I'm not on X/Twitter, so I missed most of the immigration firestorm over there. But it is great to see the spillover into other platforms.
Amazing, Craig, that you've been keyed into the immigration issue for so long. Another guy who's been approaching this from a trucking standpoint has also published a (lengthy) article on this issue:
No matter what angle you look at this issue from, it's been going on way too long and involves way too much money. The corruption is deep. Maybe, like a drug addict, we have to hit rock bottom before we start to take this seriously as a society?
And it is going to have to be each of us who is taking this seriously. Obviously all of our "leaders" are completely sold out, while our true Leaders, like Craig, get castigated as "Loser of the Week" by the Washington Post. It would be laughable if it weren't all so tragic.
Here's what I think is amazing: how much different quality content you come up with and your tireless efforts to find, comment, restack, defend, promote, encourage...
Probably not everyone recognizes how crucial what you do really is in the battle to wake us the fuck up. But I do.
The Washington Post is the CIA's paper of record, so there's that.
Meanwhile, I'm perpetually verklempt that people don't realize mass third world illegal immigration into the West has been a top priority of the jews since forever, not to mention that they also classify us as goyim, cattle, subhumans. This is especially puzzling given that they don't hide their ideology, aims, and ambitions.
Are we that naive, neutered, and cowardly? It appears so...
Yes, but have you seen any commercial in the last 20 years? If you have, did you see any that didn’t make fun of a white male? Did you see any of that the female wasn’t the boss? Did you see anything in the movies in the last 40 years that there wasn’t some feminist ruining it?
These things have taken a toll on the American Psyche people better snap out of it
Astonishing levels of corruption. And of course, the usual amoral parasite classes are involved: Jews and Chinese. The Jews have been involved in the slave trade for millennia. Now they just do it under a vague legal framework. And a Chinaman would sell you his mother for a few bucks. Letting millions of Chinese into our country, as well as Indians, is going to have enormous negative effects (already has).
But of course, since Jews and "minorities" like Chinese are considered untouchable by the media, we rarely hear about these cases. There are thousands of such cases that are never stopped or prosecuted. And a lot worse goes on than working in a meat processing plant. A LOT worse. God knows the monstrous, moral crimes that have been committed in the last four years of wide open Biden borders.
Years ago, a Chinese woman told me the scam of how they go to Canada get on welfare and go back to China to just collect it every month from their bank account from the United States.
I spoke to a sheriff after that and when he told me that the Chinese people suck up the most government money out of anyone I believed him.
I recall how things disintegrated between my Mainland Chinese ex-wife and myself.. Things weren't going so well for me employment-wise, and the upshot of it was, while I was checking on my aging parents 2,500 miles away, the divorce papers arrived by courier.. . 😱
Nearly 20 years ago. But every good thing that woman now has, her home in Toronto, my finding the lawyer to get her sister released from an onerous employment contract, the loan so her sister could create a business, getting her parents flown out of China... All because I was in her life.
What did I get for it in the end? The destruction of everything I'd built up to the age of 45.
I never like to sound defeatist but fixing this problem in our current political climate would be like standing downstream from a failed dam and trying to stop the water from washing away
your home. It is impossible! Everyone is aware of the level of corruption in American politics
but every effort I've ever seen in my long life has been thwarted by the very actors it was
meant to corral. It's akin to expecting the criminal to write new laws to correct his unlawful
behavior. It's not going to happen because there is too much money involved.
Yeppers all true indeed. The “RESET” will not be televised. It will be carried about underneath all the synthesized Ordo ab Chao dogma. The Overton window is constantly moving, shifting, grinding funneling, killing, replacing, supplanting, extorting, exploiting, shifting, ploughing, sowing, churning, transforming etc. As Zewamerixa’s population continues to age it needs new slaves to film goods & services jobs that usury currency needs to function its socialcultural dysfunctional pathologies. Crabs in the bucket working for the Scorpions who rule over the ignorant & will ignorant. Vine climbers in denial, the new crop of indoctrinated degree’d
dolts who now feel entitled to their Brave New World conjoined with 1984 Utopian shot while they are part of. The down fall of society - civilization is always standards/morals/values. Someone got to clean the Shillebrities homes & assets. They certainly aren’t going to do them. They’re too busy networking within the corrupt broken system to do anything themselves. Meanwhile Jose A & Jose B will fill their incomes taxes w/ 33 dependents to
maximize their exploitation of the IRS tax dependent scam & claim single status to seal the deal. While the IRS has no assets to audit the claims. The whole rotting corpse system is broken & just cycling through all of its convoluted machinations of criminal full spectrum exploitation. Make Zewmerica Grift Again & Again. Like the STD Herpes the gift that keeps on grifting.
“Private profit should never be the justification for public policy,..”
Perhaps your next article should be about Thomas Jefferson, the founding of the U.S. Marine Corp, and the “shores of Tripoli”.
I know you are all about “it’s the Joos”, but the fact of the matter is that “ the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender”. Throughout all time, the wealthy in every culture, tribe, society, and civilization, have taken advantage of the poor. The J’s just happen to rule over rich and poor alike.
There are many places in in the US where a new money supply is being created. The thing about Doomers is that they assume that whatever they haven't thought of cannot be thought. Whatever they haven't done cannot be done. The future requires both creativity and discipline in order to get Whites through this bottleneck of problems. Doomers have neither. You know you're not going to make it, but you also demand that your failure become everyone else's failure in order to conceal your failure from yourself.
Whites have failed to be able to control their territories precisely because their sense of in-group feeling is weaker than other races. White Nationalism provides a way to correct this weakness in instinct through *conscious* racial solidarity.
There's nothing particularly special about the predicament Whites find themselves in if one understands this one particular weakness.
Fortunately, this weakness is correctable in the same way that corrective lenses can fix infelicities in vision.
Not a doomer, but a realist. This is not some fly-by-night conspiracy they the Js have just decided to give a try. It’s been in the works for a long, long time. All your wishful thinking is exactly that.
And have not Craig and others fairly well documented the scope of the conspiracy? Good gosh, look what they just pulled off with 9/11 and Covid! And you think you stand a chance.
'Conspiracy theory' is a function of those on the outside looking in. 'Conspiracy theory' is subject to all of the problems of inference that every other inferential system possess.
If what Craig says convinces you that X is the case, that doesn't make X the case.
Besides, *even if every conspiracy was true* that wouldn't explain why you cannot create 'conspiracy' of your own.
Except that the whole point of 'conspiracy theory' is to convince politically interested persons to spend their days chasing rabbits down endless rabbit holes rather than taking constructive action to better their societies.
I was reading on Substack yesterday about how when there is a big backlash in society it’s because it was festering for about 10 to 15 years and then all of a sudden things changed very quickly. It looks bad because it looks like we’ve been working on this for a very long time and nothing is changing, but it’s going to happen all of a sudden.
I don’t know what backlash you are referring to, but I cannot think of a single one that wasn’t orchestrated by TPTB to achieve THEIR goals. From wars to social disruptions, if you peel the onion back just a little, you can see that it was not organic. Only thing I can think of, are the occasional protests at G5 or G7 (whatever number they are up to) meetings, which amount to exactly zero change.
When the money is controlled, there ain’t a damn thing the slave class can do about it. And anybody from the upper middle class down is the slave class. Cops and soldiers who depend on their sustenance from TPTB, will club you in the head and say, “I was just following orders”. Very few people are willing to risk their personal well being for the sake of the greater good, and those who do get steamrolled.
Typical for the Tribe. They are the "nobility" of our civilization, in the sense of having real unearned privilege while also skimming off profits from us pay-pigs.
And note how many years it took to make the raid, during which the company gained, what, hundreds of millions in artificially lowered wages, screwing their fellow citizens, and dumping the social costs--education of the children, water, sewer, roads, health care--all picked up by the citizens whose wages they are driving down. No one arrested for the immigration violations, the illegals deported will be replaced tomorrow, the fall guy--the "hiring manager" pleaded guilty at the advice of a company attorney, probably, and will receive a very light sentence. The execs and shareholders--i.e., the rich--get to keep the hundreds of millions in excess profit that should have gone into wages for Americans.
As for the Washington Post, yes, your assessment is correct. Notice how they don't say what the billboards actually said, which was "Immigration is doubling US population in your child's lifetime" Source US Census Bureau and then the web address. That's it. But I was "stirring up ethnic hatreds." They are truly an enemy. Mass immigration is the one sure-fire, irreversible way to destroy a civilization.
I'm not on X/Twitter, so I missed most of the immigration firestorm over there. But it is great to see the spillover into other platforms.
Amazing, Craig, that you've been keyed into the immigration issue for so long. Another guy who's been approaching this from a trucking standpoint has also published a (lengthy) article on this issue:
No matter what angle you look at this issue from, it's been going on way too long and involves way too much money. The corruption is deep. Maybe, like a drug addict, we have to hit rock bottom before we start to take this seriously as a society?
And it is going to have to be each of us who is taking this seriously. Obviously all of our "leaders" are completely sold out, while our true Leaders, like Craig, get castigated as "Loser of the Week" by the Washington Post. It would be laughable if it weren't all so tragic.
Here's what I think is amazing: how much different quality content you come up with and your tireless efforts to find, comment, restack, defend, promote, encourage...
Probably not everyone recognizes how crucial what you do really is in the battle to wake us the fuck up. But I do.
Thanks. That means a lot to me. Happy New Year!
Plus...you have a great reading voice! Kudos!
Thank you, I really appreciate that.
The Washington Post is the CIA's paper of record, so there's that.
Meanwhile, I'm perpetually verklempt that people don't realize mass third world illegal immigration into the West has been a top priority of the jews since forever, not to mention that they also classify us as goyim, cattle, subhumans. This is especially puzzling given that they don't hide their ideology, aims, and ambitions.
Are we that naive, neutered, and cowardly? It appears so...
Yes, but have you seen any commercial in the last 20 years? If you have, did you see any that didn’t make fun of a white male? Did you see any of that the female wasn’t the boss? Did you see anything in the movies in the last 40 years that there wasn’t some feminist ruining it?
These things have taken a toll on the American Psyche people better snap out of it
Astonishing levels of corruption. And of course, the usual amoral parasite classes are involved: Jews and Chinese. The Jews have been involved in the slave trade for millennia. Now they just do it under a vague legal framework. And a Chinaman would sell you his mother for a few bucks. Letting millions of Chinese into our country, as well as Indians, is going to have enormous negative effects (already has).
But of course, since Jews and "minorities" like Chinese are considered untouchable by the media, we rarely hear about these cases. There are thousands of such cases that are never stopped or prosecuted. And a lot worse goes on than working in a meat processing plant. A LOT worse. God knows the monstrous, moral crimes that have been committed in the last four years of wide open Biden borders.
Years ago, a Chinese woman told me the scam of how they go to Canada get on welfare and go back to China to just collect it every month from their bank account from the United States.
I spoke to a sheriff after that and when he told me that the Chinese people suck up the most government money out of anyone I believed him.
I recall how things disintegrated between my Mainland Chinese ex-wife and myself.. Things weren't going so well for me employment-wise, and the upshot of it was, while I was checking on my aging parents 2,500 miles away, the divorce papers arrived by courier.. . 😱
Nearly 20 years ago. But every good thing that woman now has, her home in Toronto, my finding the lawyer to get her sister released from an onerous employment contract, the loan so her sister could create a business, getting her parents flown out of China... All because I was in her life.
What did I get for it in the end? The destruction of everything I'd built up to the age of 45.
I never like to sound defeatist but fixing this problem in our current political climate would be like standing downstream from a failed dam and trying to stop the water from washing away
your home. It is impossible! Everyone is aware of the level of corruption in American politics
but every effort I've ever seen in my long life has been thwarted by the very actors it was
meant to corral. It's akin to expecting the criminal to write new laws to correct his unlawful
behavior. It's not going to happen because there is too much money involved.
But, The Children, Craig.
The Children!
I have a huge backlog but just finished watching this podcast by Tonitrus
• Diēs Sōlis -32- Codex Pajeet - the H-1B Visa Sequel - Tonitrus
long, but plainly stated. Thanks
Yeppers all true indeed. The “RESET” will not be televised. It will be carried about underneath all the synthesized Ordo ab Chao dogma. The Overton window is constantly moving, shifting, grinding funneling, killing, replacing, supplanting, extorting, exploiting, shifting, ploughing, sowing, churning, transforming etc. As Zewamerixa’s population continues to age it needs new slaves to film goods & services jobs that usury currency needs to function its socialcultural dysfunctional pathologies. Crabs in the bucket working for the Scorpions who rule over the ignorant & will ignorant. Vine climbers in denial, the new crop of indoctrinated degree’d
dolts who now feel entitled to their Brave New World conjoined with 1984 Utopian shot while they are part of. The down fall of society - civilization is always standards/morals/values. Someone got to clean the Shillebrities homes & assets. They certainly aren’t going to do them. They’re too busy networking within the corrupt broken system to do anything themselves. Meanwhile Jose A & Jose B will fill their incomes taxes w/ 33 dependents to
maximize their exploitation of the IRS tax dependent scam & claim single status to seal the deal. While the IRS has no assets to audit the claims. The whole rotting corpse system is broken & just cycling through all of its convoluted machinations of criminal full spectrum exploitation. Make Zewmerica Grift Again & Again. Like the STD Herpes the gift that keeps on grifting.
Great article. Privatizing value while externalizing costs is the only way local profit can be generated for the capitalist.
“Private profit should never be the justification for public policy,..”
Perhaps your next article should be about Thomas Jefferson, the founding of the U.S. Marine Corp, and the “shores of Tripoli”.
I know you are all about “it’s the Joos”, but the fact of the matter is that “ the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender”. Throughout all time, the wealthy in every culture, tribe, society, and civilization, have taken advantage of the poor. The J’s just happen to rule over rich and poor alike.
Nothing 'just happens'. The jews are terrified of White Nationalism in North America because they know that *things can be made to happen*.
In your dreams. They control the money supply, and all forms of enforcement. They can bring anyone to their knees.
You've been defeated before you even try.
There are many places in in the US where a new money supply is being created. The thing about Doomers is that they assume that whatever they haven't thought of cannot be thought. Whatever they haven't done cannot be done. The future requires both creativity and discipline in order to get Whites through this bottleneck of problems. Doomers have neither. You know you're not going to make it, but you also demand that your failure become everyone else's failure in order to conceal your failure from yourself.
Whites have failed to be able to control their territories precisely because their sense of in-group feeling is weaker than other races. White Nationalism provides a way to correct this weakness in instinct through *conscious* racial solidarity.
There's nothing particularly special about the predicament Whites find themselves in if one understands this one particular weakness.
Fortunately, this weakness is correctable in the same way that corrective lenses can fix infelicities in vision.
Not a doomer, but a realist. This is not some fly-by-night conspiracy they the Js have just decided to give a try. It’s been in the works for a long, long time. All your wishful thinking is exactly that.
You're a doomer if you call seeking ways to solve problems 'wishful thinking'.
You're self-defeating but are compensating for your impotence by pretending to secret knowledge.
'Conspiracy theory' has turned into a bad kind of Gnosticism.
And have not Craig and others fairly well documented the scope of the conspiracy? Good gosh, look what they just pulled off with 9/11 and Covid! And you think you stand a chance.
'Conspiracy theory' is a function of those on the outside looking in. 'Conspiracy theory' is subject to all of the problems of inference that every other inferential system possess.
If what Craig says convinces you that X is the case, that doesn't make X the case.
Besides, *even if every conspiracy was true* that wouldn't explain why you cannot create 'conspiracy' of your own.
Except that the whole point of 'conspiracy theory' is to convince politically interested persons to spend their days chasing rabbits down endless rabbit holes rather than taking constructive action to better their societies.
I was reading on Substack yesterday about how when there is a big backlash in society it’s because it was festering for about 10 to 15 years and then all of a sudden things changed very quickly. It looks bad because it looks like we’ve been working on this for a very long time and nothing is changing, but it’s going to happen all of a sudden.
Believe me I don’t think it’s fun to wait either.
I don’t know what backlash you are referring to, but I cannot think of a single one that wasn’t orchestrated by TPTB to achieve THEIR goals. From wars to social disruptions, if you peel the onion back just a little, you can see that it was not organic. Only thing I can think of, are the occasional protests at G5 or G7 (whatever number they are up to) meetings, which amount to exactly zero change.
When the money is controlled, there ain’t a damn thing the slave class can do about it. And anybody from the upper middle class down is the slave class. Cops and soldiers who depend on their sustenance from TPTB, will club you in the head and say, “I was just following orders”. Very few people are willing to risk their personal well being for the sake of the greater good, and those who do get steamrolled.
This is reality.
A really nice breakdown of what happened in Postville prior to this immigration raid:
Trump commuted his sentence, ha.
Typical for the Tribe. They are the "nobility" of our civilization, in the sense of having real unearned privilege while also skimming off profits from us pay-pigs.
And note how many years it took to make the raid, during which the company gained, what, hundreds of millions in artificially lowered wages, screwing their fellow citizens, and dumping the social costs--education of the children, water, sewer, roads, health care--all picked up by the citizens whose wages they are driving down. No one arrested for the immigration violations, the illegals deported will be replaced tomorrow, the fall guy--the "hiring manager" pleaded guilty at the advice of a company attorney, probably, and will receive a very light sentence. The execs and shareholders--i.e., the rich--get to keep the hundreds of millions in excess profit that should have gone into wages for Americans.
As for the Washington Post, yes, your assessment is correct. Notice how they don't say what the billboards actually said, which was "Immigration is doubling US population in your child's lifetime" Source US Census Bureau and then the web address. That's it. But I was "stirring up ethnic hatreds." They are truly an enemy. Mass immigration is the one sure-fire, irreversible way to destroy a civilization.