
Thank you, Craig, for reminding me that resisting cynicism matters - no matter what.

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Apr 28Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I have noticed how frightened the Zionist gang are of these campus protests. As a Canadian spending time in cuba last winter I called out the uniparty and the puppets that dance for their masters.

A woman became very upset and intoduced her MP husband to me and asked me to apoligize to him as he was a hard working person .

I asked him which of the partys he represented and he told me that he was an Independent now that he had quit the ruling Liberals.

As we talked he surprised me by telling me about the amount of anti-semitism that we have in Toronto. I was shocked as I haven't seen or encountered blatent anti-semitism in decades. He told me that Jewish businesses were being threatened by Arabs.

I now realize just how much of a strangle hold that the Jewish media has over all of the elected representives in both the United States and Canada.. Seeing the Americans with their Ukie flags and the Canadians giving a standing ovation to a former SS Nazi in parliment showed me just how bought they all are by money. . No difference in either party in each country.

One day I may apoligise to a elected official when I find one who is not bought and paid for.

Soros being the oldest Jewish Nazi now that Kissinger is dead is totally trying to discredit these campus youth as they are calling for divesture of investments in Isreal. Nothing scares the Jewish community life attacking their money base.

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"He told me that Jewish businesses were being threatened by Arabs. "

Was the MP you spoke to Jewish? This sounds like ADL talking point hyperbole. Did he say in what way they were being threatened?

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no, he wasn't Jewish and gave no example. He was just repeating talking points . I wouldn't doubt if ADL is behind this rhetoric.

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Right. Some 6th grader somewhere absentmindedly doodles a swastika on his notebook during English class and within hours the headlines are filled with "Surge in Nazi Activity Reported" and Representative Mike Lawler is pulling an all-nighter writing a bill to require mandatory Holocaust education camps for every sixth-grader in the country.

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Apr 29Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I'm not surprised about Soros, or any other scum bag(s) that are trying to infiltrate the student protests. As I see different clips of the various movements and campuses, which I totally support, it boggles my mind to see that so many of the protestors are masked. Why are they? To me, it makes them look foolish and sheepish. Maybe the answer is that the students are being advised by the infiltrators, for just that reason...make them look like idiots? Take away from their message.?

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That's one possibility. Also, I'm sure the lesson wasn't lost on them of what happened to the protesters at Harvard. Bill Ackerman,, a bully and a Jewish American whose first loyalty, clearly, is to Israel, began a blacklisting effort against any kid participating in the protest meant to destroy their career after graduation. So they may be trying to hide their identities.

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Apr 29Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Don't leave out that perv Dershowitz, the Epstein defender and chief Hahvahd antisemitism expert. He's been howling long and loud and I believe he was the one who came up with painting the scarlet letter on the protestors as soon as the protests began.

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May 1Liked by Craig Nelsen

You're right Craig, they're masking to try and avoid facial recognition tech that the Zios are using to doxx and destroy. I saw an interview of one of the protestors who mentioned it, which makes those who are protesting the genocide even more heroic, imo. They're risking a lot! Now Jonathan Ghoulblatt from the ADL is calling for banning masks on campus! Wait for it. Just like when he proclaimed ''We have a TikTok problem'' and a couple of days later Congresstraitors put forth the paperwork to ban TT. The Zios are desperate to shut this down, but they have many problems to do so. Among those problems are the large, and growing, numbers of Jewish students who are stepping up to say, ''not in our name'' and denouncing Zionism.

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I wonder whether the old distinction between Western Jews and Eastern Jews is anywhere in evidence in the Jewish response to the Israeli demons and their gleeful slaughtering of innocent Gazans.

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May 2Liked by Craig Nelsen

I really don't know enough about it to make a valid opinion on that. I always thought Jews were Jews, but as I've learned more, especially about the Zionist side of it, it appears to me that Zionists are largely fake Jews. Kinda like Christaian Zionists are fake Christians. That's about the extent of my biblical expertise. My eyes opened a couple of decades ago, when I learned of the USS Liberty attack that Israel perpetrated on June 8, 1967. I couldn't understand how, even though I was a teen at the time, I had never heard of that event. I totally understand now, put it that way. The worst of the worst have too much power.

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Apr 29Liked by Anna Cordelia

Yes, Ackman's a piece of Shapiro, too. No doubt all of the kids know all about Harvard, and I suppose that they could be trying to hide. I'd really like someone to ask them the question, though. Too bad it's so close to the end of the school term, as things are really getting heated up. It will be interesting to see if the momentum continues this summer.

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Someone gave me a beat-up old camper trailer I'm trying to fix up and make road-worthy. Think what an adventure it would be to spend the summer traveling the country, debating, networking, handing out Aaron Bushnell stickers, writing Odysseus Unsheathed from the road, reporting in real time, spreading truth--or, as Rabbi Fersko puts it, normalizing antisemitism. Keeping the momentum going by providing the history, etc.

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Apr 29Liked by Anna Cordelia

Wow, that sounds interesting. Be careful not to pull an easy rider!

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LOL, doesn't Dennis Hopper just ride off into the sunset? Or Peter Fonda? I can't remember what happens in that movie.

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Apr 30Liked by Craig Nelsen

I'm pretty sure they both get shot and killed by some rednecks who were anti-hippy.. I could be wrong. Either way, best always.

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RemovedApr 29
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Judaism is not a religion, it is a political program, the ultimate aim of which is the complete subjugation and/or extermination of every non-Jew on the planet. To the extent there is a moral code, it applies only to the treatment of fellow Jews. Anything is permissible when dealing with non-Jews as long as it benefits the tribe. There is no afterlife for the Jews, and no spiritual reward offered. All the rewards offered the Jews for "observing the statutes and judgments" of the priests are material: wealth, power, slaves, and slaughter. They will be "above" everyone else. They will be the master race if they obey the rabbis, and YHWH will transfer his curses from them to us gentiles, regardless of anything we've done or not done.

No religion commands murder and destruction of all other gods and peoples.

As for Islam's history, perhaps it is you who should educate yourself. All humans are the descendants of murderers and thieves, or they wouldn't be here. All humans live on land that was forcibly taken from someone else, many times over. For every atrocity Arabs have committed, they can point to one of ours. Familiarize yourself with the depredations of the Crusaders, for crying out loud. Overall, however, the human spirit seeks enlightenment.

With one glaring exception.

No real religion

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RemovedMay 3
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When my dog is riding in a car, he likes to bark. When I'm driving alone with him, I let him bark because I know he's just excited and that's his way of participating in the world. It's not his fault he is only capable of barking. However, when I have a passenger with me, I don't let him bark, because I won't make anyone else endure that loud, obnoxious, meaningless sound as the price for spending time with me.

Your posts here have a lot in common with the barking of a dog. I don't take your insults and name-calling personally any more than I take it personally when a dog barks at me as I pass. That's just what dogs do. They make loud obnoxious sounds that mean nothing to humans. However, you will not be the price my readers have to pay for spending time with us. You rudely barked at a commenter here. This is your only warning. Next time you are gone.

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RemovedMay 3
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May 3Liked by Craig Nelsen

"I'm also aware there is a bit of supremacy in Judaism..."

LOL - "a bit"?

Running cover for Beelzebub's chosen must be exhausting, War for the West. Or perhaps you are simply a sayanim? Unit 8200? Hasbara troll?

Regardless, to fully appreciate the chosenite's mindset, I prefer quoting them directly; to wit:

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own."

~ Maurice Samuel

After all, we are Amalek, no?

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RemovedMay 3
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May 3Liked by Craig Nelsen

LOL - cognitive dissonance is a real bitch, ain't it?

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I think you nailed it. I think War for the West is a Jew. Probably a teenager.

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RemovedMay 3·edited May 3
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I'd be happy to debate you, War for the West, and I have no need to hide my identity. I won't be able to do it this evening, however, but tomorrow evening could work.

What is the premise we'll be debating?

I'll argue this position: Comparing writs, the Gospel of St. Matthew is holier than Deuteronomy.

I won't debate the *reliability* of the holiness because I can't picture what that even means, unless reliability can be shown to be directly proportional to the quality and beauty of the music the respective writs inspire.

I also won't debate the subject of the Koran. I know very little about the Koran, which is why I never write about it. You are the one who keeps showing up here and, for some reason, rudely attacking me for my ignorance of the Koran despite the fact that the articles you are commenting on never have anything to do with the Koran. You would be less of a bore if you mixed things up a little. For example, my next article is about fear of the Jews. You could leave a comment on it calling me names and excoriating me for my ignorance of the Superbowl.

Here are a few of your statements I would be willing to debate:

-"And last time I checked, [Jews] aren't committing horrific acts of terrorism against the U.S. "

-"I'm also aware there is a bit of supremacy in Judaism" [a "bit?"]

-"Jews do not hide their scriptures and beliefs"

This one I would submit to a poll of the readers:

[] Craig is the Destiny of Substack.

[] Craig is the destiny of Substack.

I do question your sincerity however, Mr. West. You seem more interested in name-calling than gaining insight. Frankly, you come off as unhinged.

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