Jan 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I guess that makes Al Sharpton a 5th generation slave.

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I'm a 31st generation peasant who got run off his land by wild-eyed marauding Norwegians. I think Norway owes me some reparations!

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I don't even know what the hell generation I am as my mother tried to do a genealogy and hit a dead end when it appeared that my great great grandfather was an Italian border guard and my great great grandmother a prostitute. Waaah!

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

I want to hang out at your house. All my people are Lutherans. When it comes to sedate, we sparkle!

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Mine too. From central western Norway, east of Kristiansund. Got out of there during hard times to seek fortune in Alaska at the turn of the last century, the one beginning in 1900.

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My dad's father was a Lutheran who came over from Malmo, Sweden, around that time, too. Malmo is now a Muslim-infested hellhole, I hear, thanks to the globalist migration scheme.

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Jan 10Liked by Craig Nelsen

If it gets to the 6th generation it will stop there because 6 is a sacred judaic number and it will be proven that every single Jew is a "survivor" umpteen times removed. It will suffice to say "Jew."

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The headline in one issue of a parody tabloid I used to publish was "New Generation of Holocaust Survivors Struggles To Gain Credibility." I didn't realize how prophetic I was!

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Somebody (younger than I, which is just about everybody alive, and with the requisite stamina), should write an essay examining the whole complex and evolving. concept of "Survivors." It has a longitudinal axis stretching from the Originals (those who survived because every time they entered the "gas chambers" the shower heads miraculously spewed water instead of gas) to the successive generations in the Survivor lineage who were traumatized by the sufferings narrated by their parents/grandparents/etc. Actually the other day a commenter on another site said his knowledge came from "extended acquaintances." I am not making this up because I could not. Only they can. Then there are the lateral, upcoming shoots on the Survivor tree, the 'Oct 7 Survivors.' October 7 is already referred to as "another Holocaust."

All this never ending suffering is Post-Traumatic Syndrome but Gilad Atzmon pointed out that the Jews living in the constant terror of another Holocaust have always suffered from Pre-Traumatic Syndrome.

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Wow, I can see it. On Broadway. "Survivors, the Musical" It could be loosely modeled on the reality TV show. Former camp inmates compete among themselves to produce the most lurid memories and, every day, one of them is chosen by group vote to be made into a bar of soap. The last unchosen Chosen collects all the memories they've produced, publishes them using the first person singular, wins a Nobel prize in literature, spends the rest of his life abusing Germans and whites in general on Oprah, and never touches another bar of soap again.

Remember, I've read your writing. You are more than capable!

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Just do the reality show and save yourself the trouble of writing all those annoying songs!

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And yet, the Holocaust appears to be a rather inflated story, as neither Churchill, Eisenhower, nor DeGaulle mentions it in his memoirs of WW II (and Churchill's was 6 thick volumes long!) I've never had a reason to "deny" the Holocaust, but I find that factoid rather curious for sure. And as Isaac Bashevis Singer wrote in more than one of his short stories, when everything is taken from the Jews, they can still "tell their story" to carry on their tradition; well, this story is a doozy and they're stickin' to it. (and Ariadna, I like that concept of "Pre-Traumatic Syndrome." It fits well (though most people call it "paranoia.")

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It's like that famous Borscht Belt joke: Start worrying. Details to follow.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

I remember the joke. I have always considered it a typical Jewish joke about Jews. Typically they playfully joke about some Jewish idiosyncracy, like the overprotective Jewish mother, or even the Jews’ exacting demands of what’s theirs even from God (joke below*), or their neurotic anxieties, like this one.

They are all depicted as endearing but harmless quirks. Now that you quote it in this context I see also the subtext: “ Yes, we are always expecting something bad to befall us, but you can't blame us: you know our eternal suffering.”


* A Jewish grandmother is walking on the beach with her little grandson when a huge wave suddenly hits the shore and sweeps away the little boy. The old lady falls on her knees crying and prays,”God, I have never asked you for anything, but now I beg you, please God, please, give me back my grandson whom I love more than life.” Another huge wave hits the shore and deposits the little boy, intact, at her feet. The old lady looks to the sky and says, “He had a hat!"

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Jan 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Your EXCELLENT analogy makes me wonder who the 5th (and 6th, 7th, 8th,...) generation Jewish slave owners are. Given mixing among them, it could be most of them who are in the USA, and quite a few elsewhere, if you know what I mean.

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"...No one played hacky-sack with anyone’s breast like those Hamas monsters did in the middle of their gun battle..."

No shred of truth there. One more fallacious faux-atrocity to go with the mass rapes, baby beheadings, and the "baked-in-the-oven-baby."

I'll accept your sarcasm (if implied) with the "in the middle of their gun battle."

The whole premise of course being specious on such a ginormous scale of ridiculousness and contrived spectacle.

Max Blumenthal (The Grayzone) has been in the forefront of exposing so much and many of these exaggerations as related via the NYT and WaPo..

Another is Richard Grove on his weekly Sunday show on Rokfin and Odysee, "Grand Theft World."

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Jan 10Liked by Craig Nelsen

Ron Unz:

"Anyone who reads serious history books knows that Jews have generally enjoyed a reputation for producing many of the world’s greatest swindlers and frauds, hardly surprising given their notorious tendency to lie and dissemble. Meanwhile, the Jewish community also seems to contain far more than its fair share of the emotionally disturbed and the mentally ill, and perhaps as a consequence has served as a launching-pad for many of the world’s religious cults and fanatic ideological movements."


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Jan 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

Evil prevails when the good doesn’t fight back.


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Jan 10·edited Jan 11

But X--formerly Twitter-- is about to bite the censorship dust.

Elon is about to have a “life-changing experience”

[From the Forward]

Billionaire Elon Musk, who has been accused of tolerating and promoting antisemitic posts on X, the social media platform he owns formerly known as Twitter, is expected to visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland later this month.

Musk is listed among European and Israeli leaders who have confirmed their participation at the European Jewish Association annual conference in Krakow on Jan. 22-23 ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan. 27. The tour of Auschwitz will take place on the second day of the conference. A EJA spokesperson said Musk has yet to finalize how much of the conference he will attend.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who heads the Brussels-based organization, invited Musk to tour Auschwitz “to walk there, to feel it, to understand it” during a livestreamed event on antisemitism and free speech on X in September. Musk, who at first seemed to reject the invitation, saying that he had seen pictures of concentration camps and was well informed about the Holocaust, later in the discussion responded with a “tentative yes.” He said he was heading to the region anyway.

The online discussion and invitation followed a feud between Musk and Jewish groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, which demanded that he cease allowing neo-Nazis and others to air antisemitic views on X. They also lambasted him for his own seeming endorsement of antisemitism on the site. Musk in turn blamed the ADL for scaring away advertisers and a $4 billion loss in revenue. Corporations including Disney and Universal paused advertising on X after Musk endorsed an antisemitic post.

“To fully understand why we Jews are so worried about antisemitism, a visit to Auschwitz is a necessary and life-changing experience,” Margolin said.

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United, coordinated, sophisticated, and evil.

Pleased to meet you

Hope you guess my name

But what's puzzling you

Is the nature of my game

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Jan 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Only if anyone were to believe that '6 million' jews actually died in the labor camps, would it be worth comparing to jewish communist atrocities.

Face it, if jews achieve consolidation of worldwide govt, the jew atrocities of the soviet union days will pale by comparison. Probably from the death jabs alone...

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Jan 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Not even Jewish supremacists claim that "6 million jews actually died in the labor camps".

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Jan 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Thanks for keeping an eye on them and on their devarim. People need to be reminded to read all about Moses (a Levite, I think) and the other Jacobean supremacists. Given the seriousness of the no. 1 geopolitical problem today, it wouldn't hurt anyone unfairly if we restated some of Israel's devarim for an audience of Christians who insist that JC is one in being with the "LORD". Maybe this would break the cultural logjam which inhibits understanding. Since on this basis the words of Israel's god must be Jesus' words, too, we get interpretive passages such as,

"But of the cities of these people, which Jesus thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them."

I have an objection though to something you wrote:

"In Germany, Hitler, running against “Jewish communism,” had just been elected two years previous to when this picture was taken."

Hitler was not, in fact, ever elected to any office. In 1932 he stood for the presidency against Paul von Hindenburg and others but lost in a runoff to Hindenburg, who was about 84 years old. In Jan. 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor by Hindenburg. When the latter died in 1934, the Natsocs abolished the presidency and merged its powers with those of the the chancellery. A referendum was held for the public to validate this change carried out under the aegis of the constituion of the Weimar republic. This constituon remained in effect until May 1945, when the goverment of Germany was abolished by the victors. It so happened that the father of that constitution was one Hugo Preuß, a Jewish lawyer.

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But hadn't he won the presidency in a nationwide vote? And wasn't the referendum essentially a national referendum on him?

I like to contrast the Natsoc's rise to power with that of the 20th Century's real monsters--the Bolsheviks in Russia. Hitler took power through the democratic process while the Bolsheviks took power through guns both in Russia and, briefly, in Bavaria.

By the time Hitler took power, the Judeo-Bolsheviks had already murdered 20 million Russian Christians and Junkers--Russians with German ancestry--were routinely tortured to death *by policy.* Hitler reasonably campaigned against the atrocities the Jews were committing in Russia, warning that Jews, as had just been demonstrated in Bavaria, were conspiring to bring Germany under globalist communist control, as well.

I have family members who are Americans of 100 percent German ancestry who are also ashamed of that fact, and they are just so clearly wrong to be. I tell them that, had they been alive and living in Germany in 1933, they would have voted for Hitler, too. And would have been wrong not to. Death camps and holocausts were never on the table. My family members just roll their eyes and, when I'm not around, say, "Oh, that's just Craig. You know how he is. Always trying to say something provocative." They saw Schindler's List and The Piano, so they know everything there is to know about WWII and refuse to discuss the topic--angrily refuse.

In a Judaized world, in which the cult of YHWH the Anti-God holds power, we should expect up to be down, right to be wrong, black to be white, the people with the most to be proud of to be the most ashamed, and the people with the most to be ashamed of--Jews, Americans, and Brits--to be the most proud.

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Incidentally, in one of those delicious footnotes to history, Douglas Reed, the man who wrote what I consider to be the most important book written in the 20th century, The Controversy of Zion, happened to be walking past the Reichstag just as the fire broke out on the night of February 27, 1933. He was a senior reporter for the Times of London, and a strident opponent of Hitler, which he remained until he resigned his position in protest against the censorship policies of his paper that were, like those of the press in the United States, misleading the British public on the political events in Europe.


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Jan 13Liked by Craig Nelsen

You are surely correct that AH came to power in 1933 through the German process of liberal democracy, with the greay irony I noted earlier. The Third Reich, so called, may be fairly called the Weimar Reich all the way to the end in '45. Supremacist busybodies need to be reminded bluntly of this fact lest they remain wise in their own eyes. The so-called Holocaust, if it happened, must count partly an own goal. There's just no way that a low status outsider with poor connections and scant family comes to power without Jew Hugo Preuß's scheme, or something like it. I think it's wholly misleading however to say that AH was ever elected, even in the referendum of 1934. The choices were Ja und Nein.

I wish I could help you to break through the ugly guilt trip which your German relatives have been on, I presume, for most of their adult lives. Maybe you could attack the clammy hands of guilt and shame through a side door. The very idea that they ought to feel guilt and shame is just a variant on the scurrilous doctrine of original sin. To be more precise, they are thought to have some originated original sin, which in Trinitarianism is a stain which the god must have imposed by its own will. (But not on Mary or her fully human son! They were saved without the cross. Lucky them.) On the other hand, the alleged crimes of the Germans against the crybullies are originating original sin, like the deeds of Eve and Adam.

In Trinitarianism, these supposed sins belong to wholly different categories, so it's not correct to say that they are two different types of sin. Invite your German relatives to explain which of these they are, or have, been genuinely involved in. Ask also about the mechanism for imposing their originated original sin. How does that work? Is it imposed by the god of Israel, which couldn't be troubled to save His supremacists from their enemies? Or is it imposed by the supremacists whose own nationalist scriptures warn about punishment for impeity.

I picked up those terms while perusing a copy of Modern Catholic Dictionary by one John A. Hardon, S.J. You can find a searchable version at therealpresence.org. Skip down to the link "Dictionary" at the bottom of the page.

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Thanks for the recommendation. Not sure I follow what you're saying about the two categories of sin. But it's not only Germans who are on this guilt trip. The whole West is, though Germans have less reason to be than the rest of us.

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In 2019, out for dinner one evening in midwestern USA, I was speaking of the holocaust and a 'young-ish' woman at the table across from me blurted out, "I'm a holocaust survivor!" Maybe you can imagine my surprise. After another comment she quickly corrected herself to say that it was her Aunt that was an actual survivor.

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Most people I talk to don't even understand what a Protestant is and who they are in protest against. I have a theory that MLKJr was so named so we would lose cultural remembrance of who Martin Luther was and what he did in 1520.

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Familiar with “NOAHIDE LAW”?

This will make your head spin…


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Public Law 102-14 102d Congress Joint Resolution Mar. 20, 1991 [H.J. Res. 104]

To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A.". Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws....

....Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26,1991

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deletedJan 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen
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Wow, is that true? I've never heard of that. That's insane.

btw, thank you for cross-posting. Was trying to figure out how that all works, lol

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