At Least We Executed the Rosenbergs
The Jews who destroyed the Christians in Russia ruled simultaneously in the USA
This was published in 1926 in Paris:
Communism has brought about famine in Russia and piled up in heaps the bodies of children who have died of cold, starvation and disease. The Soviets, in accordance with their methods of bluffing and lying have, it is true, published many laws for the protection of children. They distribute tracts abroad to spread the fable of the bolshevik regime as the paradise of children. But we need to look at the facts and not at the words when we have to do with bolsheviks, as is proved by the bolshevik press itself.
We read in the Izvestia of September 2nd, 1925:
The country recognises the existence of the problem of the deserted child. It feels with anxiety that we are on the edge of a volcano which is rumbling already and will one day burst out into formidable eruption. Thousands and tens of thousands of human beings who ought to constitute a tender force are today but lamentable wrecks.
Witnesses returned from Russia have recounted the heartrending exodus of thousands of children, first drawn away from family influence by soviet decrees then abandoned.
The soviet journals themselves have frequently related the disquieting increase of criminality and debauch among children. In No. 5 of the journal Pravda, Mrs. Koupskaya [ Krupskaya ], widow of Lenin, declared that in 1923 the number of deserted children registered was 7,000,000 of whom only 800,000 had then been placed in institutions.
At the same time Mrs. Kalinina, wife of the President of the Central Executive Council, in No. 65 of the official Izvestia spoke of the situation of these unfortunate children as follows:
Tens of thousands of children are perishing in our capital; they are condemned to physical and moral putrefaction.
Since then the situation has changed but little. If death has put an end to the unhappy existence of many, others have taken their place…
Never before in human history has there been a calamity of such magnitude in any country. As to the terrible situation in which these poor creatures find themselves, words fail to describe it. Starving,— only now and then receiving chance assistance; weak,— often hardly able to stand on their legs; emaciated, these spectres of the human race, to avoid death, give way to crime of every description. “The statistics of crime among children in Russia are terrible,” was the statement in 1923 of the German professor Hageman, who had studied the question. (The criminality is ten times as great as before the war.)
The Matin of September 25th, 1925, says:
These miserable specimens of childhood are growing up under the auspices of the hammer and the sickle, and hold their assises1 on the pavement edge. One sees them selling matches, hanging around the cauldrons of boiling asphalte, paddling in puddles, and smoking innumerable twigs. They amuse themselves with games of dirty cards. Sometimes, not often, they eat!
This is what one sees! What one does not see may be read between the lines in the bolshevik journals.
Prostitution is the principal resource of young girls who are deserted. It is difficult to say at what age it begins, but regular prostitutes are frequently found among young girls of ten to twelve years. The most revolting diseases are the natural consequence.
Other unnatural vices have become deeply implanted among this mass of children forced out of a normal way of living. The percentage of cocaine addicts alone varies from 40 to 90% according to Prof. Sholomovitch.2 The same vices are rife in the asylums and institutions for children.
A German author who cannot be accused of lack of sympathy for soviet Russia, Henri Wendt, writes in his Impressions de la Russie:
The disappearance of sexual morality has certainly had deplorable consequences, especially for the young folk of the communist party. The ravaged faces of the children and a glance through the window of a children's club told their own tale. The situation has become so serious that the sexual problem is one of the main topics of discussion at many communist gatherings.3
How did we let that go on? I don’t know, but it is a big question because we are actively helping destroy another generation of children in Palestine. Not to mention Ukraine. And Syria.
Why do we do this?
Henry Ford’s Dearborn Independent was a newspaper with national distribution in the United States. At one point, it had the second-highest circulation of any newspaper in the country. Here is how a writer in the issue dated September 25, 1920, describes the condition of education in Russia:
Out of the 53 members of the Commissariat of Public Instruction, 11 are noted as non-Jews. But what kind of non-Jews is not stated. They may be "non-Jews like Lenin" whose children speak the Yiddish as their native tongue. Whatever they are, there is a sidelight upon their attitude in the fact that the Bolsheviki immediately took over all the Hebrew schools and continued them as they were and laid down a rule that the ancient Hebrew language should be taught in them. The ancient Hebrew language is the vehicle of the deeper secrets of the World Program.
And for the Gentile Russian children—? "Why," said these gentle Jewish educators, "we will teach them sex knowledge. We will brush out of their minds the cobwebs. They must learn the truth about things!"—with consequences that are too pitiable to narrate.
But this can be said: unquestionably there were deaths among innocent Jews when Hungary wrested itself free from the Red Bolshevism of Bela Kun (or Cohen). The Jews may well call it the "White Terror" that followed their failure to re-enact the tragedy of Russia in Hungary. But there are mountains of evidence to show that nothing had so potent an effect in producing the bloodshed of the "White Terror" as the outraged minds of parents whose children had been compulsorily drawn through sloughs of filth during the short time the Jewish Bolsheviki had charge of the schools.
So, we knew. And did nothing.
From Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion:
In May 1942 a Captain George Racey Jordan reported for duty at the great Newark Airport in New Jersey. He was a First War soldier rejoined and had never forgotten the advice of a sergeant given to him in Texas in 1917: "Keep your eyes and ears open, keep your big mouth shut, and keep a copy of everything." To the last five words posterity owes the most astonishing book (in my opinion) of the Second World War.
Captain Jordan was instructed to report to "United Nations Depot No. 8," as he found Newark Airport to be described on his orders. The body known as the "United Nations" was set up three years later, and this was an anticipation, revealing the intention of the men around the president. Captain Jordan, when he reported for duty as Liaison Officer, had no suspicion of the power of the Soviet in America and was soon enlightened in three ways.
In May 1942, after an American Airlines passenger aircraft on the apron brushed the engine housing of a Lend-Lease medium bomber waiting to be flown to the Soviet Government, a Soviet officer angrily demanded the banishment of American Airlines from this great American airport. When this was refused the Soviet officer said he would "call Mr. Hopkins," and in a few days an order from the United States Civil Aeronautic Board banished all American civil airlines from the field.
Captain Jordan then began to keep a very full diary, and by means of it was later able to show (when he and the rest of the world learned about "atomic bombs") that during 1942 about fifteen million dollars’ worth of graphite, aluminium tubes, cadmium metal and thorium (all materials necessary for the creation of an atomic pile) were sent to the Soviet Government from Newark. At this time the "Manhattan Project" (the production of the first atom bomb) was supposed to be of such intense secrecy that its chief, Major General Leslie R. Groves, later testified that his office would have refused, without his personal approval, to supply any document even to President Roosevelt. In 1942, when he made these entries in his diary, Captain Jordan had no idea of the use to which these materials might be put, for he had never heard of the "Manhattan Project" or of "the atom bomb."
At this time Captain Jordan began to realize that the mass of material that was going to the Communist state was not in the least covered by the terms of the master Lend-Lease agreement ("The Government of the United States will continue to supply the U.S.S.R. with such defence articles, defence services and defence information as the President … shall authorize to be transferred or provided") but included many things that had nothing to do with "defence" and everything to do with the post-war strengthening of the Soviet. He noted, for instance, the supply of "tractors and farm machinery, aluminium manufacturing plant, railway car shops, steel mill equipment" and the like more. These shipments (which, an enthusiastic interpreter told him, "will help to Fordize our country") are indicated in the round totals which are the only information on the subject provided by the American Government. President Truman’s "Twenty First Report to Congress on Lend-Lease Operations" shows under the head of "Non-munitions" the enormous figures of $1,674,586,000 for agricultural products and $3,040,423,000 for industrial materials and products.
In 1943, when heavy losses to the ocean convoys caused a much greater proportion of Lend-Lease materials to be sent by air, an American air terminus for the movement of these supplies was set up at Great Falls, Montana, and Captain Jordan was transferred there as "Lend-Lease Expediter." Once more his orders from the United States Army Air Force designated him "United Nations Representative," though no such body existed, and he found awaiting him a Presidential directive, headed "Movement of Russian Airplanes," which said that " … . the modification, equipment and movement of Russian planes have been given first priority, even over planes for U.S. Army Air Forces." He also had his third experience of Soviet power: the Soviet officer with whom he dealt held that his rank of captain was too low and asked for his promotion to major; when the gold oak leaves duly arrived they were pinned on Major Jordan’s shoulders by Colonel Kotikov, an event probably unprecedented in American military history.
Major Jordan then noticed that an extravagant number of black suitcases, roped and sealed, was passing through his "pipeline to Moscow." His misgivings were by this time heavy and he used a favourable opportunity (and the sole power remaining to him, that of giving or withholding clearance for American-piloted Lend-Lease aircraft on the last stretch to Fairbanks in Alaska) to thrust past armed Soviet secret policemen into an aeroplane and open about eighteen suitcases out of fifty. He made a rough note of the contents of the opened ones.
Among the mass of papers, plans, correspondence and blueprints were two discoveries which, years later, proved to fit neatly into the picture of espionage and conspiracy which was revealed by the various exposures of 1948-1956.
The more important discovery was one which affects all men living in the West as much today as if it were now detected. It was a letter addressed to the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Trade, Mikoyan. Major Jordan noted down an excerpt from it: " … .had a hell of a time getting these away from Groves" (the chief of the atomic-bomb project). The letter was signed "H. H." Attached to it were a map of the Oak Ridge atomic plant in Tennessee and a carbon copy of a report, rubber-stamped "Harry Hopkins," containing a number of names so strange to Major Jordan that he also made a note of them, intending to look up their meaning. Among them were "cyclotron," "proton" and "deuteron," and phrases like "energy produced by fission" and "walls five feet thick, of lead and water, to control flying neutrons." Mr. Hopkins, as already shown, was "the inevitable Roosevelt favourite," "the Special Adviser to the President," "the second most important man in the United States."
(For some years after the Second War the public masses in America and England were told by their leaders that their best protection against a new war, and the most effective deterrent to "Soviet aggression," was Western possession of the atom bomb. On September 23, 1949 the Soviet Union exploded an atom bomb, to the surprise of none who carefully followed affairs. Major Jordan then could contain himself no longer and approached a Senator, who was stirred enough to induce a leading broadcaster, Mr. Fulton Lewis, to make the story known. In that form, and in his later book, it thus became public, and it was the subject of two Congressional hearings, in December 1949 and March 1950. The press unitedly misrepresented the gravamen of the matter and, as in all these cases, no true remedial effect was produced; nothing effective has been done to prevent the recurrence of a similar state of affairs in another war).
In 1944 Major Jordan, more worried than ever, attempted to see the Lend-Lease liaison officer at the State Department but was intercepted by a junior official who told him "Officers who are too officious are likely to find themselves on an island somewhere in the South Seas." Not long after he was removed from [Great] Falls. His book contains the complete list of Lend-Lease shipments which, as liaison officer, he was able to see and copy. This shows all the chemicals, metals and minerals suitable for use in an atomic pile which were transferred, and some of them may also be suitable for use in the hydrogen bomb; they include beryllium, cadmium, cobalt ore and concentrate (33,600 lbs), cobalt metal and cobalt-bearing scrap (806,941 lbs), uranium metal (2.2 lbs), aluminium tubes (12,766,472 lbs), graphite (7,384,482 lbs), thorium, uranium nitrate, oxide and urano-uranic oxide, aluminium and alloys (366,738,204 lbs), aluminium rods (13,744,709 lbs), aluminium plates (124,052,618 lbs), brass and bronze ingots and bars (76,545,000 lbs), brass or bronze wire (16,139,702 lbs), brass and bronze plates (536,632,390 lbs), insulated copper wire (399,556,720 lbs), and so on.
These lists also include the "purely postwar Russian supplies" (General Groves), such as an oil-refinery plant, forging machinery and parts ($53,856,071), lathes, precision boring-machines, canning machinery, commercial dairy equipment, sawmill machinery, textile machinery, power machines ($60,313,833), foundry equipment, electric station equipment, telephone instruments and equipment ($32,000,000), generators ($222,020,760), motion picture equipment, radio sets and equipment ($52,072,805), 9,594 railway freight cars, 1,168 steam locomotives ($101,075,116), merchant vessels ($123,803,879), motor trucks ($508,367,622), and endlessly on.
Among the major donations obviously intended to strengthen the Soviet Union industrially after the war, Major Jordan’s records include one repair plant for precision instruments ($550,000), two factories for food products ($6,924,000), three gas generating units ($21,390,000), one petroleum refinery with machinery and equipment ($29,050,000), 17 stationary steam and three hydro-electric plants ($273,289,000). The Soviet lists reproduced by Major Jordan suggest that a spirit approaching hysteria in giving moved Mr. Hopkins and his associates, for they include items for which no rational explanation can be found, for instance: eyeglasses ($169,806), teeth ($956), 9,126 watches with jewels ($143,922), 6,222 lbs of toilet soap $400 worth of lipsticks, 373 gallons of liquor, $57,444 worth of fishing tackle, $161,046 worth of magic lanterns, $4,352 worth of "fun fair" devices, 13,256 lbs of carbon paper, two "new pianos," $60,000 worth of musical instruments and (an item which conjures up visions of the "Beloved Leader," Mr. Roosevelt’s and Mr. Churchill’s "Uncle Joe"), "one pipe," valued at ten dollars!
Mr. Hopkins’s past as a professional fund-raiser and welfare-worker seems to show in the donation of $88,701,103, over four years, for "relief or charity"; those who have visited Soviet Russia may try to imagine this money being doled out by the Commissars to the poor! This was not the end of cash-giving under "Lend-Lease." In 1944 Mr. Henry Morgenthau junior, Mr. Roosevelt’s Secretary of the Treasury, and his Assistant Secretary, Mr. Harry Dexter White (later shown to have been a Soviet agent) ordered the shipment to the Soviet Government of duplicates of the United States Treasury plates to be used for printing money for the use of the forces occupying Germany after the war. This meant that the money printed by the Soviet Government for the use of its troops was redeemable by the American Government as there was no distinction whatever between the paper printed. By the end of 1946, when public protests caused the American Government to stop paying its own troops with these notes, so that the Soviet Government could make no further use of them, the United States Military Government in Germany found that it had redeemed about $250,000,000 in excess of the total of notes issued by its own Finance Office. (The Soviet Government ignored a request to pay the modest sum of some $18,000 for the plates and materials delivered to it, which had enabled it to draw $250,000,000 straight from the United States Treasury).
Thus for four or five years there was an unlimited transfer of the wherewithal of war, of supplies for post-war industrial use, and of wealth in manifold forms to the revolutionary state, and "re-discussion" of this policy lay under ban at the highest level. Moreover, "preference" and "priority" for this policy, in relation to American needs or those of other allies, was explicitly ordered at that level.
So, Americans, though we were fully aware of the massive crimes the Jews were committing against the gentiles in Russia, lay inert as those same Jews strode through our country stripping away our wealth and stealing our military secrets on behalf of their predatory, genocidal cohorts abroad. They issued demands to our corporations, elected officials, and military and were obeyed without fail.
The same situation exists today. Even as they loot our wealth, they order us to bomb or bretheren in Ukraine and Palestine and Syria and have made us the second most hated and dangerous people on the planet

Democracy. Christianity. You failed. Chuck the whole mess, Western man, and start over. You executed the Rosenbergs—you can do it. Revolution now.
Anyone know what this means? “Seats,” as in “country seats?”
Izvestia No. 66 of 1924
International Anti-Bolshevik Review. March 1926 : Anti-Bolishevik Vade-Mecum, Entente internationale contre la IIIe Internationale, Geneva
It's been a few years since I read Douglas Reed's "The Controversy of Zion."
It is good to be reminded of the jaw-dropping largesse of the Lend Lease program in the light of the billions and billions and billions of dollars in aid given to Ukraine and Israel in more recent times - to facilitate the brother war between Slavs in Eastern Europe, and to genocide the Palestinians.
I'm not sure what is more stunning. The actual transfers of wealth, or the complete ignorance and indifference to it all.
It's a very curious business. I've known dozens of Jews in the course of my life, with maybe 2 exceptions, every one of them came across as decent, kind, compassionate human beings. The exceptions? They were complete assholes, but I'd guess that was because they were assholes, not because they were Jews... 🤔
But then you read about people like Henry Morgenthau, who wanted to genocide Germany in its entirety. Or you read about Leon Trotsky. Or Bela Kun. Or Emma Goldman. How about Jacob Schiff, the financier who in 1917 bankrolled the Bolsheviks to the tune of 20 million dollars, back when 600 dollars could buy you a house? He gave the order for the murder of the Russian Royal family! You read about Bolshevism, or the subversive work of the Frankfort School / Cultural Marxism; or how about in 8th Century Visigothic Spain, where the Jews opened the gates of the cities to the Moorish invaders resulting in a brutal occupation that lasted over 400 years... Coming to the present day and a completely unconnected situation, how about Rochelle Walensky in the face of the Lethal Injection catastrophe, spewing about "mild myocarditis"? There's no such thing as "mild myocarditis"!!
And thus, you seriously have to ask yourself, "what in Hell is with these people?" Literally.