
I mentioned in an earlier comment on an earlier article that the pictures of various Palestinians honouring Aaron Bushnell (by holding up their phones with pics of Aaron on the screen, against the background of their devastated homeland) brought tears to my eyes.

I keep thinking about those pictures, honouring Aaron, along with this campaign to put up yard signs thanking Aaron for his sacrifice.

Palestinians are grateful to Aaron. Many Americans are grateful to him. People around the world in other countries are grateful to him.

When was the last time you heard a Jew thanking an American for billions of dollars of aid money the US sends to Israel every year?

When was the last time you heard a Jew thanking an American soldier for risking his life in one of the countless wars America has fought for Israel?

When was the last time you heard a Jew thanking any of the Allied forces of WWII for ending what they claim was the Holocaust?

I won't hold my breath waiting for my answer.

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I've mentioned my Ornamental friend, Steve, who first started digging me out of the gentile pit regarding Jews. I put this very thing to him: But they should be thanking us for what we did in WWII. His response (he was wise beyond his years) was that Jews don't look at it like that. To them, it was just another example of successfully duping us into doing their work for them. Nothing to be grateful for. I was wrong. He was right. They were right. I'm glad you aren't holding your breath!

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Thank you. I'll be proud to display the FREE yard sign.

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RemovedMar 8
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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Author

Lying about Craig making money off of Aaron Bushnell is disgusting.

Do you have anything to say about the BILLIONS of dollars Jews have made off the Holocaust, in the form of US taxpayer funded "AID" to Israel, "reparations" from German tax payers, etc.?

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Thanks, Anna. He probably missed the part about sending the yard signs for free.

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Your screen name fills me with despair.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Author

He should call himself "War ON the West."

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LOL, War As a Pest

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RemovedMar 9
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I live in a country that bombs little children who never did anything to us, that instigates and funds the genocide of Christians in Ukraine, that has stated my people are the greatest threat to the country my people built, that honors Diane Feinstein, John Mccain and George Floyd while incarcerating the J6 protesters and Julian Assange, that rewards the central bank predators with trillion dollar bailouts, while the men made homeless by those same predators are panhandling on the traffic medians in Phoenix. Am I a patriot? Fuck no. And it says a lot about your principles or power of discernment that you claim to love it.

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RemovedMar 9
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And yet you support genocide and are indifferent to human suffering. Those values are the opposite of what you claim to stand for.

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Mar 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

She's a clown, Craig. I give you credit for responding but I think you're wasting your breath on her, except to expose the idiocy.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 10Author

Thanks for pointing this out, serafino bueti.

I have to confess my head is spinning a bit. I went and looked at her substack and, judging by the titles of her own articles and notes, reads, etc. she is doing commendable work fighting the Leviathan we're all trying to strike.

And yet she posts completely nonsensical comments and attacks a truly upstanding man like Craig.

When I "meet" people like her on-line, I'm left wondering if she is truly loopy, or if she is some kind of AI bot that is malfunctioning. But you're right, we should not waste time or energy on her.

We've got much better things to do!

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Mar 10Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I had very similar thoughts about her/it's stack. Could be a bot gone haywire.

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RemovedMar 10·edited Mar 10
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"Virtue-signaling" is a painless and cost-free method of scoring cheap virtue points. Bushnell's sacrifice was anything but painless and cost-free. Stop denigrating what he did for us.

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Mar 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Quite the quintessential debut troll post. Are you sincerely upset at someone trying to spread a based message in a practical manner, one that can potentially bring disparate people together? Are you so lacking in friendliness at a common cause effort that you have to characterize it as disgusting opportunism? I'm appalled by your lack of manners, your moralistic chutzpah. Do you really think Craig's trying to make bucks off this? I suspect you can't be that insensitive to a fellow warrior. You must have a hidden agenda.

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