Beautifully read Anna. I tried reading "Hellstorm" by Thomas Goodrich but couldn't stomach it.

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And I liked the additional information she provided, as well--the biographical details, and so on.

One of the things that makes Melgunov's account so devastating is the calm, prosaic manner in which he tells a story of unparalleled savagery. Anna does it justice.

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Yes I agree. The perpetrators are still at it 100 years later

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That, to me, is the central truth that makes this book so important and valuable--one of two reasons.

People can say "Bolsheviks killed 66 million Russian Christians" but it's just a number. It doesn't really connect until you learn the individual stories. When you read of the Russians whose houses were being looted even as they were still being loaded into the trucks that would take them to the execution grounds on the outskirts of the city, the 18-year-old kid executed "by accident," the "winch" they used in one CheKa to execute by ripping heads off, and more and more and more stories of theft and torture and murder and sadism and evil that the enormity of it begins to sink in. THEN you are extra-strength red-pilled. NOTHING else matters more-certainly not the fucking Chiefs game. Then you see how truly awful and tragic the awful tragedy of Christian Zionism is.

The other benefit to reading (or listening) to this book is that it completely unmasks the holohoax, even though it was written 20 years before WWII. Once you've seen actual genocide in practice, frauds like Elie Wiesel and vermin like Deborah Lipstadt become instantly and accurately repugnant to you. At least that's how it worked for me. After reading The Red Terror in Russia--the only book of its kind that I know of--I can't even look at someone like Randy Fine and his whining fake sanctimony without revulsion.

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Has anyone noticed the way the Israeli government shows no interest in hiding the savagery of their invasion of Gaza? Whereas their savagery in Russia has been suppressed. So why are they not trying to hide it from humanity this time?

Putting their genocide on everyone's phone is turning a whole generation of the youth of the West into Jew haters. Could that be the intention? To make Jews the object of hate and thus entrench their alienation from the Gentiles? If so then it will make the Jews more bloody minded and more likely to support projects that degrade Western society (migration, cultural marxism, trans, woke, etc). In which case they become better 'soldiers' in the elite's war upon Western society.

Could the display of war crimes be a tool intended to push Jews to support the creation of the NWO?

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People are becoming red-pilled as to Israel, but not Jew-pilled. Lots of leftist Jews are demonstrating against Israel and the crazed Zionists. That buffers gentiles from a deeper awakening. Dialectics is a devilish strategy of which the Jewish Power Elites have become past masters. Give that devil his due.

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Great observation, Billy. I see a parallel in what went on in Russia during the Red Terror, and the revolutionary and communist period generally.

There were plenty of people who saw the Jewish hand behind the Bolshevik Revolution... but it also seems like there were a lot of people who didn't, even inside Russia.

I don't know exactly why that is, but as I learn more about that era, I realize that there were plenty of Jews who at least "appeared" to be on the people's side - for example, it was a Jewish woman (Fanny Kaplan) who made an assassination attempt on Lenin in August of 1918.

If you look into her history, it appears that she may have been more of an ideologue competing for power than a humanitarian trying to save the people... but how is the average person supposed to sort that out?

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I think control of media is key to ignorance in the mass of people. When you have a coup or revolution, media is abruptly taken by force. Our own has been gradually taken over by new capitalist money power: Jews buying out WASPs. Remember Ted Turner, Walt Disney, and Randolph Hearst. Even movies had Edison before Hollywood. Now we have the younger Jews owning social media.

As you say, how is the average citizen to know it's Jewish Power running all institutions? His media won't tell him. His candidates won't either. Nor his teachers or preachers. Disclosure of taboo truths certainly isn't welcomed by authorities. Sadly, the sheeple themselves are often averse to them.

Interesting about Fanny Kaplan assuming her attempt was real. Even among the controllers there are real rivalries. There was also the Israeli prime minister Rabin assassinated by a fellow Israeli. Jews are a fractious lot w/ real hatreds for ideologically different Jews. I think tho they have an historical feel for tribal commonality that usually holds the line.

If only we had more of that ethnocentrism.

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Off Topic

Could you help me out? I've tried to find out who or what animates the Jewish war on the Gentiles. Sure, I know, its a religious requirement in the Talmud. And its perhaps also born out of fear of 'never again'. And we all know the banking cartel are (supposed to be) a huge conspiracy that is financing the WEF & the Reset.

But why? What makes a Jew get out of bed in the morning and say:

'I'll ring up Josiah and we'll organize a fake hate crime.'

What drove Wexler to finance Epstein with millions?

Do you think there is a conspiracy one can join? Other than communism (the Jewish political project to take over the world)? Do you think they stand around the Synagogue after prayers discussing ways to push trans in schools in such as way as to most damage the Christian children?

I just don't get it. I can't imagine a scenario, a mind set, a social situation, a conversation that leads so many Jews to suppress books, push lies, wage war upon those who (they know) are telling the truth....

Anyone any ideas?

Well, I have one explanation: They are openly and positively dedicated to hating gentiles and waging war upon us. They do have conversations where they openly plot and connive ways to hurt non-Jews. But this means that most Jews hate all Gentiles almost as much as they hate Palestinians. That their hatred is a part of being a Jew. And acting treacherously towards us is their primary or preferred mode of interaction. Its how they see us - with fear, hatred and a deep desire to harm.

Could that be it?

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Ashowa, your comment is anything but off-topic. Your questions reminded me of several passages from a book I’m in the middle of reading, The Sociopath Next Door, by Dr. Martha Stout. (Dr. Stout is a psychologist with a good deal of clinical experience with sociopaths and their victims.)

In her book, Stout provides a general description of sociopaths as individuals who utterly lack conscience. She never talks about Jews explicitly, but the more I read it, the more I think about the Jewish Question!

Here are some passages from her book that relate to what you are talking about with regard to Jews:

“Can we say for sure that sociopathy does not work for the individual who has it? Is sociopathy a disorder at all, or is it functional? Just as unwelcome is the uncertainty on the flip side of that coin: Does conscience work for the individual, or group, who has it? Or is conscience, as more than one sociopath has implied, simply a psychological corral for the masses?”

Unwittingly, Stout describes further on in the book why Jews might specifically be targeting ethnically European peoples:

“I have heard sociopaths speak of feeling ‘empty’ or even ‘hollow’ … what sociopaths envy, and may seek to destroy as a part of the game, is usually something in the character structure of a person with conscience, and strong characters are often specially targeted by sociopaths. And most of all, I say this because it is human beings who are targeted, rather than the earth itself, or some aspect of the material world. Sociopaths want to play their games with other people. They are not so much interested in challenges from the inanimate.”

But the best (completely unconscious) description Stout gives of the Jews is when she explains how to spot a sociopath:

“…the best clue is, of all things, the pity play. The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at· our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy.”

If you’re interested in the book, this link takes you automatically to a 14MB download of a pdf copy:


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Many thanks for the reference, I'll get it right now.

"Does conscience work for the individual, or group, who has it?"

Yes, empathy ('all men are my brother') helps build a stronger, more resilient community and often results in a direct benefit to the practitioner too.

"..is conscience.. a psychological corral for the masses?”

Yes, it is. it stops us doing evil. Many Jews lack that self control and thus we them celebrating the savagery of Gaza - and being hated for it. There is a significant possibility that their lack of empathy is going to get them sanctioned, shunned or even invaded and killed.

How do socio and psycho- paths see themselves?

I suspect they see themselves as Ubermensch - supermen, gods.

And they see us as Untermensch - two legged beasts who are there for them to use, exploit and do with as they like, as we see in Gaza.

(I never liked Continental Philosophy - its saturated with a hatred for the sacred nature of humanity.)

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Fear is the mind killer. Their religion, starting w/ the OT, is rooted in fear and loathing: fear of their punitive God who has chosen them and loathing of the gentiles who reject him. The Holocaust Hoax was their latter day fear booster shot. It gathered in the secular Jews to add to the already inoculated religious ones.

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"The Holocaust Hoax was their latter day fear booster shot."

Yes, I read reports of NY Jews as children being terrified by the story, such that they henceforward see all Gentiles as just waiting to murder them. The author of the report said it tends to throw them back into the more traditional Jewish 'war on gentile' mindset. I think there is a deep cultural seam there that can be awakened by reports of attacks on Jews. Its conditioning, triggering it elicits fear and a fierce adoption of an evil mindset.

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What makes a Settler on the West Bank get out of bed in the morning and say:

'I'll ring up Josiah and we'll kill a few farmers today.'

Such a Jew acts out of hatred which is a part of his identity of being a Jew. Killing Palestinians - cleansing Israel of 'pollutants' - is why he left NY and went to live in Israel. I can only suppose that his attitude is one of fear, hatred and a deep desire to harm. Interestingly there was a report of the Wolfson's family trusts (they are hugely rich UK Jews) which are dedicated to supporting just such extremist views. So here we have a 'normal' biznessman who shares the Settler's attitude. That would seem to indicate that many Jews share this evil attitude. It certainly explains those Jews calling for Gaza to be carpet bombed.

But that way of seeing the world: That way of living a life of hatred for 'two legged beasts' is so evil. And it can be joined (and in Wolfson's case presumably is joined) with a perfectly pleasant and reasonable face, the behaviour of a civilized man, yet all the while he must be thinking: 'How can I hurt, harm and show my hatred to this gentile without getting caught, without the gentile realizing I've shafted him?'

That is psychopathological. How many Jews are full on psychopaths? Apparently quite a lot!

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I liked the background music too.

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I know what you mean. Books in this genre can be really difficult to get through. Hopefully hearing it read as a podcast, and then being able to discuss the material with other people afterwards, makes it easier.

I hate to think of someone reading this book all by themselves, with no one to talk to about it. But it does help develop one's mental stamina. And that is invaluable. I was reminded of that all the time during covid - all the people I knew who never liked to deal with difficult subjects just fell like cards. Whereas those of us who already had a practice of looking at reality square in the face withstood the pressure much better.

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"all the people I knew who never liked to deal with difficult subjects just fell like cards"

so that is all those educated to have 'feelings'

"Whereas those of us who already had a practice of looking at reality"

so that is all those who have been taught how to think.

And this is why our children are not educated but degraded.

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I agree with your insight into covid. Once you find the truth re : WW2 all becomes clear - the past, the present and the future they have planned for us. We are living in Weimar revisited, based on an anti - European World view. How many people have heard of the Holodomor or who perpetrated it (there is actually film of it that is one of the most ghastly things to see) One thing for certain - Evil exists.

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I agree completely with everything you say... but one thing that encourages me is that I think there are more people figuring all of this out all the time. Not huge numbers - but significant numbers.

We live in interesting times. Evil exists - but so does Good.

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The idea of critical mass comes to mind - lets keep those numbers growing !

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• Episode 1015: The 'Red Terror' in Russia (1918-1922) w/ Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - The Pete Quiñones Show


MRJ cites his book “The Soviet Experiment: Challenging the Apologists for Communist Tryanny” which I have read and intend to make a Book Mention of when I can.

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I am so glad I found your thread Anna. Great reading and great conversation here.

You write:

"Ever since I figured out things like the Holohoax, I've had to re-evaluate who I am. It's terrible to realize such a pernicious lie actually seeped into my own sense of identity - but that was a false identity anyhow. Dropping that mask is difficult, but ultimately liberating. I am happier at a deeper level than I ever was before, even in the face of the awareness of true Evil."

Yes, liberating - and I am one of those adding to the critical mass of the liberated.

That could be a new movement - Liberatism

... and I appreciate your comments on Ava's site.

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