Unspeakable horror. Yet to this day there are many old Russians (and some not so old) who think back with nostalgia of those times. It is out of consideration to them that Putin tempered his statement about the unacceptability of Russia ever returning to the old system when he said: "If you don't miss the Soviet Union you have no heart. If you want it back you have no brain."

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Jan 4, 2024
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Very good point, Ariadna.

BTW, if you ever want to edit a comment for typos, just click on the three dots at the bottom right of your comment. It opens up a menu that gives you an "Edit" option.

(I learned about this a while back... seems I am forever editing my own comments!)

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Thank you, Anna. I have not discovered either how to write a new comment (that is not in reply to another). When I start writing a new comment it is superimposed on the comment below and does not post!...

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Odd! If you go up to the comments box at the top of any commenting section and type your comment there (where it says "Write a comment..." in grey), it should come up as a new comment. But technology can be difficult to get along with...

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I do that and it appears superimposed on the comment below... It only happens on this site.

Thank you

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Ariadne, does that happen on all the substacks or just this one? I'm still getting odd readings in my dashboard and am trying to get a handle on the shape of the problem.

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Strange. Anyhow, I hope it doesn't limit your commenting! It's always great to hear your thoughts, Ariadna.

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Goodbye Craig. I am done. See you at the judgement.

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Best of luck to you, Prophet. Just remember, there are no magic books and no such thing as prophecy.

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Revelation 13:16-18

The Mark of the Beast

“16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666.

Revelation 14:9-11 (and you might note the 9/11)

The Consequences of the Mark

“9And a third angel followed them, calling out in a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10he too will drink the wine of God’s anger, poured undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he will be tormented in fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever. Day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”“

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So what kind of God would do that? He made us social creatures so that we have to exist within a society, and in order to exist within it--i.e., buy and sell, we have to get the "mark of the beast," and then *that* pisses God off? What a dopey God you worship.

And all the people who just made an honest "mistake," who didn't know about the "mark of the beast" or just didn't buy it, God is so vicious that he's going to burn them alive for eternity as punishment for their ignorance or honest mistake? I think even the Bolsheviks had a limit. Your God is even more sadistic and vicious than the Bolsheviks--history's most depraved monsters.

Listen, God cares about one thing and one thing only: how we treat each other as individuals. *That* is the proper realm of religion. Love, morals, compassion, ethics, kindness, friendship--that's God's purview. God doesn't give a shit whether you believe some fish swallowed a man then puked him up on the beach alive three days later. All that stuff has nothing to do with God or religion.

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Ignorance? It’s been well advertised, and you have almost all known knowledge at your disposal in the palm of your hand.

Whatever the ultimate reason for this drama we are caught up in, it is clearly about Jesus. And there are protagonists, antagonists, and NPCs (non player characters). You are clearly a protagonist and will suffer the protagonists fate.

Note that The Mark of the Beast is the one part of the Bible where the suffering is either poetically protracted (my position) or truly eternal. I believe that is because by now, with all the exposure we have had to the Bible, people should know better. All other references to “hell” in the Bible, indicate a complete destruction of body and soul.

I was thinking about this recently, the destruction of the body and soul, and thinking back to something like the Civil War. Do you remember and feel the pain of all the suffering and death of the Civil War? No, you don’t. Not even one little bit. Why? Because it’s long gone, as though it didn’t even happen. And that is what the annihilation hell is, an utter destruction as though it never existed. Most people will be burned completely out of existence, as though they never existed, and all the pain & suffering of this metaphysical university that we are in, will be forgotten with them.

But the Mark seems different, and like I said, men should know better by now. Take it or leave it at your own risk - but don’t complain about reaping the consequences.

For the record, from where I stand, the whole affair looks rather unfair. And certainly, there are times I’d rather be doing exactly what I want to do, not what I am called to do. But the preponderance of evidence - especially the looming Mark of the Beast ( Digital Health ID & financial scheme is what likely will bring it to pass), keeps me in the game.

Even you, can see, that Covid, was a scheme, to bring about a control system, via a digital health passport. And all the world, EXCEPT a minority of people - mostly Christians - will go along with it.

Good luck, and goodbye.

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And for all the doubts and questions I personally have about the Bible, I have been and witnessed others, whose lives have been transformed, magically if you will, by the name of Jesus. Darkness and demons obey the name of Jesus in those who are his. Yet, I have never encountered that power wielded in any other name. You will bow your knee one day to Jesus, one way or the other.

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When you are forced to put a Mark (probably an RFID compatible tattoo - research SOMARK Co.) on your right hand or forehead to get your Universal Basic Income in CBDCs to participate in their all digital economy to feed yourself, just remember it was prophesied in Revelation 13 a long time ago. Peace.

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And that's another thing I don't get. If you are going to let "prophets" see stuff in the future in order to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to accomplish, why make it so cryptic. Why call it the "mark of the beast" whose number is man which is 666? WTF? Why not just call it an RFID compatible tatoo from SOMARK? It's like you are going to make this next to impossible to figure out, then punish people by burning them alive for eternity when they fail?

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One more thing; go to the remotest parts of the earth and you will undoubtedly find the symbol, in some form or fashion, of Jesus, the Christ. It’s not like that with any other figure or religion in all of history. His imprint on the world is indelible. From remote parts of Alaska and Siberia, to the remote islands of the vast oceans, you will find His imprint. No other god has done that.

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Because not all prophesies pertain to all people. But look at the cleverness of getting a guy to see and write about it nearly 2000 years ago, when it was irrelevant and impossible to his day and age. Had it been announced in the year 2000, after computers and the internet had been firmly established, it wouldn’t be significant.

It is debated that it’s 666 or 616. But that is irrelevant. Look how many useful idiots of the dark side use the 666 as a Marker. I see it everywhere. Go look at the logo of a company called ??? clearly 3 sixes. And didn’t they land a lucrative government contract during the Middle East wars. Hmm.

There are many things in the Bible that are either hard to understand, quite hard to believe, or cryptic. But the things that are clear, are quite clear to any man. The Mark of the Beast is one such thing. And now you clearly understand it.

As for you, you are clearly smarter than I am, but you cannot see what I see, because you oppose Jesus. It’s that simple; you don’t want Jesus? Fine, stumble along arguing about a people that God has wiped his hands of, for the rest of your life, eventually take your Mark, die, and face the consequences.

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