Jun 27·edited Jun 27Author

I always wondered why there weren't more Jewish Americans gloating about how they fought the Evil Nazees in WWII. Now I know.

Of course, they got right back out in front again even before the war was over, setting up the New World Order (Bretton Woods, IMF, World Bank, etc.).

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Jun 27Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

People are slowly waking up to this reality, but ever so slowly. It seems their power and control now exceeds our ability to stop them or to take back control of our governments. It's hard to be optimistic any more.

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I understand your sentiment completely, Joe, but I do think we will see the end of the madness in our lifetimes. Things may have to get even worse before they get better, but there are all kinds of signs out there that the awakening, slow though it may be, is picking up speed and will eventually spin up out of (((their))) control.

What makes me most optimistic is that there is no doubt in my mind anymore that they are transgressing not just Natural Laws, but Cosmic Laws. You can get away with that for a while... but not forever.

Like anyone else around here, I have my dog days when I think the world is just going down the toilet. But more and more, I feel grateful to be alive during this very period, because we are going to see some real shit going down. Hold on for the ride!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

"What makes me most optimistic is that there is no doubt in my mind anymore that they are transgressing not just Natural Laws, but Cosmic Laws."

Thank you Anna. Twenty years ago, I would have found this hard to believe. I didn't have the internet or a clue twenty years ago, but somehow, via a sloppy combination of honest curiosity, an intuitive sense of bullshit and flat out luck I stumbled upon some answers that seemed far fetched yet plausible. Things solidify over time, even for knuckleheads like me. A lot of WTF. moments. "How crazy can this get?"

Now, this comment about Cosmic Laws makes complete sense. Despair and optimism. I feel like there's a test in this.

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Jun 28Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I'm sure we've all had our "weird" moments in getting to where we're at. I almost hesitate to share this, but one that stands out for me is finding a few pages of "The Bible, The Supernatural and The Jews" by McCandish Phillips in a chain link fence near my apartment in 2018. I read a few paragraphs and did an internet search. Subsequently purchased the book.

I ran across this searching for "anti semitic" references to McCandish's book. This is cosmic insanity from my point of view:



“The outbreak of massive, irrational Anti-Semitism worldwide is a supernatural event orchestrated by Satan. He hates the Jewish people passionately because they are God’s Chosen People through whom God gave the Scriptures and the Messiah, Jesus. Satan also despises God’s promise to bring a great remnant of the Jews to salvation through faith in Jesus (Isaiah 10:21-22, Zechariah 12:10, and Romans 9:27).

Satan’s determination to annihilate the Jews is what the Holocaust was all about. It is the reason he will motivate the Antichrist to focus the second half of the Tribulation on picking up where Hitler left off in ridding the world of the Jewish people. But Satan will not succeed.”


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On top of its cosmic insanity, it also discredits big "R" Religion

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Also, I wanted to take special note of this sentence:

"...finding a few pages of "The Bible, The Supernatural and The Jews" by McCandish Phillips in a chain link fence near my apartment in 2018..."

This kind of samizdat effort works, as you exemplify. And anyone can do it.

If you are in high school, for example, make a copy of this article, https://craignelsen.substack.com/p/stupidheads and, during your mandatory Holocaust education class, pull the fire alarm and when everyone is out of the room, leave it on your teacher's desk. (jk about the fire alarm).

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Craig, I wish I had gone to your high school.

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Jun 28Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Clearly you're an optimist; the world needs optimists. Sadly, from what I've read and seen over the past several years, optimism isn't in my wheelhouse, so to speak.

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Years ago, I read a comment on some site by a guy who said, "Sometimes I wake up in the morning, and just sit there on the edge of my bed, shaking my head at how fucked we are." That was a powerful image expressing a deep and honest emotion and it stuck with me.

And, like Anna said, we've all been there.

But as long as our people can produce that guy, and an Anna, and an Aaron Bushnell, and a Julian Assange, then we needn't collapse in despair. There is still the spirit of resistance among us. And resist, we must, even if it triggers our own genocide, because the current state of slavery, of being the tool through which the Jews slaughter and destroy and terrorize the innocent, is unacceptable.

Better to suffer annihilation than to be the means of the destruction of the best of our race--the Germans, the Russians, the aristocracy--and complicit in crimes like using atomic weapons on Japanese civilians, slaughtering fleeing Iraqis on the Highway of Death, starving millions of Germans and German POWs to death long after Germany surrendered, providing the bombs to bury innocent civilians alive in the rubble of their own homes in Gaza, orchestrating the genocide of Ukrainian Christians, and so much more. We have to resist. Hopeless or not.

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Jun 28Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I can relate, too, Joe. When you see how utterly infiltrated and rigged everything is it's mind boggling, but they've been at this for centuries, but look how much we've learned in just the last few years about this. It will take a much briefer time to rid ourselves of them and their influence than it has taken them to get to this point. I am grateful to be here now to see how the secrets are being dragged out into the light and to realize how much we've been misled, misinformed, and outright lied to. I, too, even 8 years ago would never have ever thought I'd be on the other side of things this way. But it's SO refreshing!

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Jun 27Liked by Anna Cordelia

I read this recently: Never again? Well, maybe one more time.

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