
"An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews." Joseph Sobran

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Sobran's great definition should be further developed by an ample definition of "a man who is hated by jews":

Anyone who is perceived as a threat to the power of Jewish interests by analyzing, debating or countering

-- the ideology of zionism,

-- the Holocaust myth

-- Israel's genocidal campaign against the native population of Muslim and Christian Palestinians,

-- the major tenets of judaism (Jewish supremacism),

-- the Jewish control of US finances, government, the media, education, entertainment, the role of Jewish power in globalist programs like anti-nationalist, anti-national sovereignty. anti-White, anti-Christian, pro-population replacement, pro- population reduction (anti-family, pro-abortion on demand, pro- LGBT+, pro-fertility reduction "therapies,"), pro-"climate change" Agenda 2030, pro-wars on behalf of Israel).

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Not to mention that Judaism is totally a "cargo-cult" religion (worshipping and awaiting the return of the Elohim (from wherever they came from originally).

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Is that true? I've never heard that. I guess, in a sense, Christianity would be, too.

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Yep, almost all religions today, especially those based on the bible, which if you read Italian linguist and ex-Vatican bible translator Mauro Biglino's Naked Bible, never uses the word "God" in the original language. It's all about "ancient aliens" who came down, took over a small group of people in the Levant and became their "god(s)" (always plural in the bible, too), with YHWH being the Hebrews' main one. Check out Clif High's videos or interviews on Bitchute and Rumble, he goes deep down that rabbit hole.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Liked by Anna Cordelia

Yeah, just went back to Clif High to refresh my memory. The guy is a complete bullshitter and a grifter. He definitely has guru status and a cult following. If he built a little compound, no doubt he’d attract a cadre of gullible women, and he’d be banging them in short order. But he’s a bit of a geezer now, and his sex drive is probably marginal. “The Woo”, 😂😂😂what a joke. But people love those buzzwords.

His take on the Bible is typical, just spouting any random bullshit that supports his theories, which he knows will fly with his cult following, as most of them never have actually read the Bible and never will. He can say pretty much anything and people will believe it.

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I've had a similar experience with Clif High. At first I thought he was quirky and interesting, but after a while it seems like he's just taking tiny bits of truth and atomizing it all into a useless spray of information.

I could never figure out what The Woo was supposed to mean. Maybe I'm just thick... or maybe I'm just not thick enough to like Clif.

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I know, I take Clif w/ salt but he's not the only one that says this; I named him because he did buy the whole set of the Babylonian Talmud to research; anyway you can check out Paul Wallis's YT videos w/ Mauro Biglino et al.

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The Talmud is not The Bible; it is the verbal vomit of The Synagogue of Satan.

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Isn’t Clif High the guy who is always making predictions that miss? I’ve lightly followed him over the years and never could take him seriously.

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"Thug culture is not warm and welcoming to white civilization."

Given the amount of anti-white venom our friends in Hollywood have been spewing for decades, it's a credit to blacks that relations between blacks and whites are as civil as they are.

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I bet whoever opened your email to IHRA shit-canned it by the 2nd paragraphed. Also, you didn't mention to them that Arabs (thus Palestinians) are also Semites, so the genocide in Gaza is hugely "antisemitic." (And on that note, it's been pointed out by several commentators that the Arabs are more Semitic than the Jews nowadays, as most Jews (and certainly most Israelis) are descendants of the Khazarians in what is now Ukraine (hmmm) known as Askenazi. So this whole story is BULLSHIT

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Yes, I'm sure by the second paragraph, if not sooner. Nevertheless, it removes the I-didn't-know defense. LOL

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For sure: it's now "on the record."

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I have used short parody videos to get my point across for decades. Yes, it is a lot of work. and frankly, I am not good enough, nor do I get the reach I want (Youtube has shuttered three channels and many videos over the years).

If interested, here is my latest parody sticking a finger in Netanyahu's eye:


And the one previous which is shaming the hypocrites over "climate change":


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I've just watched the first video. Did you write/perform that? Very well done.

Yeah, I've had a slew canceled, too. There was a reason we mourned the day Google purchased YouTube.


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I did not write the song lyrics, that is my long time collaborator DC Dave Martin. I did the "performing" (lol) and I make the videos. The video beforehand was simply my work and using an old version of "When The Levee Breaks" to snub the hypocrites that push climate change/oceans rising and them still buying ocean front property.

Because we use parody, I try to do my best, but I also try to do in as few takes as possible (so it feels more real).

You can see there are quite a few videos. Many I did write. A few I worked with others. But Dave has been my closest over the past decade. He has a knack for poetry.

I appreciate and thank you for your substack!


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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

If someone calls you an anti Semite, ask them what a Semite is. If they say anything other than "a fictional race of people who were given the right to enslave their own cousins by the drunken patriarch Noah", then tell them to go Google it or something because they don't know what they're talking about.

A Semite is racist by definition. So what is an anti Semite? And why are Semites and their allies so hellbent on asserting that people with white skin are racist by definition?

George Orwell knew that a twisted word is the deadliest weapon.

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It is my understanding that a "Semite" is a person who both speaks a Semitic language AND has a lineage tracing back to the Levant. This definition would of course exclude many if not a majority of "Jews" today.

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Good essay, and plain as day to see where it is going. However, just from an actual facts standpoint, how much of Ukraine and Gaza do we know to be true? How much of it is theater? We know the Main Stream News is full blown Orwell / 1984, so I just don’t completely trust the reports about “the war” in Ukraine or the “genocide” in Palestine. We just witnessed first hand how much theater was involved with Covid - anybody recall how they kicked it off? It was with Tom Hanks & his wife, self quarantining in OZ with his Corona typewriter. And then it was Madonna in her bathtub with her Corona Typewriter. Maybe the thing in Gaza is meant to provoke antisemitism, so that they can get these draconian laws passed. And draconian is the correct word, the root being Draco, the meaning which is dragon. This all emanates from the dragon cult (some would say bloodlines) as shown in the City of London with its dragon emblems and 14 dragon statues surrounding that sovereign territory. But I digress. Jan 6 was a similar bit of theater that gave us our recent domestic terrorism laws.

Here is an interesting deep dive on the occult side of things. His substack goes deep on the bloodlines stuff.


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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

Hey Windy Prophet, check out Karl Haemers and his recent confrontation w/ Joe Atwill re "ze efil Natzis". He dispels many of these myths you and your confreres are pedaling about the origins of NSDAP. There's a concerted effort from Christians to vilify Hitler and the National Socialists.

Why do they turn on the only org that actively fought and made headway against their mutual enemy - the Jewish Power Elite? Because Christians have inherited the spiritual arrogance of Jews. It's our way/one way or you're going to hell. Now granted there's still a difference: Jews won't be content until they've visited hell upon all non-Jews in the here and now. Christians are content to wait until the Second Coming.

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I am sorry for that last comment. It was mean. No excuse for it. Please accept my apologies.


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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Craig Nelsen

I accept your apology, Tom. To what do you attribute it?

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The conviction God placed on my heart, telling me that it was low and unnecessary.

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Long vid, but you’ll like this guy

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Ok, you're back. Guess you were licking your wounds over the holidays. Hey, we all get knocked down from time to time.

Watched almost 30 minutes. May watch some more. Do like it. It's certainly on the right track, tho a little shallow at times and too frenetically edited. Do Bruce Willis's quips add anything to our understanding of systematic Jewish misbehavior? (No) Does footage of the Molech float at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933 mean modern Jews worship a Satanic deity by ritualized baby killing? (Maybe, but begs a longer explanation)

I prefer focused deep dives into controversial subjects, but they're hard to come by on video. I also prefer civilized debate rather than superficial sermonizing. Doesn't mean I won't chat anyway. Just means we're resting.

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I was just getting bored. The thread was going to long.

Anyway, pretty sure this guy is a neo-Nazi like you. Watch it to the end and you’ll see.

He is definitely quirky and that takes some getting used to, but his mockery and weird humor is cathartic in a way. It was especially good through the whole Covid scam.

And I also would need more context on the moloch footage.

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I thought you reveled in long threads, exasperating others while remaining oblivious to the pursuit of logos.

Do you have a definition of neo-Nazi? Or are we just supposed to know you deplore them?

Came across a lengthy establishment Jewish article on the event which didn't mention the Molech/Moloch sequence at all. Then there's Henry Makow's, that I think you'll like. https://www.henrymakow.com/2022/10/1933-chicago---jews-sacrificed.html

I don't agree w/ his "blame the neighbors, the original Hebrews were pure and God fearing" point of view, but you might.

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Very interesting. Irons out some of the wrinkles in my theories that the Nazis where Zionists.

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Wow! That is an interesting article from Makow. To think that that actually took place is stunning. And of course in 1933. And July 3, in the evening, wound be July 4th at sundown for the Jews, the day when the star Sirius is in the house of Cancer on the 13th degree. The very reason the Declaration of Independence was signed on that day.

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Yes, I do, but it seems I wear even myself out. Interesting phrase, “pursuit of logos”; what do you mean by that?

Neo-Nazi definition - good question. I suppose there a spectrum, like any religious sect, from fanatics to moderates to liberals. I don’t know you, so I don’t know where you lay on the spectrum. Why don’t you tell me? But my general definition would be “someone who is interested in preserving the white race”.

I am certainly interested in segregation of races, and preservation of cultures. But I don’t object to mixed marriages. And I obviously don’t agree with the intentional destruction of the white race.

You seem to disagree with Christianity, but I’d like to know your perspective of “the greater picture”. And I’m not trying to get into a theological debate, nor am I baiting you into a proselytizing discussion. That guy Mark, from WaykiWayki has some thought provoking ideas on the divine.

I do like what I have read in the past from Henry M.

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LOL at the moment thinking about all you neo-Nazis discovering that your heroes were actually Zionist Jews! Now that’s funny!

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Ah, there you are. Was beginning to miss you.

I first broke the mind spell of the MSM when I came across David Irving’s work, which fairly well blew my mind at the time. I then actually listened to and watched Hitler’s speeches, did a bit of digging on the lead up to WW1, and formed the opinion that he was a pretty dynamic guy just trying to help his country, after they had been so unjustly treated. He certainly was a great orator and his speeches were moving. And his personal life was interestingly fastidious.

But as time passed, things did not add up. After the fallout of WW1, how could they have rebounded so quickly into a manufacturing powerhouse? How could they have put such an amazing military force together so quickly? And most importantly, how come most of the top brass of Hitler’s military (not to mention Hitler himself) look Jewish and have Jewish names?

It was then that I came to the same conclusion that Craig is getting at above, which is, that the entire point of WW2 was to infill the land of Israel, especially with the wealthy and culturally sophisticated European Jews. And that first was attempted by the Havarra agreement, which was the carrot, and when that failed, the war progressed and the so called “Holocaust “ ( I know, I know, it’s not as advertised, but a certain percentage of average Jews suffered and died for the scheme), was the stick.

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The Jewish Power Elite uses whomever they can; whether they can convert them or not is a different question. The entire point of WW2 for the JPE may have been to fill Israel w/ refugee Jews, but that was not Hitler's plan. He wanted them away from Germany to Madagascar and then to the conquered territories in the east. He made friends w/ the Mufti in Palestine. The idea that Nazis looked like Jews is baloney and had Jewish names is half baked.

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Just one quick and quite obvious example.

I understand why you’d be in denial.

It’s all theater Billy, except for the duped Christian men fighting and dying in their wars.

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I'm familiar w/ Rosenberg. Have a book of his memoirs written shortly before he was hanged at Nuremberg. Granted his name sounds Jewish. However, German names are often ambiguous. They can be either Jewish or Gentile. Had you looked closer at your WIKI link you would have noticed the concluding sentence on his Early Life section. "Alfred Rosenberg was indeed of Baltic German, French, and probably also of Estonian and Latvian descent, but no Jewish ancestry has been discovered.[4][5]"

As far as I know he was the highest ranking Nazi accused of being Jewish. The Vatican apparently believed it. But I have no faith in Catholics when it comes to Nazi-baiting. They seem embittered by WW2 because some priests were sent to concentration camps. I wish all the current Catholic administration would be tried and punished for promoting sodomy and colluding w/ the JWO in general.

However there were some Jews in the NS ranks. I believe there's a book on Jewish Nazis. Those who had served in WW1. Even a couple of generals. Many Jews were exempted from persecution for various reasons. The Karaites, a non Talmudic sect for example.

Race is not all defining, all determining. Which doesn't mean it's not important either.

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Just imagine for a minute, if people suddenly woke up and realized what was in plain sight - that the Zionist Jews WERE the Nazis ?!?!?!?

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As always, we must remember who actually owns the stream of information.

And yes, there are good Jews too.

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"Maybe the thing in Gaza is meant to provoke antisemitism, so that they can get these draconian laws passed."

One of the big obstacles for the Zionists has always been convincing Jews to give up their lives among us and move to Israel. If our societies devolve into chaos and destruction and Jews start to suffer actual persecution instead of "atmospheric" persecution, it plays into the Zionists' hands.

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Perhaps. Germany 2.0. But I don’t see the necessity of it. Israel is well established and they have secured America as their colony. If civil war breaks out here, it will be a limited skirmish, and likely started by a false flag. Then true lockdowns / martial law.

The masses of Americans are so physically and morally weakened, that the minority can easily control it, like a tamed wild circus animal. Bolshevik Russia was different; physically strong populace, but probably very poor communication, and certainly handicapped by poverty.

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I think the ultimate goal is utter destruction and/or enslavement of the entire world ruled over from Jerusalem by a tiny, permanent, closed priestly class .

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No argument there, but as a Christian I do subscribe to a singular leader / antichrist figure (surrounded by that priestly class).

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But it turns out that the messiah never shows up, and if he or she did, we would murder him.

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He’ll be back just as soon as Satan gets his day in court and rules the entire world for a brief spell. Upon His return, he wont be so meek and mild.

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Does he claim Hitler was put into power--or at least got his start--by Freemasonry as a way to push Jews to move to Israel?

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Not sure who your "he" refers to. Haemers is saying masonic/occult groups played an indirect role in the NSDAP thru the views of some Nazi members. He's denying they put Hitler into power. Did they want him in power because he would push Jews to Israel? My understanding is that push came about thru the Transfer Agreement which the Zionists proposed and the Germans accepted at first (1933) but became disenchanted with and then ended the deal once war started. Were Freemasons supporting the transfer agreement? No doubt. They love Israel and have a huge modern temple there.

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I didn't know that about the temple in Israel. Freemasonry (along with the Illuminati) had been co-opted by the time of, and played a role in, the French Revolution. It seems like that hate fungus finds a useful vehicle, infects it, and takes control of it. Same could be said about our democracy. Or even Judaism itself.

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I wouldn't deny that Judaism has undergone major changes over time. The two I know most about were Sabbatai Sevi and Jacob Frank's "redemption thru sin" sequential revolutions in the 17th and 18th centuries. And the modern one turning the orthodox Lubavitchers into Zionists committed to the Jewish State of Israel fronted by the late Rabbi Schneerson.

But I tend to think Judaism was always insular, hateful of others and Semitic in theology. The idea that it was once pure in Mosaic times or originally good because the people practicing it were originally White lack sufficient proof that I've seen. These ideas are examples of wishful, perhaps controlled, thinking.

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