Excellent excerpt of more evidence for every, single, time. Get the goy to fight their wars, and sit back and profit from the lies that follow. Control every node in the network. Punish those who resist. "Oy vey! For no reason at all!"
Every time you arrive on the bottom floor, there's another stairs heading down.
The other day, I picked up a board off the top of a stack of boards and there was a huge carpenter ant colony under it. The ants are going nuts because the whole top of their world just disappeared and they were all (well most of them) grabbing eggs and running all over the place trying to figure out where they should run with the eggs. But in no time at all, all the eggs were gone. So I finished with my board and came back and got the next one. And that was where the ants had taken their eggs. Under that board. And what the hell? The top of their world just disappeared again, so they go ape shit again and repeat the whole process. Then I took the next board and there they were again. But with each repetition, there were fewer eggs.
For some reason, that really reminded me of what it feels like when drilling down into the story of Judah.
Nevertheless, although I know nothing about carpenter eggs I am inclined to suspect the comparison might be unfair to them. Must be my "aviation enthusiast" gene...
It seems like the CivilWar was likely part of the enslavement of entire nation under their GreatSatan Federal Gov, using the Private City of London that was controlling the British Empire. As they used the French Revolution to Attach the Catholic Church and take their property, as was done in England.
CivilWar - another white Chrisitan men genocide, as was WWI, Armenian genocide, Holodomor, WWII, .., Ukraine-Russian today (Holodomor Part II), and once our debt to Federal Reserve is higher and our military is depleted and weak I expect they will call in the debt and then - like in 2009 to Grease - liquidate all public property worth taking and all private mortgaged property for pennies on dollar, and our military and israeli-trained police will help them.
I have no doubt, that had I lived back then, I would have been a member of the Bund.
I have known many ex German soldiers from WWII. One guy was an editor for the Encyclopedia we had at home. One day he was visiting with his wife and he looked at the shelf of books and asked me to grab the A. He opened within the first few pages and showed me his name. I was amazed and thoroughly impressed, because I then understood why he always had the answers to any question.
This man was old at the time, but he kept his back straight, head held high. He was the epitome of style and elegance. If he was representative of those brave men, I wanted very much to be just like him.
One under-explored aspect of Jewish behavior and advocacy is the dysgenic-eugenic motivation behind much of it. It was the cream of German youth who marched off to the slaughter fields of Russia while still too young to have reproduced. It was the "intelligents" and their children the Bolsheviks targeted and exterminated in the first waves of the genocide they perpetrated (they enjoyed executing the children in front of the parents before executing the parents just to be sure the parents' last moments on earth were as agonizing as possible--Jehovah does not live by blood alone). In this country, the military separates out the low IQ and sends them home to reproduce with their women, who are rewarded financially for every dummy they pop out, while the high IQ spend their youth killing a bunch of foreign gentiles until they go home in a box.
On the flip side, China is the only country I know of that is openly and explicitly eugenic. I assume the Jewish stealth nation is as well, though I am unaware of the mechanics of it.
.. DEI, Toxic Affirmative-Action meritless hires, disposing job applications so no resources to attract wife and support family, social programs to weaken us and explode our national debt, endless wars - each taking the better of us, wage suppression, drugs, porn, Godless convincing that pleasure is always good and suffering and strengthening is bad, soul-sickening womanhood with Feminism, male-hate, baby-murder, disposing of all they can't profit from, immunity for false rape accusation, for unJust reputation destruction, for parental fraud (30%), for killing fatherhood, family, children, themselves, .., turning our womanhood into a 5th column in all our homes and workplaces, .. so many mechanics - we ground-up by the machines from Hell.
Yes, imagine if the West never fought their contrived genocide wars, we advancing with the best of us on top of Competence Hierarchy, vote and power only to those showed virtue (through volunteer Services), and Truth, Justice, Order, Love, .., and a Future we all could wan for our children.
The Han call themselves "the Jews of Asia." Speaking in general, they are as materialistic as the Jews and the Christian Zionists, as devoid of anything spiritually sublimating, and far more capable than the Christian Zionists. They are as ignorant of history as all other gentiles. (It is on the battlefield of history that Jews have won the war.)
It's worth noting that, in general, it was among the more intelligent, responsible, law-abiding, trusting, rules-respecting, educated classes that we saw the highest levels of vax compliance. If the vax lowers reproductive success, the whole covid operation was dysgenic, intentional, and civilization-ending.
I recall my father saying on more than one occasion that the Chinese were the Jews of Asia. This would have been late 60's or early 70's. And he was not what you could call a particularly astute or learned man, so clearly this has been a common truism for a long time.
More interesting is that the Han Chinese themselves state so, (and I know you have closer and more recent experience with them,) not knowing how they discredit themselves with the remark. (And then, how accurate is it?)
I started wondering about the Chinese when I read some material many decades ago about their complete disregard for their ancient history and wanton destruction of archeological artifacts to make room for construction projects meant to glorify Mao.
How can a nation that produced Buddhist wisdom become so myopic in pursuit of immediate material gain?
I was wondering then, and I still do, if the combined effect of massive starvation and brainwashing with the marxist materialist philosophy followed by the “fat years” of “guided capitalism had something to do with it.
What I mean by that is that if you remove traditional spirituality and national ethos and convince people that all that matters is material wealth while at the same time they are all miserably poor, even starving, what happens to them when in a relatively short span prosperity is suddenly within reach?
I think that mutation is not only a biological evolutionary phenomenon, but perhaps there is such a thing as psychological/mental/ethical mutation. Today’s Chinese are mutants.
Look at China today: a hybrid state of rigid communist dictatorship that has, however, quietly abandoned the communist slogans of egalitarianism: it has produced billionaires! But the masses get more than a bowl of a rice a day now and are happy and obedient. Maybe they have the “Chinese dream” version of the American Dream: a pot of chicken chow mein in the oven and an electric car in the garage for everybody. Maybe they are also entertained with tales of poor little Li Chun who had only 2 yuans in his pocket and invented a new “app” that made him a billionaire… Look at how obediently they lined up to get the “jab,” to get locked up, etc.
I am sure they admire the Jews and it is obvious they emulate them.
They are ahead of the West in being raised to accept insane amoral mind-raping things as normal .. State directly taking babies to kill, mothers to abort, and pressuring parents to infancies till they get a boy (that will support them in old age,) .. those and more - like here - breaks the child's and adult's brain, so anything is acceptable and morally blinded.
What will our society accept as normal next - children mind-body-soul sexual mutilations by women pedos that mind-rape and get-off on directing children to suicide by 20?
Then again, perhaps we are way ahead of the Chinese in Calling to Satan to rule us while we torture our babies to death unborn, they screaming silently like Satan and our women teachers enjoy.
I think they are mutants as ariadna describes above and they mean in terms of material wealth. They take great satisfaction in the fact that they are wealthier than whites in the US. Like our own mutants--the Christian Zionists--they absolutely worship money. When they speak of a "successful man," it is always in terms of the size of his bank account.
As we lurch along toward our own Bolshevik takeover, here is how I see it playing out: the Jews will manage the revolution (which is already an accomplished fact in many ways) just as they did in Russia, Chinese and Koreans (just as they did in Russia) will provide for the personal security of the top Jews, administer military and police discipline, and serve as the mid-level managers of the machinery of the genocide. They will conduct the mass executions and, in return, will be allowed to prey on the whites with impunity.
I don't think the Chinese actually enjoy torture like the Jews do, but they are indifferent to it. They will have no problem using highly sophisticated forms of it to force whites to divulge caches of wealth, where their family members are hiding, and so on (in Russia, families froze to death in their basements rather than emerge onto the street and risk falling into the hands of the Chinese torturers).
Blacks will continue to be the agents of violence, chaos, murder, and destruction. They will continue to be easily directed by a few Jews, who will use them to soften up whites through targeted paroxysms of rape, murder, and savage torture. Once the whites are subdued (which probably won't take very long at all) the blacks will be exterminated or put to use in a slavery harsh enough to be profitable.
The Latinos will disappear. White Hispanics will be white, black Hispanics will be black, and the Mestizos will be worker proles like all other Asians, though below the Chinese and Japanese.
While living in Beijing, I was hired by a molecular biologist as his private English-language tutor. When the weather was nice, we would go down to the street and do the class at an outdoor cafe. Depending on the number of beers we had, the class could run well over time and the conversation could get very interesting. He was actually a great guy. He told me some fascinating stories from his childhood growing up in Beijing during China's darkest days. He also described his work, about which I questioned him closely, as that was the area in which he most wanted to improve his English.
One day, he was describing a particular process he was working on when I said something like oh, you could target a specific race with a specific disease that way. He looked very surprised and alarmed and after that he wouldn't drink beer during our classes.
Today they're pulling the same shit against Iran and Hezbollah. I'm so proud of our Congresstraitors who behaved like trained seals the other day. Thanks for this, Craig. I must have been absent the day they taught this in high school.
Since they never write just "Hezbollah" but always "the Iran-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah" we should never say "israel" but :the US-backed terrorist genocidal state Israel."
I'd be very surprised if it isn't Shapiro. Wikipedia has edited his service in the IOF already but it doesn't matter. It will not be because some are calling him Genocide Josh that he won't get tp be VP. It will be because the Dems are no longer trusted to be "good for the Jews."
I am eating lemon slices as I type this to overcome my nausea because I made myself watch this:
They believe he is the one to take them to the finish line: destroy Iran, and finally rein supreme in the ME. I believe they should mint a coin of a smaller denomination with Lindsey Graham's. pretty face on it.
Excellent information, as always, and much to comment on but I will only focus on one aspect that caught my attention because I believe Americans need to keep it in mind, namely, the importance of the “ hive” that jumps into action when called by ADL or B'nai Brith.
Compare the massive, unified Jewish participation in subversive, hostile, offensive actions against gentiles to the passive indifference and the lack of any comparable UNIFIED and COLLECTIVE defensive reaction typical of gentiles in the examples below.
"One of its most successful efforts has been a confidential letter to all professional men and women of the B’nai B’rith7—doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. Each recipient has been asked to pay special attention to the friendly or unfriendly attitude of the people with whom he comes in contact. Reports were requested concerning any instances—large or small—where religious intolerance had been shown. THE RESULTS WENT BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS." [emphasis added]
Even with the participation of the corrupt government institutions like the FBI, the success of such hostile anti-gentile actions always depends in great part on an element whose name most Americans do not know but must acquaint themselves with: the SAYANIM.
The sayanim (plural of "sayan") are the Jews, any and all Jews anywhere in the US (or in the world), in all fields of endeavor, who are sleeping cells readily activated by organized Jewry and ready to participate in any subversive action against their “Goy” neighbors, clients, employees, employers, or casual acquaintances ("people with whom they come in contact'), in numbers “beyond even the best expectations" of the organizers.
Much justified attention is given to the importance of the inordinate wealth of the Jews as an element of their power and to the extensive, tireless ethnic networking of organized Jewry but not nearly enough to the base of their power— the sayanim. These are Jews whom people do not associate with organized Jewry and think of as “ my nice Jewish dentist,” “my nice Jewish friends I play golf with,” etc.
Craig says:
"Eventually, the airport in St Louis named in his honor will change its name, the Jews will celebrate, and the gentiles of St Louis will ignorantly shrug in indifference at yet another indignity inflicted on one of their greatest heroes."
First of all a correction:. The St Louis airport is named … Lambert, after a pilot who, according to wikipedia,
“learned to fly with the Wright Brothers, received his pilot's license in 1911, and served in the U.S. Army in World War I, reaching the rank of Major.” Charles Lindbergh, we are told, was just… the chief pilot on the mail route who did a little stunt in 1927, which "aroused worldwide interest in aviation.” Silly to name the airport after him.
There was, however, another airport named after Charles Lindbergh in San Diego, CA whose name was changed. As a Jewish World article titled "Originally Named for Charles Lindbergh, Airport Downplays Connection with the Nazi Sympathizer” inform us, originally the naming had been done due to the fact that Charles Lindbergh "spent a lot of time in town overseeing the construction of his airplane, “The Spirit of St. Louis.” No other reason… So, just because he tinkered there on his airplane we honor the man guilty of such unforgivable anti-semitic sins as this:
"The Jewish races… for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in this war,” he declared during an America First speech in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sept. 11, 1941. “We cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe to be in their own interests, but we must also look out for ours. We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.” Commented historian Fleming: “Other peoples? Charles was saying that Jewish people living in this country were not Americans, but others—a group living within the United States with no allegiance to the nation.”
So Lindbergh’s name was taken out in 2003, as were the sculptures honoring him, but the work of erasing his memory continues:
“...the airport’s records and information management office told me that since the time the name was changed, “We have been working diligently to educate the public about the name change, and while we see the name ‘Lindbergh Field’ pop up from time to time, it has become less common … While most of our stakeholders and audiences now use the correct name, we continue to work with the media and the community to make them aware of the change. You might be interested to know that it is the daily responsibility of one of the Public Information Officers to monitor new stories for the ‘Lindbergh Field’ name and personally contact each and every journalist who uses the incorrect name.”
Sayanim, be sure to immediately inform the Public Information Officers if anyone uses the “incorrect name”...
Who would oppose this? Meh… just “aviation enthusiasts” maybe:
"Administrators of the San Diego International Airport knew that “canceling” the legacy of Charles Lindbergh would stir up resentment among aviation enthusiasts who believe his place in history must be preserved no matter what his political and racial views were.
The San Diego Unified School District, in contrast, was less circumspect about de-honoring Lindbergh. It voted in 2021 to rename an elementary school that was co-named for Charles Lindbergh and Albert Schweitzer. The replacement name was Clairemont Canyons Academy. If that is the case, one wonders why a service road at the airport has retained the name “Lindbergh Field Way.”
So, a service road still retains the name that must be erased from American national consciousness? Ah, a sayan's work is never done.
They have their yeys on airports because airports are the visible gateways for air traffic within as well as in and out of a country. Their names are plastered everywhere.
Many years ago a Swedish friend told me about the efforts to change the name of Stockholm’s international airport — Arlanda— to Raoul Wallenberg, against which my friend was collecting signatures. At the time this story was never featured in any American MSM. I finally found it only on a Swedish radio site:
"A group of politicians and cultural profiles in Sweden are suggesting that the country's main airport, Arlanda airport outside Stockholm, be renamed to honour World War Two hero Raoul Wallenberg.
Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who worked at the embassy in Hungarian capital Budapest during the war, saved tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust by giving them Swedish passports, offering them protection from the Nazis. According to the signatories, writing in newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Wednesday, Raoul Wallenberg is probably the Swede who did most for humanity during the 20th century.
They also say that naming Sweden's largest airport after Raoul Wallenberg would be an important signal against anti-semitism and racism in Sweden and abroad, in a time when xenophobia is gaining ground.”
Nevertheless, they did not succeed, because the opposition was not just from “aviation enthusiasts” but from large numbers of patriotic Swedes. After all the years that passed maybe they’ll try again, this time proposing to call it the Barbara Lerner Spector Airport in recognition of her efforts to make Sweden less Swedish...
LOL, "a sayan's work is never done." Great comment, ariadna. I have to admit I wouldn't have been able to define "sayanim," but you are right: they play a very important part in our subjugation. It reminds me of a time I was on Amtrak heading toward Miami. Somewhere around Randy Fine's district, four Jewish women got on plus one's daughter. They sat right behind me and shared a single bag of Peanut M&Ms: "So delicious. Don't waste even one," one of them said. Anyway, they were returning to DelRay Beach or some place after spending the morning at a protest. They were in their 50s or 60s. What a good way to spend a day. Gentile women that age are much less likely to be politically active, and among the politically active, less likely to be confrontational. I've gotten so it actually irritates me when I hear someone say something like "I'm not interested in politics."
Thanks for the correction on Lambert Field. Not sure how I connected Lindbergh to the St Louis airport. Probably something to do with the name of his airplane.
Good reasons why you would associate it with St Louis:
"named the "Spirit of St. Louis" in honor of Lindbergh's supporters from the St. Louis Raquette Club in his then hometown of St. Louis, Missouri.”
(Hmmm... those supporters in the St. Louis Raquette Club were most likely anti-asemites too.)
Lindbergh's 1953 Pulitzer Prize winning book The Spirit of St. Louis.
He received many official honors for his achievements, which ca be excused in part by the fact that the Americans had not yet been educated properly about the dangers of anti-semitism…
If anyone still entertains any doubts that this man’s name must be erased from national memory, read this description of his plane that featured a symbol described as “Indian” by some sayan at wikipedia to avoid stirring up some anti-semites:
"A small, left-facing Indian-style swastika was painted on the inside of the original propeller spinner of the Spirit of St. Louis along with the names of all the Ryan Aircraft employees who designed and built it. It was meant as a message of good luck prior to Lindbergh's solo Atlantic crossing as the symbol was often used as a popular good luck charm with early aviators and others."
And Lindbergh Blvd. is not just some road which skirts the international airport (which it does.) It's a major North-South thoroughfare in the city. Three different interstate freeways ( 64, 70, 270 ) exit off onto Lindbergh Blvd.
Can I ask you why you refer to the Jewish people as Judah? They have nothing to do with Judah, the tribe or nation. That’s probably the biggest myth perpetuated by them! The term Judah should be reserved for Gods royal line.
In my experience "Jewish projection" is a real thing, so when I see something like what you describe, I ask myself how would a Jew respond to something similar, but involving gentiles. Using that method, I would say it is a militia training facility
So you aren't the only one wondering what's going on. It looks like Kauffmann thinks it may be a future internment facility, as well. Good work. Wish we had more like you. I wonder what the name of the organization is.
Excellent excerpt of more evidence for every, single, time. Get the goy to fight their wars, and sit back and profit from the lies that follow. Control every node in the network. Punish those who resist. "Oy vey! For no reason at all!"
Every time you arrive on the bottom floor, there's another stairs heading down.
The other day, I picked up a board off the top of a stack of boards and there was a huge carpenter ant colony under it. The ants are going nuts because the whole top of their world just disappeared and they were all (well most of them) grabbing eggs and running all over the place trying to figure out where they should run with the eggs. But in no time at all, all the eggs were gone. So I finished with my board and came back and got the next one. And that was where the ants had taken their eggs. Under that board. And what the hell? The top of their world just disappeared again, so they go ape shit again and repeat the whole process. Then I took the next board and there they were again. But with each repetition, there were fewer eggs.
For some reason, that really reminded me of what it feels like when drilling down into the story of Judah.
I like the analogy very much.
Nevertheless, although I know nothing about carpenter eggs I am inclined to suspect the comparison might be unfair to them. Must be my "aviation enthusiast" gene...
It seems like the CivilWar was likely part of the enslavement of entire nation under their GreatSatan Federal Gov, using the Private City of London that was controlling the British Empire. As they used the French Revolution to Attach the Catholic Church and take their property, as was done in England.
CivilWar - another white Chrisitan men genocide, as was WWI, Armenian genocide, Holodomor, WWII, .., Ukraine-Russian today (Holodomor Part II), and once our debt to Federal Reserve is higher and our military is depleted and weak I expect they will call in the debt and then - like in 2009 to Grease - liquidate all public property worth taking and all private mortgaged property for pennies on dollar, and our military and israeli-trained police will help them.
We are all Palestinians now.
God Bless., Steve
Since my "LIke" button does not work, I have to spell it out:
My LOL button doesn't work, which I needed for your comment above.
I have no doubt, that had I lived back then, I would have been a member of the Bund.
I have known many ex German soldiers from WWII. One guy was an editor for the Encyclopedia we had at home. One day he was visiting with his wife and he looked at the shelf of books and asked me to grab the A. He opened within the first few pages and showed me his name. I was amazed and thoroughly impressed, because I then understood why he always had the answers to any question.
This man was old at the time, but he kept his back straight, head held high. He was the epitome of style and elegance. If he was representative of those brave men, I wanted very much to be just like him.
One under-explored aspect of Jewish behavior and advocacy is the dysgenic-eugenic motivation behind much of it. It was the cream of German youth who marched off to the slaughter fields of Russia while still too young to have reproduced. It was the "intelligents" and their children the Bolsheviks targeted and exterminated in the first waves of the genocide they perpetrated (they enjoyed executing the children in front of the parents before executing the parents just to be sure the parents' last moments on earth were as agonizing as possible--Jehovah does not live by blood alone). In this country, the military separates out the low IQ and sends them home to reproduce with their women, who are rewarded financially for every dummy they pop out, while the high IQ spend their youth killing a bunch of foreign gentiles until they go home in a box.
On the flip side, China is the only country I know of that is openly and explicitly eugenic. I assume the Jewish stealth nation is as well, though I am unaware of the mechanics of it.
“Unaware of the mechanics of it “...chem trails, vaxx, gmos, glyphosate, etc.
Continued ..
.. “Unaware of the mechanics of it “..
.. DEI, Toxic Affirmative-Action meritless hires, disposing job applications so no resources to attract wife and support family, social programs to weaken us and explode our national debt, endless wars - each taking the better of us, wage suppression, drugs, porn, Godless convincing that pleasure is always good and suffering and strengthening is bad, soul-sickening womanhood with Feminism, male-hate, baby-murder, disposing of all they can't profit from, immunity for false rape accusation, for unJust reputation destruction, for parental fraud (30%), for killing fatherhood, family, children, themselves, .., turning our womanhood into a 5th column in all our homes and workplaces, .. so many mechanics - we ground-up by the machines from Hell.
Yes, imagine if the West never fought their contrived genocide wars, we advancing with the best of us on top of Competence Hierarchy, vote and power only to those showed virtue (through volunteer Services), and Truth, Justice, Order, Love, .., and a Future we all could wan for our children.
God Bless., Steve
The Han call themselves "the Jews of Asia." Speaking in general, they are as materialistic as the Jews and the Christian Zionists, as devoid of anything spiritually sublimating, and far more capable than the Christian Zionists. They are as ignorant of history as all other gentiles. (It is on the battlefield of history that Jews have won the war.)
It's worth noting that, in general, it was among the more intelligent, responsible, law-abiding, trusting, rules-respecting, educated classes that we saw the highest levels of vax compliance. If the vax lowers reproductive success, the whole covid operation was dysgenic, intentional, and civilization-ending.
I recall my father saying on more than one occasion that the Chinese were the Jews of Asia. This would have been late 60's or early 70's. And he was not what you could call a particularly astute or learned man, so clearly this has been a common truism for a long time.
More interesting is that the Han Chinese themselves state so, (and I know you have closer and more recent experience with them,) not knowing how they discredit themselves with the remark. (And then, how accurate is it?)
Your father was very perceptive.
I started wondering about the Chinese when I read some material many decades ago about their complete disregard for their ancient history and wanton destruction of archeological artifacts to make room for construction projects meant to glorify Mao.
How can a nation that produced Buddhist wisdom become so myopic in pursuit of immediate material gain?
I was wondering then, and I still do, if the combined effect of massive starvation and brainwashing with the marxist materialist philosophy followed by the “fat years” of “guided capitalism had something to do with it.
What I mean by that is that if you remove traditional spirituality and national ethos and convince people that all that matters is material wealth while at the same time they are all miserably poor, even starving, what happens to them when in a relatively short span prosperity is suddenly within reach?
I think that mutation is not only a biological evolutionary phenomenon, but perhaps there is such a thing as psychological/mental/ethical mutation. Today’s Chinese are mutants.
Look at China today: a hybrid state of rigid communist dictatorship that has, however, quietly abandoned the communist slogans of egalitarianism: it has produced billionaires! But the masses get more than a bowl of a rice a day now and are happy and obedient. Maybe they have the “Chinese dream” version of the American Dream: a pot of chicken chow mein in the oven and an electric car in the garage for everybody. Maybe they are also entertained with tales of poor little Li Chun who had only 2 yuans in his pocket and invented a new “app” that made him a billionaire… Look at how obediently they lined up to get the “jab,” to get locked up, etc.
I am sure they admire the Jews and it is obvious they emulate them.
They are ahead of the West in being raised to accept insane amoral mind-raping things as normal .. State directly taking babies to kill, mothers to abort, and pressuring parents to infancies till they get a boy (that will support them in old age,) .. those and more - like here - breaks the child's and adult's brain, so anything is acceptable and morally blinded.
What will our society accept as normal next - children mind-body-soul sexual mutilations by women pedos that mind-rape and get-off on directing children to suicide by 20?
Then again, perhaps we are way ahead of the Chinese in Calling to Satan to rule us while we torture our babies to death unborn, they screaming silently like Satan and our women teachers enjoy.
God Bless., Steve
I think they are mutants as ariadna describes above and they mean in terms of material wealth. They take great satisfaction in the fact that they are wealthier than whites in the US. Like our own mutants--the Christian Zionists--they absolutely worship money. When they speak of a "successful man," it is always in terms of the size of his bank account.
As we lurch along toward our own Bolshevik takeover, here is how I see it playing out: the Jews will manage the revolution (which is already an accomplished fact in many ways) just as they did in Russia, Chinese and Koreans (just as they did in Russia) will provide for the personal security of the top Jews, administer military and police discipline, and serve as the mid-level managers of the machinery of the genocide. They will conduct the mass executions and, in return, will be allowed to prey on the whites with impunity.
I don't think the Chinese actually enjoy torture like the Jews do, but they are indifferent to it. They will have no problem using highly sophisticated forms of it to force whites to divulge caches of wealth, where their family members are hiding, and so on (in Russia, families froze to death in their basements rather than emerge onto the street and risk falling into the hands of the Chinese torturers).
Blacks will continue to be the agents of violence, chaos, murder, and destruction. They will continue to be easily directed by a few Jews, who will use them to soften up whites through targeted paroxysms of rape, murder, and savage torture. Once the whites are subdued (which probably won't take very long at all) the blacks will be exterminated or put to use in a slavery harsh enough to be profitable.
The Latinos will disappear. White Hispanics will be white, black Hispanics will be black, and the Mestizos will be worker proles like all other Asians, though below the Chinese and Japanese.
While living in Beijing, I was hired by a molecular biologist as his private English-language tutor. When the weather was nice, we would go down to the street and do the class at an outdoor cafe. Depending on the number of beers we had, the class could run well over time and the conversation could get very interesting. He was actually a great guy. He told me some fascinating stories from his childhood growing up in Beijing during China's darkest days. He also described his work, about which I questioned him closely, as that was the area in which he most wanted to improve his English.
One day, he was describing a particular process he was working on when I said something like oh, you could target a specific race with a specific disease that way. He looked very surprised and alarmed and after that he wouldn't drink beer during our classes.
Today they're pulling the same shit against Iran and Hezbollah. I'm so proud of our Congresstraitors who behaved like trained seals the other day. Thanks for this, Craig. I must have been absent the day they taught this in high school.
Haha. Well, at least you were there for The Diary of Anne Frank. I hope. If you read that, you don't need to read anything else.
Nope, missed that one, too.
Since they never write just "Hezbollah" but always "the Iran-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah" we should never say "israel" but :the US-backed terrorist genocidal state Israel."
I'd be very surprised if it isn't Shapiro. Wikipedia has edited his service in the IOF already but it doesn't matter. It will not be because some are calling him Genocide Josh that he won't get tp be VP. It will be because the Dems are no longer trusted to be "good for the Jews."
I am eating lemon slices as I type this to overcome my nausea because I made myself watch this:
Rabbi Weissberg is fhe Lubavicher light-- he has harsh criticism for Netanyahu for being a softie, as for all Israel's past PMs.
This is the congregation that Jared Kushner belongs to.
If you manage to do it you will also believe Trump has already been selected to be elected. Also note he high marks the Cloria Shabbos Giy gets.
Well, I am very surprised... "Josh" was not selected. Maybe he was told to be patient... The "Genocide Josh" nickname could not be overcome. Yet..
I meant to say "If you manage to do it (watch it) while eating some lemon"
Are you ready? They are: five red heifers arrived from Texas:
They believe he is the one to take them to the finish line: destroy Iran, and finally rein supreme in the ME. I believe they should mint a coin of a smaller denomination with Lindsey Graham's. pretty face on it.
Or, how about, for the US, "israeli-controlled Baby-sacrificing GreatSatan Empire of West.
Thank you for writing this. Your research and knowledge are amazing.
I agree. Where else can you read about it?
Excellent information, as always, and much to comment on but I will only focus on one aspect that caught my attention because I believe Americans need to keep it in mind, namely, the importance of the “ hive” that jumps into action when called by ADL or B'nai Brith.
Compare the massive, unified Jewish participation in subversive, hostile, offensive actions against gentiles to the passive indifference and the lack of any comparable UNIFIED and COLLECTIVE defensive reaction typical of gentiles in the examples below.
"One of its most successful efforts has been a confidential letter to all professional men and women of the B’nai B’rith7—doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. Each recipient has been asked to pay special attention to the friendly or unfriendly attitude of the people with whom he comes in contact. Reports were requested concerning any instances—large or small—where religious intolerance had been shown. THE RESULTS WENT BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS." [emphasis added]
Even with the participation of the corrupt government institutions like the FBI, the success of such hostile anti-gentile actions always depends in great part on an element whose name most Americans do not know but must acquaint themselves with: the SAYANIM.
The sayanim (plural of "sayan") are the Jews, any and all Jews anywhere in the US (or in the world), in all fields of endeavor, who are sleeping cells readily activated by organized Jewry and ready to participate in any subversive action against their “Goy” neighbors, clients, employees, employers, or casual acquaintances ("people with whom they come in contact'), in numbers “beyond even the best expectations" of the organizers.
Much justified attention is given to the importance of the inordinate wealth of the Jews as an element of their power and to the extensive, tireless ethnic networking of organized Jewry but not nearly enough to the base of their power— the sayanim. These are Jews whom people do not associate with organized Jewry and think of as “ my nice Jewish dentist,” “my nice Jewish friends I play golf with,” etc.
Craig says:
"Eventually, the airport in St Louis named in his honor will change its name, the Jews will celebrate, and the gentiles of St Louis will ignorantly shrug in indifference at yet another indignity inflicted on one of their greatest heroes."
First of all a correction:. The St Louis airport is named … Lambert, after a pilot who, according to wikipedia,
“learned to fly with the Wright Brothers, received his pilot's license in 1911, and served in the U.S. Army in World War I, reaching the rank of Major.” Charles Lindbergh, we are told, was just… the chief pilot on the mail route who did a little stunt in 1927, which "aroused worldwide interest in aviation.” Silly to name the airport after him.
There was, however, another airport named after Charles Lindbergh in San Diego, CA whose name was changed. As a Jewish World article titled "Originally Named for Charles Lindbergh, Airport Downplays Connection with the Nazi Sympathizer” inform us, originally the naming had been done due to the fact that Charles Lindbergh "spent a lot of time in town overseeing the construction of his airplane, “The Spirit of St. Louis.” No other reason… So, just because he tinkered there on his airplane we honor the man guilty of such unforgivable anti-semitic sins as this:
"The Jewish races… for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in this war,” he declared during an America First speech in Des Moines, Iowa, on Sept. 11, 1941. “We cannot blame them for looking out for what they believe to be in their own interests, but we must also look out for ours. We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction.” Commented historian Fleming: “Other peoples? Charles was saying that Jewish people living in this country were not Americans, but others—a group living within the United States with no allegiance to the nation.”
So Lindbergh’s name was taken out in 2003, as were the sculptures honoring him, but the work of erasing his memory continues:
“...the airport’s records and information management office told me that since the time the name was changed, “We have been working diligently to educate the public about the name change, and while we see the name ‘Lindbergh Field’ pop up from time to time, it has become less common … While most of our stakeholders and audiences now use the correct name, we continue to work with the media and the community to make them aware of the change. You might be interested to know that it is the daily responsibility of one of the Public Information Officers to monitor new stories for the ‘Lindbergh Field’ name and personally contact each and every journalist who uses the incorrect name.”
Sayanim, be sure to immediately inform the Public Information Officers if anyone uses the “incorrect name”...
Who would oppose this? Meh… just “aviation enthusiasts” maybe:
"Administrators of the San Diego International Airport knew that “canceling” the legacy of Charles Lindbergh would stir up resentment among aviation enthusiasts who believe his place in history must be preserved no matter what his political and racial views were.
The San Diego Unified School District, in contrast, was less circumspect about de-honoring Lindbergh. It voted in 2021 to rename an elementary school that was co-named for Charles Lindbergh and Albert Schweitzer. The replacement name was Clairemont Canyons Academy. If that is the case, one wonders why a service road at the airport has retained the name “Lindbergh Field Way.”
So, a service road still retains the name that must be erased from American national consciousness? Ah, a sayan's work is never done.
They have their yeys on airports because airports are the visible gateways for air traffic within as well as in and out of a country. Their names are plastered everywhere.
Many years ago a Swedish friend told me about the efforts to change the name of Stockholm’s international airport — Arlanda— to Raoul Wallenberg, against which my friend was collecting signatures. At the time this story was never featured in any American MSM. I finally found it only on a Swedish radio site:
It said:
"A group of politicians and cultural profiles in Sweden are suggesting that the country's main airport, Arlanda airport outside Stockholm, be renamed to honour World War Two hero Raoul Wallenberg.
Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat who worked at the embassy in Hungarian capital Budapest during the war, saved tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust by giving them Swedish passports, offering them protection from the Nazis. According to the signatories, writing in newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Wednesday, Raoul Wallenberg is probably the Swede who did most for humanity during the 20th century.
They also say that naming Sweden's largest airport after Raoul Wallenberg would be an important signal against anti-semitism and racism in Sweden and abroad, in a time when xenophobia is gaining ground.”
Nevertheless, they did not succeed, because the opposition was not just from “aviation enthusiasts” but from large numbers of patriotic Swedes. After all the years that passed maybe they’ll try again, this time proposing to call it the Barbara Lerner Spector Airport in recognition of her efforts to make Sweden less Swedish...
LOL, "a sayan's work is never done." Great comment, ariadna. I have to admit I wouldn't have been able to define "sayanim," but you are right: they play a very important part in our subjugation. It reminds me of a time I was on Amtrak heading toward Miami. Somewhere around Randy Fine's district, four Jewish women got on plus one's daughter. They sat right behind me and shared a single bag of Peanut M&Ms: "So delicious. Don't waste even one," one of them said. Anyway, they were returning to DelRay Beach or some place after spending the morning at a protest. They were in their 50s or 60s. What a good way to spend a day. Gentile women that age are much less likely to be politically active, and among the politically active, less likely to be confrontational. I've gotten so it actually irritates me when I hear someone say something like "I'm not interested in politics."
Thanks for the correction on Lambert Field. Not sure how I connected Lindbergh to the St Louis airport. Probably something to do with the name of his airplane.
Good reasons why you would associate it with St Louis:
"named the "Spirit of St. Louis" in honor of Lindbergh's supporters from the St. Louis Raquette Club in his then hometown of St. Louis, Missouri.”
(Hmmm... those supporters in the St. Louis Raquette Club were most likely anti-asemites too.)
Lindbergh's 1953 Pulitzer Prize winning book The Spirit of St. Louis.
He received many official honors for his achievements, which ca be excused in part by the fact that the Americans had not yet been educated properly about the dangers of anti-semitism…
If anyone still entertains any doubts that this man’s name must be erased from national memory, read this description of his plane that featured a symbol described as “Indian” by some sayan at wikipedia to avoid stirring up some anti-semites:
"A small, left-facing Indian-style swastika was painted on the inside of the original propeller spinner of the Spirit of St. Louis along with the names of all the Ryan Aircraft employees who designed and built it. It was meant as a message of good luck prior to Lindbergh's solo Atlantic crossing as the symbol was often used as a popular good luck charm with early aviators and others."
Aha! The road past the airport (US 67) is Lindbergh Blvd.
I suggest a name change also: let's say "aviation enthusiast" instead of "anti-semite."
And Lindbergh Blvd. is not just some road which skirts the international airport (which it does.) It's a major North-South thoroughfare in the city. Three different interstate freeways ( 64, 70, 270 ) exit off onto Lindbergh Blvd.
We should have kept quiet. Now we've probably stirred up the sayanim and it will soon be renamed Dr. Seuss Way.
Council Grove is a lovely town. A thought provoking article.
Excellent work. Really enjoyed it.
Can I ask you why you refer to the Jewish people as Judah? They have nothing to do with Judah, the tribe or nation. That’s probably the biggest myth perpetuated by them! The term Judah should be reserved for Gods royal line.
Maybe you should just think of it as spelled "Jew, duh!
Thank you.
I used "Judah" because that was the term the ADL used: the Holy War for Judah.
It’s actually a good question bc there often is a difference but not always. Many Jews are blood Judah and many are not.
good work
In my experience "Jewish projection" is a real thing, so when I see something like what you describe, I ask myself how would a Jew respond to something similar, but involving gentiles. Using that method, I would say it is a militia training facility
Hmmm, maybe that will be a convenient internment area once the mass arrests begin :)
So you aren't the only one wondering what's going on. It looks like Kauffmann thinks it may be a future internment facility, as well. Good work. Wish we had more like you. I wonder what the name of the organization is.