Mar 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

Great article and stories, Craig. A couple of quick thoughts..... Wouldn't the Chinese gov't already be aware of the Zionists' influence seeing that there was, from what I've gathered, a significant Jewish element in the Communist ''cultural'' revolution? Your teaching experiences were amazing...''unencumbered by good breeding'' was perhaps the best line of all, lol. The banquet account, where you were honored with standing ovations, gave me goosebumps and brought and tears to my eyes. Did you ever receive any backlash, from administration, for teaching the students to think for themselves?? Speaking of Aaron Bushnell, R.I.P., I've seen a couple of recent incidences of U.S. military personnel coming forward to speak out against our governments support for the Entity. One was a youngish retired military intelligence woman, who spoke on video about the technology that Israel/US have that can determine if there are civilians/children inside a building, with the point being that civilians were clearly being targeted. Another was a letter signed by multiple military personnel condemning the genocide. Sorry I don't have the links. It seems that Aaron has not sacrificed in vain, as he's given others to come forward. Hopefully there will be a tsunami.

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Hi Serafino, yes, undoubtedly, the Chinese are aware of Zionist influence in the West--probably more aware than 60 percent of us are, They are ahead of us there, as they have official/university programs that specifically examine that influence. Also, they seem a lot more straightforward in their approach to racial and ethnic issues, so they produce more reliable work. The crucial insight that the Reed book brings is his very powerful demonstration that *all* humanity will eventually suffer the same fate of enslavement or genocide--including the Chinese. It is better for humanity to unite and expel the Judaic pestilence once and for all, because, as time goes on, they only get stronger.

Thank you, the only backlash I received from the administration was minor and only out in Shanxi. The head of the English department there paid me a visit one evening and, as he was leaving, I remember him saying, a little exasperated, "Teach them about Christmas.!"

That information about dissent in the military is definitely good news.

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Mar 16Liked by Craig Nelsen

Interesting thoughts....I agree about them getting stronger as time goes by. However, they are getting more and more exposed as time goes by. It's a train wreck in the making.....Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tik Tok, Tik Tok. Interesting times. Root for the light!

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Sorry,'' given others 'the impetus and courage' to come forward.

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Mar 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

Thank you for this article.

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Mar 12Liked by Craig Nelsen

I appreciate both your writings and your courage, Craig, but I simply can't get on board with the idea that China, Israel or any other state deliberately "released" a virus because there does not exist any evidence that proves viruses and contagion even exist. COVID is a con from soup to nuts and yes, virtually all state actors at the highest levels of power are in on it. The real bio-weapons are the toxic shots they've been ruthlessly injecting the masses with. However, I am always open-minded so, if you possess them, I welcome any pointers to resources that prove me wrong.

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Thank you for the comment, Kevin. I'm not a virologist and can't speak authoritatively on the subject, but the fact that there was a rash of deaths that occurred among the Iranian leadership at exactly the same time that the virus--or whatever--was beginning to take it's toll in China suggests to me that *something* lethal was spreading. Whether it was a souped up flu virus or what, I don't know.

I do, however, agree with your view that the vaccines provided the real payload in the whole affair. The Talmudic conspiracy has been perfecting the function of its destructive creed for many centuries, and it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility that the use that was made of the Covid-19 outbreak to push China and the US closer toward war was simply icing on the cake for some very clever, very evil plotters.

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Mar 12Liked by Craig Nelsen

First of all, thanks for not dismissing me as a troll, Craig. My viewpoint on viruses is shared by many people much smarter on the subject than I, but of course they and their research are heavily censored by the usual suspects. Regarding Iran, you might find this interesting: http://mileswmathis.com/iran.pdf

And meanwhile, in case you haven't seen this already, I found this video an excellent overview of who the enemy of mankind is and why they have been so successful in carrying out their evil plans: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dGdsKfFx1ifj/.

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Mar 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

Mathis is some kind of neo-nihilist. Everybody discovers him and is initially smitten w/ his erudition in various fields, a veritable polymath. But he's fake, not a real person and his mission seems very dark to me, as in black pill dark. He poisons the reputations of all heroes resisting the JPE - whether it's Iranian leaders or Americans like JFK.

Watched 20 minutes of the Bitchute video. Pretty good. Only thing I disagreed w/ was the touting of Ashkenazi Jews as Khazar descended. The dna evidence doesn't hold up. Laurent Guyenot has a good refutation at Unz. You might acquaint yourself w/ his collected essays there if you haven't discovered him yet.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

I've been following Mathis' work for many years now and have interacted with him enough times to convince myself that he is the real deal. But of course since it is all online no one can be 100% sure of who they are really engaging with so you can really only judge based on their works, and his are the most compelling and convincing of any of the revisionists I've so far discovered. His theory of the Phoenicians combined with Gerry's work at Ancient Spooks form the foundation of a cohesive worldview that resonates with me.



Anyway, thanks for the Guyenot reference - I will dive in to his stuff. Meanwhile, I will say the main problem I see with discussing the JQ is that no one has formalized a base definition of who “the Jews” really are, and to me that is why so many are reticent to even discuss the issue in polite conversation because they feel the term “the Jews” paints with too broad a brush. I myself think that “authentic” Jews are those who not only speak a Semitic language but whose lineage also traces back to the Levant, which means the majority of people who consider themselves Jews today are impostors and are in fact not Semites. So, any such fake Jew labeling critics “anti-Semites” is in fact engaging in doublethink and mind rape.

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Why aren't there any videos of MM? How can one person have such diverse skills? Is there anyone else that you can point to who's a tireless researcher and genealogist, able to discuss various science topics in detail and is also an accomplished realist painter who makes his living doing that? Where does he have time for all those activities? I, you and anyone you can think of, don't have the time to read all his articles let alone create them. Does he ever defend what he's written?

Ancient spooks seems to be part of Team MM. Doesn't seem like an individual/independent person.

Are you aware of MM's JFK thesis? So convoluted, such a complicated rabbit hole which is based on the premise that JFK took an unscheduled piss break during the Dallas motorcade which no one else reported noticing and which allowed him to escape his assassination by being substituted for by a double. So JFK was no hero but rather an unscrupulous villain. How's that for a black pill?

So if we could determine who carried the dna lineage of ancient Jews, we could then and only then discuss the JQ w/o smearing innocent Jews. Well that's never going to happen so we might as well give up fighting contemporary Jewish Power and devote the rest of our lives to reading and pondering the amazing MM because there are no heroes except MM.

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MM is an admitted recluse and avoids associating himself with anyone who might taint his reputation or blackwash him. People like Fetzer, Stonor Saunders and the like have reached out to him for interviews over the years but he has refused because he thinks they are agents, with good reason I might add.

Regarding JFK well, beyond him being a Kennedy(!) he was also gay, which in and of itself calls into question his entire mystique.

And finally, I don't really believe in heroes, except maybe the type who charge machine gun nests, save drowning children, or personal friends or loved ones who inspire me. I find worshiping famous people regardless of their (alleged) contributions to civilization is for idolatrous suckers IMO but hey, each to his own.

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Mar 14Liked by Craig Nelsen

I've come across the no-virus and no germs theories. They surely have merit and it's not just one maverick making the pitch. However I don't understand their arguments well enough to push them at others. I'm still studying the issue and have to agree w/ Craig about the illnesses that did occur before the vaccines got rolled out. Some hyped up flu did seem to be making the rounds. It wasn't just psychosomatic fear which was also making the rounds.

And then what is yearly flu anyway? Why do numbers of people get it w/ similar symptoms. Granted its not a killer, but it seems contagious as families succumb. Perhaps you can explain what's going on from the "terrain" perspective. I think I need a more simple explanation than I've gotten so far from my research.

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I've found these resources instructive:



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Tell me in your own words. That will have more impact. I don't have time to read and sift thru more articles about germ theory and no viruses. No offense intended.

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I have no allusions I can convince or change the minds of anyone with my own words. Not to be patronizing, but one needs to apply due diligence themselves. But regarding the virus issue there are two key questions - have viruses even been isolated, and does contagion even exist. The former involves complex laboratory methods and scientific lingo that can be difficult to dissect and understand so I don't really dive too much into it. Regarding the latter, you can at the very least look take a quick look at the countless studies that show contagion by natural pathways has NEVER been proven as shown at this link: https://dpl003.substack.com/i/106994988/transmission-infection.

Thanks for the great conversations and good luck!

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16

Not to be patronizing, Kevin, but that would be illusions, not allusions.

I'm on board w/ viruses have not been isolated. It's the "does contagion (by germs) actually exist" question I'm not sure about.

Having a quick look at countless studies (of viruses) didn't inspire me. But when I went to the link, the article about gatekeepers did. I thought I could handle that in my wheelhouse. What I discovered was a long list starting w/ peeps I'd already sorted as gatekeepers: RFKJ, David E Martin, Judy Mikovits, David Icke, Robert Malone and a couple more whose names I don't recall. However, there were so many that I began to feel like I was wandering in a nihilist desert. The kind Miles Mathis inhabits. No one is to be trusted, least of all any so-called heroes. To me that's overkill. But I'm becoming redundant.

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