
I used to be one of those people who thought fighting "racism" was an honourable thing. I know now that being "against racism" was just a way to earn easy brownie points (no pun intended).

I have since recognized that standing up for White people - even in the face of opposition from other Whites! - is what really requires courage and strength of character.

No one will respect you until you respect yourself. No one is going to respect White people until we learn to respect ourselves again.

Thank you, Craig, for another stunning essay. Total Bullseye.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 15Author

This is somewhat off-topic, but it ties back into our theme of the never-ending after-shocks of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution over a hundred years ago in Russia.

This article, written by Israel Shamir, appeared at unz.com a couple of days ago:


The article details how a new version of Jewish predator went about destroying Russia once again after communism was finally overturned in the early 1990s:

"...[leader of the Russian pro-Western opposition, the runaway ex-oligarch Michael Chodorkovsky [Mikhail Khodorkovsky]]... was one of the Dirty Seven [semiboyarshina] oligarchs who seized control of Russia during Yeltsin’s feeble rule. They all were more or less Jewish, and their solidarity and destructiveness could only compete with their ruthlessness and greed. Many of my friends consider Zionists to be apex predators, while Jews are cute and furry prey. They are mistaken – these seven Russian oligarchs were not Zionists, they were just Jews out to destroy everything in their way. These seven men practically destroyed millennium-old Russia. They pauperised its people, reduced its industry to ashes, they sold the factories for scrap; they stole all private bank holdings...

...Like locusts attacking a tree, each Jewish oligarch took over a different branch...Mr Chodorkovsky took over all of Russia’s oil and gas. ...

... [wait for it]...

... Now, in a recent interview, Mr Ch revealed to a young reporter that the real owner of Lukoil was the late Lord Rothschild..."

It seems like no matter how much you know about how evil these greedy Jews can be, there is just no bottom to be found.

Don't forget to come up for air once in a while!!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

excellent essay.

there is a companion piece on https://aurelien2022.substack.com/p/the-modern-world-is-boring

Aurelien describes the values that used to exist in our society and bemoans their loss. Its an excellent piece. But, like so many, he is completely mystified as to how this change in our culture could have happened. So I took the liberty of mentioning your essay.

"Our schools work the same way. The teachers are organised, inducted, pressured, persuaded.... to brainwash the kids with a specific set of messages. Messaging aimed exactly at destroying those values Aurelien bemoans the loss of. Craig Nelson has just written an excellent essay where he shows precisely how this cultural change is pushed into society. And who does it.


Its an agenda. Its organised. Its culture war.

And our culture was replaced when we lost the war."

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I think we definitely lost a round of this war during my generation. (I'm in my 50s). But there's still something in our DNA that refuses to completely die... I recently saw a short video of a young white boy, maybe 10 or 11, taking a pride flag from a tranny in a pride parade... and then throwing it on the ground and stomping on it. Kids like that give me hope.

The irony is that they are pushing their agenda so hard right now that is almost impossible for there not to be a major backlash. Bring it on!!

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Jun 13Liked by Anna Cordelia

Excellent as usual.

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Jun 13Liked by Anna Cordelia

Wow. No wonder people are so stupid.

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I would love people to know that fatness is unhealthy. And only healthy animals can reach other levels of Balance!

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