
It wouldn't be so bad if the Christian Fundies were just their own worst enemies... but they are dragging the rest of us down with them.

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Where are the churches? Where are the voices, this Sunday morning, claiming to worship a God of love, lifted against the SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENT CHILDREN in Gaza?

They are fakes, these Christians. As long as they have their new car and a summer house on the coast, they are "saved" and so, so silent.

Christians by their acquiescence in the genocide in Gaza have done more to discredit Christianity than a whole swarm of Rob Reiners. They worship a God who practices genocide of children. They are Satanic. They should be ashamed, but they don't even have the religious depth to feel shame for their silence.

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It's 10:26 a.m. Central Time right now. All across the Midwest, Sunday morning worship services are about to begin in tens of thousands of sanctuaries. Almost all of them will have a sprinkling of octogenarians and not much more nodding along to the same stale messages they've heard a million times before. If they are in a large city, they are likely to have a rainbow flag or a Black Lives Matter flag flying out front. (They serve the New York Times, not God.) Is there even one in which a condemnation of Israel's genocide of Palestinian children will be heard? I doubt it. The clergy lacks the religious character to take a stand even against the slaughter of innocents--the most obvious, easily condemned sin of all. That's how dead and weak and pathetic Christianity is. It can't even condemn the murder of children, so cuckolded the Church is by Satanic Jewry. Contemptible. There isn't a righteous man among the whole lot of these Christian pastors. Frauds, except for that Baldwin guy, apparently.

Meanwhile, of course, the megachurches are overflowing--the ones who are out there CELEBRATING the slaughter in Palestine. Christianity has some despicable chapters in its corrupt and unChristlike history (Judaism has no corrupt and evil chapters as it is one long solid exposition of evil--just read Deuteronomy, for Crissakes), but one would be hard pressed to find any as contemptible as this current one.

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There has long been a debate in White Nationalists' circles whether Christianity is a long-running subversive plot against the goy, or if the institution of the Church has just been hopelessly infiltrated over the centuries.

I can't say. But the hypocrisy in modern times is stunning.

Whether Jesus is a historical character or a mythological one, he is surely weeping tears of blood over the children of Gaza.

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Feb 25Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Chuck Baldwin obliterates the phony Christians on a regular basis.

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Chuck Baldwin is definitely a breath of fresh air... but it seems "Good Christians" are becoming almost as rare as "Good Jews."

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Word, LOL

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He does go in for the "prophecy" stuff, though. What's your take on that?

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I'm bibically illiterate.

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Feb 25Liked by Anna Cordelia


This is a link to an archive compiled by Karl Radl, academic counter-Semite who is now posting on Substack. He writes too frequently to read all of them, but you'll be easily able to sort out the analyses you don't need from the more valuable stuff just by the titles.

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I wonder about this, though:

‘A goodly proportion of the hundred Jews who came out of Germany with Lenin, and the hundreds who came from Chicago, deserve to be included in this gallery, for they undoubtedly held Russia under their sway.’ [+-]

Source: Robert Wilton, 1920, 'The Last Days of the Romanovs: From 15th March, 1917’, 1st Edition, Thornton Butterworth: London, p. 27. Wilton is not a reliable source, but as he was present in Russia during the communist revolution it is worth including appropriate parts of his testimony as it is a legitimate, if very inaccurate, source.


Chicago? New York? First I've heard that Wilton is "inaccurate." He was the Times of London Moscow correspondent during that period. Spoke fluent Russian. Was respected and trusted by all sides. Documented with photos the execution chamber of the Romanovs. Attacked mercilessly by the Jews in the West after divulging the Jewishness of the Bolsheviks and died penniless for his refusal to back down from the truth. How is this guy calling him "inaccurate?"

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Feb 25Liked by Craig Nelsen

You bring up a fair question. But I'm just a free member on Radl's Stack. You have to pay $8 @ month to get access to his personal archive and post/get a response. I've been content to just be a voyeur. That could change but not inclined at the moment.

I had some doubt about something he wrote but it was resolved soon enough as he eventually expanded on his unsupported assertion. Read more. See what you think about his level of probity. You might need to take a dip in his pool. He is circling over your current interest zone.

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You've deepened my understanding of the issues already several times so I will

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Feb 26Liked by Craig Nelsen

If you do, let us know how it goes. His main things are deconstructing false Holocaust tales and fake anti-Semitic incidents, also recounting what the ancients had to say about the J's.

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I read through all the archive.org link you posted, but haven't started on his actual stack, yet.

I was already familiar with, I would say, a majority of his references, though there was much that was new and it is certainly a worthy undertaking to have them all gathered in one document. I can't say I agree with all his various classifications--particularly those he marks unreliable due to their reliance on a "Commissars' List," which, to my view, doesn't necessarily discredit the reference in that there is no indication that I can see, at least for a portion of them, that they rely on that "debunked" list in any case.

I wonder whether he plans on constructing any kind of index. It would be interesting to see what form such an index would take.

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