Welcome, Anna ! Glad to see a woman standing up for white men with such passion.

We are an endangered species and any attention can heal those wounds.

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It pains me to hear white men called an endangered species... because you are only too right.

I do believe white men carry a flame that is almost impossible to extinguish. Which is exactly why there are forces trying to do exactly that.

Not on my watch.

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Jan 2Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Splendid debut, Anna! Looking forward for more from you this year.

My appreciation of your essay on this topic may be due to a deeply entrenched bias. (Now that being "born in the wrong body" is widely accepted as real, who knows, I might be a 'male-chauvinist pig' in a woman’s body…). But there was more that prevented me from ever becoming “enlightened”:

A combination of distrust in anything peddled by “progressives,” revulsion at the grotesque hatred of men and family spewed by the likes of Betty Friedan, or the “sexual liberation” pushed by the likes of Hugh Hefner.

I also had contempt for the hypocrisy of “women’s liberation” advocates urging women to “find themselves,” throw off the chains of patriarchy and “realize their potential in the work place,” which I saw as a smoke screen to hide the fact that from the early 70s on a working/middle class family could no longer live on one income (the husband’s) and even buy a home while the wife “baked cookies” at home (Hillary Clinton’s contemptuous description of home makers) and raised two or more kids, as their parents had done. All on one income of the male oppressor who had a blue collar job!

So, women who did not get to "realize themselves” by dint of their “emotional intelligence” by becoming architects, mathematicians or brain surgeons but were cashiers in supermarkets or receptionists in medical/dental clinics had to be made to believe that this was not a dire economic necessity but their choice. A "career path."

Men are all bad, but White men are the worst because they are twice oppressors.

Black men are just useless because the Great Society ensured that unmarried Black women receive more benefits if they are not around to form anything resembling a family. Unlike White men, however, Black men are victims of the racist society created by… of course, White men.

The only demand of the early feminists that made sense was “equal pay for equal work."

When the concept of equity struck, however, they took this astray when even highly educated professional women lost any semblance of rationality agitating about "unequal pay" of men and women physicians. They would point to statistics of average income of women physicians being lower than that of their male counterparts.They conveniently ignored the fact that most women CHOSE specialties like pediatrics, Ob/Gyn and GP, which paid less than any of the surgical specialties that men chose. Someone with two working neurons to rub together and a dram of honesty would note that in the non-surgical specialties, BOTH men and women were paid less than, say, cardiac surgeons (mostly men). Women were never prevented from specializing in high-intensity, high-liability procedural specialties. Surveys indicate they prefer flexible hours and a more “relaxed” practice. That is but one example.

The highly toxic and destructive propaganda against White men must be vigorously attacked and it must begin with the deprogramming of White women. Forward Anna’s article to all the women you know and ask them to pass it on to other women. Men know...

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Author

Ariadna, you have no idea what it means to me to receive your praise.

When you first started commenting here, I recognized your name from The Occidental Observer's comment forum (where I used to sometimes participate as "Anne C"). Your intelligence and integrity always shine through in your writing, and from about the 2010s on I was very strongly influenced by you as I came to terms with my own "misguided youth."

Thank you for being such a great woman. And such a wonderful human being.

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Jan 2Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

What is certain is that aside from all your obvious talents and qualities you are also enormously generous. To a fault.

Thank you. I am overwhelmed, I may frame this and hang it on the wall to re-read when I have a dark day. It is possibly the nicest thing anyone ever said to me.

For levity’s sake (but not entirely) it made me remember a trip I took back to the States a few years ago, where I met an old acquaintance, a man I had known only superficially and only because we walked our dogs in the park on the same schedule.

On my recent visit, when we happened to meet in the house of some mutual friends, he stunned me by saying “You know I think of you every morning.”

“Why?” I asked amazed. “Maybe you don't remember," said he, "but once when we were walking the dogs in the park, chatting, you mentioned that you had just read a credible scientific paper urging people to never, ever put tooth paste on the tooth brush in a quantity larger than a pea because no more is needed, and it contains poison (fluoride) which is why they also put a vomitive in it in case kids swallow it. So, ever since, every morning when I brush my teeth I think of you. And rinse well”

Well, the last sentence was unwittingly less than flattering but I knew what he meant.

I told my friends I wanted him to write my obituary because I wanted to be remembered for concrete good deeds I did, even if just a single one related to dental hygiene.

I hope this illustrates just how overwhelmed I am by your praise, given my history...

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And I'll add that you have a great sense of humour, too!

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Jan 2Liked by Anna Cordelia

As I read this article, the anger of my youth echoes as I lived this era of degradation. I can't count the number of arrogant self serving females who wouldn't take the effort to participate in a relationship. I dated a couple for 3 months during which time those princesses never once called me or took initiative. I stopped calling; I never heard from them.

I was a machinist during those days; fit, smart, financially capable, and not spineless. I can't believe how many princesses found me intimidating or shrunk in fear when I just said Hi. I do despise most of this class of so called women -- now and then.

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Gary, thank you for your raw honesty. I am sometimes amazed there aren't more men as angry as you were.

One of (many) things that helped turn me around from my feminist thinking was experiencing the innocent chivalry of Australian men in the late 1990s. Things have probably changed since the short spell that I lived there... but at that time, men just about ran to open doors for women. It was such a privilege to be treated with such consideration. They also had a great sense of humour about their "Sheilas"!

It appalled me when I returned to Canada to hear so many women casually dismiss Australian men as chauvinists. I tried to just tell myself, they have no idea what they are missing.

Your point about women not wanting to take the initiative is not lost on me. As a young woman, any time I took the first step in showing my interest in a guy, I was amazed at how overwhelming it felt.

Kudos to you for not taking any crap. But I hope you are still open to connecting with women who are not so thoroughly duped (rare as they can be). Real princes and princesses often go unrecognized in fairy tales... and I think there is a lesson in that.

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"I was amazed at how overwhelming it felt."

I missed that. Overwhelming in what way? Please be direct as I have no idea to what you are referring.

"But I hope you are still open to connecting with women who are not so thoroughly duped"

I found in England & Australia that divorced women were toxic. They play the game of being nice and sexy but it is entirely a lie. They may want sex - but not as much as they want to use it as a weapon. They know how to fake being a nice woman - which just makes their love of treachery, bitchery and simple viciousness more hypocritical. They know they are being nasty. They actively choose to be nasty! And - AFAIK from self reports - see it as being an empowered feminist who is 'getting revenge' on 10,000 years of Patriarchy. (Personally, I judged it to be a woman who'd drunk the cool aid of feminism and had had her life ruined by it - and never realised what had been done to her.)

To the contrary the few women who are happily married are - by definition - not available for relationships. The competition (desperation of men?) for a good woman is so great that those women whose man dies invariable marry a decent + rich guy 'they've known for a long time'. In other words a successful, very patient and far thinking fella.

Ordinary guys are faced with dross or nothing. So I gave up. When I retired I went to Asia. I've found the women are just as obsessed with wealth and status. But so long as you remain wealthy (and don't put any of it in their name) they will remain warm and loving. I recently meet an 81yr old black American who came here less than a year ago. Now a very happy man with a good women in her late 50s.

Sure, there are cultural issues, and it ain't heaven. But at least its honest.

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When I think of how the typical white Christian American--my people, as long as they are reasonably comfortable--won't take the initiative or make the effort to, say, stand up for their kind, or make an effort against injustice, or how they safely blinker themselves against uncomfortable truths, it's easy to feel anger. And justified. But ultimately unhelpful either to me or my people and our future. I'm not talking about outright betrayal--just the comfortable self-delusion, or the fear of public criticism, stuff like that that we can all relate to.

I have to make a conscious effort to remember they're just humans with the same conditioning and human frailties and flaws we all have. In other words, I have to be patient and understanding and focus my anger on the real guilty.

I think the same outlook is probably appropriate to the issue Anna's article addresses. White women were/are subject to the same conditioning we all are. It's powerful and, frankly, we white males aren't offering much of a counter-narrative. The white males who agreed with or approved of the message on Amheera's lapel pin are arguably more at fault than the white females who thought it was edgy. Hard as it may be, we have to give both a break so we can start looking at where that destructive conditioning was coming from.

Thanks for your comment, Gary.

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I didn't really get into "where the destruction was coming from" in my article, but it's not hard to see once you start looking at who got the ball rolling in the 1960s and beyond.

Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Naomi Wolf... notice a pattern?

Sometimes it's best to just let the sociopaths among us speak for themselves.


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Jan 21Liked by Anna Cordelia

This pattern speaks everywhere in media, journalism, finance, law and regulatory institutions. I am uncomfortable seeing it now the veil has lifted as it’s impossible to discuss openly. Critical thinking is not permitted out loud.

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We are very much in the minority, but there are more people "noticing" all the time.

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Off topic: :Looks like I am a "founding member" as of today... Doesn't seem right since I wasn't here from the beginning but I am not asking to have the status revoked, no, no, no.

Just sayin'

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Really? That's odd. Didn't know we used that!

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Jan 3Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thanks for writing this. Although I was never in such company as you write about when I was in college (I'm a Millennial), and never really paid attention to feminist rhetoric or writers or even knew who they were, I recognize the type and realize what harm they have done.

Despite not being a feminist myself and loving to get my girlie-girlie on, my professional life has been spent in traditionally masculine fields. I have encountered sexism from time to time, but nothing that ever blocked my career path. Men have, as a rule, always been very helpful to me and I've always enjoyed their company, even just to listen to them talk. I admire and respect them (well, most of them!) for all they do to maintain our civilization.

One thing I see that feminism has done is make young guys, some Millennials but especially Zoomers, terrified of women. They are even afraid to say simple things like, "Looking good, this morning, Karen," or "That dress is very becoming on you, Becky." And they are afraid with good reason. The young woman they say this to might genuinely consider it sexual harassment because she has been brainwashed to believe that it is. So best to say nothing, and keep personal interaction to a minimum. So no awkward first dates. No puppy love. No girlfriend. No wife. No family. No life.

Looking forward to more of your essays!

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It's interesting that I witnessed the beginnings of the feminist scourge, while you are witnessing the results. Thanks for that insightful comment.

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Apr 12Liked by Anna Cordelia

White boys are considered society’s garbage. We’re less than worthless, we are a threat to kill or rape anyone we see. America would be better off without us.

It’s getting to the point where they won’t have us. My stepson joined the ranks of those taking their own life just two weeks ago. It’s an epidemic. But nobody gives a fuck because white people are the devil and deserve to die. That is the message shouted at us from everywhere.

They will get what they want. Then let’s see them survive a month without us.

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Thank you for this comment, Scott. I can't stress how important it is that men like you share your stories.

I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your stepson. Every suicide of every young white man needs to be mourned by the whole of our society. Aside from the incredibly painful loss to your immediate circle of family and friends, the death of boys like your stepson is like the canary in the coal mine for our civilization.

"Let's see them survive a month without us." You're optimistic! I would give it a week, absolutely tops.

As you can see from the other comments on this story, women like me get lots of kudos for writing pieces like this. I sometimes feel it is undeserved, because the truth of the matter is that *I am doing this in my own best interest.*

It is stunning that more women don't get this, but the time will come when the Men of the White Race will be appreciated again. I only wish we didn't have to lose so many wonderful white boys on the way to that day.

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Mar 20Liked by Anna Cordelia

Wonderful pictures. It reminded me of a job I had once spraying gravel and sludge out of semi trailers. I'd rather do that any day before stepping under florescent lights for a shift.

Born Fighting: How the Scots Irish Shaped America by Jim Webb was a good book that stands in opposition to the "Cry Me A River White Boy" button. I haven't read it, but Michael Hoffman's They Were White and They Were Slaves corrects the record as well.

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I know what you mean about outdoor work! It can be infinitely more satisfying than being indoors under artificial lighting. But it can require a certain toughness, too, which obviously you've got.

Really pleased you appreciated the photos - I had to "massage" my search terms, since the search engines seem really reluctant to turn up results showing pictures of white men these days! (Hmmmmm....) But once I got the hang of it, I hit some real paydirt. This selection of child labourers was particularly touching:


I'm sure there are lots of Irish kids in those photos. Thanks for your book recommendations - I will look them up.

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Glad you saw that horrid ideology for the rotten drivel it is. Wish my woke daughter could read this, maybe someday she'll change her mind as you did. Thank you.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 20Author

Don't lose hope where your daughter is concerned. I was an SJW before the term existed. If I can change, anyone can change. Sometimes the "wokest" ones will be the ones to turn hardest!!

Be as patient with her as you can muster. Maybe try using humour wherever you can to counteract her BS? She'll blow a gasket (as I'm sure you well know), but it could stick in the back of her mind the way it did with me... and who knows what the future will bring.

Just being a dad that truly cares makes a world of difference, whether you know it or not.

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Apr 20Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

She no longer speaks to us. Her husband is the one who really accelerated her transition into someone who we no longer recognize, she even looks different and it's not just the purple hair. Her features look as if her bone structure has changed, it's really weird and creepy. They took our grandsons and moved to the other side of the nation, after trying and failing to take us to court for a restraining order to legally exclude us from their life. The judge saw through it, told her she was making a serious mistake, her husband would eventually abandon her and she would need us in her life. Of course she rejected it as patriarchal lies and subjugation. One of her main complaints and justification for seeking the order was us telling her we loved her, something we have always done in our family and we continue in her absence. Love bombing was the term, we'd never heard it before nor aware that she didn't want to hear it. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and you never know what can happen. A simple trio to the store may be the last time you see someone.

When I was diagnosed with cancer two years ago my wife texted her to tell her and silence was the response. I'm scared I'm going to die without ever seeing or hearing from her or our grandsons again. I don't know why I'm telling you all this, but if you're still reading it the kind words of your response are very appreciated as well as the time you spent reading this. I wish you well and hope you have a long happy life filled with blessings.

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I am stunned.

It sounds like your daughter is under some kind of spell. And an evil one at that. I don't have kids or grandkids, so I can only imagine how incredibly heart-breaking this situation must be for you, and for your wife.

Not to mention that your grandsons are being deprived of a wonderful grandfather.

I will say this: it has been a very long time since my grandfathers were alive - decades. Most of my memories of them are from the time I was still a small child. Those memories are extraordinarily precious to me, and they have helped me to re-claim who I am in the middle of all the din of the modern world.

I will always love the smell of burning tobacco, no matter what, because it puts me right back on one grandfather's knee, and holding the other grandfather's hand.

I can tell from your story that you have been a loving father and grandfather. Somewhere deep in your daughter's heart, and in the hearts of your grandsons, lie the seeds of that love. Seeds can last a very long time, and when the conditions are right they will sprout.

Sadly, I personally know two other (wonderful) people who have been deprived the joy of seeing their grandchildren, one by a son, and one by a daughter. You are not alone. I am sure you will have helped others by sharing your story. Thank you.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 20Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Bravo Anna!!

Kudos for not taking the off ramp, when the responsibility turned directly into your path.

I've long said that any group (men, women, sexual orientation, religion, government, etc.) that does not guard against the radicals being allowed through it's gates - especially the ones that understand you better than you do - is doomed to be eaten and destroyed by those same radicals and the ones that will be spawned from their own ranks.

You see this now in EVERY single societal issue, crumbling respective civilizations around the globe.

Blacks are seeing the leftist radicals (usually white, upper class libs) supplanting them with tens of millions of illegal pawns.

Gays are seeing the radical ideologs mauling them and their movement. They are openly being attacked and silenced by the trans-industrial complex. There have even been calls for gay men to transition and become strait women.

Dems are baffled by the radicals that have taken their party to one of grooming and molesting children, pushing lethal injections for the greater good, fomenting and creating global wars in fealty to the WIIC, open borders at the cost of the entire country, an overtly weaponized deep state and more.

And women, who allowed the radicals, opportunists and manipulators to come through the gates - nay, invited them in - and then watched the fall of all you enumerated and the rise of more - depression, divorces, alcoholism, single parenthood and the resultant damaged kids, the belief that murdering a baby at any point in development was equal to women's rights, self hatred and lack of self identity/worth.

All these groups had struggles to be sure and were working toward what they saw as fair treatment. However, they all let the radicals in (which all come from the same wellspring BTW) and from that point on, it has been a downward spiral for all of them, but they couldn't see the rot and destruction, like the blindness you and your girlfriends had with Ameerha and her totem button.

I imagine you might do this from time to time, but others should as well.

Think of all the girls (just since the time you encountered Ameerha) that have been groomed and turned by an influential acquaintance or figure. They could have met them personally or more likely they idolized/allied with them via movies, tv, music, literature, the internet and social media.

Considering the exponential reality of that and you have an idea of the tide you'll have to swim against, to wake people up.

Now, understand that same tide exists in all those other groups, that are the elements of the radical chaos we are living in today.

Excellent post and much respect for the honest introspection and assessment of the issue.

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I love these comments that could stand alone as their own articles! You drive home a very important message.

We can be our own worst enemies.

Your list was exhaustive (and so utterly accurate). It reminds me of how the original Bolsheviks used the "proletariat" to gain power - the working classes were just a means for them to destroy Russian society, they had no true interest in their plight.

It's depressing and exhilarating - because once you figure out the game, you can start turning the tables. Yes, we are living in chaos, but you know the adage... bad times bring strong men.

And hopefully a few strong women, who know the value of supporting their strong men.

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Apr 20·edited Apr 21Liked by Anna Cordelia

Yup, my soapbox is well worn and repaired often. Thank you for the tolerance of the long form comment. Truth be told, many of these have turned into posts.

I thought your insights were profound and yes, I agree, once you see it you can't unsee it.

You will appreciate these two links since you mentioned and understand the underpinnings of the Russian revolution. Seeing the framework underpinning it was a big step forward for me - in seeing the same playbook used for centuries, by radicals and opportunists. Revolts are rarely organic, but orchestrated by those just waiting for the exact right time and circumstances.

The second link is a very good commentary on the "manifesto" in the first, by Georgios Karakasis P.H.D. I did a series on it several months ago.




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Wow, I'd never heard of Sergey Nechayev. What a piece of work! Thanks for the links, I will be checking them out.

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My pleasure!

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Jan 1·edited Jan 1Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Welcome, Anna! And kudos for your human insight and the guts to say it. You're recalling the beginning of the culture wars to separate us from each other (ironically, by making us want to be alike); instead of learning to value and develop who we are as unique individuals, we were/are taught that we should identify as a member of some group, and that that group's identity is always couched in terms of victimhood. So there is always someone else to blame (since you are a victim, someone else must be victimizing you, right?). Today, it takes courage to become an individual (as Jung showed us, individuation is the goal of living). It's the hardest thing to do and the most satisfying (as most difficult things are). This new year is predicted to be historic and probably not pleasantly so, but like everything else in life, it can guide us toward our goal of individuation whatever happens. We are more than we know, and always will be.

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Thank you for your words of wisdom, Aelred. I could not agree more that becoming an individual is one of the most satisfying things one can do.

The curve ball we are being thrown as white people these days is that there are people (the Usual Suspects) who are arraying their *collective* group power against us. And so there is a level on which we need to recognize ourselves as a group, with group interests, and fight back collectively.

The challenge seems to be to figure out how to do that, while still maintaining our drive for individuation - for as you say, "We are more than we know, and always will be."

I struggle with that challenge - but if I reflect on what people like Jung and Joseph Campbell tried to teach us, I realize that on some level it's all the same thing. The Hero has to sacrifice himself on a certain level - and that is ironically what sees him through to victory.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3Liked by Anna Cordelia, Craig Nelsen

Looking back, what strikes me about Feminism is the way it just came out of nowhere and plastered the MSM of the day. I used to have boxes of cuttings - mostly from women's mags - advocating the most toxic of ideas. Anything so long as it was anti-male or about sex shorn of love or indeed any relationship. (Do you remember feminists advocating 'The Zipless Fuck'? The girl was advised to leave off her panties and wear a stretchy skirt that could be raised in small, confined spaces. Korea recently had a version : filming sex in a clothes store changing cubical, then posting it on tiktok.) Culminating in the 1980's or 1990's crusade by a small minority of man hating lesbians to 'Reclaim the Night'. Which they said could only be done by castrating 90% of men. They were serious and the BBC evening news reported them as having a valid point of view....

In retrospect I'd say the adoption of such a large media campaign - saturation coverage for two decades - betrays that it was organised. Plus such a sophisticated program of misinfo argues for it being part of Mockingbird - and thus run by the CIA. Looking back we can see how much it resembles the early stages of creating a color revolution (attack on the social structures which improve and strengthen society, advocacy for views that create dissension and offer few if any realisable benefits, etc.) which are also CIA run.

I don't know about the younger generations but many of us older ones are now ready to apply our more sophisticated understanding (of the technology used to degrade a society) to the Feminist campaign. In retrospect we can see it was a massive and hugely successful attack upon traditional society. Almost as successful as the creation of con'sumerism*. Whilst on the positive side, its level of adoption reveals the Woke program to be a total failure.

*greed and selfishness didn't use to be exalted as the be all and end all of life. If you remember the Yuppies of the 80s and 'Greed is good' then you probably recognise consumerism as being yet another part of the Fifth Generation Warfare currently being waged upon society.

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Apr 16Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thank you, Dear Lady. This means a LOT to an American White M-A-N...Very poignant and well written, hits Home, in many ways, Much appreciated.

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Thank YOU, Ivar. It's men like you that make me want to write more. Thank you for the encouragement.

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Apr 13Liked by Anna Cordelia

Great article! Our wonderful whites men deserve our love and loyalty. Feminism is a bunch of vile lies.

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Beautiful words, Violet! More men need to hear from women like us!

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Apr 21Liked by Anna Cordelia

Thanks, Anna. ❤️🦋🌸

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funny button blues. Would love to hear why Ameera? actually wore that button. probably for a joke..:)

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