, hunched over, scowling, not interacting with anyone--and this was DC, so, you know, they are crawling up out of the sewer. But if they stuck it out, and I saw it over and over, pretty soon they'd stand up a little straighter, then they'd exchange a greeting or two when they arrived, then you'd seem them smile at someone's lame ass joke, and a couple of weeks later they'd tell their own lame joke, and before you knew it they'd be turning into the alley with their heads up and their shoulders back and walking with purpose and yelling insults at their friends and moving with energy and genuinely happy to see each other and spend time together.
Then I moved to Baltimore and was shocked at all the young able-bodied white guys--all that I talked to addicted to heroin--panhandling the cars waiting at red lights. Selling their degradation for the money to purchase their own extinction. These guys could use some of that boxing, I thought, and that was the beginning of the RJBC.
My theory was that boxing forces you to participate in the world. It's very easy to focus on yourself and your problems and the injustices and betrayals you've suffered. Why is the world happening to me? But with boxing there is another human being in the world and you have to focus on him because he's punching you in the face.
The plan was for every "graduating class" to have their own closed group page on the RJBC website and for the rest of their lives there would be a place where seven other people on the planet who knew them deeply and were on their side could be found.
It's interesting that you were the medical Director at addiction clinics. When I sued the SPLC they paid an "expert witness" to say what a bad idea the RJBC was. I'd be interested in hearing your take on my "expert response" if it's no bother. It's under the "Docs" tab at the top of this page.
When was the last time you heard Jesus' voice? That's interesting because Humans are to believe, religiously, what no other human has actually experienced in the past several lifetimes. Realistically, you'd be committed to a mental hospital for pronouncing voices in your head. Wouldn't it be more logical to realize we're part of something real?
We're conscious beings with the ability to create from our intuitions based on our environmental situation and whatever needs are necessary to survive and thrive.
Manipulation is a human characteristic essentially carried out through language or seduction.
Violence is essentially a survival mechanism that has been consistently confused with dominance and accepted by troglodytes as some form of superiority.
Unfortunately it makes for a hostile environment. That which essentially has no place in modern society; full stop.
Rehabilitation is this author's remedy. Unfortunately it's very true. And to imagine how much therapy the human species requires after tens of thousands of years of this treatment is daunting to say the least.
What's more important is that we realize from the history of the entire species that there's no reasoning behind what was done. Besides the fact that humans are capable of just about anything. It's not a mystery but somehow we want it to be an excuse for behaving badly.
What is the excuse for behaving goodly? Religion seems to be another excuse.
As far as I know there is no English version of Solzhenitsyn's book that you quote. I used to call the publisher every year, asking when it would be available but stopped in resignation that the guilty would never let an English language version appear. Is that your own translation of the German, French etc?
English took the place of Latin no big deal. Whether syncretism or whatever . Solan and Cleisthenes broke tribal tyranny for the better and are worth intimate review, because the process offers a outcome. Regardless , ancient Attica , the religion of the city break it down like James Brown.
If the Arabs called Palestinians are indeed the natives of the area in question what was the name of this country? Where was its Capital? Who were its leaders. Why won’t any other country other than Israel give them citizenship and the right to vote and be elected to office?
If the Natives called Pawnee were indeed the natives of the area in which I live, what was the name of this country? Where was its capital? Who were its leaders? Why won't any other country other than the United States give them citizenship and the right to vote and be elected to office?
Because of the answers to these questions, the State of Kansas has initiated a campaign of extermination against the residents of the various Pawnee and sub-Pawnee tribal reservation lands. Right now, little Pawnee children are screaming in terror as Kansas drops bombs the size of automobiles on their villages. It's full-scale genocide.
As an American, you are complicit because you are paying for those bombs. You are the reason, politically, we Kansans can get away with exterminating the indigenous population. The rest of the world wouldn't have stood for it, but Americans are as evil as they are fat and ignorant. Like hogs, they gulp down whatever nonsense and lies we Kansans feed them, as long as it means they don't have to stop watching football. We told the Americans the Pawnee never had a capital city, so, therefore, they should put their heads back in the trough; the Pawnee deserve to die.
Fascinating perspective between the historical antiquity and your introspect. The fundamental purpose behind your boxing concept would probably be more successful as a MMA club in my objection. Boxing unfortunately has been stigmatized perhaps. Heck, you could do that for women too. Recruite some gals and start a yoga class or something for strung out teens and women.
It's astonishing that we as humans continue to relish the dismal past as if it is or was our final destination.
My conclusion is to forget it and discontinue perpetuating what are ghosts in reality. The philosophy behind what is the human purpose isn't written by men or God. Human conscious creates the reality in realtime at anytime.
Where would one send those materials you needed? We have tons of materials leftover that would be useful for you but we're nowhere near DC.
Right. Dees was--is--a gentile, but his father was a hardcore philosemite of the John Hagee variety and gave him that middle name. The poison apple, with the soul of a vacuum cleaner salesman and the amoral ambition of a successful vacuum cleaner salesman, doesn't fall far from the diseased tree.
The announced reason for Dees' firing, faithfully reported by the NYT, was the sexual harassment allegations, but there is reason to question that claim. First, Dees, by that time, having become rich after a lifetime of profiting off the destruction of his people (he has a real gift for getting strangers to put their own money into envelopes and mailing it to him), was old and useless and rarely came into the office anymore. Much more severe sexual harassment (and racism) charges went back decades but had always been swept under the rug until when it was time to discard the useless old gentile sitting despised in his mansion full of sparkly things.
He was fired, it made the news, then he was gone and will never be heard from again unless he blows up a school bus or a plane or something.
The really interesting angle to all this, which was not nearly so reported , if at all, was that about a month or so after he was fired, the three top Jews at the organization, President Richard Cohen, Chairman of the Board Howard Allan or Allan Howard, and Director of Litigation Rhonda Brownstein all resigned simultaneously effective immediately and poof, they were gone. From a non-profit bringing in north of a hundred million dollars a year and with more than a half billion dollars (yes, a non-profit) in untaxed assets, half of which (that we know of) was parked offshore out of the reach of US regulators.
In what circumstances does that ever happen? With a sad face, Cohen told the Washington Post, I think it was, that he was resigning because he felt so bad about the trauma he'd allowed Dees to inflict on a female attorney when Dees, on a rare visit to the office, had croaked out something as he tottered past her desk about how nicely she filled out her dress. The only honorable thing to do, said Cohen, squaring his shoulders and lifting his chin, was to take responsibility and resign, myself. The WaPo reporter faithfully "reported" his resignation but didn't notice anything else interesting going on at the storied defenders of the vulnerable and oppressed and slayers of the KKK.
There was only one member of upper management left, a gentile, Heidi Beirich, as soulless and conscienceless as Dees and the premier poison pen in the country. She first attacked me in 1999, the year Aaron Bushnell was born, and when I deposed her for my law suit she referred to the ADL as "colleagues fighting the same war." By the time of her deposition, she too had resigned from the SPLC to head up her own international version of the SPLC. I think Australia is currently the main beneficiary of her hate-fueled venom.
The Jews had one last Dees squeeze. They bought a big chunk of Asian-American alliance by turning over Dees' berry to that Huang woman from the Obama administration.
I imagine there is today a real estate company in Israel with a big position in beachfront Gaza property and shadowy capitalization called Cohen, Brownstein, & Howard or Allan.
And we can probably draw the curtain on that ugly pus-pocket on the American polity called the SPLC. Their headquarters in Montgomery will be used by the neo-Bolshevists as an interrogation center once the country goes martial and the civil rights memorial across the street will be covered with a big pile of old shoes. There is only one loose cannon, er...string left: Mark Potok, who is out there sniffing around and driven by unfathomable hatred.
Thank you for posting the link to the Linh Dinh interview. Really looking forward to reading it.
Obviously, the Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club was a brilliant idea... and so it had to be destroyed before it got off the ground. I still hold out hope that it will one day be resurrected... and that many franchises will follow!
Me too.
Just finished reading your 2019 interview by Linh Dinh, Craig. Such a privilege to get to listen in on two great minds commiserating over our current and ongoing malaise. Also kind of interesting that the interview was just pre-covid, which has of course shaken up The Scene somewhat.
I really appreciated finally getting to hear the whole Robinson Jeffers Boxing Club story in one go - having only been privy to bits and pieces of it on OU until now. I do find it extraordinarily depressing that white people in small town America, hard hit by Deaths of Despair, could be incited to hang out their car windows and scream, "Racist" and "Nazi" at you - for trying to set up a program to help white men at risk of committing suicide.
Could any of the white men involved in inventing and developing the wonder that is the modern automobile have ever imagined such an insane scenario?
It seems to me that our biggest problem is that we are too easily weaponized against ourselves. And then I find myself being "led into temptation" to despise the cowardly whites attacking you... which is of course just reinforcement of more of the same.
I'll be the first to admit I don't know what the solution to all of this is. So much of what those of us who can "see" are doing to address our situation seems like just nibbling around the edges of the problem. I try to think of our "nibbling" as being like one of those natural processes, where it looks like nothing is happening, until things happen all at once - catastrophically and irreversibly.
Which brings me back to the spiritual perspective. I don't subscribe to any particular church or religion, but I do listen to people who seem to have learned and worked out more about the spiritual angle than I have. One thing I have heard a number of times from a number of sources is that the current spiritual age we are in is one of Self-Sacrifice (in line with the popular story of Christ sacrificing Himself on the Cross). Further, we are supposed to be in the process of moving from the current Age into a new one - the next one being the Age of Brotherhood.
I hope and pray (and try to have faith) that those of us making the sacrifices right now - as you have been doing for so long, Craig - will be the first to taste the fruits of the Age of Brotherhood.
Thank you for being a Brother to all of us.
The ones hanging out the car windows were just kids and when I think back to how confused I was at their age I can't take it too seriously. The ones I felt the most disappointment in were those older ones who I knew knew better. They weren't joining in the calumny, but they weren't joining in, either.
Our people are terrified of being called names. I don't know why, but it seems to be the case. The Chinese are like that, too. Worse, even, I think. We need to be more like the blacks and the Jews. Get called a name, just shrug, "...and?"
Maybe it's status insecurity.
As Solzhenitsyn said about the way Russians are--we are wolves to each other.
Where IS that religious revolution? LOL
Thank you Anna
You can either believe what your ancestors said about Jews, or what Jews say about your ancestors.
This was an impressive article. The so-called Old Testament was written in 250BC, in Greek, as a "master race" theology for the Ptolemaics at that time. The Cathaginians later felt right at home adopting the same beliefs.
We're not supposed to know that a certain ethnicity drove the Bolshevik movement. It might start people asking awkward questions about FDR and the fellow travelers in his administration. Only one religion was allowed to keep it's places of worship under the initial Soviet government. Stalin cleared quite a bit of it up but he was still murdering Russians then again Stalin was a Georgian.
Thank you. This was an impressive comment.
Your source for the OT being written 250 BC???????????
The Septuagint is acknowledged as the earliest written form of the Torah. Name me an earlier translation and I'll change my mindm
Are you familiar with Lleland Maxwell's work at Rainbow Pill?
Douglas Reed, though, says Deuteronomy was read by the Levites to the people in 641 BC at the temple in Jerusalem.
Yes, I've read his recent article. Documents are what we have for proof. What record is Reed using? I'm always a little skeptical of historical accounts. It is always possible that fragments or traditions may have existed. Hebrew as a language is little more than 2 millenia old. I find the situation fascinating frankly. Christianity can exist without the baggage of Judaism.
I would amend my comment to say that I look a bit askance at historical accounts that lack corroborating documents or records. New information can always be unearthed as well.
I think Reed tells the story in the context of the "captivity" in Babylon, and the Persian King Cyrus putting his wealth and military power in service to the Jews and re-establishing the Jews in Jerusalem. I guess I assumed those kinds of historical events have fixed, generally acknowledged dates corroborated by things like modern dating methods and archaeology.
I might oversubscribe to Reed's account simply because his book, The Controversy of Zion, was the watershed book for me personally.
In the end, the existence, nature, history, and goals of the "World Program" that Reed lays out is completely convincing regardless what year Deuteronomy was written
Your source for it being written before 250 BC????????????
I studied in the West and I was always puzzled why my history and philosophy teachers always somehow skipped the Bolsheviks. Somehow I thought it was my fault, that it was common knowledge and that I should have known it, and so I was always embarrassed to ask.
Thank you for today’s well written substack article.
Man can you imagine a Bolshevik remembrance museum????
Yes, I can.
What did I just read? How did this descend into antisemitism? Wow, I get it, let's give White American men a break in their own nation, but then you go off deep end into Jew hatred. And I'm Black...Please read Genesis 12:3.
Again you need to distinguish btw the true Israelites/Jacob who heard Jesus voice and accepted him as the Messiah and those fake Jews who are of Abrahams seed but not the chosen Israelites. True Israelites were taken into captivity and scattered during the Assyrian and Babylonian conquests. Most eventually migrated into Europe. They are the Anglo-Saxons. Only a remnant of the true Israelites returned to Jerusalem following release from Babylon at the beginning of the Persian Mede empire. Between this time and the coming of Christ, many Canaanites, Edomites, Hittites, etc. converted to Judaism. The Maccabees forced many more to convert. These fake converts were called Jews and they took advantage of their new conversion to gain positions of power and wealth. Herod was one of these. You know the guy that cut off the head of John the Baptist. These Jews were the ones Christ referred to as the having Satan as a father, and being from the synagogue of Satan. These were the same Jews, responsible for killing Christ. The term Jew was never applied to the Israelites. Since Jesus came from the line of Israelites, Jesus was never a Jew. No these converts are the bad seeds... the tares in the Bible. So it should be no surprise that they also rewrote Christian history, making everyone think they are gods chosen people when in reality, Christ hated them. He refers to them throughout the New Testament. The true Israelites, who were gods chosen people were able to know Christ was the Messiah, because they were his sheep and knew his voice. The OT points to Christ throughout. I personally can’t understand how one can be familiar with the texts and not realize Jesus is the true Messiah. You have to willfully ignore the prophecies. You have to willfully ignore the black and white proof within the OT. But hey subhumans wouldn’t do that just so they could maintain status and power would they? Think about it. The true Israelites migrated over into Europe, and went on to establish the Christian nations of England and the United States. Amazing how today’s churches blindly support Israel because they think they’re gods chosen people when genetic studies would beg to differ. I mean my God their coming messiah looks a lot like the Christian Antichrist. Coincidence? The chapter in Deuteronomy that you quoted... yes God did tell them to go in and conquer every last one of the Canaanites. He had a reason for doing so. But they didn’t. Solomon took several for his wives. Yesterday’s Canaanite is today’s Jew.
I also want applaud you for the boxing club. I’ve been the medical Director of several addiction facilities and noticed a pattern throughout the years. As guys get healthy, they band together and work out. They form a bro unit. They support each other and it’s beautiful to watch as they help each other to heal and get healthy, physically mentally and spiritually. I used to love to see that happen. It’s a thing. A beautiful thing.
>>I also want applaud you for the boxing club. I’ve been the medical Director of several addiction facilities and noticed a pattern throughout the years. As guys get healthy, they band together and work out. They form a bro unit. They support each other and it’s beautiful to watch as they help each other to heal and get healthy, physically mentally and spiritually. I used to love to see that happen. It’s a thing. A beautiful thing. <<
Yes, it is. Very much so.
That's how I got the idea for the RJBC in the first place. For years, I lived in a couple of warehouses in an alley in Washington, DC directly across from the Downtown Boxing Club. My office window looked out on the alley and in nice weather the boxers would be out skipping rope and stuff in the alley. I'd have my windows open and could hear their conversations and so on.
I noticed the same thing you did. You'd see a new guy show up, and for the first few weeks he'd stand off to the side, hunched over, scowling, not interacting with anyone--and this was DC, so, you know, they are crawling up out of the sewer. But if they stuck it out, and I saw it over and over, pretty soon they'd stand up a little straighter, then they'd exchange a greeting or two when they arrived, then you'd seem them smile at someone's lame ass joke, and a couple of weeks later they'd tell their own lame joke, and before you knew it they'd be turning into the alley with their heads up and their shoulders back and walking with purpose and yelling insults at their friends and moving with energy and genuinely happy to see each other and spend time together.
Then I moved to Baltimore and was shocked at all the young able-bodied white guys--all that I talked to addicted to heroin--panhandling the cars waiting at red lights. Selling their degradation for the money to purchase their own extinction. These guys could use some of that boxing, I thought, and that was the beginning of the RJBC.
My theory was that boxing forces you to participate in the world. It's very easy to focus on yourself and your problems and the injustices and betrayals you've suffered. Why is the world happening to me? But with boxing there is another human being in the world and you have to focus on him because he's punching you in the face.
The plan was for every "graduating class" to have their own closed group page on the RJBC website and for the rest of their lives there would be a place where seven other people on the planet who knew them deeply and were on their side could be found.
It's interesting that you were the medical Director at addiction clinics. When I sued the SPLC they paid an "expert witness" to say what a bad idea the RJBC was. I'd be interested in hearing your take on my "expert response" if it's no bother. It's under the "Docs" tab at the top of this page.
When was the last time you heard Jesus' voice? That's interesting because Humans are to believe, religiously, what no other human has actually experienced in the past several lifetimes. Realistically, you'd be committed to a mental hospital for pronouncing voices in your head. Wouldn't it be more logical to realize we're part of something real?
We're conscious beings with the ability to create from our intuitions based on our environmental situation and whatever needs are necessary to survive and thrive.
Manipulation is a human characteristic essentially carried out through language or seduction.
Violence is essentially a survival mechanism that has been consistently confused with dominance and accepted by troglodytes as some form of superiority.
Unfortunately it makes for a hostile environment. That which essentially has no place in modern society; full stop.
Rehabilitation is this author's remedy. Unfortunately it's very true. And to imagine how much therapy the human species requires after tens of thousands of years of this treatment is daunting to say the least.
What's more important is that we realize from the history of the entire species that there's no reasoning behind what was done. Besides the fact that humans are capable of just about anything. It's not a mystery but somehow we want it to be an excuse for behaving badly.
What is the excuse for behaving goodly? Religion seems to be another excuse.
As far as I know there is no English version of Solzhenitsyn's book that you quote. I used to call the publisher every year, asking when it would be available but stopped in resignation that the guilty would never let an English language version appear. Is that your own translation of the German, French etc?
English took the place of Latin no big deal. Whether syncretism or whatever . Solan and Cleisthenes broke tribal tyranny for the better and are worth intimate review, because the process offers a outcome. Regardless , ancient Attica , the religion of the city break it down like James Brown.
Odysseus - for God’s sake, sheathe it dude. You’re embarrassing white guys.
If the Arabs called Palestinians are indeed the natives of the area in question what was the name of this country? Where was its Capital? Who were its leaders. Why won’t any other country other than Israel give them citizenship and the right to vote and be elected to office?
If the Natives called Pawnee were indeed the natives of the area in which I live, what was the name of this country? Where was its capital? Who were its leaders? Why won't any other country other than the United States give them citizenship and the right to vote and be elected to office?
Because of the answers to these questions, the State of Kansas has initiated a campaign of extermination against the residents of the various Pawnee and sub-Pawnee tribal reservation lands. Right now, little Pawnee children are screaming in terror as Kansas drops bombs the size of automobiles on their villages. It's full-scale genocide.
As an American, you are complicit because you are paying for those bombs. You are the reason, politically, we Kansans can get away with exterminating the indigenous population. The rest of the world wouldn't have stood for it, but Americans are as evil as they are fat and ignorant. Like hogs, they gulp down whatever nonsense and lies we Kansans feed them, as long as it means they don't have to stop watching football. We told the Americans the Pawnee never had a capital city, so, therefore, they should put their heads back in the trough; the Pawnee deserve to die.
Fascinating perspective between the historical antiquity and your introspect. The fundamental purpose behind your boxing concept would probably be more successful as a MMA club in my objection. Boxing unfortunately has been stigmatized perhaps. Heck, you could do that for women too. Recruite some gals and start a yoga class or something for strung out teens and women.
It's astonishing that we as humans continue to relish the dismal past as if it is or was our final destination.
My conclusion is to forget it and discontinue perpetuating what are ghosts in reality. The philosophy behind what is the human purpose isn't written by men or God. Human conscious creates the reality in realtime at anytime.
Where would one send those materials you needed? We have tons of materials leftover that would be useful for you but we're nowhere near DC.
Yes, but it just links to the original at Unz:
Right. Dees was--is--a gentile, but his father was a hardcore philosemite of the John Hagee variety and gave him that middle name. The poison apple, with the soul of a vacuum cleaner salesman and the amoral ambition of a successful vacuum cleaner salesman, doesn't fall far from the diseased tree.
The announced reason for Dees' firing, faithfully reported by the NYT, was the sexual harassment allegations, but there is reason to question that claim. First, Dees, by that time, having become rich after a lifetime of profiting off the destruction of his people (he has a real gift for getting strangers to put their own money into envelopes and mailing it to him), was old and useless and rarely came into the office anymore. Much more severe sexual harassment (and racism) charges went back decades but had always been swept under the rug until when it was time to discard the useless old gentile sitting despised in his mansion full of sparkly things.
He was fired, it made the news, then he was gone and will never be heard from again unless he blows up a school bus or a plane or something.
The really interesting angle to all this, which was not nearly so reported , if at all, was that about a month or so after he was fired, the three top Jews at the organization, President Richard Cohen, Chairman of the Board Howard Allan or Allan Howard, and Director of Litigation Rhonda Brownstein all resigned simultaneously effective immediately and poof, they were gone. From a non-profit bringing in north of a hundred million dollars a year and with more than a half billion dollars (yes, a non-profit) in untaxed assets, half of which (that we know of) was parked offshore out of the reach of US regulators.
In what circumstances does that ever happen? With a sad face, Cohen told the Washington Post, I think it was, that he was resigning because he felt so bad about the trauma he'd allowed Dees to inflict on a female attorney when Dees, on a rare visit to the office, had croaked out something as he tottered past her desk about how nicely she filled out her dress. The only honorable thing to do, said Cohen, squaring his shoulders and lifting his chin, was to take responsibility and resign, myself. The WaPo reporter faithfully "reported" his resignation but didn't notice anything else interesting going on at the storied defenders of the vulnerable and oppressed and slayers of the KKK.
There was only one member of upper management left, a gentile, Heidi Beirich, as soulless and conscienceless as Dees and the premier poison pen in the country. She first attacked me in 1999, the year Aaron Bushnell was born, and when I deposed her for my law suit she referred to the ADL as "colleagues fighting the same war." By the time of her deposition, she too had resigned from the SPLC to head up her own international version of the SPLC. I think Australia is currently the main beneficiary of her hate-fueled venom.
The Jews had one last Dees squeeze. They bought a big chunk of Asian-American alliance by turning over Dees' berry to that Huang woman from the Obama administration.
I imagine there is today a real estate company in Israel with a big position in beachfront Gaza property and shadowy capitalization called Cohen, Brownstein, & Howard or Allan.
And we can probably draw the curtain on that ugly pus-pocket on the American polity called the SPLC. Their headquarters in Montgomery will be used by the neo-Bolshevists as an interrogation center once the country goes martial and the civil rights memorial across the street will be covered with a big pile of old shoes. There is only one loose cannon, er...string left: Mark Potok, who is out there sniffing around and driven by unfathomable hatred.