Mar 21Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

That is absolutely disgusting. They're just following the earlier dictate about not giving "terrorists" any publicity, which in their minds is what this is, an act of terrorism, anti-Semitic terrorism! The ADL's control of our whole freaking culture is unbelievable. I just posted about how a publisher I know is putting out 3 books (so far) for school kids on Jews and the Holocaust, and how my state senator has gotten a bill passed to mandate teaching the Holocaust and support for Israel. It's nauseating.

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You're right, it's an abomination that they continue to force-feed the Holocaust narrative in our publicly-funded schools, but I think they might finally be over-playing their hand.

There's not a lot of awareness out there in any generation, but I keep seeing surprising indications that the latest generation is not only less interested in the Holocaust, but starting to question it too. I hold out hope, anyhow!

I'm actually a little surprised at my own reaction to reading Melgounov's The Red Terror in Russia in this regard. Craig told me he thought anyone who read the book would have a really hard time looking at various influential Jewish characters (as I recall he was talking about people like the ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt) the same way afterwards. I thought he was talking about people who were less "in the know" than I... but I have been finding myself having exactly the visceral reaction Craig predicted.

I suppose my new-found disgust is also bolstered by the genocide going on in Gaza. I'm starting to think of the Jews as a people completely possessed. They can't seem to help themselves - they're still crying victim even as children have to have limbs amputated without anaesthetic.

You just can't make this shit up.

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Yes, the most cogent evidence to me is how organized and coordinated the response to criticism of the Gaza massacre has been and how immediate; like I say, that publisher publishes current events books for school libraries and is guided by the American Library Ass'n, which is very "woke" but must also be beholden to the Jewish-controlled media because 3 books in one season on the Jews and Holocaust topics just since October (and there may be more for all I know); it's just like everyone from NBA and NFL players and movie stars to Nancy Pelosi and Upchuck Schumer taking a knee after George Floyd and the worldwide shutdowns when Covid was announced. It's all too fast and coordinated not to be directed by a central power. As Voltaire is credited with saying, "If you want to know who rules you, find out who it is you cannot criticize (sorry, I had to paraphrase, but you get it)"

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Mar 21Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Excellent observation. The gang that run society are hiding something of importance ,Not allowing her name to be spoken speaks of fear.

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Mar 21Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

It also speaks of superb organizational skills. They control the spice...

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