Interesting to re-read this article a year and half on.

When I first read it in May of 2023, I was struck by how our education system continues to indoctrinate the current crop of school students with the standard "Holocaust" narrative. (I was reminded of watching the film version of Elie Wiesel's "Night" in our school library.)

Reading the article now, what resonated with me most strongly was the beautiful picture of St. Louis Union Station.

I'm over all the judaic BS (important as it is to continue talking about it), and my attention is far more captured by the incredible architecture and achievements of my race. It's a good place to be.

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The truth about the Jews and Judaism is hands down, the most difficult, the most dangerous Red Pill, any Gentile can ever swallow.

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And if you haven't swallowed that one, you haven't swallowed any, really. That's how Christian Zionists are led like sheep to slaughter.

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First girl I was ever in love at 16 with was Jewish... I'm now 65, and thus have been aware of "The Jewish Question" for almost 50 years. For most of that time, I've done my level best to believe they were just human beings, same as the rest of us.. and I'm sure a lot of them think that about themselves too, but... No, they're not: The events since October 7, 2023 have finally caused the scales to fall from my eyes. I've seen entirely too many photographs and videos of emaciated, hideously mutilated and dead Palestinian children to deceive myself any further... And for anyone who thinks "Antisemitism" is a purely Christian phenomenon? First thing Mao did when he gained control of China? Expelled the Jews.

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Yes, it's like having your frontal cortex involuntarily delaminated without sedative. Say, Cap'n, just for fun...how Jewish would you say this is? On a scale of maybe 1 to 10?

It's Ok (4:41)


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I don't care to speculate; on the other hand reading the Torah inclines one to believe they're capable of anything... I have to add, that was about the most nauseating 4:39 I've ever experienced. But I will ask you in turn Neo: How could the people who did this go on living, never mind sleep at night?

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Feb 2Edited

You obviously do not understand psychopathy...and neither do I. We're decent and sane Goyim after all. But I'm starting to getting a glimmer.

Try listening to this attentively:

Deposition of Stanley Plotkin by Aaron Siri (excerpts)


And then look under this rock, under "Early Life"


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The study of Human Evil is a bit of a hobby of mine, but in the end, you're right.. their motivation in the end is incomprehensible and unintelligible... Tolkien really, came as close as anyone, but M. Scott Peck and Hervey Cleckley both gave it The Old Dutch Try in "People of the Lie" and "The Mask of Sanity" respectively.. 🤔

BTW one of the most useful books you will ever read is "The Trickster and the Paranormal" by George Hanson. It's dense, it's scholarly, took me three tries to get through it all.

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Thanks for the recommendations. I will endeavour to track them down.

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Dear Craig:

November 2023 I found an article by one Dov Fischer: "Why I Am Not Moved by Gazan Deaths / ‘Dresden’ them until Hamas releases the hostages and surrenders." (https://spectator.org/dresden-why-i-am-not-moved-by-gazan-deaths/)...

December 2023 I read an article posted by James Howard Kunstler: "What Just Happened?" https://www.kunstler.com/p/what-just-happened which resulted in a heated email exchange with him. Long and short is, he APPROVES of the genocide going on in Occupied Palestine! According to him, because of the putative holocaust in Europe getting on for nearly a century ago, it's perfectly fine for Israel to rape and slaughter the Palestinians any way they see fit!

I did some digging around and discovered this attitude seems to be quite common amongst The Chosen; thus I emailed a friend this epiphany:

"Because the Nazis purportedly murdered 6 million Jews nearly a century ago (I now have grave doubts about this story incidentally), it is perfectly alright for them not only to have genocided the inhabitants of Occupied Palestine since 1948 but also in the here-and-now... None of whom had anything to do with what allegedly happened in Germany...

And that is how they regard all of humanity."

Recently I posted “Omnes Optant Mundum Regere” - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/everybody-wants-to-rule-the-world, comparing contemporary Israel unfavorably to Ancient Rome which resulted in a heated exchange in the comments with one Rabbi Chananya Wiesmann... I followed that with "For Fear of the Jews" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/for-fear-of-the-jews ... the mindset of The Chosen, is nothing short of mind-numbing: No matter what they do, what vile act they perpetrate, they remain pure and blameless as the morning dew... More and more, Gildor Inglorion's warning to Frodo strikes directly home:

"Is it not enough to know that they are servants of the enemy? Flee them! Speak no words to them! They are deadly. Ask no more of me!"

I'll leave you with this last link: "Ever the Victim" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/ever-the-victim.

I'll shortly be reposting "The King and the Duke Play Rivertown".

PS One last thought.. "The Holocaust" is a fraud so flimsy and risible it will not withstand the scrutiny of maybe 90 minutes causal reading (viz: "American Pravda: Holocaust Denial" https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/), as demonstrated by the fact you risk imprisonment in 20 different countries if you publicly state "I don't believe this story" ... 🙄 You can say it in America I know. But in America if you say it, you risk the ADL suing you into oblivion.


Capt. Roy Harkness

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Lovely station. historical perspective is important.

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Talmudic Mind Sorcery is unrelenting in its efforts to crank out conscriptees to the cause of supremacist genocide. It functions through flood-the-zone trauma programming.

Here is something I think you would...enjoy(?)...if that's the right word, Craig.

"Germany Must Perish" by Theodore N. Kaufman - The Germanic Holocaust | Ernst Zündel (1939 -2017)


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How many Germans died of exposure, starved to death in the brutal years 1945 - 1948? Why is history so curiously mute on this score?

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It wouldn't serve the prevailing "rules-based order" wherein you are guilty of "hate-thought" if you're not down with brazen genocide and blatant immiseration. War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery and all that shit.

I find the saga of Ersnt Zundel fascinating, intriguing, inspiring and a prelude to what ended up happening in the Covid era viz a viz censorship, free speech and the inversion of sanity.

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The Covid Fraudemic. 😱 Not an experience I'd care to repeat. But it's likely nothing compared to what the bastards have in store for us next. 💣🕳

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Yes, thank you, I'm familiar. It received respectful views in both the NYT and WaPo. Vile.

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Your picture of the interior of Union Station in St. Louis is stunning and much appreciated.

We have a similar, smaller one in South Bend, Indiana. It's one of the more architecturally appealing buildings in the city, a beauty itself. I was driving a buddy around town, bullshitting and taking it in when he made a remark about the building's appeal. I told him that Union Station is now closed to the public and that we should go check out the "new" Amtrak station located on the edge of town.

I drove a few miles through the blighted west side of town to a poorly maintained, one story, garish blue cinder block chunk of ugliness. Reminiscent of a concession stand with florescent lights, a place that induces nausea at first glance. So it goes.

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Feb 2
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Well, I'll say this about St Louis: it took r/stlouis much longer to permanently ban me LOL

I seem to be unable to speak falsely concerning Jews. Therefore,I am unable to speak about Jews. Therefore, there is no subject on which it is more important to speak.

I like St Louis and I like Kansas City. They are very different cities. St Louis is Baltimore. Kansas City is Cleveland. (Omaha is Toledo)

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So St. Louis is a corrupt, crime-ridden shit hole run by incompetent minorities too?

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That's one way of looking at it I guess. But then, that's how the US looks to much of the world. I still like it.

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I still like Baltimore, just a bit bitter about what it's become. The Inner Harbor used to be a beautiful place to take a date on a nice summer night; now youths in dirt bike hordes roam the streets and take over intersections. I will say that I'm glad that many of the older buildings with elaborate architecture have found new life as condos. The St. Louis train station looks beautiful. How bad is the neighborhood around it? Penn Station in Baltimore is a cool building perennially under renovation but has this hideous thing out front:


I'm surprised Auschwitz didn't appear here TBH. Then again schools were remote here for a couple years.

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Ah, yes, that repellent statue out front. It has long been my personal bete noire. I wrote this about it in 2017


With photo

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That article is gold. Everyone makes fun of the statue.

At least you have good BBQ although Pit Beef is a nice consolation prize for me.

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Sounds like just about everywhere in North America...

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