
Here's one more example of how the Internet is giving more and more people the opportunity to free their minds of the poison propaganda we've been drip-fed for so long:

Candace Owens is starting to talk about Hitler and WWII.


For those who aren't familiar with Candace Owens: she is a hugely popular conservative influencer. She used to schlep over at the Daily Wire with (((Ben Shapiro))), but the genocide of children in Gaza was a little too much for her to stomach and she started to get critical of Israel. Shapiro lost his shit, the ADL closed in for the kill, and she was fired.

Which was probably the best thing that ever happened to Owens, since she is now free to speak her mind about myriad other things... and to a massive young audience. While there might not be much that is "new" in the video linked above to the regular readers of OU, it is amazing that the ground being broken by writers like Craig is now being built upon by the likes of Owens.

Things are shifting.

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I guess Candace has no future in MMS...

I also think she should speak to Black audiences, making them aware of the real history of the slave trade: the ethnicity of the slave traders/ship owners, etc. If the Blacks are serious about demanding compensations they need to know from whom they should demand them.

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Absolutely. It's crazy that there is talk of reparations by the State of California (which never had slaves!) and yet no talk of holding Jews responsible as major players in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

But it could be one of those things that really bites the Jews in the ass... they stir up the Blacks' anger, and then it gets directed back at them.

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Just to add detail to your history- The list of slavers begins w/ adversarial tribes in West Africa, then Moslem Arabs who bought the defeated captives to trade to Jewish ship owners who transported them to the New World, then Jewish auctioneers who sold them mostly to plantation owners. Rich whites made up the bulk of these, altho rich Jews, free Blacks, and some Indians also bought and kept slaves.

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"Rich whites made up the bulk of these,"

In North America. The vast majority of African slaves ended up in South America and Caribbean, where, apparently, Jews were the plantation owners. The lucky ones (relatively speaking) ended up in North America.

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Jul 6Liked by Craig Nelsen

Thanks for that. Interesting musings. I have mixed feelings about the topics you bring up here, perhaps because I am a mix of German and Anglo ancestry, and grew up with the similar values that you mention at the beginning of your piece. I could probably write an essay myself on what you have just said, but I'll try to summarize briefly with some things that come to mind.

My grandfather went to the western front of Germany after D-Day. He was not there very long, but that was where the heaviest fighting of the war was. He came home after spending another series of months in 10 or 15 hospitals when one side of his body was filled with shrapnel from one of these large 8cm German artillery cannons. He died in 1963 of a heart attack age 41, a few years before I was born. He looked thin and healthy at the time, so I believe his death was in some way related to the shrapnel still in his body.

The only memory my grandmother shared of my grandfather's experience in World War II was that he still had night terrors about the Nazis coming to get him after coming home, even to the point of waking up at night, running outside, and hiding in the bushes. Apparently, after my grandfather was hit was artillery fire, he was the ground playing dead for quite some time before he was rescued. I never heard any stories about my grandfather having empathy for the Nazis/Germans (and certainly nothing at all about the Germans fighting the Bolsheviks), but that's because none of that narrative was brought up at the time.

In terms of premillenial dispensationalism and Christian Zionism, I have to believe people like Hal Lindsey, Chuck Missler, and even John Hagee are to some degree motivated by a belief that they are doing what is "right by God" when they write their books, give their sermons, and make their money Certainly, large amounts of money are involved for people like Hagee, but would he continue his pre-trib Zionist preaching if he believed it was of evil, or against God's will (his conception of God and God's will)? I don't think so. People like Christopher Hitchens would probably vehemently disagree, but I just see many people, even the John Hagees of the world, motivated by the belief that they are doing what is ethically right and good; I absent those at the tippy top (if such people exist) from this assumption.

In terms of this new right dispenationalist vision of a world free of Jewish or Sabbetean Frankist or Kazarian or secret society Masonic influence, a new world that is free of "evil" (if such people are indeed at the root of most of our ills), I question whether that is possible (or true) as well. I'm in California, and from what I can tell, the entire west coast of North America is being ceded to the Sinos (Chinese) and Aryans (Hindus). It's extremely visible and prominent, and has stepped up immensely since 2000, and super immensely since 2020. Frankly, this demographic shift is extremely disturbing and inorganix to me; I'm shocked that so few talk about it.

What I see occurring--if the "Jews" do cede control--is the Chinese slotted in to take their place. It's clear that the Chinese and Hindu population are extremely hypnotized by this bio-tech narrative, and by money and material and fake prestige rewards that our banker controllers have attached to it. In San Diego, my family's sleepy affordable military hometown since the late 1800s, it has become overnight a slimy hub for bio-tech and slimy Chinese landlordism. As with western Canada, the Chinese are destroying the real estate market here with their corruption and greed and fucking landlordism. Absent a unified organized tactical response to what is occurring, I see little in the future for many European-Americans except for feudalism and slavery. I could go on, but I'll pause at this for now.

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Jul 6Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

You seem incapable to believe that the likes of Hagee, like Pat Robertson and the rest of the slew of the "Christian zionist" fungus that has infected Western Christianity, can be anything other than sincere believers in false and misguided concepts of Christianity.

They cannot possibly be THAT corrupt and morally depraved as to extort millions from gullible Americans (many poor, retired old people) on the promise of "rapture" just for their personal enrichment because you can't imagine yourself doing it.

Lionized in Israel as a "righteous Gentile" for donating millions of dollars that support the industrial scale murder of Palestinians, thousands of them children, Hagee has been given honors and medals and...a private jet as a gift. The Jews laugh all the way to the bank because they find the "rapture" shtick he sells to his congregation hilarious. Do you really think he believes he is doing "God's work"?

When you deal with such unspeakable evil it is not only wrong but dangerous to mistake it for what? honest error? He thought Jesus said "Let the children come to me so I can murder them?"

Unless we identify the evil doers we cannot hope to defend ourselves from them.

Before he is going to share a cauldron with Robertson I would very much like him to do a stint in a tent in Gaza.

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"share a cauldron with Robertson"

Now that sounds like a perfect image for AI :)

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Jul 9Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

While we are on religion:

The Episcopalian Church is a side door through which Jews (like Madeleine Albright, or John Kerry or the “Jews for Jesus”) can sneak in and play being Christian while doing “what's good for the Jews.” And a wonderful, Jew-friendly Christian church it is too: women priests (rectors) and lots and lots of Jews in it.

Once in they use their scheister tricks of talmudic reasoning because they are constitutionally unable to think and feel like a Christian Gentile, like the Jew in the video below. A legalistic mind is Jewish spirituality sui generis. Kibbitzers.

He tries to demonstrate his allegedly newly acquired faith as the result of … his intellectual and professional prowess to establish the accuracy of the Gospels by a forensic argument: the disappearance of the body of Christ … That did it for him. So he became a Christian. Come to Jesus, Landsmen, it's safe.

Note also how he stresses the importance of the Old Testament.

Perhaps I am too cynical. The comments under the video by Christians exuberant and gratified by this new Christian bother depressed me. I am THAT cynical, I guess.


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Stay cynical Ariadna! It's good for that wonderful brain of yours.

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Jul 9Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thank you.

For some reason the Like button does not function for me, nor

can I post a stand-alone comment, only under anothefr comment. My laptop must be deteriorating.

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Yeah, I remember you mentioning your computer woes a while back. I have heard other commenters on other stacks mentioning similar problems (particularly with the like button). I sometimes can't get it to work either, but in my case it's lousy internet service... it seems like your problem is more intractable.

In any case, for someone hampered by limited functionality on Substack, you certainly leave really great comments!!! Where there is a will, there is a way. Thanks for being persistent - the rest of us really benefit.

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It seems like everything British has been corrupted, subverted, or weaponized. The final end of all empires?

I wasn't aware that there were a large number of Jews converting into the Episcopal church. Interesting. If the conversions were sincere, you would think they would find the John Hagee brand of Christianity more appealing, it being the most Judaized of all the Christian sects and in open support of the genocide of children. It's also bottom-of-the-barrel in terms of social cachet, while the Episcopalian remains at the top in that regard, and I suspect that that utilitarian consideration would explain the Jewish preference.

I wonder, in Catholic dominated societies, whether that phenomenon is evident, but directed toward the Church of Rome?

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Likewise, in the Anglican church, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby's real family surname is Weiler and his father's family is jewish.

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Hagee = $5,000,000 = Grifter = Evil

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Here is nice story about people who, according to your assumptions, may have thought they were doing their god's will:


Let's keep in mind that they were not planning to avenge the "6 million" jews killed by the Germans because in 1945 the Holocaust package had not been produced yet. Nobody ever talked then about the "6 million," not Eisenhower, not Churchill.

This plot, which got the approval of the man who later became Israel's PM, aimed simply at killing as many Germans as possible. The story was fashioned later to include the number that had been trotted out by them long before WWII: 6 million Jews were about to perish in Russia (that evil Tsar...), 6 million is a magical number to them.

The monstrosity of attempting to poison the population of entire cities is a judaic trait. in Palestine they were repeatedly poisoning village wells.

Since "sincerity" of belief seems important to you then you may consider murderous fanaticism the highest form of sincerity.

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen
Jul 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

Please share this video from the (Chosen) horse's mouth with all your friends and acquaintances and ask those with whom whom you share it to do the same. This is a learned rabbi talking, it is not "blood libel."

These are the people who want to lead the world (an who are already in substantial control of the Western world) in order to change it according to their judaic Weltanschauung.

Please note his relativization of the sinister act: "all religions have rituals", nothing to see here, folks. Riiight.... Furthermore this is not some haphazard get-together to play necrophiliac games, no, it is done by the book, which the rabbi shows us.

Meticulous sticklers or details, the "people of he Book." And not all Jews are into it, he also tells us, because there are so many kinds of Jews.

Some inconsistencies caught my attention, but that's probably my puny Gentile mind not coping with the deep judaic wisdom.

For example, "there is no soul," he says, which is correct judaic dogma, but then how do they hope to bring the almost-Messiah Schneerson back to life by having his "soul/spirit" enter the body of the dead on which they carry out the ritual of blood letting? Jewish prestidigitation: no soul, soul.

Also, how "recently" dead are the dead that bleed so much on those mattresses? They must pounce on them before rigor mortis sets in.

And are the dead Lubavitchers, as he says, or a "recently dead" Goy would do? After all their thriving organ trafficking in Israel is known to use organs from unwilling Palestinian donors. There I go again, skirting blood label...

I have to think that I am an alarmist and that this ghoulish practice is really not worthy of any public attention or else this rabbi's testimony would have led not only to screaming headlines in the MSM but also to some police investigation and indictments, at the very least for profanation of cadavers. It would sadden me to suspect that my attitude stems from anti-semitism.

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"I never heard any stories about my grandfather having empathy for the Nazis/Germans (and certainly nothing at all about the Germans fighting the Bolsheviks), but that's because none of that narrative was brought up at the time. "

It is only thanks to the Internet that the Bolshevik genocide of 66 million Russian Christians is even brought up now. The Russian forger was absolutely correct. Jews control the media. Solzhenitsyn said that the fact we are so ignorant about what occurred in Russia between 1917 and 1987 proves who the perpetrators were. We have this small window. It seems to be closing. It may be the one chance our people have to escape our Jehovan fate--utter destruction as demanded in Deuteronomy. It is up to us to make this narrative take command. It has the narrative power. It just needs the voice.

As for the Hagees of the world, yes, they may convince themselves they are following scripture or whatever. Every CheKa torturer thought he or she was doing the right thing. Humans are really good at dressing up their desires as duty. It's the praise that vice gives to virtue. But, the genocide of innocent children--genocide period--but especially of terrified little kids--is unequivocal evil. There is no circumstance in the world that justifies burying little kids alive in the rubble of their own homes, in their own neighborhoods, in their own cities. I don't care if Satan himself is hiding in the basement. Those who do such things, or abet such things, are evil. If there is a hell that punishes evil, it is made for those people.

You wrote a lot more I would like to address (thanks for the comment) but don't have time at the moment. Hope to see you around more.

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Jul 7Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thanks for the interaction. Look forward to coming back for more interaction.

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"The Russian forger was absolutely correct"

"Forgery" -- the facsimile of an original-- is the wrong word, implying there was an original. Those who deny the Protocols' authenticity believe it is an apocryphal document, a complete falsehood.

Even though you appear to think so, I absolve you, Craig, of any suspicion of being (perish the thought!) an anti-semite. I have just reached the conclusion that denying its authenticity is nothing less than sneaky anti-semitism and somebody must so advise he ADL.

Here is why I suspect the motives of the Protocol deniers:

Isn't the subtext of their denial the idea that the Sanhedrin would not have been capable of elaborating a work of such astounding comprehensive planning, of such visionary inspiration and divinatory intuition that its predictions have been (and continue to be) attained in detail, just as envisioned?

Aren't these doubters denying in effect the superiority of the Jewish intellect? Are we to believe that some Russian nobody created it? Not me. I am no anti-semite.

I see further indirect proof of its authenticity in the evidence that they are not resting on their laurels. A new generation of Jewish visionaries, personified by Yuval Noah Harari, is elaborating new "protocols." He describes a braver new world, with fewer people, all improved by technology --cyberhumans-- liberated not only from useless "narratives" like religion or nationalism, but also from the chains of sexuality (he himself, previously a homosexual, is now a asexuate) and of all pain. A being that knows itself to be simply a depository of data.

He does not call his philosophy Protocols but Klaus Schwab has recognized its genius and the WEF aims to implement it.

[Unless we stop them...and soon... ]

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Haha, it's like the line from the unequaled Monty Python's Life of Brian when the woman, after being thrown a bit, says, "Only the true Messiah would deny He is the Messiah."

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Cannot give you a like other than by typing it:


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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Allied policy of Unconditional Surrender against the Axis resulted in a lot of unnecessary death and destruction

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The entire war was unnecessary. Both the 1940 ADL letter above and Oscar-nominated Jew Lee Kern agree: WWII was fought to subdue German resistance to Jewish supremacy.

It is very shameful to be an American. To this very day, Jews are still using our court system, enslaved legislatures, and economic muscle to force Germans to pay and pay and pay for daring to resist.

99% of Americans don't know that

98% don't care


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Jul 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

I am of the mindset that the conventionally-given origins and reasons for both WWI and WWII are highly suspect at best. The American Civil War, in which I had numerous ancestors fighting on both “sides,” was certainly unnecessary. It appears, in retrospect if not in true purpose, to have been conducted mostly to consolidate federal power, and destroy the notion forever that America is a collection of states with their own sub national characters and rights. The “immigration” that has occurred since that time has certainly subdued that notion forever.

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That Austrian fellow "belled the cat" as Captain A.H.M. Ramsay said, hence the total destruction of Germany, expulsion and extermination of civilians, enslavement post War of surrendered German soldiers, lawfare kangaroo court at Nuremberg etc. etc. We, of course are finding the chickens have come home to roost - hence our current predicament.

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Jul 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

I was told by them they get on welfare in Canada, go back to China, and get the money in their bank accounts every month for the year.

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Jul 9Liked by Craig Nelsen

That seems highly likely to me. Totally within their character, from my interactions.

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That seems very UNlikely to me. You can get on welfare while you live in the US. You do not get it sent to you abroad.. Whoever told you that must have confused the welfare with the Social Security benefits, which you get if you worked a number of years in the US and that can be sent abroad.

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When I lived in China in the mid-90s, books on how to game the American system were everywhere. They were practically their own genre. And a lot of those books preyed on the people attempting to game our system. And then there were the Westerners with their own hustles going. A previous comment by @chris142111 has prompted me to write about it

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Jul 6Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Excellent piece.

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Jul 6Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

An valuable documentary evidence

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Jul 7Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Another excellent article, Craig. I'll leave it at that. As for dogs and explosions, including thunderstorms....I've several dogs that are terrified of them. I found a product that seems to help. It's concocted in N.M., USA from global sources, by MediNatura and called ''T-Relief Pet Calming chamomillia +9'' and is a homeopathic formulation. Nothing, short of anesthesia, will completely sooth a dog that is so terrified of the booms, but that product seems to take some of the edge off. It's inexpensive, and in USA you can get it shipped free from ProfessionalSupplementCenter. (MediNatura also makes T-Relief products for humans that I've been using successfully for many years.) Give it a try when fireworks or storms are impending. Disclosure: I have zero financial interests in that company. Thanks again for your work. You're a gem.

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Is T-Relief in liquid form? I am asking because I would like to get it for a friend's dog that is terrified by fireworks and hides in the bathtub trembling, and this happens here a lot more often because the locals choose this kind of celebration every time their soccer team wins. Nevertheless, nothing in liquid form can be shipped from the US here.

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No, it's tablets.

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I hope you can get it and have good results!

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Thank you.

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Jul 11Liked by Craig Nelsen

Craig! Reading that those passages from the German soldier filled me with rage. And the memos from jews concerning the war effort are surprising only in that the documents still exist in some form, not yet erased by the perfidious jew. WW2, the second European brother war, designed to destroy Western civilization. And I am reminded of the insufferable, smug FDR, and Churchill, the drunk, in the most cold, calculating (jewish) manner planning the outbreak of the war. Demons. Criminals against humanity. The Wehrmacht, as you know, was the bulwark against the USSR conquerring all of Europe, and for that Hitler and Germans sacrificed their future. I would like to see Holocaust museums everywhere replaced with memorials to Germany, in gratitude for their defense of European civilization. Today I am signing up to support this channel financially. The falsification of OUR history must end.

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Thank you, and thank you for the financial support. It means a great deal.

You said:

"I would like to see Holocaust museums everywhere replaced with memorials to Germany, in gratitude for their defense of European civilization. "

The image that that created in my mind gave me chills. What a glorious day of truthfulness and righteousness and human dignity that would be!

History has a sense of irony, at least. Someday, it will be clear to the world that the people who most loudly trumpeted their freedom were the most enslaved people of all. Our artists are starting to recognize this, even the poets, i.e., new music.

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May Hezbollah raze the whole area inshalla

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Jul 7Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

They're chipping away, and many of the colonists are deserting the doomed entity. It's only a matter of time.

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Yes, on RT they are joking about the “fireworks show” but I doubt they will be joking for long

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Jul 7Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Catch some of Jon Elmer's segments at Electronic Infitada, on youtube (which I use mostly because they provide closed captions.) He mostly does breakdowns of the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza, complete with video. Elmer's awesome. The IOF are proficient at slaughtering civilians using awesome firepower and lots of tech. In the trenches they are getting bashed and bloodied in Gaza, with no appreciable accomplishments of their stated military objectives. Pivot to Hezbollah, and it's a different ballgame. Israel's specialty is targeted assassinations of Hezbollah military leadership, and of course raining down white phosphorous on the Lebanese populace. But, Hezbollah is well-armed and giving Israel fits in the main, contested space and seems to be well prepared for any escalations. No joke, no doubt! Add in the Houthis who are simply wreaking havoc on Israel's economy with the blockade, and also possess very effective munitions and troop strength. Most importantly, all of the resistance factions have the will to fight for their homelands and survival. Israelis, not so much, which is why their bailing in huge, huge numbers. Greed, arrogance, superiority complex, and other abominable traits and deficiencies in their basic humanity, will be their demise.

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Yes, Elmer is excellent. Since you follow him you are familiar with the red triangle in the Hamas videos. Here is the latest idiocy of the brainless, spineless and spayed German government:


What next? Ban the words that start with the syllable "Pal"? Palace, palindrome, paludism, Palatinate...

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Germany's fucked. I have a relative who lives in Heidelberg. The DPW was doing some street renovations and managed to tear up some phone and other major underground lines near his home. His landline got clipped, no phone, and they keep pushing back the repair date. As of now, it's slated for late August. It's already been out for a month. This, in what was once the most efficient nation on earth. Damn shame. Another ZOG. The red triangle ban is, yet another, act of Ziodesperation.

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Jul 8Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

I know Heidelberg. Walked on Philosophen Weg... On the wall of my LR I have a lithograph showing the view from the bridge in the 1900.

The last time I visited friends there in the late 80s they had called a locksmith to change a lock and I was astounded not only by he fact that the man (middle age German) arrived punctually to the minute but by the meticulous care he took to avoid scratching the wood and by how he cleaned the floor when he finished in case any dust had fallen. I had never seen any repairman working like that in the US. I am sure that kind of pride in one's work is gone. I was also struck by my friends' reluctance to complain too directly about the hordes of Gypsies that were invading Germany at the time, defecating at night in their gardens. Afraid to appear ... xenophobic. They were blaming the government for not doing enough to help the poor Gypsies "integrate" in German society.

I guess by now Germans have learned that punctuality and work ethics are racist concepts...

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