This is brilliant. The thought experiments at the beginning of the article are sheer genius.
I'm familiar with most of the information you are presenting, but you are organizing all of it into a much clearer picture.
I had never really thought about the difference between culture and race, and how the former can be used as a weapon to make us feel guilty about our natural racial affiliations.
Your willingness to share the personal aspects of your journey are also liberating. I too was once a libtard. It's great to be freed from those shackles.
Thank you for another great essay on this important topic.
So, the Jews' ethnocentrism is the reaction to the Holocaust, mother of all holocausts, of which they and the world finally became aware some 20 years after it happened?
OK…. But what caused the only permissible ethnocentrism, the Jewish one, to exist for many centuries, long before the Holocaust was officially announced in the 60s?
Racial and ethnic consciousness, even when present in Whites, is different from Jews’ consciousness of their ethno-religious identity in one interesting aspect: the Whites are not equipped with the kind of "geolocation sensors" which Jew seem to possess and use constantly. American Jews know are promptly informed that an anti-semitic graffiti appeared on a wall in Limoges. American and European Whites are not preoccupied about the atrocities visited upon the Whites in South Africa. No racial solidarity, no Whites Defense League, no “databases."
While Whites who are conscious of their racial and ethnic identity are aware of their “brethren” in their community, Jews by contrast keep themselves informed of the smallest events they think might not be “good for the Jews" living on other continents or that might influence the perception of the Holocaust myth among the populace of far-away countries. The speed with which they keep themselves informed of any such developments is amazing. Nowadays they do not rely on fast horses and homing pigeons (as Nathan Rothschild did at Waterloo); they maintain constantly updated databases of “anti-semitic incidents” worldwide.
Here is an example of Jewish geolocation sensors at work in a very distant, small country: Uruguay.
The Uruguayan MoD receives a delegation of Jewish community leaders who tell him they have information that in a provincial garrison an officer acquired a German shepherd pup whose name is Adolf. They lodge a complaint and demand that the dog be renamed. Sounds like a parody but it happened and the story was told by the MoD himself. Did the MoD say “You must be joking! You waste my time with frivolous complaints like that?” No, of course not.
He promised them redress and asked a subordinate to call the garrison and solve the problem. The subordinate reported back that it was not possible because the dog was a pure bread and as such had been registered under that name.
The MoD got mad because he didn't want the delegation to visit him again so he ordered his subordinate to do whatever was needed to change the dog’s name. The next thing the MoD relates in his diary is that the delegation of Jewish leaders came back to thank him for his prompt action. After they left he called his subordinate and just out of curiosity asked him what was the dog's new name. The man chuckled and said it was arranged that everybody should only call the dog Fito. Somehow the Jews did not realize that it was the abbreviation of the endearing diminutive Adolfito. Funny as the story may be, it is chilling to realize to what lengths the tribe’s paranoia can go to monitor us wherever we are.
This is brilliant. The thought experiments at the beginning of the article are sheer genius.
I'm familiar with most of the information you are presenting, but you are organizing all of it into a much clearer picture.
I had never really thought about the difference between culture and race, and how the former can be used as a weapon to make us feel guilty about our natural racial affiliations.
Your willingness to share the personal aspects of your journey are also liberating. I too was once a libtard. It's great to be freed from those shackles.
Thank you.
"Every time a gentile decries racism, somewhere a Jew is smiling."
Every time a subscriber to Unsheathed introduces a friend to it and tells him to subscribe, somewhere a supremacist Jew is bawling.
Thank you for another great essay on this important topic.
So, the Jews' ethnocentrism is the reaction to the Holocaust, mother of all holocausts, of which they and the world finally became aware some 20 years after it happened?
OK…. But what caused the only permissible ethnocentrism, the Jewish one, to exist for many centuries, long before the Holocaust was officially announced in the 60s?
Racial and ethnic consciousness, even when present in Whites, is different from Jews’ consciousness of their ethno-religious identity in one interesting aspect: the Whites are not equipped with the kind of "geolocation sensors" which Jew seem to possess and use constantly. American Jews know are promptly informed that an anti-semitic graffiti appeared on a wall in Limoges. American and European Whites are not preoccupied about the atrocities visited upon the Whites in South Africa. No racial solidarity, no Whites Defense League, no “databases."
While Whites who are conscious of their racial and ethnic identity are aware of their “brethren” in their community, Jews by contrast keep themselves informed of the smallest events they think might not be “good for the Jews" living on other continents or that might influence the perception of the Holocaust myth among the populace of far-away countries. The speed with which they keep themselves informed of any such developments is amazing. Nowadays they do not rely on fast horses and homing pigeons (as Nathan Rothschild did at Waterloo); they maintain constantly updated databases of “anti-semitic incidents” worldwide.
Here is an example of Jewish geolocation sensors at work in a very distant, small country: Uruguay.
The Uruguayan MoD receives a delegation of Jewish community leaders who tell him they have information that in a provincial garrison an officer acquired a German shepherd pup whose name is Adolf. They lodge a complaint and demand that the dog be renamed. Sounds like a parody but it happened and the story was told by the MoD himself. Did the MoD say “You must be joking! You waste my time with frivolous complaints like that?” No, of course not.
He promised them redress and asked a subordinate to call the garrison and solve the problem. The subordinate reported back that it was not possible because the dog was a pure bread and as such had been registered under that name.
The MoD got mad because he didn't want the delegation to visit him again so he ordered his subordinate to do whatever was needed to change the dog’s name. The next thing the MoD relates in his diary is that the delegation of Jewish leaders came back to thank him for his prompt action. After they left he called his subordinate and just out of curiosity asked him what was the dog's new name. The man chuckled and said it was arranged that everybody should only call the dog Fito. Somehow the Jews did not realize that it was the abbreviation of the endearing diminutive Adolfito. Funny as the story may be, it is chilling to realize to what lengths the tribe’s paranoia can go to monitor us wherever we are.
Jews are NOT White.
Jews are a separate people.
There is confusion with defintions and therefore understanding.
What is a race?
What is ethnicity?
What is a country?
What is a state?
What is a people?
What is a citizen?
Good topic to explore perhaps on your next post.
When Jews alledge antiSemitism which of the above (if any) do they refer to?
"The gang serves lies, the passionate
Man plays his part; the cold passion for truth
Hunts in no pack."
From "Be Angry at the Sun" by Robinson Jeffers, a poem I take some comfort in.