Germany has been saddled with its own “Stockholm Syndrome” ever since the summation of the Second World War.
There are some brave Germans who have gone against the “official narrative” of WW2 with Germany seen as being on “the wrong side of history” and as such are (still) considered to be “the bad guys”, but they are either too few or afraid of being “outed” as “holocaust™ deniers”, subject to severe punishment, and yes, Nazis (which is unfairly still a pejorative term in Germany and in much of the rest of the civilized world).
This is especially bolstered by the (in)famous “jewish holocaust™” which was created by the Allies in order to keep Germany permanently demonized.
In fact, it was Russian jews who “rebuilt” Auschwitz after the war in its own propagandistic way, creating and amplifying engineering errors that the Germans would have never done.
From non-sealed “gas chambers” with wooden doors that “swing the wrong way” to no means for inserting and ventilating the poison gases, using a delousing agent as an ineffective “poison gas”, anyone with an engineering background can easily poke holes in all of the claims made by holocaust™ promoters.
Let’s not forget that jewish “holocaustianity™” has been deemed to be a state religion in many countries from which no deviation of belief is permitted.
Prosecution, fines and imprisonment await those who seek the truth about this false, contrived event in history.
Even Canada has criminalized any criticism of this “event”.
Recently, Florida Governor DeSantis traveled to israel where he signed legislation to outlaw and prosecute (certain) “hate speech”. He signed this legislation while in israel and made it known that it was to outlaw criticism of the “holocaust™”. Now, who does DeSantis work for?
It is only a matter of time before “holocaustianity™” becomes the “official state religion” here in the USA.
If the “holocaust™” is based on “truth” why not encourage a full impartial investigation into this “event”? What are “holocaust™” promoters afraid of?
Jews have always been excellent propaganda agents, tugging at heartstrings by always showing jews as being “downtrodden” victims and always being marginalized and victimized. This is a “feature” and not a “bug” as it has been successful in keeping the holocaust™ fable alive to the present day.
Jewish “holocaust™ museums” (actually jewish freak shows) display piles of shoes, glasses, clothing, and other piles of “who knows what” in order to claim that 6,000,000 jews were “gassed out of existence”.
These jewish freaks shows get massive amounts of taxpayer-funded dollars despite being totally out of place in American society. Schoolchildren are brainwashed and propagandized in these freak shows, which is actually child abuse.
Florida Governor DeSantis mandated that ALL Florida school children will visit these “holocaust™ museums” (jewish freak shows) under penalty of law. Gotta keep the fraud alive.
It could be safely argued that even Americans have been unwitting victims of “Stockholm Syndrome” especially when it comes to “all things holocaust™”.
It is long overdue to conduct a full, impartial, honest of all holocaust™ claims and to “let the chips fall where they may” and finally expose it as the fraud that it is.
This is the only way out of the Stockholm Syndrome for Germany, the USA and the rest of the world.
Ron Unz has a 17,600 word article called "Holocaust Denial," on his website, The Unz Review, which has drawn, since he published it in 2018, 2,327 comments (exactly 2,327 times as many comments as my whole substack has drawn--thank you for being the first ever, btw).
provides jail time for "antisemitic text," which is surely a significant step toward the claim Unz makes in his article that the goal is to make it illegal in the United States to express any but full fidelity to the Holocaust claims--i.e., the total neutering of our right to freely express our own political opinions and the complete destruction of our basic human right to determine for ourselves what is and isn't true.
But Unz ends on this hopeful note: "Until thirty years ago, Communist rule over the USSR and its Warsaw Pact allies seemed absolutely permanent and unshakeable, but the roots of that belief had totally rotted away, leaving behind nothing more than a hollow facade. Then one day, a gust of wind came along, and the entire gigantic structure collapsed. I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that same fate, perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having maintained it."
I just hope we don't have to endure what the Russians did to get to that point.
That is brilliant what you did with your poster graphic and the pamphlets you gave out to the interested students. Planting seeds is the way to go on this one.
Not sure where we saw this, but the other day my husband was reading a post by a teacher who was complaining about the (grade 8?) students in her classroom making fun of her holocaust lesson. The kids were saying "upsetting" things like "Hitler was a great guy!" If I come across the link, I'll post it for you.
I can't understand the graph at all and I'm a pretty smart adult w/ a decent college education. The photo collage representing the KC Union Station seems like good satire. That I get, tho the repeated reflection of rivertown in the foreground doesn't make much cognitive sense. The bottom photo of the St Louis Union Station is as mentioned - a grand architectural beauty and a legacy to be proud of.
Germany has been saddled with its own “Stockholm Syndrome” ever since the summation of the Second World War.
There are some brave Germans who have gone against the “official narrative” of WW2 with Germany seen as being on “the wrong side of history” and as such are (still) considered to be “the bad guys”, but they are either too few or afraid of being “outed” as “holocaust™ deniers”, subject to severe punishment, and yes, Nazis (which is unfairly still a pejorative term in Germany and in much of the rest of the civilized world).
This is especially bolstered by the (in)famous “jewish holocaust™” which was created by the Allies in order to keep Germany permanently demonized.
In fact, it was Russian jews who “rebuilt” Auschwitz after the war in its own propagandistic way, creating and amplifying engineering errors that the Germans would have never done.
From non-sealed “gas chambers” with wooden doors that “swing the wrong way” to no means for inserting and ventilating the poison gases, using a delousing agent as an ineffective “poison gas”, anyone with an engineering background can easily poke holes in all of the claims made by holocaust™ promoters.
Let’s not forget that jewish “holocaustianity™” has been deemed to be a state religion in many countries from which no deviation of belief is permitted.
Prosecution, fines and imprisonment await those who seek the truth about this false, contrived event in history.
Even Canada has criminalized any criticism of this “event”.
Recently, Florida Governor DeSantis traveled to israel where he signed legislation to outlaw and prosecute (certain) “hate speech”. He signed this legislation while in israel and made it known that it was to outlaw criticism of the “holocaust™”. Now, who does DeSantis work for?
It is only a matter of time before “holocaustianity™” becomes the “official state religion” here in the USA.
If the “holocaust™” is based on “truth” why not encourage a full impartial investigation into this “event”? What are “holocaust™” promoters afraid of?
Jews have always been excellent propaganda agents, tugging at heartstrings by always showing jews as being “downtrodden” victims and always being marginalized and victimized. This is a “feature” and not a “bug” as it has been successful in keeping the holocaust™ fable alive to the present day.
Jewish “holocaust™ museums” (actually jewish freak shows) display piles of shoes, glasses, clothing, and other piles of “who knows what” in order to claim that 6,000,000 jews were “gassed out of existence”.
These jewish freaks shows get massive amounts of taxpayer-funded dollars despite being totally out of place in American society. Schoolchildren are brainwashed and propagandized in these freak shows, which is actually child abuse.
Florida Governor DeSantis mandated that ALL Florida school children will visit these “holocaust™ museums” (jewish freak shows) under penalty of law. Gotta keep the fraud alive.
It could be safely argued that even Americans have been unwitting victims of “Stockholm Syndrome” especially when it comes to “all things holocaust™”.
It is long overdue to conduct a full, impartial, honest of all holocaust™ claims and to “let the chips fall where they may” and finally expose it as the fraud that it is.
This is the only way out of the Stockholm Syndrome for Germany, the USA and the rest of the world.
Ron Unz has a 17,600 word article called "Holocaust Denial," on his website, The Unz Review, which has drawn, since he published it in 2018, 2,327 comments (exactly 2,327 times as many comments as my whole substack has drawn--thank you for being the first ever, btw).
The new law in Florida I wrote about here
provides jail time for "antisemitic text," which is surely a significant step toward the claim Unz makes in his article that the goal is to make it illegal in the United States to express any but full fidelity to the Holocaust claims--i.e., the total neutering of our right to freely express our own political opinions and the complete destruction of our basic human right to determine for ourselves what is and isn't true.
But Unz ends on this hopeful note: "Until thirty years ago, Communist rule over the USSR and its Warsaw Pact allies seemed absolutely permanent and unshakeable, but the roots of that belief had totally rotted away, leaving behind nothing more than a hollow facade. Then one day, a gust of wind came along, and the entire gigantic structure collapsed. I wouldn’t be surprised if our current Holocaust narrative eventually suffers that same fate, perhaps with unfortunate consequences for those too closely associated with having maintained it."
I just hope we don't have to endure what the Russians did to get to that point.
Here's the Unz article:
That is brilliant what you did with your poster graphic and the pamphlets you gave out to the interested students. Planting seeds is the way to go on this one.
Not sure where we saw this, but the other day my husband was reading a post by a teacher who was complaining about the (grade 8?) students in her classroom making fun of her holocaust lesson. The kids were saying "upsetting" things like "Hitler was a great guy!" If I come across the link, I'll post it for you.
I can't understand the graph at all and I'm a pretty smart adult w/ a decent college education. The photo collage representing the KC Union Station seems like good satire. That I get, tho the repeated reflection of rivertown in the foreground doesn't make much cognitive sense. The bottom photo of the St Louis Union Station is as mentioned - a grand architectural beauty and a legacy to be proud of.