
To not live in fear...

That's the thing about being clear-sighted--the more clearly you see the world, the more menacing it becomes. That's why it takes actual courage to act in terms of the world as it really is. Reality isn't for the faint of heart. I think there are people, maybe a lot of people, who make almost a conscious decision just not to know.

In the immigration restriction movement, few will allow themselves to speak honestly about the primary driver of our civilization-ending immigration policies--Jewish political power. Which means the movement is doomed to fail.

Maybe the cattle entering the slaughterhouse are better off not knowing what's coming. But we aren't cattle. Unless we choose to be. When we choose to be proud men and women, the inheritors of a glorious civilization, unafraid of the truth, the fear turns to resolve. We may all end up in the slaughterhouse, but it won't be as cattle.

Important message. Great essay, Anne.

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It is stunning that immigration is carrying on as it is, at the level that it is. What always floors me is the massive contradiction between the Woke narrative and the reality on the ground:

Countries built by White people are supposed to be cesspools of hatred, bigotry and discrimination... and yet everyone non-White wants to move to White countries. And the non-White people who are here legitimately (such as American Blacks) don't have a shred of desire to move back to ancestral Africa.

It's also stunning that people can't see that Jewish power is behind it all. There are days when I want to strap all the normies into chairs and force them to watch Barbara Lerner Spectre on an endless, repeating loop until they come to their senses.


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Ha! Call it "normie conversion therapy"

What's wrong with her eyes, anyway? She looks like she's possessed. She has Sarah Silverman eyes

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Apropos to your comment, Craig, this quote from David Halpern, head of the UK's "Nudge Unit" that basically is in charge of brainwashing the public: "In a July 2023 interview with The Daily Telegraph, [Halpern] proposed that through his unit's measures the public were now well "drilled" for future emergencies, going on to suggest that using fear was a useful tool "if you think people are wrongly calibrated" (he's right up there w/ WEF's Noah Yuval Harari as an in-your-face elitist assbag). And BTW, the Nudge Unit" has offices in New York and D.C. as well.

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"wrongly calibrated" Could it be more Orwellian?

Where are our artists to present the true nature of this kind of stuff?

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Not only "wrongly calibrated" but "if you think they are wrongly calibrated." Just WHO (and I just see that I'm making a pun on the W.H.O. here) decides that someone is wrongly calibrated?!

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Jan 16Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

You know who wants to control every detail of the people, who they trap in a ghetto to make the task easier?

The rabbis.

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Douglas Reed claims the rabbinate rules through fear-- fear of shunning and Jehovah's curses (and if there is one area in which Jehovah is especially deep, it is in his supply of curses).

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Jan 16Liked by Anna Cordelia

Yes, I've read Controversy of Zion, but not all the way through yet.

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I feel like you read my mind, Chucky. Just last night I was thinking about that contradictory multi-volume set masquerading as spiritual scriptures known as The Talmud. Authored by multiple rabbis, no less.

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The Talmuds are real eye openers; the Old Testament (TaNaKh) is just an account of the interaction with the aliens and the beginning of the cargo cult known as the Abrahamic religions; the Talmuds are where all the real "teachings" are and come from. It was the Roman Church, however, that extended that horror to the after life and all eternity if you don't obey.

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Jan 16Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Excellent points, Anna! I would recommend anyone who gets overwhelmed with all the left-brained activity our daily lives have become unbalanced by, go to YouTube or wherever and listen to a Hemi-Sync track (developed by Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Inst.), which balances the two sides of your brain; I find it often necessary because the globalists are very left-brained and so push us ("nudge") into that frame of mind continually. Alternatives are to enjoy the arts or read Alice in Wonderland, or engage w/ a shaman, etc., but the Hemi-Sync is a convenient, 10-50 minute "power nap" for the soul.

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"Alternatives are to enjoy the arts "

That's funny. I just mentioned artists in my response to your previous comment as an antidote to the monster, and then read your comment mentioning the arts as an antidote to the monstrous world they've created. There must be some significance!

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17Liked by Anna Cordelia

I suppose the significance is that it's TRUE! Art engages the aesthetic senses, which the Cult sees as totally unnecessary because they're all about "data," because data is all you need to monitor and control others. And slowly the beauty in music and the visual arts and in poetry is being eliminated. It's all about providing distraction and numbing of the mind.

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"It's all about providing distraction and numbing of the mind."

And that's the truth that the artist is uniquely qualified to show us. For an artist to succeed (at making art), he or she must say something about the human condition that other humans recognize as true. The artists can destroy the data-collectors, if only they are aware of them.

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Like the Moody Blues in the opening sequence of "On the Threshold of a Dream":

Man: "I think, therefore I am---I think."

AI mechanical voice: "Of course you are, my bright little star; you're miles brief miles of your forefathers fruit, and now to suit our Great Computer---you're magnetic ink!"

Man: "I'm more than that! I know I am---at least I think I must be!"

Higher Being/Self: "There ya go, man, keep as cool as you can; face piles and piles of trials with smiles; it riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave. Keep on thinking free!" (Cue music...)

The Moodies were prophetic there.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16Author

Thanks Aelred. I am fascinated by the left-brain/right-brain concept... Hemi-Sync sounds intriguing.

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You're one step ahead of me, Aelred! I listened to exactly that Hemi-Sync meditation last night. Gave me some invaluable insights. Thank you.

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Sounds like you were one step ahead of me, Anna! I should have known you are quite capable of doing your own research (duh!).

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It's great that you posted the link for others... I actually downloaded the video because I plan to use it more.

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