Nov 4, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

I think the Palestinians - Hamas - have done humanity a favour. They have show us who hates us;

Israel, the Jewish State, is the psychopath among nations. It acts towards other nations in the way a psychopath acts towards his fellow men..... Considering Israel’s absolute self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians, and its extraordinary capacity to lie and manipulate, we are dealing with a psychopath.


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Truly. And if you worship a God that has a "chosen people", how could it be otherwise. The psychopathy engendered among the chosen people themselves would be bad enough, but think of how much worse for the people who accept a God that chose some other people. Battered spouse syndrome.

Dear Christians, ditch the old testament, stop the abuse.

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

Hanged, Craig. You might be hung, but the Sioux convicts were hanged.

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Nov 4, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

I was thinking you were laying it on a wee bit thick re White Man's plunder and devastation of the Red Man. Then today I cane across this at Unz. https://www.unz.com/article/did-we-steal-america-from-the-indians/ It's a bit long, but seems on the mark to me.

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Right, no one in the world lives someplace that hasn't been stolen unless they live on Antarctica or something. Stolen repeatedly. Moreover, everybody has an ancestor guilty of genocide, or they wouldn't be here. The question is, is there another way forward, or is the Yahweh the right way?

The West had begun to make even war civilized, or tried to anyway, then Yahweh took control.

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